09 June 2021

Hsk5 下 lesson 19 text with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 19   家乡的萝卜饼 
Turnip pancakes in my hometown

Jiāxiāng de zhòngduō měishí zhōng, 


Among the many delicacies of my hometown, 

luóbo bǐng shì zuì ràng wǒ huáiniàn de.


the turnip pancake is the one that I miss the most.

Tā nà fēngfù de sècǎi, wēi tián de kǒugǎn, zhìjīn réng ràng wǒ shífēn xiǎngniàn.


Its rich color and slightly sweet taste still make me miss it very much.

Jiāxiāng de luóbo yǒu qīng, hóng, zǐ sān zhǒng.


There are three kinds of turnips in hometown: green, red and purple.

Sān zhǒng luóbo kàn qǐlái shǎngxīnyuèmù, 


The three kinds of turnips look pleasing to the eyes and mind. 

chī qǐlái, qīng de tián zhōng dài diǎnr là, 


When eaten, the green sweet is a little bit of spicy, 

hóng de là zhōng dàizhe tián, 


the red spicy is sweet, 

zǐ de xiàng shānquán bān qīngdàn kěkǒu.


and purple is as light and delicious as a mountain spring.

Fùlǎo xiāngqīnmen kuā tā shuō: 


The old folks praised it: 

“Júzi, pútáo, lí, bǐ bù shàng zán de luóbo pí.”


"Oranges, grapes, and pears are not as good as our turnip skins."

Ér luóbo bǐng jiùshì yòng zhè sān zhǒng yánsè de luóbo zuò chéng de.


The turnip pancake is made with these three colors of turnips.

Luóbo bǐng de zuòfǎ jíqí jiǎndān, 


The method of turnip pancake is extremely simple. 

jì bùbì chǎo huò zhǔ, yě bùyòng yóu zhá.


It does not need to be fried or boiled or deep-fried.

Xiān bǎ sān sè luóbo xǐ jìng qiē sī, fàng rù yóu, yán děng, 


First wash and shred the three-color turnips, add oil, salt, etc., 

yòng kuàizi jiǎobàn jūnyún, luóbo bǐng de yuánliào biàn zuò chéngle.


stir evenly with chopsticks, and the ingredients of the turnip pancake are ready.

Zuì guānjiàn de gōngfū shì gǎn miàn.


The most critical skill is rolling.

Gāoshǒu wǎngwǎng bǎ miàn gǎn de báo rú bái zhǐ, 


Experts often roll the dough as thin as white paper,

bàn hǎo de luóbo sīr pù dào bǐng shàng hòu, dé zài zhédié liǎng sāncì, 


after the mixed turnips are spread on the cake, they have to be folded two or three more times,

yāoqiú bǐng shú zhīhòu biǎopí shì tòumíng de, 


after the cake is cooked, the surface of the cake is transparent 

néng tòuguò biǎopí kànjiàn luóbo sīr.


and the turnips can be seen through the surface.

Zuìhòu yòng dāo qiē chéng kuài zhuàng, bǐng biàn zuò hǎole.


Finally, cut into chunks with a knife, and the cake is ready.

Jiē xiàlái, ná yīgè píngdǐ guō, xiān zài guō lǐ lín yī quān yóu, 


Next, take a frying pan and pour a circle of oil in the pan. 

dài yóu guō tàngshǒu shí, jiāng qiè hǎo de luóbo bǐng yīkuài yīkuài de fàng jìn guō lǐ. 


When the pan is hot, put the sliced ​​turnip cakes into the pan piece by piece.  

Gài guō qián xū fàng jìn yīxiē wēnshuǐ, yùfáng hú dǐ.


Before covering the pot, put some warm water into it to prevent the bottoming. 

Huǒ zuì hǎo yòng wénhuǒ, 


It is best to use a slow fire, 

děng néng wén dào xiāngwèi shí, biàn kě kāiguōle.


when you smell the fragrance, you can open the pot.

luóbobǐng yào chènrè chī , 


Turnip pancakes should be eaten while hot, 

xǐhuan kǒuwèizhòng de , hái kěyǐ jiāshǎo xǔjiàngyóu hé cù .


If you like the taste, you can add a little sauce and vinegar.

gāng chūguō de luóbobǐng , 


The turnip cake just out of the pan, the fragrance splash, 

xiāngwèi pūbí , wàijiāolǐnèn , 


the outside is tender and soft, 

chīshàng yī kǒu , biàn ràng rén yǒngyuǎn wàng bùliǎo.


take a bite, and people will never forget.

rújīn , měishíjiāmen duì chī tíchū le gēng gāo de yāoqiú.


Now a days, foodies have put forward higher requirements for eating.

Tāmen bùjǐn yào guān sè, wén xiāng, cháng wèi, shǎng xíng, 


They not only want to observe the colors, smell the fragrance, taste, and appreciate the shape, 

érqiě hái yāoqiú shíwù jùyǒu yǎngshēng fāngmiàn de tèsè.


but also require the food to have health characteristics.

Wǒ xiǎng, jiāxiāng de luóbo bǐng wánquán jùbèi zhè jǐ gè fāngmiàn de tiáojiàn, 


I think the turnip cake in my hometown has these conditions. 

rénmen bùshì cháng shuō ma- “yú shēnghuǒ, ròu shēng tán, 


People often say-"fish makes fire, meat produces phlegm, 

qīngcài luóbo bǎo píng'ān”, 


green vegetables and turnips keep safe". 

yǎngshēng de gōngnéng, ràng wǒ gèngjiā xǐ'ài tāle.


The health preservation function makes me even more fond of it.

Gǎibiān zì “Zhōngguó diànshì bào”, zuòzhě: Lǐxīngtāo


Adapted from "China Television News", author: Li Xingtao

Full Translation:

Turnip pancakes in my hometown

Among the many delicacies of my hometown, the turnip pancake is the one that I miss the most. Its rich color and slightly sweet taste still make me miss it very much. There are three kinds of turnips in hometown: green, red and purple. The three kinds of turnips look pleasing to the eyes and mind. When eaten, the green sweet is a little bit of spicy, the red spicy is sweet, and purple is as light and delicious as a mountain spring. The old folks praised it: "Oranges, grapes, and pears are not as good as our turnip skins."

The turnip pancake is made with these three colors of turnips.The method of turnip pancake is extremely simple. It does not need to be fried or boiled or deep-fried.

First wash and shred the three-color turnips, add oil, salt, etc., stir evenly with chopsticks, and the ingredients of the turnip pancake are ready.

The most critical skill is rolling. Experts often roll the dough as thin as white paper, after the mixed turnips are spread on the cake, they have to be folded two or three more times, after the cake is cooked, the surface of the cake is transparent and the turnips can be seen through the surface. Finally, cut into chunks with a knife, and the cake is ready.

Next, take a frying pan and pour a circle of oil in the pan. When the pan is hot, put the sliced ​​turnip cakes into the pan piece by piece. Before covering the pot, put some warm water into it to prevent the bottoming. It is best to use a slow fire, when you smell the fragrance, you can open the pot.

Turnip pancakes should be eaten while hot, If you like the taste, you can add a little sauce and vinegar. The turnip cake just out of the pan, the fragrance splash, the outside is tender and soft, take a bite, and people will never forget.

Now a days, foodies have put forward higher requirements for eating. They not only want to observe the colors, smell the fragrance, taste, and appreciate the shape, but also require the food to have health characteristics.

I think the turnip cake in my hometown has these conditions. People often say- "fish makes fire, meat produces phlegm, green vegetables and turnips keep safe". The health preservation function makes me even more fond of it.

Hsk5 lesson 19 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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