22 June 2021

hsk6 上 lesson 17 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 17   小动物眼中的慢世界 
The slow world in small animals' eyes

Xiǎo dòngwù yǎnzhōng de màn shìjiè
The slow world in small animals' eyes

Nǐ jiànguò zhèyàng de chǎngmiàn ma?


Have you seen such a scene?

Yǒurén duān lái yīgè shèngzhe cài de pánzi, 


Someone brought a plate with vegetables, 

lìkè fēi lái yī zhǐ dōngzhāngxīwàng de cāngyíng, qìtú luò zài pánzi shàng, 


and immediately flew a fly looking around, trying to land on the plate. 

rén dòngshǒu qù dǎ, què zǒng shì dǎ bù zhòng.


People tried to hit it, but they couldn't hit it.

Yǒurén nàmènr, māo wèishéme néng kuàisù tiàoyuè qǐlái, 


Some people wonder, why can cats jump up quickly, 

miáozhǔn dōu bùyòng, yīxià jiù néng pāi dào cāngyíng?


without aiming, they can catch flies in one shot?

Kēxuéjiā zhèyàng jiěshì: 


Scientists explain this: 

Zài cāngyíng yǎn lǐ, 


In the eyes of the fly, 

rénlèi zì rènwéi shǎndiàn bān kuàisù de yī pāi, zhǐshì gè màn dòngzuò éryǐ.


humans think that a lightning-fast beat is just a slow motion.

Yǒu yánjiū biǎomíng, 


Studies have shown that 

kūnchóng zhèyàng de xiǎo dòngwù, yī miǎo zhōng zhī nèi jiēshōu de xìnxī liàng, bǐ rénlèi děng tǐxíng dà de shēngwù duō dé duō.


small animals like insects can receive much more information in one second than large creatures such as humans.

Rúguǒ nǐ guānchá yīxià gēzi jiù huì fāxiàn, dāng tā de shìxiàn sǎoguò zhōubiān shí, 


If you look at the pigeon, you will find that when its gaze scans the surroundings, 

tā zài wéiwéi chàndǒu, 


it is trembling slightly, 

kàn shàngqù hǎoxiàng tǐnèi yǒu lìngwài yīgè zhōngbiǎo, 


and it looks like there is another clock in its body, 

zǒu dé bǐ wǒmen kuài hǎojǐ bèi.


which is walking several times faster than ours.

Quèqiè de shuō, 


To be precise, 

zài xiǎo dòngwù kàn lái, 


in the eyes of small animals, 

rénlèi fǎnyìng chídùn, dòngzuò chíhuǎn, 


humans are slow to react and move slowly. 

tāmen kàn rénlèi, jiù xiàng rénlèi kàn pángdà, bènzhuō de dà xiàng.


They look at humans just like humans look at huge, clumsy elephants.

Wèile liànghuà zhè zhǒng kàn bùjiàn, mō bùzháo de shìjué gǎnzhī, 


In order to quantify this invisible and intangible visual perception, 

kēyán rényuán cǎiyòngle línjiè shǎnguāng pínlǜ de bànfǎ.


researchers have adopted the method of critical flash frequency.

“Línjiè shǎnguāng pínlǜ” jiǎnchēng"CFF(Critical Flicker Frequency)”, 

“临界闪光频率”简称"CFF(Critical Flicker Frequency)”,

"Critical Flicker Frequency" is abbreviated as "CFF (Critical Flicker Frequency)". 

bǐfāng shuō, 


For example, 

dāng yīgè jiàngé pínlǜ jiào dī de guāng cìjī wǒmen de yǎnjīng shí, 


when a light with a lower interval frequency stimulates our eyes, 

wǒmen kàn dào de shì yī míng yī àn de shǎnshuò, 


what we see is a bright and dark flicker.  

suízhe guāng cìjī jiàngé de suōduǎn, 


As the light stimulation interval shortens, 

wǒmen de shìlì gǎndào de jiù huì shì yīgè liánxù de guāng.


our vision will feel a continuous light.

CFF zhí fǎnyìng de jiùshì yǎnjīng chǔlǐ guāngxiàn de sùdù.


The CFF value reflects the speed at which the eyes process light.

Chǔlǐ sùdù yuè kuài, CFF zhí jiù yuè gāo.


The faster the processing speed, the higher the CFF value.

Rén yǎn de CFF wèi 60HZ zuǒyòu, gǒu, 


The CFF of the human eye is about 60HZ. Dog, 

ó, wǒmen gūqiě huàn yīgè wényǎ de chēnghu ba, 


oh, let’s change to a more elegant name. 

quǎn de CFF wèi 80HZ. 


The CFF of a dog is 80HZ. 

Zài quǎn de yǎn lǐ, 


In the eyes of a dog, 

diànshì huàmiàn bùshì liánxù de, 


TV pictures are not continuous, 

ér shì yī xìliè jìngzhǐ túxiàng de xùnsù biànhuàn.


but a series of rapid changes of still images.

Cāngyíng de CFF gāodá 250HZ, 


The CFF of flies is as high as 250HZ, 

duì shìjué cìjī de fǎnyìng sùdù shì rén yǎn de 4 bèi.


and the response speed to visual stimuli is 4 times that of the human eye.

Yǒu kēxuéjiā tuīlùn, 


Some scientists infer that 

wùzhǒng de CFF yǔqí běnshēn de tǐzhòng hé xīnchéndàixiè sùlǜ yǒuguān.


the CFF of a species is related to its own body weight and metabolic rate.

