19 March 2024

hsk 4 lesson 7 with pinyin and English translation

hsk 4 lesson 7 with pinyin and English translation 

课文7: 最好的医生是自己
Lesson 7: The best doctor is yourself

hsk 4 lesson 7


小李:   你的鼻子怎么流血了? 快用纸擦擦。
小林:   我还不习惯北方的气候, 估计是天气太干。今天天气不是很冷, 你怎么穿这么多?
小李:   就是因为昨天穿得太少, 我都感冒了。
小林:   最近感冒的人特别多。你去看医生了吗?
小李:   没有, 我只是咳嗽, 有点儿头疼, 不严重,多喝点儿水就好了。
小林:   春天天气时冷时热, 特别容易感冒。这时候一定要多注意保暖, 另外, 最好经常打开窗户换换空气。

Xiǎo lǐ: Nǐ de bízi zěnme liúxuèle? Kuài yòng zhǐ cā cā. 
Xiao Li: Why your nose is bleeding? Wipe it with paper.

Xiǎolín: Wǒ hái bù xíguàn běifāng de qìhòu, gūjì shì tiānqì tài gàn. Jīntiān tiānqì búshì hěn lěng, nǐ zěnme chuān zhème duō? 
Xiaolin: I'm not used to the climate in the north yet, maybe it's too dry. It's not very cold today, why do you wear so much?

Xiǎolǐ: Jiùshì yīnwèi zuótiān chuān dé tài shǎo, wǒ dōu gǎnmàole. 
Xiao Li: Just because I didn't wear too much yesterday, I caught a cold.

Xiǎolín: Zuìjìn gǎnmào de rén tèbié duō. Nǐ qù kàn yīshēngle ma? 
Xiaolin: There are so many people who have caught colds recently. Have you seen the doctor already?            

Xiǎolǐ: Méiyǒu, wǒ zhǐshì késòu, yǒudiǎnr tóuténg, bù yánzhòng, duō hē diǎnr shuǐ jiù hǎole. 
Xiao Li: No, I just have a cough, a headache, not serious, just will be better to drink more water.

Xiǎolín: Chūntiān tiānqì shí lěng shí rè, tèbié róngyì gǎnmào. Zhè shíhòu yídìng yào duō zhùyì bǎonuǎn, lìngwài, zuì hǎo jīngcháng dǎkāi chuānghù huàn huàn kōngqì.
Xiaolin: It's cold and hot in spring, and it's especially easy to catch a cold. At this time, you must pay more attention to keep warm. In addition, it is best to open the windows and change the air frequently.


小夏:  你咳嗽好点儿了吗? 医生怎么说的?
小雨:  还是老样子, 他让我以后不要再抽烟了。
小夏:  抽烟对身体一点儿好处也没有。
小雨:  我也知道, 可是我觉得抽烟这个动作看上去很帅。
小夏:  等你身体出现问题了, 后悔就来不及了。
小雨:  其实家人也一直反对我柚烟, 我自己却觉得没什么。但最近总是咳嗽, 所以我有些担心了。
小夏:  抽烟不仅对自己没好处, 还会影响周围人的身体健康。为了你和你的家人, 别再抽了。

Xiǎoxià: Nǐ késòu hǎo diǎnr le ma? Yīshēng zěnme shuō de? 
Xiaoxia: Is your cough better? What did the doctor say?

Xiǎoyǔ: Háishì lǎo yàngzi, tā ràng wǒ yǐhòu bùyào zài chōuyānle. 
Xiaoyu: Still the same, he told me not to smoke anymore.

Xiǎoxià: Chōuyān duì shēntǐ yīdiǎnr hǎochù yě méiyǒu. 
Xiaoxia: Smoking is not good for your body at all.

Xiǎoyǔ: Wǒ yě zhīdao, kěshì wǒ juédé chōuyān zhège dòngzuò kàn shàngqù hěn shuài. 
Xiaoyu: I know too, but I think the action of smoking looks very handsome.

