13 April 2024

hsk 4 lesson 18 complete text with pinyin and English translation

hsk 4 lesson 18 complete text with pinyin and English translation 

Lesson 18: Science, technology and the world 


hsk 4 lesson 18

孙月:   上次女儿问我飞机是怎么起飞和降落的, 真不知道该怎么回答她, 她现在总是有各种各样的 “为什么”。

王静:   孩子眼中的世界是美丽和奇特的。有一本书叫《新十万个为什么》, 现在卖得非常火。书里的內容都是儿童想知道的科学知识, 相信你女儿一定喜欢读。

孙月:   难道它和我们小时候看的《十万个为什么》不一样吗? 作者是谁啊?

王静:   作者的名字我没记住。《新十万个为什么》的內容更新, 介绍了各种科学知识, 包括地球、动物、植物、交通、科学技术、社会和文化等很多方面。

孙月: 太好了! 不过她这么小, 我不知道她是否能读懂。

王静:   放心吧,这本书的语言简单易懂,定能增长孩子的科学知识。

Sūn yuè:  Shàng cì nǚ'ér wèn wǒ fēijī shì zěnme qǐfēi hé jiàngluò de, zhēn bù zhīdao gāi zěnme huídá tā, tā xiànzài zǒng shì yǒu gè zhǒng gè yàng de “wèishéme”.

Sun Yue: Last time my daughter asked me how the plane took off and landed. I really didn't know how to answer her. She always has various "whys" now.

Wáng jìng:  Háizi yǎnzhōng de shìjiè shì měilì hé qítè de. Yǒu yī běn shū jiào “xīn shí wàn gè wèishéme”, xiànzài mài dé fēicháng huǒ. Shū lǐ de nèiróng dōu shì értóng xiǎng zhīdao de kēxué zhīshì, xiāngxìn nǐ nǚ'ér yīdìng xǐhuan dú.

Wang Jing:  The world in the eyes of children is beautiful and strange. There is a book called "The New Hundred Thousand Whys", which is very popular now. The content in the book is scientific knowledge that children want to know, I believe your daughter will like to read it.

Sūn yuè:  Nándào tā hé wǒmen xiǎoshíhòu kàn de “shí wàn gè wèishéme” bù yīyàng ma? Zuòzhě shì shéi a?

Sun Yue:  Is it different from the "Hundred Thousand Whys" we read when we were young? Who is the author?

Wáng jìng:  Zuòzhě de míngzi wǒ méi jì zhù. “Xīn shí wàn gè wèishéme” de nèiróng gēngxīn, jièshàole gè zhǒng kēxué zhīshì, bāokuò dìqiú, dòngwù, zhíwù, jiāotōng, kēxué jìshù, shèhuì hé wénhuà děng hěnduō fāngmiàn.

Wang Jing:  I didn't remember the author's name. The content of "New One Hundred Thousand Whys" has been updated to introduce various scientific knowledge, including the earth, animals, plants, transportation, science and technology, society and culture.

Sūn yuè:  Tài hǎole! Bùguò tā zhème xiǎo, wǒ bù zhīdao tā shìfǒu néng dú dǒng.

Sun Yue:Great! But she is so young, I don't know if she can read it.                                                               

Wáng jìng:  Fàngxīn ba, zhè běn shū de yǔyán jiǎndān yì dǒng, dìng néng zēngzhǎng háizi de kēxué zhīshì.

Wang Jing:  Don't worry, the language of this book is simple and easy to understand, which will definitely increase children's scientific knowledge.



李老师:   现在的大学生一遇到不明白的问题, 可以马上在网上查找答案, 几秒钟就把问题解决了, 这比我们上学的时候方便多了。

高老师:   现在的人们, 尤其是大学生开始普遍使用电脑, 他们的生活已经离不开电脑。据调查, 70%的人遇到问题时, 首先想到的就是上网找答案。

李老师:  电脑和互联网技术的发展使学生们的学习方式发生了很多变化, 不过天天对着电脑看, 眼睛实在受不了。

高老师:   不仅是学习方式, 而且连生活方式也发生了很大改变。现在越来越多的学生喜欢在网上写日记, 他们说这样可以让朋友及时了解自己的生活。

李老师:  这个办法不错, 既能方便大家的交流, 还能节约用纸, 保护环境。但是如果别人都能看到我的日记的话, 多不安全啊!

