26 March 2024

hsk4 textbook lesson 16 with pinyin and English translation

hsk4 textbook lesson 16 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 16: Life can be better


hsk4 lesson 16

小雨: 你马上就要硕士毕业了吧? 将来有什么打算?

小夏: 我想出国读博士, 一直在准备办签证需要的材料。

小雨: 现在材料准备得怎么样了?

小夏: 成绩证明和护照已经准备好了, 另外, 还跟国外的大学取得了联系, 填写了报名表格。

小雨: 还应该有国外大学给你的邀请信吧? 他们把邀请信传真给你了吗?

小夏: 没有啊, 下个星期我就要去使馆办签证了, 这可怎么办?

小雨: 这可是个大问题, 我也不太清楚。我帮你查一下学校的电话号码, 你打电话问一下吧。

Xiǎoyǔ: Nǐ mǎshàng jiù yào shuòshì bìyèle ba? Jiāng lái yǒu shénme dǎsuàn? 

Xiaoyu: You are going to graduate with a master's degree soon? What are your plans for the future?

Xiǎoxià: Wǒ xiǎng chūguó dú bóshì, yīzhí zài zhǔnbèi bàn qiānzhèng xūyào de cáiliào. 

Xiaoxia: I want to go abroad to study for a Ph.D. I have been preparing the materials needed to apply for a visa.                   

Xiǎoyǔ: Xiànzài cáiliào zhǔnbèi de zěnme yàngle? 

Xiaoyu: How are the materials prepared now?  

Xiǎoxià: Chéngjī zhèngmíng hé hùzhào yǐjīng zhǔnbèi hǎole, lìngwài, hái gēn guówài de dàxué qǔdé le liánxì, tiánxiě le bàomíng biǎogé. 

Xiaoxia: The transcript and passport have been prepared. In addition, I have contacted foreign universities and filled out the application form.              

Xiǎoyǔ: Hái yīnggāi yǒu guówài dàxué gěi nǐ de yāoqǐng xìn ba? Tāmen bǎ yāoqǐng xìn chuánzhēn gěi nǐle ma? 

Xiaoyu: There should be an invitation letter from a foreign university, right? Did they fax you the invitation letter?                                                                                                                                                Xiǎoxià: Méiyǒu a, xià gè xīngqī wǒ jiù yào qù shǐguǎn bàn qiānzhèngle, zhè kě zěnme bàn? 

Xiaoxia: No, I will go to the embassy to apply for a visa next week. How to deal with it?                                                                                                          Xiǎoyǔ: Zhè kěshì gè dà wèntí, wǒ yě bù tài qīngchǔ. Wǒ bāng nǐ chá yīxià xuéxiào de diànhuà hàomǎ, nǐ dǎ diànhuà wèn yīxià ba.

Xiaoyu: This is a big problem, and I am not sure about it either. Let me check the phone number of the school for you, please call and ask.



李 进: 谢谢您带我参观您的公司。在参观过程中我很激动, 有个问题一直想问您。

王老板: 好啊! 小伙子, 咱们一边吃西瓜, 一边聊。

李进: 您从大学毕业开始工作, 到现在才十年时间, 怎么给公司赚了这么多钱? 这让我非常吃惊。我想向您学习一下成功的经验。

王老板: 这个问是题以前一个记者也问过我。做生意时虽然会遇到各种压力和困难, 但是大家的机会都是相同的。你看, 这里有三块大小不同的西瓜, 我们用西瓜的大小代表钱的多少, 要是我们一起开始吃, 你会先选哪块?

李进: 我肯定先吃最大的一块了, 难道您会先吃小的, 放弃吃大块的机会吗?

王老板: 我会先吃最小的一块, 因为在你没吃完最大的那块时, 我还有时间再多吃一块, 最后一定比你吃的西瓜多。听完我的回答, 恐怕你已经知道我的答案了吧。

Lǐ jìn: Xièxiè nín dài wǒ cānguān nín de gōngsī. Zài cānguān guòchéng zhōng wǒ hěn jīdòng, yǒu gè wèntí yīzhí xiǎng wèn nín. 

Li Jin: Thank you for taking me to visit your company. I was very excited during the visit, and I have always wanted to ask you a question.

Wáng lǎobǎn: Hǎo a! Xiǎohuǒzi, zánmen yībiān chī xīguā, yībiān liáo. 

Boss Wang: Okay! Boy, let's eat watermelon and talk.              

Lǐ jìn: Nín cóng dàxué bìyè kāishǐ gōngzuò, dào xiànzài cái shí nián shíjiān, zěnme gěi gōngsī zhuànle zhème duō qián? Zhè ràng wǒ fēicháng chījīng. Wǒ xiǎng xiàng nín xuéxí yīxià chénggōng de jīngyàn. 

Li Jin: You started working after graduating from university, and it has only been ten years now. How did you make so much money for the company? This surprised me very much. I want to learn from you successful experience.     

