28 March 2024

hsk 4 lesson 17 with pinyin and English translation

hsk 4 lesson 17 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 17: Humans and nature



hsk 4 lesson 17

小夏:   最近天气越来越凉快了, 风一刮, 草地上就会有一层厚厚的黄叶, 看来秋天已经到了。
安娜:    这几天香山特别 热闹, 随着气温的降低, 那里许多植物的叶子都由绿变黄或者变红, 吸引了很多游客参现, 咱们今天也去看看吧。
小夏:    你看天上的云, 今天肯定有大雨。再说, 香山上看红叶的人太多了。咱们改天去长城吧, 广播里说那里也有不少专门看红叶的好地方。
安娜:    真可惜, 我还想多照点儿香山的照片呢。去长城倒是一个好主意, 那我们明天去吧。
小夏:    明天恐怕也不行, 明天是我爸的生日。
安娜:    没关系, 那我们再约时间。

Xiǎoxià: Zuìjìn tiānqì yuè lái yuè liáng kuaile, fēng yī guā, cǎodì shàng jiù huì yǒu yī céng hòu hòu de huáng yè, kàn lái qiūtiān yǐjīng dàole.
Xiaoxia: The weather is getting cooler and cooler recently. As soon as the wind blows, there will be a thick layer of yellow leaves on the grass. It seems that autumn has arrived.

Ānnà: Zhè jǐ tiān xiāngshān tèbié rènào, suízhe qìwēn de jiàngdī, nàlǐ xǔduō zhíwù de yèzi dōu yóu lǜ biàn huáng huòzhě biàn hóng, xīyǐnle hěnduō yóukè cān xiàn, zánmen jīntiān yě qù kàn kàn ba.
Anna: The Fragrant Mountain is very lively these days. As the temperature drops, the leaves of many plants there have turned from green to yellow or red, attracting many tourists. Let's go and see it today.

Xiǎoxià: Nǐ kàn tiānshàng de yún, jīntiān kěndìng yǒu dàyǔ. Zàishuō, xiāngshān shàng kàn hóngyè de rén tài duōle. Zánmen gǎitiān qù chángchéng ba, guǎngbò lǐ shuō nàlǐ yě yǒu bù shǎo zhuānmén kàn hóngyè de hǎo dìfāng.
Xiaoxia: Look at the clouds in the sky, there must be heavy rain today. Besides, there are too many people watching the red leaves on Fragrant Mountain. Let's go to the Great Wall another day. The radio said there are also many good places to watch red leaves.

Ānnà: Zhēn kěxí, wǒ hái xiǎng duō zhào diǎnr xiāngshān de zhàopiàn ne. Qù chángchéng dǎoshì yīgè hǎo zhǔyì, nà wǒmen míngtiān qù ba.
Anna: What a pity, I would like to take more photos of Xiangshan. It's a good idea to go to the Great Wall, so let's go tomorrow.      

Xiǎoxià: Míngtiān kǒngpà yě bùxíng, míngtiān shì wǒ bà de shēngrì.
Xiaoxia:I'm afraid it won't work tomorrow. Tomorrow is my dad's birthday.                                                                      
Ānnà: Méiguānxì, nà wǒmen zài yuē shíjiān.
Anna: It doesn't matter, let's make an appointment again.


小林:  你的这只大黑狗毛真漂亮, 而且这么聪明, 每次见了都想抱一抱它。
小李:  狗是很聪明的动物, 只要稍微花点儿时间教教它, 它就能学会很多东西。
小林: 听你这么一说, 我现在也想养一只狗了。每次你让它干什么, 它就像能听懂你的话一样去做。你教它是不是用了什么特别的方法?
小李:  要让它完成一些任务, 只教一次是不够的, 应该耐心地一遍一遍地教给它, 使它熟悉,然后它就会严格按照你的要求做了。
小林:  看来没有想的那么容易。
小李: 狗是我们的好朋友, 它能听懂人的话, 明白人的心情。在你心里难受的时候, 它会一直陪着你。

Xiǎolín: Nǐ de zhè zhǐ dà hēi gǒu máo zhēn piàoliang, érqiě zhème cōngmíng, měi cì jiànle dōu xiǎng bào yī bào tā.
Xiaolin: Your big black dog is so beautiful and so smart that I want to hug it every time when I see it.

Xiǎo lǐ: Gǒu shì hěn cōngmíng de dòngwù, zhǐyào shāowéi huā diǎnr shíjiān jiào jiào tā, tā jiù néng xuéhuì hěnduō dōngxī.
Xiao Li: Dogs are very clever animals. As long as you spend a little time teaching them, they can learn a lot.