Xiǎoxià: Děng nǐ shēntǐ chūxiàn wèntíle, hòuhuǐ jiù láibují le. 
Xiaoxia: When you have a physical problem, it will be too late to regret.

Xiǎoyǔ: Qíshí jiārén yě yīzhí fǎnduì wǒ yòu yān, wǒ zìjǐ què juédé méishénme. Dàn zuìjìn zǒng shì késòu, suǒyǐ wǒ yǒuxiē dānxīn le. 
Xiaoyu: In fact, my family has always opposed my smoke, but I think it's nothing. But recently I always cough, so I am a little worried.                                                                                                        Xiǎoxià: Chōuyān bùjǐn duì zìjǐ méi hǎochù, hái huì yǐngxiǎng zhōuwéi rén de shēntǐ jiànkāng. Wèile nǐ hé nǐ de jiārén, bié zài chōule.
Xiaoxia: Smoking is not only bad for you, but also affects the health of people around you. For you and your family, stop smoking.


小李:  我最近眼睛总是跳, 大夫说是因为我长时间看电脑, 眼睛太累。
小林:  长时间坐在电脑前面工作, 眼睛很容易累。最好是每过一小时就休息休息, 然后再开始工作。
小李:  医生也这么说, 他还告诉我要多向远处看看, 尤其是多看看绿色的植物。
小林:  长时间对着电脑不仅对眼睛不好, 身体也会不舒服。研究发现, 如果人一天静坐超过6小时, 就会影响身体健康。
小李:  是啊!像咱们这些久坐办公室的人要注意, 有时间应该多站起来活动活动。
小林:  好, 咱们午饭后就去附近的公园散散步吧。

Xiǎo lǐ: Wǒ zuìjìn yǎnjīng zǒngshì tiào, dàifu shuō shì yīnwèi wǒ cháng shíjiān kàn diànnǎo, yǎnjīng tài lèi. 
Xiao Li: Recently, my eyes always jump. The doctor said it was because my eyes were too tired after watching the computer for a long time.

Xiǎolín: Cháng shíjiān zuò zài diànnǎo qiánmiàn gōngzuò, yǎnjīng hěn róngyì lèi. Zuì hǎo shì měi guò yī xiǎoshí jiù xiūxi xiūxi, ránhòu zài kāishǐ gōngzuò. 
Xiaolin: Sitting in front of the computer for a long time and working makes your eyes tired easily. It is best to take a break every hour and then start working again.

Xiǎo lǐ: Yīshēng yě zhème shuō, tā hái gàosù wǒ yào duō xiàng yuǎn chù kàn kàn, yóuqí shì duō kàn kàn lǜsè de zhíwù. 
Xiao Li: The doctor said the same. He also told me to look far away, especially the green plants.

Xiǎolín: Cháng shíjiān duìzhe diànnǎo bùjǐn duì yǎnjīng bù hǎo, shēntǐ yě huì bú shūfu. Yánjiū fāxiàn, rúguǒ rén yìtiān jìngzuò chāoguò 6 xiǎoshí, jiù huì yǐngxiǎng shēntǐ jiànkāng. 
Xiaolin: Long time facing the computer is not only bad for the eyes, but also uncomfortable for the body. Studies have found that if people sit still for more than 6 hours a day, it will affect their health.

Xiǎo lǐ: Shì a! Xiàng zánmen zhèxiē jiǔ zuò bàngōngshì de rén yào zhùyì, yǒu shíjiān yīnggāi duō zhàn qǐlái huódòng huódòng. 
Xiao Li: Yes! Those of us who sit in the office for a long time should pay attention that we should get up more and move around when we have time.

Xiǎolín: Hǎo, zánmen wǔfàn hòu jiù qù fùjìn de gōngyuán sàn sànbù ba.
Xiaolin: Okay, let's go for a walk in the nearby park after lunch.


