19 March 2024

HSK 4 Lesson 5 with pinyin and English translation

HSK 4 Lesson 5 with pinyin and English translation

课文5: 只买对的,不买贵的

Lesson 5: Buy the right, not the expensive

hsk4 lesson 5


售货员: 小姐,您好!您想买什么家具? 需要我为您介绍一下吗?
王静: 谢谢, 我想买沙发。
售货员: 您看这个沙发怎么样? 现在正在打折,比平时便宜了一千块。
王静: 价格还可以, 就是不知道质量有没有保证。
售货员: 您放心, 质量肯定不 “打折” 这种沙发是今年最流行的。有很多种颜色可以选择, 您可以看一下。
王 静: 这个蓝色的看上去不错, 就要这个吧。

Shòuhuòyuán: Xiǎojiě, nín hǎo! Nín xiǎng mǎi shénme jiājù? Xūyào wǒ wèi nín jièshào yīxià ma? 
Salesperson: Hello, miss! What furniture do you want to buy? Would you like me to introduce you?

Wáng jìng: Xièxiè, wǒ xiǎng mǎi shāfā. 
Wang Jing: Thank you, I want to buy a sofa.

Shòuhuòyuán: Nín kàn zhège shāfā zěnme yàng? Xiànzài zhèngzài dǎzhé, bǐ píngshí piányíle yīqiān kuài. 
Salesperson: What do you think of this sofa? It is on sale now, which is a thousand yuan cheaper than usual.

Wáng jìng: Jiàgé hái kěyǐ, jiùshì bù zhīdào zhìliàng yǒu méiyǒu bǎozhèng. 
Wang Jing: The price is okay, but I don’t know if the quality is guaranteed.

Shòuhuòyuán: Nín fàngxīn, zhìliàng kěndìng bù “dǎzhé” zhè zhǒng shāfā shì jīnnián zuì liúxíng de. Yǒu hěnduō zhǒng yánsè kěyǐ xuǎnzé, nín kěyǐ kàn yīxià. 
Salesperson: Don't worry, the quality is definitely not "discounted". This kind of sofa is the most popular this year. There are many colors to choose from, you can take a look.

Wáng jìng: Zhège lánsè de kàn shàngqù bùcuò, jiù yào zhège ba.
Wang Jing: This blue one looks good, so let's take this one.


王静: 咱家的冰箱太旧了, 商场正好打折, 我们顺便也买一台吧。
李进: 今天买的东西太多了。再说, 这个月家里已经花了五千多了。
王静: 这么多? 你不会是记错了吧?
李进: 没错。上个星期光买沙发就花了两千多。
王静: 但是咱家的冰箱实在太旧了, 制冷效果也不太好了, 还是买个新的吧。
李进: 那好吧, 我带的現金不够, 用你的信用卡吧。

Wáng jìng: Zán jiā de bīngxiāng tài jiùle, shāngchǎng zhènghǎo dǎzhé, wǒmen shùnbiàn yě mǎi yī tái ba. 
Wang Jing: Our refrigerator is too old, and the store has sale right now. Let's buy one by the way.

Lǐ jìn: Jīntiān mǎi de dōngxī tài duōle. Zàishuō, zhège yuè jiālǐ yǐjīng huāle wǔ qiān duōle. 
Li Jin: We bought too many things today. Besides, more than fiflve have been spent at home this month.  

Wáng jìng: Zhème duō? Nǐ bù huì shì jì cuòle ba? 
Wang Jing: So many? You can't remember it wrong, do you?

Lǐ jìn: Méi cuò. Shàng gè xīngqí guāng mǎi shāfā jiù huāle liǎng qiān duō. 
Li Jin: That's right. It cost more than two thousand just to buy a sofa last week.

Wáng jìng: Dànshì zán jiā de bīngxiāng shízài tài jiùle, zhìlěng xiàoguǒ yě bù tài hǎole, háishì mǎi gè xīn de ba. 
Wang Jing: But our refrigerator is too old, and the cooling effect is not very good. Let's buy a new one.

Lǐ jìn: Nà hǎo ba, wǒ dài de xiànjīn bùgòu, yòng nǐ de xìnyòngkǎ ba.
Li Jin: Okay, I don’t have enough cash. Use your credit card.


李进: 李老师邀请咱们去他家做客, 给他带点儿什么礼物好呢?
王静: 他很喜欢葡萄酒, 我们就给他买两瓶葡萄酒吧。
李进: 可是这里有这么多种, 你知道哪种好吗?
王静: 我觉得这种不错, 你看它酒瓶做得都这么艺术。而且电视上经常有它的广告, 我想味道应该不错。
李进: 广告只会介绍优点, 却不会说它的缺点。实际上, 很多东西并不像广告上说的那么好, 所以不能完全相信广告。
王静: 你说的也对。

Lǐ jìn: Lǐ lǎoshī yāoqǐng zánmen qù tā jiā zuòkè, gěi tā dài diǎnr shénme lǐwù hǎo ne? 
Li Jin: Teacher Li invited us to his house. What gift should we bring for him?

