05 October 2021

HSK 1 book and workbook download

HSK 1 book and workbook download

HSK 1 free download book and audios


📚HSK 1 standard course textbook PDF

📖HSK 1 Textbook answers

🎵HSK 1 Textbook audios


📚HSK 1 workbook PDF

📖HSK 1 workbook answers

🎵HSK 1 workbook audios

HSK 1 playlist

If you find this post useful comment below and let me know if you need any other helping material for Chinese language learning.


  1. Thank you so much! This is really helpful

  2. Thankyou so much, really appreciated. (ChenHao)

  3. Thanks a lot , this is a very useful mateial to improve mi Chinesse studies...xie xie!

  4. Whoever made this, bless your heart and may you lice a happy life!!!

  5. That's great for sure all the materials here are free of charge and this is boosting my Mandarin study, but one request is that at least you publish YouTube videos for hsk 1 lessons because you started with hsk 2 lessons but the rest is ok and I love this language endeavor thing 谢谢你


hsk 5 上 lesson 1 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 1   爱的细节  Details of Love ài de xìjié  爱的细节 Details of love