29 June 2021

hsk3 lesson 4 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 4   她总是笑着跟客人说话
She always smiles when talking to customers

Dialogue 04-1   在教室   In the classroom

Xiǎomíng: Zhè shì nǐmen bǐsài de zhàopiàn ma?

小明: 这是你们比赛的照片吗?

Xiao Ming: Is this a photo of your game?

Mǎkè: Shì, zhè shì wǒ bǐsài hòu zhào de.

马克: 是,这是我比赛后照的。

Mark: Yes, this is my photo after the game.

Xiǎomíng: Zhào dé bùcuò, nǐmen dōu shì yīgè niánjí de ma?

小明: 照得不错,你们都是一个年级的吗?

Xiaoming: It’s a good picture. Are you all in the same grade?

Mǎkè: Bùshì. Nàgè yòu gāo yòu piàoliang de nǚháir shì èr niánjí de.

马克: 不是。那个又高又漂亮的女孩儿是二年级的。

Mark: No. That tall and beautiful girl is in the second grade.            

Xiǎomíng: Pángbiān nàgè názhe shū xiào de rén shì shéi?

小明: 旁边那个拿着书笑的人是谁?

Xiao Ming: Who is the man next to her holding a book and laughing?

Mǎkè: Nà shì wǒ!

马克: 那是我!

Mark: That's me!

Dialogue 04-2   在教室   In the classroom

Xiǎo lì: Nǐ juédé Xiǎo Hóng zěnme yàng?

小丽: 你觉得小红怎么样?

Xiaoli: What do you think about Xiaohong?

Tóngxué: Tā yòu cōngmíng yòu rèqíng, yě hěn nǔlì.

同学: 她又聪明又热情,也很努力。

Classmate: She is smart, enthusiastic, and hardworking.

Xiǎo lì: Wǒ kàn tā zǒng shì xiàozhe huídá lǎoshī de wèntí.

小丽: 我看她总是笑着回答老师的问题。

Xiaoli: I think she always answers the teacher's questions with a smile.

Tóngxué: Tā duì měi gèrén dōu xiào, yě chángcháng duì wǒ yě xiào.

同学: 她对每个人都笑,也常常对我也笑。

Classmate: She smiles at everyone and often smiles at me too.

Xiǎo lì: Nǐ shì bùshì xǐhuan tā a?

小丽: 你是不是喜欢她啊?

Xiaoli: Do you like her?

Tóngxué: Xǐhuan tā de rén tài duōle, nǐ kàn nàxiē názhe xiānhuā zhàn zài ménkǒu de, dōu shì děng tā de.

同学: 喜欢她的人太多了,你看那些拿着鲜花站在门口的,都是等她的。

Classmate: There are too many people who like her. Those who stand at the door with flowers are all waiting for her.

Dialogue 04-3   在超市门口
At the entrance of a supermarket

Xiǎo gāng: Wǒ yǒudiǎnr è le, wǒmen jìn chāoshì mǎi diǎnr dōngxi ba.

小刚: 我有点儿饿了,我们进超市买点儿东西吧。

Xiaogang: I'm a little hungry. Let's go to the supermarket and buy something.

Xiǎo lì: Hǎo a, zhè jiā chāoshì de dàngāo yòu piányí yòu hào chī, yīkuài zhǐyào 2.99 Yuán.

小丽: 好啊,这家超市的蛋糕又便宜又好吃,一块只要2.99元。

Xiaoli: Okay, the cake in this supermarket is cheap and delicious. A piece is only 2.99 yuan.

Xiǎo gāng: Wǒmen mǎi liǎng kuài, huí jiā chī zhe dàngāo kàn diànshì, zěnme yàng?

小刚: 我们买两块,回家吃着蛋糕看电视,怎么样?

Xiaogang: Let's buy two, how about going home and watching TV while eating cake?

Xiǎo lì: Hǎo a, wǒ zài qù mǎi yīxiē hē de.

小丽: 好啊,我再去买一些喝的。

Xiaoli: Okay, I'll go buy some more drinks.

Xiǎo gāng: Hē zhe kāfēi chī dàngāo, tài hǎole!

小刚: 喝着咖啡吃蛋糕,太好了!

Xiaogang: Drinking coffee and eating cake, great!

Dialogue 04-4   在饭馆   In a restaurant

Jīnglǐ: Nín hǎo! Nín zhǎo shéi?

经理: 您好!您找谁?

Manager: Hello!  Can I help you?

Kèrén: Nǐmen zhè shì bùshì yǒu yīgè yòu niánqīng yòu piàoliang de fúwùyuán?

客人: 你们这是不是有一个又年轻又漂亮的服务员?

Guest: Do you have a young and beautiful waiter?

Jīnglǐ: Wǒmen zhèr niánqīng, piàoliang de fúwùyuán yǒu hěnduō.

经理: 我们这儿年轻,漂亮的服务员有很多。

Manager: We have a lot of young and beautiful waiters here.

Kèrén: Tā gōngzuò yòu rènzhēn yòu rèqíng.

客人: 她工作又认真又热情。

Guest: She is serious and enthusiastic in her work.

Jīnglǐ: Nín néng zài shuō shuō ma?

经理: 您能再说说吗?

Manager: Can you tell me more?

Kèrén: Tā zǒng shì xiào zhe gēn kèrén shuōhuà.

客人: 她总是笑着跟客人说话。

Guest: She always smiles and talks to guests.

Jīnglǐ: a, wǒ zhīdaole, nǐ shuō de shì Lǐxiǎoměi ba.

经理: 啊,我知道了,你说的是李小美吧。

Manager: Ah, I see, you are talking about Li Xiaomei.

hsk3 lesson 4 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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