23 June 2021

hsk 5 lesson 13 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 13   据掉生活的 “筐底”   
Cutting Off the "Bottom of the Basket" in Life

Jù diào shēnghuó de “kuāng dǐ”
据掉生活的 “筐底”   
Cutting Off the "Bottom of the Basket" in Life

Lánqiú yùndòng shì 1891 nián yóu Měiguó Mǎsàzhūsāi zhōu de tǐyù jiàoshī zhān mǔ shì, Nàishǐmìsī bóshì fāmíng de.

篮球运动是1891年由美国马萨诸塞州的体育教师詹姆士, 奈史密斯博士发明的。

Basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith, a physical education teacher in Massachusetts, USA.

Nà nián de dōngtiān tèbié lěng, 


The winter that year was particularly cold. 

Nàishǐmìsī suǒzài de xùnliàn xuéxiào quēfá zài shìnèi jìnxíng de qiú lèi bǐsài xiàngmù, 


Naismith’s training school lacked indoor ball games. 

tā cóng dāngdì rén bǎ qiú rēng jìn táozi kuāng (dāng dìchǎn táozi, gè jiā gè hù dōu bèi yǒu zhuāng táozi de zhuānyòng lán kuāng) de yóuxì zhōng dédào qǐfā, 

他从当地人把球扔进桃子筐 (当地产桃子, 各家各戶都备有装桃子的专用篮筐) 的游戏中得到启发, 

He was inspired by the game where the locals threw the ball into the peach basket (local peaches are produced, and every household has a special basket for peaches). 

jiāng liǎng zhī lán kuāng fēnbié ānzhuāng zài tǐyùguǎn liǎngbiān kàntái de lángān shàng, 


Two baskets were installed on the railings of the stands on both sides of the gymnasium. 

xuéshēng fēn wéi jiǎyǐ liǎng duì, 


The students were divided into teams A and B. 

yǐ zúqiú wéi bǐsài gōngjù xiàng lán nèi nèi tóu, 


They used football as a game tool to shoot into the basket. 

àn défēn duōshǎo juédìng shū yíng.


Win or lose was determined by the number of points scored.

Zhè xiàng yùndòng hěn kuài liúxíng qǐlái.


The sport quickly became popular.

Bùguò, yóuyú lángān shàng gùdìng de shì zhēnzhèng de kuāng, 

不过, 由于栏杆上固定的是真正的筐, 

However, because the railing is fixed with a real basket, 

měi dāng qiú tóu jìn shí, 


every time a ball is thrown in, 

jiù děi yǒuyī gèrén cǎizhe tīzi shàngqù bǎ qiú qǔ chūlái.


someone has to step on the ladder to take the ball out.

Zhèyàng de xíngwéi bìxū yīzài de chóngfù, 


Such behavior must be repeated over and over again. 

wèi cǐ, 


For this reason, 

bǐsài bùdé bù duànduànxùxù de jìnxíng, 


the game must not be conducted intermittently, 

quēshǎole jīliè jǐnzhāng de qìfēn, 


without a fierce and tense atmosphere, 

lián yùndòngyuán dōu bù mǎnyì, gèng hékuàng kàn bǐsài de qiúmí ne?

连运动员都不满意, 更何况看比赛的球迷呢?

even the athletes are not satisfied, let alone the fans watching the game?

Wèi le jiějué zhège wèntí, 


In order to solve this problem, 

dàjiā fēnfēn chū zhǔyì, 


everyone came up with ideas 

xiǎng chūle hěnduō qǔ qiú de bànfǎ.


and came up with many ways to take the ball.

Yǒuyī wèi gōngchéngshī shènzhì zhuānmén zhìzào chū yī zhǒng jīqì, 


An engineer even made a special machine 

zài xiàmiàn yī lā lán kuāng jiù néng bǎ qiú dànchū lái.


that can eject the ball by pulling the basket from below.

Kěshì, zhèxiē bànfǎ dōu méi néng ràng bǐsài shùnchàng qǐlái.

可是, 这些办法都没能让比赛顺畅起来。

However, none of these methods made the game smooth.

Jǐ nián hòu de yītiān, 


One day a few years later, 

yīgè shàng yòu'éryuán de xiǎo nánhái 


a little boy in kindergarten 

gēnzhe fùqīn cóng yīqún zhèngzài jìnxíng lánqiú bǐsài de rén pángbiān jīngguò.


followed his father by a group of people who were playing a basketball game.

