21 March 2024

hsk 4 book lesson 9 text with pinyin and English translation

hsk 4 book lesson 9 text with pinyin and English translation

hsk 4 lesson 9

课文9: 阳光总在风雨后
Lesson 9: The sun will shine again after the storm


王静:  怎么又买了这么多饼干和巧克カ? 难道你不减肥了? 
孙月:  减了一个月都没瘦下来, 我实在没有信心了。
王静:  如果你想减肥,就得少吃东西, 而且要多运动。
孙月:  我就是这么做的,但这一个月下来, 我只轻了一公斤。
王静:  一个月太短了。要想减肥成功, 只能坚持, 才会慢慢有效果。
孙月:  我本来已经打算放弃了, 但是你刚才的话让我改变了主意。这些饼干和巧克力送给你了。

Wáng jìng : Zěnme yòu mǎile zhème duō bǐnggān hé qiǎo kèlì? Nándào nǐ bù jiǎnféile?  
Wang Jing: Why did you buy so many biscuits and chocolates? Don't you lose weight?

Sūn yuè: Jiǎnle yīgè yuè dōu méi shòu xiàlái, wǒ shízài méiyǒu xìnxīnle. 
Sun Yue: I haven't lost weight after a month. I really don't have the confidence anymore.

Wáng jìng: Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng jiǎnféi, jiù dé shǎo chī dōngxi, érqiě yào duō yùndòng. 
Wang Jing: If you want to lose weight, you have to eat less and exercise more.

Sūn yuè: Wǒ jiùshì zhème zuò de, dàn zhè yīgè yuè xiàlái, wǒ zhǐ qīngle yī gōngjīn. 
Sun Yue: That's what I did, but this month, I only lightened one kilogram.

Wáng jìng: Yīgè yuè tài duǎnle. Yào xiǎng jiǎnféi chénggōng, zhǐ néng jiānchí, cái huì màn man yǒu xiàoguǒ. 
Wang Jing: One month is too short. If you want to lose weight successfully, you can only persevere, and it will gradually have an effect.

Sūn yuè: Wǒ běnlái yǐjīng dǎsuàn fàngqìle, dànshì nǐ gāngcái de huà ràng wǒ gǎibiànle zhǔyì. Zhèxiē bǐnggān hé qiǎokèlì sòng gěi nǐle.
Sun Yue: I had planned to give up, but what you said just now made me change my mind. These biscuits and chocolates are for you.


李进:  你网球打得真好, 还得过那么多国际大奖! 每次看你比賽, 感觉你轻轻松松就赢了。
张远:  哪里啊! 那是你没看到我辛苦练习的一面, 没有人随随便便就能成功的。
李进:  我从小也对网球感兴趣, 但是到现在还是打得不怎么样。
张远: 你知道吗?不管春夏秋冬, 我练球从来没有休息过一天。
李进:  真是不容易啊! 看来我只看到了你成功时获得的鲜花, 却没注意到你成功前流下的汗水。
张远: 任何成功都要通过努力才能得到。只要你坚持练习, 我相信你也会越打越好的。

Lǐ jìn: Nǐ wǎngqiú dǎ dé zhēn hǎo, hái déguò nàme duō guójì dàjiǎng! Měi cì kàn nǐ bǐsài, gǎnjué nǐ qīngqīng sōngsōng jiù yíngle. 
Li Jin: You played really well in tennis, and you have won so many international awards! Every time I see you in a game, I feel like you have won easily.

Zhāng yuǎn: Nǎlǐ a! Nà shì nǐ méi kàn dào wǒ xīnkǔ liànxí de yīmiàn, méiyǒu rén suí suí pián pián jiù néng chénggōng de. 
Zhang Yuan: Nowhere! That's because you didn't see my hard practice. No one can succeed casually.

Lǐ jìn: Wǒ cóngxiǎo yě duì wǎngqiú gǎn xìngqù, dànshì dào xiànzài háishì dǎ dé bù zěnme yàng. 
Li Jin: I have also been interested in tennis since I was a kid, but I still don't play very well now.

