19 March 2024

hsk 4 textbook lesson 6 with pinyin and English translation

hsk 4 textbook lesson 6 with pinyin and English translation

课文6: 一分钱一分货

Lesson 6: The higher the price, the better the quality

hsk 4 book lesson 6


张远:   昨天晚上我给你打电话一直没人接, 你忙什么呢?
李进:   昨天妻子让我陪她去超市买果汁。我把手机忘在家里了。
张远:   买这么点儿东西也用不了那么长时间啊!
李进:   我们先去逛了会儿商场。一进门, 售實员就热情地为我们介绍这、介绍那, 她买了一条裤子、一件衬衫、两双袜子, 然后我们就高高兴兴地回家了。
张远:   买东西时我只看自己想买的, 而且喜欢自己看、自己选, 不希望被别人打扰。
李进:   是啊! 回家以后, 我才发现,竟然忘了去商场的超市买果汁!

Zhāng yuǎn: Zuótiān wǎnshàng wǒ gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà yīzhí méi rén jiē, nǐ máng shénme ne? 
Zhang Yuan: I called you last night and no one answered it. What are you busy with?

Lǐ jìn: Zuótiān qīzi ràng wǒ péi tā qù chāoshì mǎi guǒzhī. Wǒ bǎ shǒujī wàng zài jiālǐ le. 
Li Jin: Yesterday my wife asked me to accompany her to the supermarket to buy juice. I forgot my phone at home.

Zhāng yuǎn: Mǎi zhème diǎnr dōngxī yě yòng bùliǎo nàme cháng shíjiān a! 
Zhang Yuan: It doesn't take that long to buy such a small item!

Lǐ jìn: Wǒmen xiān qù guàngle huìr shāngchǎng. Yī jìnmén, shòu shí yuán jiù rèqíng dì wéi wǒmen jièshào zhè, jièshào nà, tā mǎile yītiáo kùzi, yī jiàn chènshān, liǎng shuāng wàzi, ránhòu wǒmen jiù gāo gāoxìng xìng de huí jiāle. 
Li Jin: We went into the mall for a while first. As soon as we walked in, the salesperson enthusiastically introduced us to this and that. She bought a pair of pants, a shirt, and two pairs of socks, and then we went home happily.

Zhāng yuǎn: Mǎi dōngxī shí wǒ zhǐ kàn zìjǐ xiǎng mǎi de, érqiě xǐhuan zìjǐ kàn, zìjǐ xuǎn, bù xīwàng bèi biérén dǎrǎo. 
Zhang Yuan: When buying things, I only look at what I want to buy, and I like to watch and choose by myself, and don't want to be disturbed by others.

Lǐ jìn: Shì a! Huí jiā yǐhòu, wǒ cái fāxiàn, jìngrán wàngle qù shāngchǎng de chāoshì mǎi guǒzhī!
Li Jin: Yes! After I got home, I found out that I forgot to go to the supermarket to buy juice!


王 静:   西红柿新鲜吗? 怎么卖?
售货员:   七块钱一斤, 您放心,保证百分之百新鲜。
王 静:   怎么这么贵啊! 我记得昨天才三块五一斤, 今天的价格是昨天的两倍。
售货员:   您问的这种是 “绿色” 的。一分钱一分货。每天吃一两个这种新鲜的西红柿, 对皮肤有好处。
王 静:   好, 那我先买几个尝尝。
售货员:   好的, 给您西红柿, 一共两斤, 十四块。

Wáng jìng: Xīhóngshì xīnxiān ma? Zěnme mài? 
Wang Jing: Are the tomatoes fresh? How to sell them?

Shòuhuòyuán: Qī kuài qián yī jīn, nín fàngxīn, bǎozhèng bǎifēnzhībǎi xīnxiān. 
Salesperson: Seven yuan half kg. Don't worry, you are guaranteed to be 100% fresh.

Wáng jìng: Zěnme zhème guì a! Wǒ jìdé zuótiān cái sān kuài wǔ yī jīn, jīntiān de jiàgé shì zuótiān de liǎng bèi. 
Wang Jing: Why are you so expensive! I remember it was only 3.5 yuan half kg yesterday, today's price is twice of yesterday.    

Shòuhuòyuán: Nín wèn de zhè zhǒng shì “lǜsè” de. Yī fēn qián yī fēn huò. Měitiān chī yī liǎng gè zhè zhǒng xīnxiān de xīhóngshì, duì pífū yǒu hǎochù. 
Salesperson: The one you asked is "green". You get what you pay for. Eating one or two of these fresh tomatoes every day is good for the skin.

Wáng jìng: Hǎo, nà wǒ xiān mǎi jǐ gè cháng cháng. 
Wang Jing: Okay, then I'll buy a few and try them first.

Shòuhuòyuán: Hǎo de, gěi nín xīhóngshì, yīgòng liǎng jīn, shísì kuài.
Salesperson: Okay, let me give you tomatoes, one kg in total, 14 yuan.                                                                       


售货员:   先生,我们店的行李箱都在这里, 请问您要什么样的?
李 进:   我想买一个轻一点儿的。
售货员:   您看看这个, 不管从价格方面看, 还是从质量上看, 都是值得考虑的。
李 进:   质量是不错。请问这个多少钱?
售货员:   现在我们商场正好有打折活动, 打完折是999。另外, 一年内我们都负责免费修理。
李 进:   你们的服务不错, 价格也可以, 就买这个吧。

Shòuhuòyuán: Xiānshēng, wǒmen diàn de xínglǐ xiāng dōu zài zhèlǐ, qǐngwèn nín yào shénme yàng de? 
Salesperson: Sir, all the suitcases in our shop are here. What do you want?