每个人都希望自己健康, 那么什么才是健康呢? 过去, 人们认为健康就是指身体不生病。但是, 现在人们认识到, 健康还指精神上的健康。只有身体和精神都健康, 才算是真正的健康。有一位教投用数字来说明健康有多么重要: 要是健康是1, 其他都是1后面的0; 如果没有1, 不管有多少0也没用。所以我们平时一定要注意锻炼, 别等健康出问题了才后悔。

Měi gèrén dōu xīwàng zìjǐ jiànkāng, nàme shénme cái shì jiànkāng ne? Guòqù, rénmen rènwéi jiànkāng jiùshì zhǐ shēntǐ bù shēngbìng. Dànshì, xiànzài rénmen rènshí dào, jiànkāng hái zhǐ jīngshén shàng de jiànkāng. Zhǐ yǒu shēntǐ hé jīngshén dōu jiànkāng, cái suànshì zhēnzhèng de jiànkāng. Yǒuyī wèi jiào tóu yòng shùzì lái shuōmíng jiànkāng yǒu duōme zhòngyào: Yàoshi jiànkāng shì 1, qítā dōu shì 1 hòumiàn de 0; rúguǒ méiyǒu 1, bùguǎn yǒu duōshǎo 0 yě méi yòng. Suǒyǐ wǒmen píngshí yìdìng yào zhùyì duànliàn, bié děng jiànkāng chū wèntíle cái hòuhuǐ.

Everyone wants to be healthy, so what is healthy? In the past, people thought that being healthy means not getting sick. However, people now realize that health also refers to mental health. only If you are physically and mentally healthy, you are truly healthy. There is a teacher who uses numbers to illustrate how important health is: if health is 1, everything else is 0 after 1; if there is no 1, no matter how many 0s there are, it is useless. Therefore, we must always pay attention to exercise, and don't wait for health problems to regret.


我听一位医生说过一句话: “最好的医生是自己, 最好的药是时间, 最好的运动是散步。” 前两条我理解得不深, 最后一条我完全同意。散步是生活中最简单的锻炼方法, 既可以活动身体, 又可以减肥, 而且不会像跑步那样辛苦。晚饭后, 一家人一起出去散散步, 是一件很幸福的事情。肚子吃饱了需要活动, 家人忙了一天需要交流, 夫妻说说一天的工作能加深感情, 听孩子该谈学校里有意思的事, 一天的烦恼就都跑掉了。

Wǒ tīng yī wèi yīshēng shuōguò yíjù huà: “Zuì hǎo de yīshēng shì zìjǐ, zuì hǎo de yào shì shíjiān, zuì hǎo de yùndòng shì sànbù.” Qián liǎng tiáo wǒ lǐjiě dé bù shēn, zuìhòu yìtiáo wǒ wánquán tóngyì. Sànbù shì shēnghuó zhōng zuì jiǎndān de duànliàn fāngfǎ, jì kěyǐ huódòng shēntǐ, yòu kěyǐ jiǎnféi, érqiě bú huì xiàng pǎobù nàyàng xīnkǔ. Wǎnfàn hòu, yījiārén yìqǐ chūqù sàn sànbù, shì yī jiàn hěn xìngfú de shìqíng. Dùzi chī bǎole xūyào huódòng, jiā rén mángle yītiān xūyào jiāoliú, fūqī shuō shuō yītiān de gōngzuò néng jiāshēn gǎnqíng, tīng háizi gāi tán xuéxiào li yǒuyìsi de shì, yītiān de fánnǎo jiù dōu pǎo diàole.

I heard a doctor say: "The best doctor is yourself, the best medicine is time, and the best exercise is walking." I don't understand the first two items deeply, and I completely agree with the last one. Walking is the simplest exercise method in life. It can move the body and lose weight, and it will not be as hard as running. After dinner, it is a very happy thing to go out for a walk with the whole family. We need activities when our stomach is full, and all family members need to communicate after a busy day. The husband and wife talk about a day’s work can deepen their feelings, and when they hear their children talk about interesting things in school, all the worries of the day are gone.

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