23 June 2021

hsk 5 lesson 12 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 12   海外用户玩儿微信    
Overseas Users of WeChat

Hǎiwài yònghù wán er wēixìn
Overseas Users of WeChat

Jǔ zhuó shǒujī, biān diānzhe qiú biān pāi……

举着手机, 边颠着球边拍……

Holding the phone, shooting the ball while leaning on the ball...

guójì zúqiú míngxīng Méixī yòng wēixìn zhíbò zìjǐ de diān qiú jìshù, 


International football star Messi used WeChat to live broadcast his ball tumbling technique 

bǎ shǒujī lìng yītóu yīgè zhèngzài kū de xiǎo bǎobèi tōng xiào.


and laughed at the crying baby on the other side of the phone.

Zhè tiáo 30 miǎo de quánxīn guǎnggào xuānchuán piàn zài quánqiú 15 gè guójiā hé dìqū tóngbù shàngxiàn.


This new 30-second advertising video was launched simultaneously in 15 countries and regions around the world.

Rúcǐ dàshǒubǐ de tuīguǎng, 


With such a massive promotion, 

Téngxùn zì yǒu qí dǐqì suǒzài.


Tencent has its own confidence.

Wēixìn “zài hǎiwài zhùcè yònghù yǐjīng chāoguò 7000 wàn, 

微信 “在海外注册用戶已经超过7000万, 

WeChat "has more than 70 million registered users overseas 

qiě zài kuàisù zēngzhǎng dāngzhōng”.


and is growing rapidly".

7 Yuè 3 rì, 


On July 3, 

zài Běijīng zhàokāi de 2013 Téngxùn hézuò huǒbàn dàhuì shàng, 


at the 2013 Tencent Partner Conference held in Beijing, 

Téngxùn zǒngcái liúchìpíng yányǔ jiān chōngmǎnle jiāo'ào.


Tencent President Liu Chiping was full of pride in his words.

2011 Nián 1 yuè, wēixìn shàngxiàn; 

2011年1月, 微信上线; 

 In January 2011, WeChat was launched; 


tóngnián 4 yuè, 


in April of the same year, 

yǐ yīngwén míng WeChat zhèngshì jìnrù guójì shìchǎng; 


WeChat officially entered the international market under the English name WeChat; 

2011 nián 12 yuè, 


in December 2011, 

shíxiàn zhīchí quánqiú 100 gè guójiā de duǎnxìn zhùcè; 


it supported SMS registration in 100 countries around the world; 

2012 niándǐ, 


by the end of 2012, 

fùgài guójiā hé dìqū chāoguò 100 gè.


it covered more than 100 countries and regions.

Rújīn, wēixìn yǐjīng fùgàile 200 duō gè guójiā hé dìqū, 

如今, 微信已经覆盖了 200多个国家和地区、

Today, WeChat has covered more than 200 countries and regions, 

zhīchí 16 zhǒng wàiyǔ, 


supports 16 foreign languages, 

shì quánqiú shǐyòng rénshù zuìduō de yídòng tōngxìn yìngyòng.


and is the most widely used mobile communication application in the world.

Zài Měiguó hùliánwǎng qǐyè “chēngbà” quánqiú de bèijǐng xià, 

在美国互联网企业 “称霸”全球的背景下, 

In the context of American Internet companies "dominating" the world, 

zuòwéi Zhōngguó zìjǐ de yídòng hùliánwǎng chǎnpǐn, 


as China's own mobile Internet product, 

wēixìn de chūxiàn, zìrán xīyǐnle gèng duō de guānzhù.

微信的出现, 自然吸引了更多的关注。

the emergence of WeChat has naturally attracted more attention.

Bèi chēng wèi “wēixìn zhī fù” de Téngxùn gōngsī gāojí fù zǒngcái Zhāngxiǎolóng 

被称为 “微信之父” 的腾讯公司高级副总裁张小龙

Zhang Xiaolong, senior vice president of Tencent, known as the "father of WeChat", 

jièshàole wēixìn de fǎ zhǎn guòchéng: 


introduced the development process of WeChat: 

Wēixìn de yánjiū kāifā gōngzuò kāizhǎn dé hěn zǎo, 


WeChat research and development work started very early. 