Lǐ jìn: Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yīgè qīng yīdiǎnr de. 
Li Jin: I want to buy a lighter one.

Shòuhuòyuán: Nín kàn kàn zhège, bùguǎn cóng jiàgé fāngmiàn kàn, háishì cóng zhìliàng shàng kàn, dōu shì zhídé kǎolǜ de. 
Salesperson: Take a look at this. It is worth considering regardless of price or quality.

Lǐ jìn: Zhìliàng shì bùcuò. Qǐngwèn zhège duōshǎo qián? 
Li Jin: The quality is good. How much is this?

Shòuhuòyuán: Xiànzài wǒmen shāngchǎng zhènghǎo yǒu dǎzhé huódòng, dǎ wán zhé shì 999. Lìngwài, yī niánnèi wǒmen dōu fùzé miǎnfèi xiūlǐ. 
Salesperson: Now our mall happens to have a discount event, and it is 999 after the discount. In addition, we are responsible for free repairs within one year.

Lǐ jìn: Nǐmen de fúwù bùcuò, jiàgé yě kěyǐ, jiù mǎi zhège ba.
Li Jin: Your service is good, and the price is also good. Just buy this.



顾客朋友们, 为了感谢大家的支持, 我们书店今天举行 “购书送好礼” 活动, 购书满 100元送一个笔记本, 满200元送一本词典。另外, 一些图书还有打折活动, 其中, 小说 7.5 折, 地图 8 折, 留学考试用书6折。如果购 书满 500元可免费办会员卡, 以后购书可打8折。今天过生日的朋友所有的小朋友还可以获得一份小礼物。欢迎大家选购!

Gùkè péngyǒumen, wèile gǎnxiè dàjiā de zhīchí, wǒmen shūdiàn jīntiān jǔxíng “gòushū sòng hǎo lǐ” huódòng, gòushū mǎn 100 yuán sòng yīgè bǐjìběn, mǎn 200 yuán sòng yī běn cídiǎn. Lìngwài, yīxiē túshū hái yǒu dǎzhé huódòng, qízhōng, xiǎoshuō 7.5 Zhé, dìtú 8 zhé, liúxué kǎoshì yòng shū 6 zhé. Rúguǒ gòushū mǎn 500 yuán kě miǎnfèi bàn huì yuán kǎ, yǐhòu gòushū kě dǎ 8 zhé. Jīntiān guò shēngrì de péngyǒu suǒyǒu de xiǎopéngyǒu hái kěyǐ huòdé yī fèn xiǎo lǐwù. Huānyíng dàjiā xuǎn gòu!

Customers and friends, in order to thank you for the support of everyone, our bookstore held a "Gifts on buying books" activity today. If you purchase a book over 100 yuan, you will get a notebook, and if you spend 200 yuan, you will get a dictionary. In addition, some books have discounts, including 25% off on novels, 20% off on maps, and 40% off on exam books. If you purchase a book of 500 yuan or more, you can hold the free Membership card, 20% off for future book purchases. Today’s birthday friends, all children can can also get a small gift. Everyone is welcome to buy!



人们常说 “一分钱一分货” , 意思是东西的质量和价格有很大的关系, 也可以说 “便宜没好货, 好货不便宜” , 一般情况下, 你花的钱越多, 买的东西也就越好。其实也不一定都是这样的。有的时候, 质量很好的东西也会很便宜。例如, 春天来了, 冬天的衣服就会打折, 质量很好, 还很便宜, 花很少的钱就可以买到。一到节日, 商场也会举办各种各样的活动, 降低价格, 这个时候我们也可以买到又便宜又好的东西。

Rénmen cháng shuō “yī fēn qián yī fēn huò”, yìsi shì dōngxī de zhìliàng hé jiàgé yǒu hěn dà de guānxì, yě kěyǐ shuō “piányí méi hǎo huò, hǎo huò bù piányí”, yībān qíngkuàng xià, nǐ huā de qián yuè duō, mǎi de dōngxī yě jiù yuè hǎo. Qíshí yě bù yīdìng dōu shì zhèyàng de. Yǒu de shíhòu, zhìliàng hěn hǎo de dōngxī yě huì hěn piányí. Lìrú, chūntiān láile, dōngtiān de yīfú jiù huì dǎzhé, zhìliàng hěn hǎo, hái hěn piányí, huā hěn shǎo de qián jiù kěyǐ mǎi dào. Yī dào jiérì, shāngchǎng yě huì jǔbàn gè zhǒng gè yàng de huódòng, jiàngdī jiàgé, zhège shíhòu wǒmen yě kěyǐ mǎi dào yòu piányí yòu hǎo de dōngxī.

People often say "you get what you pay for", which means that the quality of things has a great relationship with the price. It can also be said "If it's cheap it's not good product; good products are not cheap". Generally, the more money you spend, the better things you buy. In fact, this is not always the case. Sometimes, good quality things are also cheaper. For example, Spring is coming, winter clothes will be discounted, the quality is very good, and very cheap, and you can buy it for a small amount of money. Once it comes to the festival, malls will also hold various activities and reduce the price. At this time, we also can buy cheap and good things.

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