10 June 2021

hsk6 上 lesson 11 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 11   我不在时,猫在干什么  
What do the cats do when I'm not home

Qián Xiǎo Qí yǎngle 3 zhǐ māo.


Qian Xiaoqi has 3 cats.

Dàhuáng yuánběn shì zhǐ liúlàng māo, 


Dahuang was originally a stray cat. 

nèitiān, línzhe dàyǔ lái Qián Xiǎo Qí jiā bàifǎng, xià wán yǔ jiù bù zǒule.


That day, he came to Qian Xiaoqi's house under heavy rain and stopped leaving after the rain.

Jiàn duō shì guǎng de Dàhuáng suī yǒu liúlàng shǐ, què hěn yǒu jiàoyǎng, 


Although the well-informed Dahuang has a history of wandering, it is very educated. 

tā jì bù lǎnduò, yě bù zuǐ chán, 


It is neither lazy nor greedy,

tiāntiān pā zài chuāngtái shàng shài tàiyáng, yī fù zhīzú cháng lè de yàngzi.


It lays on the windowsill every day in the sun and looks contented and happy.

Měi cì Qián Xiǎo Qí chūmén huílái, 


Every time Qian Xiaoqi came back from the house, 

tā dōu gōng gōngjìng jìng de zài ménkǒu yíngjiē, 


he respectfully greeted him at the door, 

bù shī jūnzǐ fēngdù.


without losing his gentlemanly grace.

Báibái shìgè nánháir, xiùjué língmǐn, dòngzuò mǐnjié, kuàihuó ér hǎo dòng.


Bai Bai is a boy with a keen sense of smell, quick in movements, happy and active.

Qián Xiǎo Qí yī huí jiā, tā jiù pū shànglái, qīnrè de zhuàng zhǔrén de tuǐ, 


As soon as Qian Xiaoqi came home, it rushed forward, hitting his master's leg affectionately, 

hái yào bǎ Qián Xiǎo Qí hé tā dài huílái de dōngxi tǒngtǒng wén yībiàn.


and sniffed everything Qian Xiaoqi and the things he brought back.

Xǐ'er shì gèrén jiàn rén ài de nǚháir, 


Xi'er is a girl favorite to all, 

měitiān dà bùfèn shíjiān dōu zài zhěnglǐ zìjǐ de máofǎ, 


she spends most of the day tidying up her hair 

bǎ zìjǐ shūlǐ dé piàoliang ér mírén.


and combing herself to look beautiful and charming.

Qián Xiǎo Qí shì gè mófàn sìyǎng yuán, 


Qian Xiaoqi is a model breeder, 

měitiān zǎoqǐ dì yī jiàn shì jiùshì cìhòu māo: 


the first thing he does when he gets up every morning is to wait for the cats: 

Qīngjié māo shě, wèi shuǐ, wèi fàn.


Clean the cathouse, feed the water, feed the food.

Tā suīrán gōngzuò fánmáng, 


Although he is busy with work, 

dàn měitiān zuì jíqiè pànwàng de jiùshì huí jiā kāimén de nà yīkè-


what he most eagerly looks forward to every day is the moment when he returns home to open the door-

Dàhuáng hé Báibái zài ménkǒu děnghòu tā, 


Da Huang and Bai Bai are waiting for him at the door, 

Xǐ'er zé háo wú lìwài dì zhàn zài yuǎn chù, 


Xi'er stands in the distance without exception, 

yòng níngshì biǎodázhe tā shēnchén de rèqíng.


expressing its deep enthusiasm with gaze.

Qián Xiǎo Qí hěn hàoqí, zìjǐ bù zàijiā shí māo zài zuò shénme?


Qian Xiaoqi is very curious, what the cats are doing when he is not at home?

Nàme cháng shíjiān, māomen duō wúliáo, huì bù huì yōuyù de shēngbìng?


How bored the cats are for so long, will they be depressed and sick?

Wèile nòng qīngchǔ zhè shì, 


In order to figure this out, 

tā zài jiālǐ ānle gè shèxiàngtóu, jiānshì māo de yījǔ yīdòng.


he installed a camera at home to monitor the cats' every move.

Hěn kuài, tā fāxiàn zhège bùnéng yídòng de shèxiàngtóu yǒu quēxiàn, 


Soon, he discovered that this immobile camera was defective 

pāi xià de hěnduō jìngtóu dōu shì kōng de, 


and many of the shots taken were empty. 

yúshì, tā zēngjiāle shèbèi, bìng juédìng zìlìgēngshēng ānzhuāng yī tào jiānduān wányìr.


So he added equipment and decided to install a set of cutting-edge gadgets on his own.

Tā biān zuānyán biān ānzhuāng, 


He researched and installed it, 

jīngguò sān gè duō yuè de nǔlì, 


after more than three months of hard work, 

ānzhuāng hǎo de shèbèi bùjǐn nénggòu duì māo de dòngtài jìnxíng zhuāpāi bìng chúcún xià túxiàng, 


the installed equipment can not only capture the cats' dynamics and store the images, 

Qián Xiǎo Qí zài wàimiàn shí hái néng tōngguò hùliánwǎng yáokòng shèxiàngtóu, 


but Qian Xiaoqi can also remotely control the camera through the Internet when he is outside 

duì jiālǐ de māo jìnxíng jíshí jiānkòng, 


to perform real-time monitoring of the cats at home.  

tóngshí néng tōngguò cāozòng, yídòng shèxiàngtóu, gēnzōng dào jiālǐ de rènhé yīgè jiǎoluò.


At the same time, by manipulating, moving the camera, tracking to any corner of the home.

Tōngguò duì dàliàng shùjù hé túpiàn jìn háng fēnxī, 


Through analyzing a large amount of data and pictures, 

Qián Xiǎo Qí fāxiàn, zhè sān zhī māo dà duōshù shíjiān dōu zài shuìjiào.