Xiǎolín: Tīng nǐ zhème yī shuō, wǒ xiànzài yě xiǎng yǎng yī zhǐ gǒu le. Měi cì nǐ ràng tā gànshénme, tā jiù xiàng néng tīng dǒng nǐ de huà yīyàng qù zuò. Nǐ jiào tā shì bùshì yòngle shénme tèbié de fāngfǎ?
Xiaolin: Listening to what you said, I also want to raise a dog now. Every time you let it do something, it does it as if it can understand you. Did you teach it a special method?

Xiǎo lǐ: Yào ràng tā wánchéng yīxiē rènwù, zhǐ jiào yīcì shì bùgòu de, yīnggāi nàixīn de yībiàn yī biàn de jiào gěi tā, shǐ tā shúxī, ránhòu tā jiù huì yángé ànzhào nǐ de yāoqiú zuòle.
Xiao Li:To let it complete some tasks, it is not enough to teach it only once. You should teach it patiently over and over again to make it familiar, and then it will strictly follow your requirements.

Xiǎolín: Kàn lái méiyou xiǎng de nàme róngyì.
Xiaolin:It doesn't seem as easy as I thought.                                   
Xiǎo lǐ: Gǒu shì wǒmen de hǎo péngyou, tā néng tīng dǒng rén de huà, míngbái rén de xīnqíng. Zài nǐ xīnlǐ nánshòu de shíhòu, tā huì yīzhí péizhe nǐ.
Xiao Li: Dogs are our good friends. They can understand people's words and understand people's moods. When you feel uncomfortable, it will always accompany you.


马克: 上个月我去了趟北京动物园, 那里约有500种动物, 听导游说北京动物园是亚洲最大的动物园之一。
小夏:  去年放暑假的时候, 我也去过一次, 我在那儿看了马、熊猫、老虎等动物。我特别喜欢熊猫, 可惜它们当时大多在睡觉。
马克:  我去的那天正赶上六一儿童节, 许多父母带着孩子去动物园。入口处排队的人很多, 动物园里热闹极了。熊猫们也变得特别活泼, 我还给它们照了不少照片呢。
小夏: 大熊猫身子胖胖的, 样子可爱极了。
马克: 不过, 它们数量不多, 现在全世界一共才有一千多只吧。
小夏: 以前只有中国有大熊猫, 为了表示友好, 从1957年开始, 中国把大熊猫作为札物送给其他一些国家。现在, 很多国家的人们在本国都能看到大熊猫了。

Mǎkè: Shàng gè yuè wǒ qùle tàng Běijīng dòngwùyuán, nàlǐ yuē yǒu 500 zhǒng dòngwù, tīng dǎoyóu shuì běijīng dòngwùyuán shì yàzhōu zuìdà de dòngwùyuán zhī yī.
Mark: Last month I went to the Beijing Zoo. There are about 500 species of animals. I heard from the tour guide that the Beijing Zoo is one 1 the biggest animal zoos in Asia.

Xiǎoxià: Qùnián fàng shǔjià de shíhòu, wǒ yě qùguò yīcì, wǒ zài nàr kànle mǎ, xióngmāo, lǎohǔ děng dòngwù. Wǒ tèbié xǐhuan xióngmāo, kěxí tāmen dāngshí dàduō zài shuìjiào.
Xiaoxia:I went there once during the summer vacation last year. I saw horses, pandas, tigers and other animals there. I especially like pandas, Unfortunately, most of them were sleeping.

Mǎkè: Wǒ qù de nàtiān zhèng gǎn shàng liù yī értóng jié, xǔduō fùmǔ dàizhe háizi qù dòngwùyuán. Rùkǒu chù páiduì de rén hěnduō, dòngwùyuán lǐ rènào jíle. Xióngmāomen yě biàn dé tèbié huópō, wǒ hái gěi tāmen zhàole bù shǎo zhàopiàn ne.
Mark: The day I went was just in time for Children's Day. Many parents took their children to the zoo. There were a lot of people in line at the entrance, and the zoo was very lively. The pandas were also become very lively, and I have taken a lot of photos of them.

Xiǎoxià: Dà xióngmāo shēnzi pàng pàng de, yàngzi kě'ài jíle.
Xiaoxia: The giant panda is chubby and looks very cute.

Mǎkè: Bùguò, tāmen shùliàng bù duō, xiànzài quán shìjiè yīgòng cái yǒu yīqiān duō zhǐ ba.
Mark: However, there are not many of them. There are only a thousand in the world now.                                    
Xiǎoxià: Yǐqián zhǐyǒu zhòng guó yǒu dà xióngmāo, wèile biǎoshì yǒuhǎo, cóng 1957 nián kāishǐ, zhōngguó bǎ dà xióngmāo zuòwéi zhá wù sòng gěi qítā yīxiē guójiā. Xiànzài, hěnduō guójiā de rénmen zài běnguó dōu néng kàn dào dà xióngmāo le.
Xiaoxia: In the past, only China had giant pandas. In order to show friendship, since 1957, China has given giant pandas to other countries as gifts. Now, people from many countries can see giant pandas in their own countries.