Wáng jìng: Tā hěn xǐhuan pútáojiǔ, wǒmen jiù gěi tā mǎi liǎng píng pútáojiǔ bā. 
Wang Jing: He likes wine very much, so let's buy for him two bottles of grapes wine.

Lǐ jìn: Kěshì zhè li yǒu zhème duō zhǒng, nǐ zhīdào nǎ zhǒng hǎo ma? 
Li Jin: But there are so many kinds here, do you know which one is better?

Wáng jìng: Wǒ juédé zhè zhǒng bùcuò, nǐ kàn tā jiǔ píng zuò dé dōu zhème yìshù. Érqiě diànshì shàng jīngcháng yǒu tā de guǎnggào, wǒ xiǎng wèidào yīnggāi bùcuò. 
Wang Jing: I think this is a good one. You see, the wine bottles are so artistic. And there are often advertisements for it on TV, I think it should taste good.

Lǐ jìn: Guǎnggào zhǐ huì jièshào yōudiǎn, què bù huì shuō tā de quēdiǎn. Shíjì shang, hěnduō dōngxī bìng bù xiàng guǎnggào shàng shuō dì nàme hǎo, suǒyǐ bùnéng wánquán xiāngxìn guǎnggào. 
Li Jin: Advertising only introduces its advantages, but not its disadvantages. In fact, many things are not as good as the advertisements say, so the advertisements cannot be completely trusted.                                          
Wáng jìng: Nǐ shuō de yě duì.
Wang Jing: You are right.


买衣服只考虑价格当然不好,但是只考虑买好看的也不一定对。我买衣服的标准是 “只买对的,不买贵的”。第一,自己穿着舒服;第二,衣服的质量要好,而且又不能太貴。对我来说,衣服的样子流行不流行并不是很重要。很多年龄大的人喜欢在打折的时候买便宜的衣服,但对那些衣服是不是适合自己却考虑得不多。这点是我理解不了的,因为如果不适合自己,即使花钱很少,也是一种浪费。

Mǎi yīfú zhǐ kǎolǜ jiàgé dāngrán bù hǎo, dànshì zhǐ kǎolǜ mǎi hǎokàn de yě bù yīdìng duì. Wǒ mǎi yīfú de biāozhǔn shì “zhǐ mǎi duì de, bú mǎi guì de”. Dì yī, zìjǐ chuānzhuó shūfu; dì èr, yīfú de zhìliàng yào hǎo, érqiě yòu bùnéng tài guì. Duì wǒ lái shuō, yīfú de yàngzi liúxíng bù liúxíng bìng bùshì hěn zhòngyào. Hěnduō niánlíng dà de rén xǐhuan zài dǎzhé de shíhòu mǎi piányí de yīfú, dàn duì nàxiē yīfú shì bùshì shìhé zìjǐ què kǎolǜ dé bù duō. Zhè diǎn shì wǒ lǐjiě bùliǎo de, yīnwèi rúguǒ bù shìhé zìjǐ, jíshǐ huā qián hěn shǎo, yěshì yī zhǒng làngfèi.

It's certainly not good to buy clothes only because of the price, but it's not necessarily right to think only about what looks good. The standard for me to buy clothes is "buy only the right ones, not the expensive ones". First, you are comfortable to wear; second, the quality of the clothes should be good, and they should not be too expensive. For me, it is not very important whether the clothes are fashionable or not. Many older people like to buy cheap clothes at a discount, but they don't think much about whether those clothes are suitable for them. This is something I can’t understand, because if it doesn’t suit me, even spending little money is also a waste.



Xiànzài wǎngshàng gòuwù biàn dé yuè lái yuè liúxíngle, niánqīng rén yóuqí xǐhuan zài wǎngshàng mǎi dōngxī. Zài wǎngshàng jīhū shénme dōu kěyǐ mǎi dào, nǐ kěyǐ shàngwǎng mǎishū, mǎi yīfú, mǎi bāo, hái kěyǐ mǎi jiājù, mǎi shǒujī. Wǎngshàng gòuwù nénggòu shòudào rénmen de xǐ'ài, yuányīn zhǔyào yǒu liǎng gè: Shǒuxiān, wǎngshàng de dōngxī hěnduō, ér qiě bǐ qù shāngdiàn mǎi piányí, zhè shì xīyǐn rénmen gòumǎi de zhǔyào yuányīn. Qícì, rénmen kěyǐ zài rènhé shíjiān shàngwǎng gòumǎi zìjǐ xǐhuan de dōngxī, màijiā kěyǐ bǎ nǐ mǎi de dōngxī jì dào nǐ bàngōngshì huòzhě jiālǐ, fēicháng fāngbiàn.

Now online shopping has become more and more popular, young people especially like to buy things online. You can buy almost anything online. You can buy online books, clothes, bags, even furniture, and mobile phones too. Online shopping can be loved by people for two main reasons: First, there are a lot of things online, and it is cheaper than going to the store, which is the main reason for attracting people to buy. Secondly, people can buy things they like online at any time, and sellers can send the things what you buy to your office or home, It is very convenient.


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