29 June 2021

hsk3 lesson 7 with pinyin and English translation | Hsk3 standard course textbook

Lesson 7   我跟她都认识五年了
I’ve known her for five years

Text 07-1   在办公室   In the office

Tóngshì: Nàgè piàoliang de xīn tóngshì shì shéi? 

同事 : 那个漂亮的新同事是谁?

Colleague: Who is that beautiful new colleague?

Xiǎo gāng: Nà shì xiǎo lì. 

小刚 : 那是小丽。

Xiaogang: That's Xiaoli.

Tóngshì: Tā gāng lái Běijīng ma? 

同事 : 她刚来北京吗?

Colleague: Did she just come to Beijing?

Xiǎo gāng: Bù, tā zài Běijīng gōngzuò sān niánle. 

小刚 : 不,她在北京工作三年了。

Xiaogang: No, she has been working in Beijing for three years.

Tóngshì: Yǐqián tā zài nǎr gōngzuò? 

同事 : 以前她在哪儿工作?

Colleague: Where did she work before?

Xiǎo gāng: Tā zài yínháng gōngzuòle liǎng nián yǐhòu lái de wǒmen gōngsī.

小刚 : 她在银行工作了两年以后来的我们公司。

Xiaogang: She came to our company after working in a bank for two years.

Text 07-2   在休息室   In the lounge

Tóngshì: Zhōumò nǐ gēn Xiǎolì qù nǎr wánr le? 

同事 : 周末你跟小丽去哪儿玩儿了?

Colleague: Where did you go for outing with Xiaoli this weekend?

Xiǎo gāng: Wǒmen qù chànggē le. 

小刚 : 我们去唱歌了。

Xiaogang: We went to sing.

Tóngshì: Nǐmen chàngle duō jiǔ? 

同事 : 你们唱了多久?

Colleague: How long have you been singing?

Xiǎo gāng: Wǒmen chàngle liǎng gè xiǎoshí gē, wǎnshàng hái qù tīng yīnyuè huìle.

小刚 : 我们唱了两个小时歌,晚上还去听音乐会了。

Xiaogang: We sang for two hours and went to the concert in the evening.         


Tóngshì: Nǐmen dōu duì yīnyuè gǎn xìngqù ma? 

同事 : 你们都对音乐感兴趣吗?

Colleague: Are you both interested in music?


Xiǎo gāng: Tā duì yīnyuè gǎn xìngqù, wǒ duì tā gèng gǎn xìngqù.

小刚 : 她对音乐感兴趣,我对她更感兴趣。

Xiaogang: She is interested in music, and I am more interested in her.

Text 07-3   在休息室   In the lounge

Xiǎo gāng: Wǒ gēn Xiǎolì xià gè yuè jiéhūn, dào shíhòu huānyíng nǐ lái. 

小刚 : 我跟小丽下个月结婚,到时候欢迎你来。

Xiaogang: Xiaoli and I will get married next month. You are welcome to come there.

Tóngshì: Shénme? Jiéhūn? 

同事 : 什么?结婚?

Colleague: What?  marry?


Xiǎo gāng: Duì a, túrán ma?

小刚 : 对啊,突然吗?

Xiaogang: yes, is it unexpected? 


Tóngshì: Nǐmen bùshì gāng rènshí ma? 

同事 : 你们不是刚认识吗?

Colleague: Didn’t you just meet?


Xiǎo gāng: Wǒ gēn tā dōu rènshí wǔ niánle.

小刚 : 我跟她都认识五年了。

Xiaogang: I have known her for five years.


Tóngshì: Nǐ gēn tā jiéhūn, nà wǒ zěnme bàn a?

同事 : 你跟她结婚,那我怎么办啊?

Colleague: What should I do if you marry her?

Text 07-4   在公司门口   At the exit of the office building

Xiǎo lì: Nǐ kàn kàn shǒubiǎo, zěnme chídào le? 

小丽 : 你看看手表,怎么迟到了?

Xiaoli: You look at your watch. Why are you late?


Xiǎo gāng: Méi zhīdao a. 

小刚 : 没知道啊。

Xiaogang: I don't know.


Xiǎo lì: Nǐ bùshì shuō qī diǎn bàn lái jiē wǒ ma? Nǐ chídào le yīkè zhōng. 

小丽 : 你不是说七点半来接我吗?你迟到了一刻钟。

Xiaoli: Didn't you say to pick me up at 7:30?  You are a quarter of an hour late.


Xiǎo gāng: Xiànzài bùshì qī diǎn bàn ma?

小刚 : 现在不是七点半吗?

Xiaogang: Isn't it half past seven?


Xiǎo lì: Yǐjīng chà yīkè bā diǎn le! Wǒ dōu zài zhèr zuò le bàn gè xiǎoshí le.

小丽 : 已经差一刻八点了!我都在这儿坐了半个小时了。

Xiaoli: It's almost a quarter to eight! I have been sitting here for half an hour.


Xiǎo gāng: Bùshì wǒ chídàole, shì nǐ de biǎo kuàile yīkè zhōng.

小刚 : 不是我迟到了,是你的表快了一刻钟。

Xiaogang: It's not that I'm late, it's that your watch is a quarter of an hour fast. 

hsk3 lesson 7 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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