26 March 2024

hsk 4 lesson 15 with pinyin and English translation

hsk 4 lesson 15 with pinyin and English translation 

Lesson 15: The art of educating children 

hsk4 lesson 15


王 静: 那个一边弹钢琴一边唱歌的男孩子是谁? 表演得真棒!
李老师: 是我孙子。去年寒假前的新年晚会他也表演过一次。
王 静: 我想起来了,这孩子又聪明又可爱, 你们教育得真好!
李老师: 是他父母教育得好。父母是孩子最重要的老师。他父母不仅教他知识, 而且还花了很长时间帮助他养成了非常好的习惯, 现在他每天都自己练习弹钢琴。
王 静: 让孩子养成一个好习惯实在太重要了, 看来我得向他父母好好儿学习。
李老师: 对。如果希望有一个优秀的孩子, 你就要先成为一位优秀的父亲或者母亲。

Wáng jìng: Nàgè yībiān dàn gāngqín yībiān chànggē de nán háizi shì shéi? Biǎoyǎn dé zhēn bàng! 
Wang Jing: Who is that boy who plays the piano and sings? Awesome performance!

Lǐ lǎoshī: Shì wǒ sūnzi. Qùnián hánjià qián de xīnnián wǎnhuì tā yě biǎoyǎnguò yīcì. 
Teacher Li: It's my grandson. He also performed once at the New Year's Party before the winter vacation last year.

Wáng jìng: Wǒ xiǎng qǐláile, zhè háizi yòu cōngmíng yòu kě'ài, nǐmen jiàoyù dé zhēn hǎo! 
Wang Jing: I remember now, this kid is smart and cute, you guys educate him really well!
Lǐ lǎoshī: Shì tā fùmǔ jiàoyù de hǎo. Fùmǔ shì háizi zuì zhòngyào de lǎoshī. Tā fùmǔ bùjǐn jiào tā zhīshì, érqiě hái huāle hěn cháng shíjiān bāngzhù tā yǎng chéngle fēicháng hǎo de xíguàn, xiànzài tā měitiān dōu zìjǐ liànxí dàn gāngqín. 
Teacher Li: It is because his parents taught him well. Parents are the most important teachers for children. His parents not only taught him knowledge, but also spent a long time helping him to develop good habits. Now he practices playing the piano by himself every day.
Wáng jìng: Ràng háizi yǎng chéng yīgè hǎo xíguàn shízài tài zhòngyàole, kàn lái wǒ de xiàng tā fùmǔ hǎohǎor xuéxí. 
Wang Jing: It is really important for the child to develop a good habit. It seems that I have to learn from his parents.
Lǐ lǎoshī: Duì. Rúguǒ xīwàng yǒu yīgè yōuxiù de háizi, nǐ jiù yào xiān chéngwéi yī wèi yōuxiù de fùqīn huòzhě mǔqīn.
Teacher Li: Yes. If you want to have a good child, you must first become a good father or mother.


王静: 看你脸色不太好,是不是昨晚没休息好?
孙月: 别提了。我女儿昨晚做作业又做到11点。
王静: 睡觉太晚对孩子的身体没有好处。最近孩子作业是不是太多了?
孙月: 主要是她做事情比较慢, 比如早上闹钟响了她不醒, 我赶时间送她上学, 她又急着上厕所。每天因为这些小事批评她, 弄得我俩心情都不好。
王静: 孩子做事慢, 往往是因为他们不会安排自己的时间。你应该让孩子学会管理时间。
孙月: 看来还是我的教育方法有问题。平时看她做事情慢, 总想替她做, 以后得让她学会安排时间, 自己的事情自己做。

Wáng jìng: Kàn nǐ liǎnsè bù tài hǎo, shì bùshì zuó wǎn méi xiūxi hǎo? 
Wang Jing: See your complexion is not so good, did you not rest well last night?
Sūn yuè: Bié tí le. Wǒ nǚ'ér zuó wǎn zuò zuòyè yòu zuò dào 11 diǎn. 
Sun Yue: Don't mention it. My daughter did her homework last night and did it at 11 o'clock.
Wáng jìng: Shuìjiào tài wǎn duì háizi de shēntǐ méiyou hǎochù. Zuìjìn háizi zuòyè shì bùshì tài duōle? 
Wang Jing: Sleeping too late is not good for the child's health. Is there too much homework for your child recently?
Sūn yuè: Zhǔyào shì tā zuò shìqíng bǐjiào màn, bǐrú zǎoshang nàozhōng xiǎngle tā bù xǐng, wǒ gǎn shíjiān sòng tā shàngxué, tā yòu jízhe shàng cèsuǒ. Měitiān yīnwèi zhèxiē xiǎo shì pīpíng tā, nòng dé wǒ liǎ xīnqíng dōu bù hǎo. 
Sun Yue: The main reason is that she is slow to do things. For example, she does not wake up when the alarm clock rings in the morning. I rushed to send her to school, and she was in a hurry to go to the bathroom. Criticizing her every day for these trivial things makes both of us feel bad.
Wáng jìng: Háizi zuò shì màn, wǎngwǎng shì yīnwèi tāmen bù huì ānpái zìjǐ de shíjiān. Nǐ yīnggāi ràng háizi xuéhuì guǎnlǐ shíjiān. 
Wang Jing: Children are slow to do things, Usually because they don't arrange their own time. You should let your children learn to manage time.