Zhāng yuǎn: Nǐ zhīdao ma? Bùguǎn chūn xià qiū dōng, wǒ liàn qiú cónglái méiyǒu xiūxi guò yītiān. 
Zhang Yuan: Do you know? Regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, I have never had a day off from practice.

Lǐ jìn: Zhēnshi bù róngyì a! Kàn lái wǒ zhǐ kàn dàole nǐ chénggōng shí huòdé de xiānhuā, què méi zhùyì dào nǐ chénggōng qián liúxià de hànshuǐ. 
Li Jin: It's not easy! It seems that I only saw the flowers you got when you succeeded, but didn't notice the sweat you shed before you succeeded.

Zhāng yuǎn: Rènhé chénggōng dōu yào tōngguò nǔlì cáinéng dédào. Zhǐyào nǐ jiānchí liànxí, wǒ xiāngxìn nǐ yě huì yuè dǎ yuè hǎo de.
Zhang Yuan: Any success can only be achieved through hard work. As long as you keep practicing, I believe you will play better and better.


小林:  你还记得王红吗? 我在报纸上看到一篇关于她的新闻, 她现在已经是一个有名的作家了。
小李:  听说她毕业后放弃了律师的工作, 开始专门写小说, 没想到她竟然成功了。
小林:  当时她的父母和亲戚都不支持她, 可是她坚持自己的选择, 现在终于向所有人证明了她的选择是正确的。
小李:  看来为了自己的理想, 放弃一些东西也是值得的。
小林:  一个人只有两只手, 不可能得到所有想要的东西, 所以有时候放弃是一种聪明的选择。
小李:  是啊,只有学会放弃, 才能把自己的能力用到最该做的事情上, 最后获得成功。

Xiǎolín: Nǐ hái jìdé wáng hóng ma? Wǒ zài bàozhǐ shàng kàn dào yī piān guānyú tā de xīnwén, tā xiànzài yǐjīng shì yīgè yǒumíng de zuòjiāle. 
Xiaolin: Do you remember Wang Hong? I read a piece of news about her in the newspaper. She is now a famous writer.

Xiǎo lǐ: Tīng shuō tā bìyè hòu fàngqìle lǜshī de gōngzuò, kāishǐ zhuānmén xiě xiǎoshuō, méi xiǎngdào tā jìngrán chénggōngle. 
Xiao Li: I heard that she gave up her job as a lawyer after graduation and started writing novels, but she didn't expect her to succeed.

Xiǎolín: Dāngshí tā de fùmǔ hé qīnqī dōu bù zhīchí tā, kěshì tā jiānchí zìjǐ de xuǎnzé, xiànzài zhōngyú xiàng suǒyǒu rén zhèngmíngliǎo tā de xuǎnzé shì zhèngquè de. 
Xiaolin: At that time, her parents and relatives did not support her, but she insisted on her choice, and now finally proved to everyone that her choice was correct.

Xiǎo lǐ: Kàn lái wèile zìjǐ de lǐxiǎng, fàngqì yīxiē dōngxī yěshì zhídé de. 
Xiao Li: It seems that it is worth giving up something for the sake of your dreams.

Xiǎolín: Yīgè rén zhǐyǒu liǎng zhī shǒu, bù kěnéng dédào suǒyǒu xiǎng yào de dōngxī, suǒyǐ yǒu shíhòu fàngqì shì yī zhǒng cōngmíng de xuǎnzé. 
Xiaolin: A person has only two hands, it is impossible to get everything you want, so sometimes giving up is a smart choice.

Xiǎo lǐ: Shì a, zhǐyǒu xuéhuì fàngqì, cáinéng bǎ zìjǐ de nénglì yòng dào zuì gāi zuò de shìqíng shàng, zuìhòu huòdé chénggōng.
Xiao Li: Yes, only if you learn to give up, can you use your abilities to do what you should do, and finally succeed.


如果你想做什么事情, 那就勇敢地去做, 不要担心结果, 不要考虑会不会失败。要是太看重结果, 失败就会给人们带来很多烦恼。我们应该把注意力放在做事情的过程上, 这样你会在做的过程中发现解决问题的快乐, 这是其他任何东西都给不了的。即使最后失败了也没有关系, 因为至少你已经努力过, 而且我们还可以从失败中总结出有用的经验, 有了这些积累, 成功自然离我们越来越近。

Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng zuò shénme shìqíng, 
If you want to do something, 

nà jiù yǒnggǎn de qù zuò, 
do it bravely, 

bùyào dānxīn jiéguǒ, 
don't worry about the result, 

bùyào kǎolǜ huìbuhuì shībài
don't think about whether you will fail.  