Wáng lǎobǎn: Zhège wèn shì tí yǐqián yīgè jìzhě yě wènguò wǒ. Zuò shēngyì shí suīrán huì yùdào gè zhǒng yālì hé kùnnán, dànshì dàjiā de jīhuì dōu shì xiāngtóng de. Nǐ kàn, zhè li yǒu sān kuài dàxiǎo bùtóng de xīguā, wǒmen yòng xīguā de dàxiǎo dàibiǎo qián de duōshǎo, yàoshi wǒmen yīqǐ kāishǐ chī, nǐ huì xiān xuǎn nǎ kuài? 

Boss Wang: This question is a reporter asked me before. Although you will encounter various pressures and difficulties when doing business, everyone's opportunities are the same. You see, there are three watermelons of different sizes here. We use the size of the watermelon to represent the amount of money. If we start eating together, which one would you choose first?              

Lǐ jìn: Wǒ kěndìng xiān chī zuìdà de yīkuài le, nándào nín huì xiān chī xiǎo de, fàngqì chī dà kuài de jīhuì ma? 

Li Jin: I'm definitely going to eat the largest piece first. Would you eat the small piece first and give up the opportunity to eat the larger piece?                                                                                   

Wáng lǎobǎn: Wǒ huì xiān chī zuìxiǎo de yīkuài, yīnwèi zài nǐ méi chī wán zuìdà de nà kuài shí, wǒ hái yǒu shíjiān zài duō chī yīkuài, zuìhòu yīdìng bǐ nǐ chī de xīguā duō. Tīng wán wǒ de huídá, kǒngpà nǐ yǐjīng zhīdào wǒ de dá'àn le ba.

Boss Wang: I will eat the smallest piece first, because before you finish eating the largest piece, I still have time to eat one more piece. In the end, I will eat more watermelon than you. After listening to my answer, I am afraid you already know my answer.



小林: 今年放假我又回不了家了, 这次我父母又要失望了。你有什么计划?

小李: 我计划去郊区住一个月。你不是已经买好火车票了吗? 你到底怎么打算的呀?

小林: 昨天一个外地的好朋友打电话说要来旅游, 让我当导游, 我实在不好意思拒绝。

小李: 其实拒绝并不表示不愿意帮忙。遇到解决不了的问题或者无法完成的任务时, 拒绝正好说明你对朋友负责。这也是对你父母负责的态度。

小林: 既然别人找我帮忙, 说明他真的很需要我的帮助。我担心要是说 “不” 的话, 会让他误会和伤心。

小李: 别担心!如果你用一个既合适又礼貌的方法告诉朋友,他一定会原谅你的。

Xiǎolín: Jīnnián fàngjià wǒ yòu huí bùliǎo jiāle, zhè cì wǒ fùmǔ yòu yào shīwàngle. Nǐ yǒu shénme jìhuà? 

Xiaolin: I won't be able to go home again this year. My parents will be disappointed again. do you have any plans?

Xiǎo lǐ: Wǒ jìhuà qù jiāoqū zhù yīgè yuè. Nǐ bùshì yǐjīng mǎihǎo huǒchēpiào le ma? Nǐ dàodǐ zěnme dǎsuàn de ya? 

Xiao Li: I plan to live in the suburbs for a month. Haven't you already bought the train? What are you going to do?

Xiǎolín: Zuótiān yīgè wàidì de hǎo péngyǒu dǎ diànhuà shuō yào lái lǚyóu, ràng wǒ dāng dǎoyóu, wǒ shízài bù hǎoyìsi jùjué. 

Xiaolin: Yesterday a good friend from other place called and asked me to be a tour guide. I was so embarrassed to refuse.    

Xiǎo lǐ: Qíshí jùjué bìng bù biǎoshì bù yuànyì bāngmáng. Yùdào jiějué bùliǎo de wèntí huòzhě wúfǎ wánchéng de rènwù shí, jùjué zhènghǎo shuōmíng nǐ duì péngyǒu fùzé. Zhè yěshì duì nǐ fùmǔ fùzé de tàidù. 

Xiao Li: In fact, refusal does not mean that you are unwilling to help. When you encounter problems that cannot be solved or tasks that cannot be completed, refusal just means that you are responsible to your friends. This is also a responsible attitude towards your parents.                                                      

Xiǎolín: Jìrán biérén zhǎo wǒ bāngmáng, shuōmíng tā zhēnde hěn xūyào wǒ de bāngzhù. Wǒ dānxīn yàoshi shuō “bù” de huà, huì ràng tā wùhuì hé shāngxīn. 

Xiaolin: Since someone asked me for help, it means he really needs my help. I am worried that if I say "no", it will make him misunderstand and sad.                                         

Xiǎo lǐ: Bié dānxīn! Rúguǒ nǐ yòng yīgè jì héshì yòu lǐmào de fāngfǎ gàosù péngyǒu, tā yīdìng huì yuánliàng nǐ de.

