19 March 2024

hsk 4 book lesson 8 text with pinyin and English translation

hsk 4 book lesson 8 text with pinyin and English translation

课文8: 生活中不缺少美
Lesson 8: Beauty is not rare in life

hsk 4 book lesson 8 text with pinyin and English translation


李老师: 这种巧克力味道不错, 你在哪儿买的?
高老师: 不是我买的, 是我女儿给我从国外带回来的礼物。
李老师: 很多人出国后常常会买外国的巧克力, 回来送给亲戚朋友。
高老师: 是啊, 因为很多人都爱吃巧克力, 尤其是女性。
李老师: 这是为什么呢?
高老师: 巧克力大多是甜的, 而很多女性都喜欢吃甜的。而且, 听说伤心难过的时候吃块儿巧克力, 还能使人的心情变得愉快。

Lǐ lǎoshī: Zhè zhǒng qiǎokèlì wèidào bùcuò, nǐ zài nǎ'er mǎi de? 
Teacher Li: This chocolate tastes good, where did you buy it?

Gāo lǎoshī: Bùshì wǒ mǎi de, shì wǒ nǚ'ér gěi wǒ cóng guówài dài huílái de lǐwù. 
Teacher Gao: I didn't buy it. It was a gift my daughter brought me back from abroad.

Lǐ lǎoshī: Hěnduō rén chūguó hòu chángcháng huì mǎi wàiguó de qiǎokèlì, huílái sòng gěi qīnqī péngyǒu. 
Teacher Li: After going abroad, many people often buy foreign chocolates and give them to relatives and friends when they come back.

Gāo lǎoshī: Shì a, yīnwèi hěnduō rén dōu ài chī qiǎokèlì, yóuqí shì nǚxìng. 
Teacher Gao: Yes, because many people love chocolate, especially women.

Lǐ lǎoshī: Zhè shì wèishéme ne? 
Teacher Li: Why is this?

Gāo lǎoshī: Qiǎokèlì dàduō shì tián de, ér hěnduō nǚxìng dōu xǐhuān chī tián de. Érqiě, tīng shuō shāngxīn nánguò de shíhòu chī kuàir qiǎokèlì, hái néng shǐ rén de xīnqíng biàn dé yúkuài.
Teacher Gao: Most chocolates are sweet, and many women like to eat sweet ones. Moreover, I heard that eating a piece of chocolate when you are sad can make people feel happy.


小夏: 这里的景色真美, 空气也好。
马克: 怎么样, 心情好些了吗?
小夏: 好多了, 上次足球比賽后, 好久都没这么放松了。
马克: 你不要有压力, 好好儿准备下次比賽就好了。
小夏: 这段时间我总是一个人坐在房间里回忆那次比賽。如果我们能再努力一点儿, 就一定会多进一个球。
马克: 事情已经发生了, 过去的就让它成为过去吧。只要这次你好好儿准备, 一定能把比賽踢好。

Xiǎoxià: Zhèlǐ de jǐngsè zhēnměi, kōngqì yě hǎo. 
Xiaoxia: The scenery here is so beautiful and the air is good.

Mǎkè: Zěnme yàng, xīnqíng hǎoxiēle ma? 
Mark: How is it, are you in a better mood?

Xiǎoxià: Hǎoduōle, shàng cì zúqiú bǐsài hòu, hǎojiǔ dōu méi zhème fàngsōngle. 
Xiaoxia: It's better. After the last football match, I haven't been so relaxed for a long time.

Mǎkè: Nǐ bùyào yǒu yālì, hǎohǎor zhǔnbèi xià cì bǐsài jiù hǎole. 
Mark: Don't be stressed, just prepare for the next game.

Xiǎoxià: Zhè duàn shíjiān wǒ zǒngshì yīgè rén zuò zài fángjiān lǐ huíyì nà cì bǐsài. Rúguǒ wǒmen néng zài nǔlì yīdiǎnr, jiù yīdìng huì duō jìn yīgè qiú. 
Xiaoxia: During this time, I always sit in the room alone and remember the game. If we can work harder, we will definitely score one more goal.

Mǎkè: Shìqíng yǐjīng fāshēngle, guòqù de jiù ràng tā chéngwéi guòqù ba. Zhǐyào zhè cì nǐ hǎohǎor zhǔnbèi, yīdìng néng bǎ bǐsài tī hǎo.
Mark: It has already happened. Let the past become the past. As long as you prepare well this time, you will definitely be able to play the game well.

第 08-3

马克: 师傅, 我去大使馆, 你是不是走错了?
师傅: 现在是上班时间, 前面有点儿堵车, 我们走另外一条路, 距离差不多。
马克: 那就好, 堵车浪费时间, 遇到堵车, 心情也 “堵”。
师傅: 可不是! 上班堵车怕迟到, 下班堵车怕回家晚。每天在马路上开车, 要想不遇到堵车, 还真难。
马克: 一遇到堵车, 人们就容易变得没有耐心。长期这样, 还会影响脾气甚至性格。但是您的心情为什么这么好呢?
师傅: 我们改变不了堵车, 但是可以试着改变自己的心情。堵车时正好可以休息一下, 还可以听听自己喜欢的音乐。

Mǎkè: Shīfù, wǒ qù dàshǐguǎn, nǐ shì búshì zǒu cuòle? 
Mark: Master, I am going to the embassy. Did you go wrong?

Shīfù: Xiànzài shì shàngbān shíjiān, qiánmiàn yǒudiǎnr dǔchē, wǒmen zǒu lìngwài yìtiáo lù, jùlí chàbùduō. 
Master: It's working time now. There is a traffic jam ahead. Let's take another road and the distance is about the same.