不仅社会上的人与人之间有竞争, 森林里的各种植物之间也有竞争, 这一点儿也不奇怪。植物会为了阳光、空气和水而竞争。一些高大的植物往往能获得更多的阳光、空气和水, 而剩下的一些比较低矮的植物就只能长在这些高大植物的下面。由于气候条件不同, 世界各地植物叶子的样子也很不相同。在暖和、水分比较多的地方, 叶子往往长得又大又厚; 在阳光特别厉 害、水分少的地方, 叶子就会长得又细又长。

Bùjǐn shèhuì shàng de rén yǔ rén zhī jiān yǒu jìngzhēng, sēnlín lǐ de gè zhòng zhíwù zhī jiān yěyǒu jìngzhēng, zhè yīdiǎnr yě bù qíguài.
Not only is there competition among people in society, but also among various plants in the forest, which is not surprising.

Zhíwù huì wèile yángguāng, kōngqì hé shuǐ ér jìngzhēng.
Plants will compete for sunlight, air and water.

Yīxiē gāodà de zhíwù wǎngwǎng néng huòdé gèng duō de yángguāng, kōngqì hé shuǐ,
Some tall plants tend to get more sunlight, air and water,

ér shèng xià de yīxiē bǐjiào dī ǎi de zhíwù jiù zhǐ néng zhǎng zài zhèxiē gāodà zhíwù de xiàmiàn.
while the remaining relatively low plants can only grow under these tall plants.

Yóuyú qìhòu tiáojiàn bùtóng, shìjiè gèdì zhíwù yèzi de yàngzi yě hěn bù xiāngtóng.
Due to different climatic conditions, the appearance of the leaves of plants all over the world is also very different.

Zài nuǎnhuo, shuǐfèn bǐjiào duō de dìfāng, yèzi wǎngwǎng zhǎng dé yòu dà yòu hòu;
In warm places with a lot of moisture, the leaves tend to grow big and thick;

zài yángguāng tèbié lìhài, shuǐfèn shǎo de dìfāng, yèzi jiù huì zhǎng dé yòu xì yòu zhǎng.
In places where the sun is particularly strong and there is little moisture, the leaves will grow slender and long.


地球上大约71%的地方是蓝色的海洋, 在美丽的海底世界里, 生活着各种各样的植物和动物。我们小时候都听过美人鱼的故事, 其实真正的海底世界比故事里写的更美。科学研究发现, 海洋底部看上去非常安静, 然而却不是一点儿声音也没有, 海底的动物们一直在 “说话”, 只不过人的耳朵是听不到的。另外, 就算在几公里深的海底也仍然能看到东西, 许多鱼会发出各种颜色的亮光, 像一个个排列起来的灯, 美板了, 就像在梦里一样。

Dìqiú shàng dàyuē 71% de dìfāng shì lán sè de hǎiyáng,
Approximately 71% of the earth is a blue ocean.

zài měilì de hǎidǐ shìjiè lǐ, shēnghuózhe gè zhǒng gè yàng de zhíwù hé dòngwù.
In the beautiful underwater world, various plants and animals live.

Wǒmen xiǎoshíhòu dōu tīngguò měirényú de gùshì,
We all heard the story of a mermaid when we were young.

qíshí zhēnzhèng de hǎidǐ shìjiè bǐ gùshì lǐ xiě de gèng měi.
In fact, the real underwater world is more beautiful than the story.

Kēxué yánjiū fāxiàn,
Scientific research has found that

hǎiyángdǐ bù kàn shàngqù fēicháng ānjìng,
the bottom of the ocean looks very quiet,

rán'ér què bùshì yī diǎnr shēngyīn yě méiyǒu,
But it's not that there is no sound at all,

hǎidǐ de dòngwùmen yīzhí zài “shuōhuà”,
The animals on the bottom of the sea have been "talking",

zhǐ bùguò rén de ěrduǒ shì tīng bù dào de.
but human ears couldn't hear it.

Lìngwài, jiùsuàn zài jǐ gōnglǐ shēn dì hǎidǐ yě réngrán néng kàn dào dōngxī,
In addition, you can still see things even at a depth of several kilometers.

xǔduō yú huì fāchū gè zhǒng yánsè de liàngguāng,
Many fish will emit lights of various colors,

xiàng yīgè gè páiliè qǐlái de dēng,
like lights arranged one by one,

měi bǎnle,
and they are beautiful,

jiù xiàng zài mèng lǐ yīyàng.
just like in a dream.

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