高老师:  放心吧, 可以给网上的日记加密码, 那样只有得到了允许, 别人才能看到。

Lǐ lǎoshī:  Xiànzài de dàxuéshēng yī yùdào bù míngbái de wèntí, kěyǐ mǎshàng zài wǎngshàng cházhǎo dá'àn, jǐ miǎo zhōng jiù bǎ wèntí jiějuéle, zhè bǐ wǒmen shàngxué de shíhòu fāngbiàn duōle.

Teacher Li:  As soon as college students encounter a problem they don’t understand, they can immediately find the answer online and solve the problem in a few seconds. This is much more convenient than when we were in school.

Gāo lǎoshī:  Xiànzài de rénmen, yóuqí shì dàxuéshēng kāishǐ pǔbiàn shǐyòng diànnǎo, tāmen de shēnghuó yǐjīng lì bù kāi diànnǎo. Jù diàochá, 70% de rén yùdào wèntí shí, shǒuxiān xiǎngdào de jiùshì shàngwǎng zhǎo dá'àn.

Teacher Gao:  Nowadays people, especially college students, have begun to use computers in general, and Their lives are inseparable from computers. According to the survey, when 70% of people encounter problems, the first thing they think of is to find answers online.

Lǐ lǎoshī:  Diànnǎo hé hùliánwǎng jìshù de fǎ zhǎn shǐ xuéshēngmen de xuéxí fāngshì fǎ shēng le hěnduō biànhuà, bùguò tiāntiān duìzhe diànnǎo kàn, yǎnjīng shízài shòu bùliǎo.

Teacher Li:  The development of computers and Internet technology has caused many changes in the way students learn, but looking at the computer every day, the eyes are really unbearable.

Gāo lǎoshī:  Bùjǐn shì xuéxí fāngshì, érqiě lián shēnghuó fāngshì yě fāshēngle hěn dà gǎibiàn. Xiànzài yuè lái yuè duō de xuéshēng xǐhuan zài wǎngshàng xiě rìjì, tāmen shuō zhèyàng kěyǐ ràng péngyou jíshí liǎojiě zìjǐ de shēnghuó. 

Teacher Gao:  Not only the way of learning, but also the way of life has also changed a lot. Now more and more students like to write diaries online, they say this can let friends know their lives in time.

Lǐ lǎoshī:  Zhège bànfǎ bùcuò, jì néng fāngbiàn dàjiā de jiāoliú, hái néng jiéyuē yòng zhǐ, bǎohù huánjìng. Dànshì rúguǒ biérén dōu néng kàn dào wǒ de rìjì dehuà, duō bù ānquán a!

Teacher Li:This is a good method. It not only facilitates everyone's communication, but also saves paper and protects the environment. But if others can see my diary, how unsafe!       

Gāo lǎoshī:  Fàngxīn ba, kěyǐ gěi wǎngshàng de rìjì jiā mìmǎ, nàyàng zhǐyǒu dédàole yǔnxǔ, biérén cáinéng kàn dào.

Teacher Gao:  Don't worry, you can add a password to the online diary, so that others can only see it with permission.