Mǎkè: Nà jiù hǎo, dǔchē làngfèi shíjiān, yùdào dǔchē, xīnqíng yě “dǔ”. 
Mark: That's good. Traffic jams waste time. When encountering traffic jams, I feel "blocked".

Shīfù: Kě bùshì! Shàngbān dǔchē pà chídào, xiàbān dǔchē pà huí jiā wǎn. Měitiān zài mǎlù shàng kāichē, yào xiǎng bù yùdào dǔchē, hái zhēn nán. 
Master: No! I'm afraid of being late in traffic jams at work, and I'm afraid of going home late in traffic jams after get off work. Driving on the road every day, it is really difficult to avoid traffic jams.

Mǎkè: Yī yùdào dǔchē, rénmen jiù róngyì biàn dé méiyǒu nàixīn. Chángqí zhèyàng, hái huì yǐngxiǎng píqì shènzhì xìnggé. Dànshì nín de xīnqíng wèishéme zhème hǎo ne? 
Mark: When encountering a traffic jam, people tend to become impatient. In the long run, it will also affect the temper and even the character. But why are you in such a good mood?

Shīfù: Wǒmen gǎibiàn bùliǎo dǔchē, dànshì kěyǐ shì zhe gǎibiàn zìjǐ de xīnqíng. Dǔchē shí zhènghǎo kěyǐ xiūxi yíxià, hái kěyǐ tīng tīng zìjǐ xǐhuan de yīnyuè.
Master: We can't change the traffic jam, but we can try to change our mood. You can just take a break in traffic jam and can listen your favorite music.


草绿了, 那是生命的颜色; 花开了, 那是大自然的礼物。生活中不缺少美, 缺少的是发现美的眼睛。只要有心, 生活中的美到处都是。生活的态度要自己选择, 因此, 遇到烦恼时, 你应该想一些办法让自己从不高兴的心情中走出来。窗外是什么样子, 我们无法改变, 但我们可以选择站在哪个窗戶前。选择一个能够带给我们快乐的窗户, 这样才能选对心情, 选对生活的态度。

When the grass is green, 

nà shì shēngmìng de yánsè; 
it is the color of life; 

huā kāile, 
when the flower is blooming, 

nà shì dà zìrán de lǐwù. 
it is a gift of nature.  

Shēnghuó zhōng bù quēshǎo měi, 
There is no lack of beauty in life, 

quēshǎo de shì fāxiàn měide yǎnjīng. 
what is lacking is the eyes to discover beauty.  

Zhǐyào yǒuxīn, 
As long as there is a heart, 

shēnghuó zhōng de měi dàochù dōu shì. 
the beauty in life is everywhere.  

Shēnghuó de tàidù yào zìjǐ xuǎnzé, 
You have to choose your own attitude towards life. 

yīncǐ, yùdào fánnǎo shí, 
Therefore, when you encounter troubles, 

nǐ yīnggāi xiǎng yíxiē bànfǎ ràng zìjǐ cóng bù gāoxìng de xīnqíng zhōng zǒu chūlái. 
you should think of some ways to get out of your unhappy mood.  

Chuāngwài shì shénme yàngzi, wǒmen wúfǎ gǎibiàn, 
We cannot change what it looks like outside the window, 

dàn wǒmen kěyǐ xuǎnzé zhàn zài nǎge chuānghù qián. 
but we can choose which window to stand in.  

Xuǎnzé yígè nénggòu dài gěi wǒmen kuàilè de chuānghù, 
Choose a window that can bring us happiness, 

zhèyàng cáinéng xuǎn duì xīnqíng, xuǎn duì shēnghuó de tàidù.
so that we can choose the right mood and the right attitude towards life.


科学研究证明, 女孩子对衣服颜色的选择往往与她们的性格有关。喜欢穿白色衣服的女孩子性格比较阳光, 生活态度积极向上是她们的共同特点; 而喜欢穿红色衣服的女孩子性格比较浪漫。颜色也会影响人的心情, 不同的颜色会给我们带来不同的感情变化。红色让人变得热情; 黄色和白色让人心情愉快;黑色却容易让人感到伤心; 人们在看到蓝色时会觉得很舒服, 变得安静下来; 绿色让我们的眼睛得到休息。

Kēxué yánjiū zhèngmíng, 
Scientific research proves that 

nǚháizi duì yīfú yánsè de xuǎnzé wǎngwǎng yǔ tāmen d xìnggé yǒu guān. 
girls' choice of clothes color is often related to their personality.  

Xǐhuan chuān báisè yīfú de nǚháizi xìnggé bǐjiào yángguāng, 
Girls who like to wear white clothes are more sunny, 

shēnghuó tàidù jījí xiàngshàng shì tāmen de gòngtóng tèdiǎn; 
and their common characteristics are positive attitudes to life; 

ér xǐhuan chuān hóngsè yīfú de nǚháizi xìnggé bǐjiào làngmàn. 
while girls who like to wear red clothes are more romantic.  

Yánsè yě huì yǐngxiǎng rén de xīnqíng, 
Color also affects people's mood, 

bùtóng de yánsè huì gěi wǒmen dài lái bu tóng de gǎnqíng biànhuà. 
and different colors will bring us different emotional changes.  

Hóngsè ràng rén biàn dé rèqíng; 
Red makes people enthusiastic; 

huángsè hé báisè ràng rén xīnqíng yúkuài; 
yellow and white make people happy; 

hēisè què róngyì ràng rén gǎndào shāngxīn; 
black makes people feel sad; 

rénmen zài kàn dào lánsè shí huì juédé hěn shūfu, 
people feel comfortable when they see blue 

biàn dé ānjìng xiàlái; 
and become quiet; 

lǜsè ràng wǒmen de yǎnjīng dédào xiūxí.
green makes our eyes rest.


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