Yàoshi tài kànzhòng jiéguǒ, 
If you put too much emphasis on the results, 

shībài jiù huì jǐ rénmen dài lái hěnduō fánnǎo. 
failure will cause people a lot of trouble.  

Wǒmen yīnggāi bǎ zhùyìlì fàng zài zuò shìqíng de guòchéng shàng, 
we should pay attention to the process of doing things, 

zhèyàng nǐ huì zài zuò de guòchéng zhōng fāxiàn jiějué wèntí de kuàilè, 
so that you will find the joy of solving problems in the process of doing things, 

zhè shì qítā rènhé dōngxi dōu gěi bùliǎo de. 
which is something that nothing else can give.  

Jíshǐ zuìhòu shībàile yě méiyǒu guānxì, 
Even if it fails in the end, it doesn’t matter, 

yīnwéi zhìshǎo nǐ yǐjīng nǔlìguò, 
because at least you have worked hard, 

érqiě wǒmen hái kěyǐ cóng shībài zhōng zǒngjié chū yǒuyòng de jīngyàn, 
and we can still learn from we have summed up useful experiences from our failures. 

yǒule zhèxiē jīlěi, 
With these accumulations, 

chénggōng zìrán lí wǒmen yuè lái yuè jìn.
success will naturally get closer and closer to us.


每一个人都希望成功, 可是很多时候, 在成功之前会遇到很多困难。有些人遇到困难就放弃, 而有些人遇到困难却想办法解决它。对困难的态度不同, 结果也是不一样的。爱迪生就是在找了上千种材料后才找到了能点亮电灯的材料。取得成功的人往往都经历过许多失败, 他们和普通人的区别就是他们都坚持了下来。所以就算只有1%的希望, 我们也要做出100%的努力。因难只是暂时的, “阳光总在风雨后”, 只有我们勇敢地面对困难, 才能有希望取得成功。

Měi yīgè rén dōu xīwàng chénggōng, 
Everyone wants to succeed, 

kěshì hěnduō shíhòu, 
but many times, 

zài chénggōng zhīqián huì yùdào hěnduō kùnnán. 
they will encounter many difficulties before they succeed.  

Yǒuxiē rén yùdào kùn nàn jiù fàngqì, 
Some people give up when encountering difficulties, 

ér yǒuxiē rén yùdào kùnnán què xiǎng bànfǎ jiějué tā. 
while others try to solve them when encountering difficulties.  

Duì kùnnán de tàidù bùtóng, jiéguǒ yěshì bù yīyàng de.
Different attitudes towards difficulties have different results.  

Àidíshēng jiùshì zài zhǎole shàng qiān zhǒng cáiliào hòu cái zhǎodàole néng diǎn liàng diàndēng de cáiliào. 
Edison found the material that could light the electric lamp after looking for thousands of materials.  

Qǔdé chénggōng de rén wǎngwǎng dōu jīnglìguò xǔduō shībài, 
People who have achieved success have often experienced many failures. 

tāmen hé pǔtōng rén de qūbié jiùshì tāmen dōu jiānchíle xiàlái. 
The difference between them and ordinary people is that they have persevered.  

Suǒyǐ jiùsuàn zhǐyǒu 1% de xīwàng, 
So even if there is only 1% hope, 

wǒmen yě yào zuò chū 100% de nǔlì. 
we have to make 100% efforts.  

Yīn nán zhǐshì zhànshí de,
Because difficulties are only temporary, 

“yángguāng zǒng zài fēngyǔ hòu”, 
"the sun is always after the wind and rain." 

zhǐyǒu wǒmen yǒnggǎn de miànduì kùnnán, cáinéng yǒu xīwàng qǔdé chénggōng.
Only when we face difficulties bravely can we hope to succeed.

hsk 4 book lesson 10

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