Qian Xiaoqi found that the three cats are sleeping most of the time.

Chúle shuìjiào, māomen de xíngdòng hěn yǒu guīlǜ, 


Except for sleeping, the cats behave regularly. 

yǐ qízhōng yī zhǐ māo wéi lì, 


Take one of them as an example, 

tā měitiān xiàwǔ liǎng diǎn zuǒyòu chīfàn hē shuǐ, 


It eats and drinks water at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon every day, 

shíjiān wùchā píngjūn bù dào 5 fēnzhōng.


with an average time error of less than 5 minutes.

Gèng yǒuqù de shì, měi cì huí jiā shí, 


What’s more interesting is that every time they go home, 

shǒu zài ménkǒu de dàhuáng hé báibái yě bùshì cháng shíjiān zài ménkǒu děng tā, 


Dahuang and Baibai who are at the door are not waiting for him at the door for a long time, 

ér shì zài wū li gāi gànma gànma, 


but what should they do in the house. 

tīng dào zhǔrén de jiǎobù shēng hé yàoshi xiǎng hòu, cái huì pǎo dào ménkǒu lái yíngjiē.


After hearing the master's footsteps and keys ring, they ran to the door to meet him.

Zhè tào xìtǒng chúle bāng Qián Xiǎo Qí liǎojiěle māo de zōngjī yǐwài, 


In addition to helping Qian Xiaoqi understand the traces of the cat, 

hái bāngguò Qián Xiǎo Qí bù shǎo máng.


this system has also helped Qian Xiaoqi a lot.

Yīcì, tā zài bàngōngshì shàngwǎng yáokòng shèxiàngtóu, 


Once, he remotely controlled the camera on the Internet in the office 

zhǎodàole diào zài jiālǐ zhuōzi xià de qiánbāo.


and found the wallet that had fallen under the desk at home.

Rújīn, zhǐyào jiālǐ shāo yǒu dòngjìng, 


Now, as long as there is a slight movement in the house, 

cāozuò xìtǒng jiù néng jiāng túxiàng jìlù xiàlái, 


the operating system can record the image 

bìng bǎ pāi xià de zhàopiàn jíshí fā dào tā de yóuxiāng lǐ “bàojǐng”.


and send the captured photos to his mailbox to "alarm".

Zhè shì yī tào duōme yǒuyòng de yuǎnchéng yáokòng jiātíng ānquán jīqìrén a.


What a useful set of remote-controlled home security robots.

Gǎibiān zì “Běijīng wǎnbào” wénzhāng “wǒ bùzài shí, māo zàijiā gànma”, zuòzhě: Lǐ Huányǔ


Adapted from the "Beijing Evening News" article "Why does the cat do at home when I am away", author: Li Huanyu

Full Translation:

What do the cats do when I'm not home

Qian Xiaoqi has 3 cats. Dahuang was originally a stray cat. That day, he came to Qian Xiaoqi's house under heavy rain and stopped leaving after the rain. Althoughthe well-informed Dahuang has a history of wandering, it is very educated. It is neither lazy nor greedy. It lays on the windowsill every day in the sun and looks contented and happy.

Every time Qian Xiaoqi came back from the house, he respectfully greeted him at the door, without losing his gentlemanly grace. Bai Bai is a boy with a keen sense of smell, quick in movements, happy and active. As soon as Qian Xiaoqi came home, it rushed forward, hitting his master's leg affectionately, and sniffed everything Qian Xiaoqi and the things he brought back.

Xi'er is a girl favorite to all, she spends most of the day tidying up her hair and combing herself to look beautiful and charming. Qian Xiaoqi is a model breeder, the first thing he does when he gets up every morning is to wait for the cats: clean the cathouse, feed the water, feed the food.

Although he is busy with work, what he most eagerly looks forward to every day is the moment when he returns home to open the door-Da Huang and Bai Bai are waiting for him at the door, Xi'er stands in the distance without exception, expressing its deep enthusiasm with gaze. Qian Xiaoqi is very curious, what the cats are doing when he is not at home? How bored the cats are for so long, will they be depressed and sick? In order to figure this out, he installed a camera at home to monitor the cats' every move. Soon, he discovered that this immobile camera was defective and many of the shots taken were empty. 

So he added equipment and decided to install a set of cutting-edge gadgets on his own. He researched and installed it, after more than three months of hard work, the installed equipment can not only capture the cats' dynamics and store the images, but Qian Xiaoqi can also remotely control the camera through the Internet when he is outside to perform real-time monitoring of the cats at home.  

At the same time, by manipulating, moving the camera, tracking to any corner of the home. Through analyzing a large amount of data and pictures, Qian Xiaoqi found that the three cats are sleeping most of the time. Except for sleeping, the cats behave regularly. 

Take one of them as an example, It eats and drinks water at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon every day, with an average time error of less than 5 minutes. What’s more interesting is that every time they go home, Dahuang and Baibai who are at the door are not waiting for him at the door for a long time, but what should they do in the house. After hearing the master's footsteps and keys ring, they ran to the door to meet him.

In addition to helping Qian Xiaoqi understand the traces of the cat, this system has also helped Qian Xiaoqi a lot. Once, he remotely controlled the camera on the Internet in the office and found the wallet that had fallen under the desk at home. Now, as long as there is a slight movement in the house, the operating system can record the image and send the captured photos to his mailbox to "alarm". What a useful set of remote-controlled home security robots.

Hsk6 lesson 11 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

1 comment:

  1. 我想这篇文章不是6级的,也许是4级的。英语翻译也差的很远。原文没问题。


hsk 5 上 lesson 1 with pinyin and English translation

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