王静:  我昨天晚上做了一个特别奇怪的梦, 梦到自己正在一座桥上走, 走着走着, 突然开过来一辆车, 非常危险,接着又梦见我跳到车上, 跟警察一起抓住了一个坏人。

孙月:   奇怪, 你怎么总能记住自己做了什么梦? 我好像从来没做过梦。

王静:  每个人都会做梦, 区别只是有多有少。有的人睡醒之后还记得梦里的事情, 有的人却记不清楚了。你之所以觉得从来没做过梦, 只不过是忘记了。

孙月:  你说的有道理, 我一般都是一觉睡到天亮。很多人认为做梦是上天要告诉他们将来会发生的一些事情, 可能上天不想让我知道吧。

王静:  一般晚上睡觉时, 身体感觉到什么, 人就容易梦到什么內容。记得有一次, 我晚饭吃得太咸, 那天晚上就梦见自己到处找商店买矿泉水。

孙月:  很多人都试着对梦进行解释, 有些人甚至专门写过这方面的书, 可惜到现在仍然没有一个科学的说法。

Wáng jìng: Wǒ zuótiān wǎnshàng zuòle yīgè tèbié qíguài de mèng, mèng dào zìjǐ zhèngzài yīzuò qiáo shàng zǒu, zǒuzhe zǒuzhe, túrán kāi guòlái yī liàng chē, fēicháng wéixiǎn, jiēzhe yòu mèng jiàn wǒ tiào dào chē shàng, gēn jǐngchá yīqǐ zhuā zhùle yīgè huàirén.

Wang Jing: I had a very strange dream last night. I dreamed that I was walking on a bridge, and when I was walking, I suddenly drove a car over, which was very dangerous. Then I dreamed that I jumped into the car and talked to the police and caught a bad guy together.

Sūn yuè: Qíguài, nǐ zěnme zǒng néng jìzhu zìjǐ zuòle shénme mèng? Wǒ hǎoxiàng cónglái méi zuòguò mèng.

Sun Yue: It's strange, how can you always remember what dreams you have? I seem to have never dreamed.

Wáng jìng: Měi gèrén dōu huì zuòmèng, qūbié zhǐshì yǒu duō yǒu shǎo. Yǒu de rén shuì xǐng zhīhòu hái jìdé mèng lǐ de shìqíng, yǒu de rén què jì bù qīngchǔle. Nǐ zhī suǒyǐ juédé cónglái méi zuòguò mèng, zhǐ bùguò shì wàngjìle.

Wang Jing: Everyone has dreams, the difference is only more and less. Some people still remember the things in their dreams after waking up, but some don't remember them clearly. The reason why you feel that you have never dreamed before is just that you have forgotten.

Sūn yuè: Nǐ shuō de yǒu dàolǐ, wǒ yībān dōu shì yī jué shuì dào tiānliàng. Hěnduō rén rènwéi zuòmèng shì Shàngtiān yào gàosù tāmen jiānglái huì fāshēng de yīxiē shìqíng, kěnéng Shàngtiān bùxiǎng ràng wǒ zhīdao ba.

Sun Yue: What you said makes sense. I usually sleep until dawn. Many people think that dreaming means that God wants to tell them something that will happen in the future. Maybe God doesn't want me to know.            

Wáng jìng: Yībān wǎnshàng shuìjiào shí, shēntǐ gǎnjué dào shénme, rén jiù róngyì mèng dào shénme nèiróng. Jìdé yǒu yīcì, wǒ wǎnfàn chī dé tài xián, nèitiān wǎnshàng jiù mèng jiàn zìjǐ dàochù zhǎo shāngdiàn mǎi kuàngquán shuǐ.

Wang Jing: Generally, when you sleep at night, you can easily dream about what you feel in your body. I remember one time, I ate too salty for dinner, and that night I dreamed that I was looking for a store to buy mineral water.

Sūn yuè: Hěnduō rén dōu shìzhe duì mèng jìnxíng jiěshì, yǒuxiē rén shènzhì zhuānmén xiěguò zhè fāngmiàn de shū, kěxí dào xiànzài réngrán méiyou yīgè kēxué de shuōfǎ.

Sun Yue: Many people try to explain dreams. Some people have even written books on this subject. Unfortunately, there is still no scientific theory.