Xiao Li: Don't worry! If you tell your friend in a proper and polite way, he will definitely forgive you.



有些同学经常把 “明天” 和 “将来” 挂在嘴边, 常说作业明天再完成, 下次考试一定好好儿复习, 等等。这种态度会浪费时间, 不但会让你到最后什么事情都做不成, 而且还得不到别人的同情。所以不要把什么事情都推到 “明天”, 一切从现在做起。就拿学汉语来说吧, 首先要注意课前预习, 找出第二天要学习的重点; 其次, 上课时要认真听, 不能马虎; 最后, 课后要记得复习。只要这样, 汉语就能越学越好, 越说越自信。

Yǒuxiē tóngxué jīngcháng bǎ “míngtiān” hé “jiānglái” guà zài zuǐ biān, cháng shuō zuòyè míngtiān zài wánchéng, xià cì kǎoshì yīdìng hǎohǎor fùxí, děng děng. 

Some students often talk about "tomorrow" and "future", often saying that the homework will be completed tomorrow, and that the next exam must be reviewed, and so on.  

Zhè zhǒng tàidù huì làngfèi shíjiān, bùdàn huì ràng nǐ dào zuìhòu shénme shìqíng dōu zuò bùchéng, érqiě hái dé bù dào biérén de tóngqíng. 

This attitude will waste time, not only will make you unable to do anything in the end, but also will not get the sympathy of others.  

Suǒyǐ bùyào bǎ shénme shìqíng dōu tuī dào “míngtiān”, yīqiè cóng xiànzài zuò qǐ. 

So don't push everything to "tomorrow", start everything from now.  

Jiù ná xué hànyǔ lái shuō ba, 

Take learning Chinese as an example. 

shǒuxiān yào zhùyì kè qián yùxí, zhǎo chū dì èr tiān yào xuéxí de zhòngdiǎn; 

First of all, pay attention to the pre-class preview and find out the key points to be studied the next day; 

qícì, shàngkè shí yào rènzhēn tīng, bùnéng mǎhǔ; 

secondly, listen carefully during class and not be careless; 

zuìhòu, kè hòu yào jìdé fùxí. 

finally, remember to review after class.  

Zhǐyào zhèyàng, hànyǔ jiù néng yuè xué yuè hǎo, yuè shuō yuè zìxìn.

As long as this is done, Chinese can learn better, speak more confidently.



当你认为自己在哪方面很优秀时, 千万要冷解, 不要骄傲。因为这个世界很大, “天外有天, 人外有人”, 很可能有人在这方面比你更厉害。你现在是第一, 并不表示你永远都是第一。就像比賽一样, 没有人会永远输, 也没有人会一直赢。我们知道的越多, 就会发现自己不懂的也越多。我们应该重视平时的积累, 多向周围的人学习。如果你敢诚实地说出自己对哪方面不了解, 并不说明自己比别人差, 相反, 这样做更能得到别人的尊重。

Dāng nǐ rènwéi zìjǐ zài nǎ fāngmiàn hěn yōuxiù shí, qiān wàn yào lěng jiě, bùyào jiāo'ào. 

When you think you are excellent in any aspect, you must be cold and not proud.  

Yīnwèi zhège shìjiè hěn dà, “tiān wài yǒu tiān, rén wài yǒu rén”, hěn kěnéng yǒurén zài zhè fāngmiàn bǐ nǐ gèng lìhài. 

Because this world is so big, "in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself", it is possible that someone is better than you in this respect.  

Nǐ xiànzài shì dì yī, bìng bù biǎoshì nǐ yǒngyuǎn dōu shì dì yī. 

That you are number one now does not mean that you will always be number one.  

Jiù xiàng bǐsài yīyàng, méiyou rén huì yǒngyuǎn shū, yě méiyǒu rén huì yīzhí yíng. 

Just like a game, no one will lose forever, and no one will always win.  

Wǒmen zhīdao de yuè duō, jiù huì fāxiàn zìjǐ bù dǒng de yě yuè duō. 

The more we know, the more we don’t understand.  

Wǒmen yīnggāi zhòngshì píngshí de jīlěi, duō xiàng zhōuwéi de rén xuéxí. 

We should attach importance to our usual accumulation and learn more from the people around us.  

Rúguǒ nǐ gǎn chéngshí de shuō chū zìjǐ duì nǎ fāngmiàn bù liǎojiě, bìng bù shuōmíng zìjǐ bǐ biérén chà, xiāngfǎn, zhèyàng zuò gèng néng dédào biérén de zūnzhòng.

If you dare to honestly say what you don't understand, it doesn't mean that you are worse than others. On the contrary, you can get the respect of others by doing so.


hsk 4 lesson 15

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