2010 niándǐ, yídòng hùliánwǎng gāng qǐbù, 

2010年底, 移动互联网刚起步, 

At the end of 2010, when the mobile Internet just started, 

Téngxùn guǎngzhōu chǎnpǐn yánfā zhōngxīn jiù kāishǐ kǎolǜ xiāngguān yèwù.


Tencent Guangzhou Product R&D Center began to consider related businesses.  

Tāmen qīngchǔ dì rènshí dàole zhèyàng de xiànshí yī zài gèrén jìsuànjī shídài, 


They clearly recognize the reality that in the era of personal computers, 

yóuyú Zhōngguó hùliánwǎng de yònghù shùliàng yǐjí shìchǎng chéngshú chéngdù děng dōu dī yú fādá guójiā, 


because the number of Internet users in China and the maturity of the market are lower than those of developed countries, 

zài chǎnpǐn chuàngxīn shàng nàn yǒu lǐngdǎo dìwèi,


it is difficult to have a leading position in product innovation, 

ér yídòng hùliánwǎng shì yīgè chóngxīn kāishǐ de jīhuì.


and mobile Internet is an opportunity to start again.

Zài jīngyíng xiāoshòu shàng, 


In terms of business and sales, 

wēixìn zhēnduì bùtóng de guójiā hé dìqū, tuī chū liǎo bùtóng de guǎnggào piàn, 

微信针对不同的国家和地区, 推出了不同的广告片, 

WeChat has launched different advertisements for different countries and regions, 

yāoqǐng dāngdì míngxīng hé míngrén dàiyán, 


inviting local celebrities and famous persons to be an ambassador, 

shōuxiào xiāngdāng bùcuò.


and the effect is quite good.

Hǎiwài yònghù qún zhōng bùjǐn yǒu huáyì hé xīn yímín, 


There are not only Chinese and new immigrants in the overseas user group, 

hái chūxiànle gèng duō de wàiguó rén.


but also more foreigners.

Gǎibiān zì “rénmín rìbào. Hǎiwài bǎn”, zuòzhě: Zhāngyìxuān


Adapted from "People's Daily."  Overseas Edition, Author: Zhang Yixuan

Full Translation:    

Overseas Users of WeChat

Overseas Users of WeChat holding the phone, shooting the ball while leaning on the ball...International football star Messi used WeChat to live broadcast his ball tumbling technique and laughed at the crying baby on the other side of the phone.

This new 30-second advertising video was launched simultaneously in 15 countries and regions around the world. With such a massive promotion, Tencent has its own confidence. WeChat "has more than 70 million registered users overseas and is growing rapidly". On July 3, at the 2013 Tencent Partner Conference held in Beijing, Tencent President Liu Chiping was full of pride in his words.

In January 2011, WeChat was launched; in April of the same year, WeChat officially entered the international market under the English name WeChat; in December 2011, it supported SMS registration in 100 countries around the world; by the end of 2012, it covered more than 100 countries and regions. Today, WeChat has covered more than 200 countries and regions, supports 16 foreign languages, and is the most widely used mobile communication application in the world.

In the context of American Internet companies "dominating" the world, as China's own mobile Internet product, the emergence of WeChat has naturally attracted more attention. Zhang Xiaolong, senior vice president of Tencent, known as the "father of WeChat", introduced the development process of WeChat: WeChat research and development work started very early. At the end of 2010, when the mobile Internet just started, Tencent Guangzhou Product R&D Center began to consider related businesses.  

They clearly recognize the reality that in the era of personal computers, because the number of Internet users in China and the maturity of the market are lower than those of developed countries, it is difficult to have a leading position in product innovation, and mobile Internet is an opportunity to start again. In terms of business and sales, WeChat has launched different advertisements for different countries and regions, inviting local celebrities and famous persons to be an ambassador, and the effect is quite good. There are not only Chinese and new immigrants in the overseas user group, but also more foreigners.

hsk 5 上 lesson 12 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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