现在手机不但价格降低了, 而且作用也越来越大, 打电话、发短信已经成了人们普遍使用的联系方法。除此以外, 你还可以用它来听音乐、看电影、阅读、玩儿游戏、付款购物等, 这大大方便了人们的生活。举一个例子, 速路时, 只要用手机地图查一下地址, 马上就能知道怎么去那个地点。现在的手机更像是一部可以拿在手中的电脑, 现代人的生活已经越来越离不开手机了。

Xiànzài shǒujī bùdàn jiàgé jiàngdīle,

Nowadays, not only the price of mobile phones has been reduced,

érqiě zuòyòng yě yuè lái yuè dà,

but also their functions have become more and more important.

dǎ diànhuà, fā duǎnxìn yǐjīng chéngle rénmen pǔbiàn shǐyòng de liánxì fāngfǎ.

Calling and texting have become common contact methods used by people.

Chú cǐ yǐwài,

In addition,

nǐ hái kěyǐ yòng tā lái tīng yīnyuè,

you can also use it to listen to music,

kàn diànyǐng, yuèdú, wánr yóuxì, fùkuǎn gòuwù děng,

watching movies, reading, playing games, and payimg for shopping etc.,

zhè dàdà fāngbiànle rénmen de shēnghuó.

this greatly facilitates people's lives.

Jǔ yīgè lìzi, sù lù shí,

For example, when you are on a fast road,    

zhǐyào yòng shǒujī dìtú chá yīxià dìzhǐ,

just check the address on the map of your mobile phone,

mǎshàng jiù néng zhīdao zěnme qù nàgè dìdiǎn.

and you will know how to get to that place immediately.

Xiànzài de shǒujī gèng xiàng shì yī bù kěyǐ ná zài shǒuzhōng de diànnǎo,

Today’s mobile phone is more like a computer that you can hold in your hand,

xiàndài rén de shēnghuó yǐjīng yuè lái yuè lì bù kāi shǒujīle.

Modern people's lives have become more and more inseparable from mobile phones.



21世纪, 我们的生活发生了巨大变化。几千公里以外的国家, 以前坐船需要几个月, 现在乘坐飞机不过十几个小时。原来寄信需要好几天, 现在连邮局都不用去, 只要在家里上网发个电子邮件, 用不了一分钟, 远处的朋友就能收到, 比写信封用的时间都短。以前外地的新闻要几天后才能知道, 现在只要打开网站, 任何信息都可以在第一时间获得。现代科学技术的发展让世界变得越来越小, 所以现在人们都把地球叫作 “地球村”。

21 Shìjì, wǒmen de shēnghuó fāshēngle jùdà biànhuà.

In the 21st century, our lives have undergone tremendous changes.

Jǐ qiān gōnglǐ yǐwài de guójiā, yǐqián zuò chuán xūyào jǐ gè yuè, xiànzài chéngzuò fēijī bùguò shí jǐ gè xiǎoshí. 

For countries thousands of kilometers away, it used to take several months to take a boat, but now it takes less than ten hours to take an airplane.  

Yuánlái jì xìn xūyào hǎo jǐ tiān, xiànzài lián yóujú dōu bùyòng qù, zhǐyào zài jiālǐ shàngwǎng fā gè diànzǐyóujiàn, yòng bùliǎo yī fēnzhōng, yuǎn chǔ de péngyou jiù néng shōu dào, bǐ xiě xìnfēng yòng de shíjiān dōu duǎn. 

It used to take several days to send a letter, but now you don’t even need to go to the post office. As long as you send an e-mail online at home, it takes less than a minute to receive it from a friend far away, which is shorter than writing an envelope.  

Yǐqián wàidì de xīnwén yào jǐ tiān hòu cáinéng zhīdao, xiànzài zhǐyào dǎkāi wǎngzhàn, rènhé xìnxī dōu kěyǐ zài dì yī shíjiān huòdé. 

In the past, news from other places would not be known until a few days later. Now, as long as you open the website, any information can be obtained in the first time.

Xiàndài kēxué jìshù de fǎ zhǎn ràng shìjiè biàn dé yuè lái yuè xiǎo, suǒyǐ xiànzài rénmen dōu bǎ dìqiú jiào zuò “dìqiúcūn”.

 The development of modern science and technology has made the world smaller and smaller, so now people call the earth the "global village."


hsk4 lesson 19

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