Tǐxíng yuè xiǎo, 


The smaller the body size, 

xìnhào chuándá dào dànǎo suǒ xū shíjiān yuè duǎn; 


the shorter the time required for the signal to be transmitted to the brain; 

xīnchéndàixiè sùlǜ yuè gāo, 


the higher the metabolic rate, 

shuōmíng chuándì guòchéng yǒu gèng chōngzú de néngliàng zhīchí.


the more adequate energy support for the transmission process.

Zài lùnzhèng zhè yī tuīlùn shí, 


In demonstrating this inference, 

kēxuéjiā shāixuǎn chū 34 zhǒng dòngwù, 


the scientists screened out 34 animals 

bǎ tāmen de diǎnxíng tǐzhòng, dàixiè sùlǜ hé CFF biāojì zài tóngyī zhāng túbiǎo zhōng, 


and labeled their typical body weight, metabolic rate, and CFF in the same chart. 

biànliàng xiǎnshì chūle xiǎnzhù de xiāngguān xìng.


The variables showed a significant correlation.

Zài kēxuéjiā de yánjiū zhōng, CFF zhí míngcì zuì kào qián de shì sōngshǔ.


In the research of scientists, squirrels ranked the highest in CFF value.

Wǒmen yěxǔ céngjīng fāchūguò zhèyàng de gǎnkǎi: 


We may have expressed this feeling: 

Kàn shì miǎoxiǎo de cāngyíng jìrán néng duǒguò rénlèi de gōngjí, 


Since the seemingly small flies can escape the attack of humans, 

shìbì yǒu qíguò rén zhī chù.


they are bound to excel.

Quèshí, tāmen méiyǒu bódàjīngshēn de sīxiǎng, 


Indeed, they do not have broad and profound ideas, 

bùnéng jìnxíng shēn'ào de sīkǎo, 


cannot conduct profound thinking, 

duì qiángdà de duìshǒu wúnéngwéilì, 


and are powerless against powerful opponents, 

dàn duì wàibù huánjìng néng xùnsù zuò chū pànduàn, 


but they can quickly make judgments about the external environment 

shǐ tāmen yǒule gèng duō de shēngcún jīhuì, 


and give them more chances of survival. 

zhè yī yōushì zhēn de shíhuì jíle.


This advantage is really great.

Xìnxī chǔlǐ sùdù shàng de chābié, yěshì xiǎo dòngwù kàn shàngqù gèng mǐnjié de yuányīn.


The difference in information processing speed is also the reason why small animals look more agile.

Xiǎo māo xiǎo gǒu shènzhì xiǎo hái'ér, zǒng xiǎndé bǐ chéngnián gètǐ gèng wèi hǎo dòng hé jiāojí, 


Cats, puppies, and even children, always appear more active and anxious than adult individuals. 

qíshí duìyú tāmen, zhè zhǐshì gè yōuxián de sùdù.


In fact, for them, this is just a leisurely speed.

Gǎibiān zì “nándū zhōukān” wénzhāng “xiǎo shēnglíng, màn shìjiè”, zuòzhě: Shí yuè


Adapted from the article "Little Life, Slow World" in "Southern Metropolis Weekly", author: Shi Yue

Full Translation 

The Slow World in the Eyes of Small Animals 

Have you seen such a scene? Someone brought a plate with vegetables, and immediately flew a fly looking around, trying to land on the plate. People tried to hit it, but they couldn't hit it. Some people wonder, why can cats jump up quickly, without aiming, they can catch flies in one shot? 

  Scientists explain this: In the eyes of the fly, humans think that a lightning-fast beat is just a slow motion. Studies have shown that small animals like insects can receive much more information in one second than large creatures such as humans. If you look at the pigeon, you will find that when its gaze scans the surroundings, it is trembling slightly, and it looks like there is another clock in its body, which is walking several times faster than ours. 

  To be precise, in the eyes of small animals, humans are slow to react and move slowly. They look at humans just like humans look at huge, clumsy elephants. In order to quantify this invisible and intangible visual perception, researchers have adopted the method of critical flash frequency.  

  "Critical Flicker Frequency" is abbreviated as "CFF (Critical Flicker Frequency)". For example, when a light with a lower interval frequency stimulates our eyes, what we see is a bright and dark flicker. As the light stimulation interval shortens, our vision will feel a continuous light, our eyesight will feel a continuous light. 

The CFF value reflects the speed at which the eyes process light. The faster the processing speed, the higher the CFF value. The CFF of the human eye is about 60HZ. Dog, oh, let’s change to a more elegant name. The CFF of a dog is 80HZ. In the eyes of a dog, the TV picture is not continuous, but a series of rapid changes of still images.

   The CFF of flies is as high as 250HZ, and the response speed to visual stimuli is 4 times that of the human eye. Some scientists infer that the CFF of a species is related to its own body weight and metabolic rate. The smaller the body size, the shorter the time required for the signal to be transmitted to the brain; the higher the metabolic rate, the more adequate energy support for the transmission process. 

  In demonstrating this inference, the scientists screened out 34 animals and labeled their typical body weight, metabolic rate, and CFF in the same chart. The variables showed a significant correlation. In the research of scientists, squirrels ranked the highest in CFF value.

  We may have expressed this feeling: Since the seemingly small flies can escape the attack of humans, they are bound to excel. Indeed, they do not have broad and profound ideas, cannot conduct profound thinking, and are powerless against powerful opponents, but they can quickly make judgments about the external environment and give them more chances of survival. 

  This advantage is really great. The difference in information processing speed is also the reason why small animals look more agile. Cats, puppies, and even children, always appear more active and anxious than adult individuals. In fact, for them, this is just a leisurely speed.

hsk 6 上 lesson 17 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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