Kàn dào dàrénmen yīcì cì xīnkǔ de qǔ qiú, 


Seeing adults fetching the ball time and time again, 

xiǎo nánhái hàoqí de wèn fùqīn: 


the little boy curiously asked his father: 

“Hébì zhème máfan ne? 


"Why is it so troublesome? 

Bǎ lán kuāng de dǐ qùdiào bù jiùxíngle ma?” 


Can't it be enough to remove the bottom of the basket?" 

Duōkuīle tā zhè jù huà, 


Thanks to his words, 

rénmen rú mèng chū xǐng, 


people woke up like a dream.  

yī wèi qiúyuán liánmáng zhǎo lái yī bǎ jùzi bǎ lán kuāng de dǐ jù diào.


A player quickly got a saw to cut off the bottom of the basket.

Nǐ qiáo, 


You see, 

kùnrǎo rénmen hěn cháng shíjiān de qǔ qiú wèntí jiù zhèyàng bèi yīgè xiǎo háizi jiějuéle.


the problem of fetching the ball that disturbed people for a long time was solved by a kid.

Qùdiào lán kuāng de dǐ, běn shì yī jiàn jiǎndān de shì, 

去掉篮筐的底, 本是一件简单的事, 

It is a simple matter to remove the bottom of the basket, 

kě wéi shénme nàme duō rén dōu méiyǒu xiǎngdào ne? 


but why don't so many people think of it? 



To put it bluntly, 

yīnwèi wǒmen de sīwéi xiàng lánqiú yīyàng bèi lán kuāng de dǐ dǎng zàile bànkōng zhōng.


because our thinking is blocked in the air by the bottom of the basket like a basketball.

Yúshì, wǒmen dāi dāi de qù bān tīzi, zào jīqì……

于是, 我们呆呆地去搬梯子、造机器……

So, we go blankly to move ladders and build machines...... 

qíshí, shìjiè shàng běnlái jiù méiyǒu tài fùzá de shì, 

其实, 世界上本来就没有太复杂的事, 

In fact, there is no such thing as too complicated in the world. 

fùzá dōu shì wǒmen zìjǐ zàochéng de.


The complexity is caused by ourselves.

Shēnghuó fǎngfú lán kuāng, 


Life is like a basket. 

xǔduō shíhòu, 


Many times, 

wǒmen xūyào de zhǐ bùguò shì yī bǎ jùzi, 


all we need is a saw 

lái jù diào nàxiē zǔ'ài wǒmen de “kuāng dǐ”.

来锯掉那些阻碍我们的 “筐底”。

to cut off the "basket" that hinders us.

Zhāizì “huánqiú rénwù”, zuòzhě: Zhāng qián

摘自《环球人物》, 作者: 张前

From "Universal People", author: Zhang Qian

Full Translation:

Cutting Off the "Bottom of the Basket" in Life

Basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith, a physical education teacher in Massachusetts, USA. The winter that year was particularly cold. Naismith’s training school lacked indoor ball games. He was inspired by the game where the locals threw the ball into the peach basket (local peaches are produced, and every household has a special basket for peaches). 

Two baskets were installed on the railings of the stands on both sides of the gymnasium. The students were divided into teams A and B. They used football as a game tool to shoot into the basket. Win or lose was determined by the number of points scored. The sport quickly became popular.

However, because the railing is fixed with a real basket, every time a ball is thrown in, someone has to step on the ladder to take the ball out. Such behavior must be repeated over and over again. For this reason, the game must not be conducted intermittently, without a fierce and tense atmosphere, even the athletes are not satisfied, let alone the fans watching the game?

In order to solve this problem, everyone came up with ideas and came up with many ways to take the ball. An engineer even made a special machine that can eject the ball by pulling the basket from below. However, none of these methods made the game smooth.

One day a few years later, a little boy in kindergarten followed his father by a group of people who were playing a basketball game. Seeing adults fetching the ball time and time again, the little boy curiously asked his father: "Why is it so troublesome? 

Can't it be enough to remove the bottom of the basket?" Thanks to his words, people woke up like a dream. A player quickly got a saw to cut off the bottom of the basket.

You see, the problem of fetching the ball that disturbed people for a long time was solved by a kid. It is a simple matter to remove the bottom of the basket, but why don't so many people think of it? To put it bluntly, because our thinking is blocked in the air by the bottom of the basket like a basketball. So, we went to move ladders and build machines in a daze... 

In fact, there is no such thing as too complicated in the world. The complexity is caused by ourselves. Life is like a basket. Many times, all we need is a saw to cut off the "basket" that hinders us.

hsk 5 上 lesson 13 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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