Sūn yuè: Kàn lái háishì wǒ de jiàoyù fāngfǎ yǒu wèntí. Píngshí kàn tā zuò shìqíng màn, zǒng xiǎng tì tā zuò, yǐhòu dé ràng tā xuéhuì ānpái shíjiān, zìjǐ de shìqíng zìjǐ zuò.
Sun Yue: It seems that there is still a problem with my way of teaching. I usually sees her doing things slowly, and always wants to do it for her. In the future, I must let her to learn arrange time and do her own things.


王静: 明天又要带我儿子去医院打针, 想想我就头疼。他就怕打针, 每次打针都哭得特别厉害。
孙月: 记得我女儿小时候, 带她去医院打针, 刚开始, 她害怕得要哭。我就小声地和护士说我女儿很勇敢, 一点儿也不怕打针, 女儿听了以后马上就不哭了。
王静: 原来鼓励和表扬对小孩 儿挺有用的,下次我也试试。
孙月: 不过表扬也是一门艺术, 表扬千万不要太多, 过多的表扬可能会给孩子带来压力。不仅起不到鼓励的作用, 还可能让孩子怀疑自己的能力, 变得没有信心。
王静: 那怎么表扬孩子才会更有效果呢?
孙月: 我认为表扬要及时, 而且表扬不仅仅要看结果, 更要看过程,这样才能鼓励他的积极性, 让他变得勇敢, 不怕困难。

Wáng jìng: Míngtiān yòu yào dài wǒ érzi qù yīyuàn dǎzhēn, xiǎng xiǎng wǒ jiù tóuténg. Tā jiù pà dǎzhēn, měi cì dǎzhēn dōu kū de tèbié lìhài. 
Wang Jing: Tomorrow I will take my son to the hospital for an injection again. Thinking about it, I have a headache. He is afraid of injections and cried very badly every time he got an injection.

Sūn yuè: Jìdé wǒ nǚ'ér xiǎoshíhòu, dài tā qù yīyuàn dǎzhēn, gāng kāishǐ, tā hàipà dé yào kū. Wǒ jiù xiǎoshēng de hé hùshì shuō wǒ nǚ'ér hěn yǒnggǎn, yīdiǎnr yě bùpà dǎzhēn, nǚ'ér tīngle yǐhòu mǎshàng jiù bù kūle. 
Sun Yue: I remember that when my daughter was young, I took her to the hospital for an injection. At first, she was so scared that she was crying. I whispered to the nurse that my daughter is very brave and is not afraid of injections. After hearing this, she stopped crying immediately.
Wáng jìng: Yuánlái gǔlì hé biǎoyáng duì xiǎo háir tǐng yǒuyòng de, xià cì wǒ yě shì shì. 
Wang Jing: It turns out that encouragement and praise are very useful for children. I will try it next time.
Sūn yuè: Bùguò biǎoyáng yě shì yī mén yìshù, biǎoyáng qiān wàn bùyào tài duō,guò duō de biǎoyáng kěnéng huì gěi háizi dài lái yālì. Bùjǐn qǐ bù dào gǔlì de zuòyòng, hái kěnéng ràng háizi huáiyí zìjǐ de nénglì, biànde méiyǒu xìnxīn. 
Sun Yue: But praise is also an art. Don't praise too much. Too much praise may bring pressure to children. Not only does it fail to encourage, but it can also make children doubt their abilities and become less confident.
Wáng jìng: Nà zěnme biǎoyáng háizi cái huì gèng yǒu xiàoguǒ ne? 
Wang Jing: Then how can praise children be more effective?
Sūn yuè: Wǒ rènwéi biǎoyáng yào jíshí, érqiě biǎoyáng bù jǐn jǐn yào kàn jiéguǒ, gèng yào kàn guòchéng, zhèyàng cáinéng gǔlì tā de jījíxìng, ràng tā biànde yǒnggǎn, bùpà kùnnán.
Sun Yue: I think that praise should be timely, and praise not only depends on the results, but also on the process, so as to encourage his enthusiasm and make him brave and not afraid of difficulties.


有的孩子在得不到自己想要的东西的时候, 会通过哭、扔东西或者故意敲打来引起父母的注意。在这种情况下, 建议父母先不要生气, 应该停下手中的事情, 陪孩子整理整理东西, 和他们聊聊天儿, 弄清楚他们的问题。父母的关心, 可以让孩子心情愉快起来。教育孩子应该选择合适的教育方法, 最好不要为了解决问题而骗孩子, 这是因为儿童缺少判断能力, 看到父母骗人, 他们也会学着说假话。

Yǒu de háizi zài dé bù dào zìjǐ xiǎng yào de dōngxī de shíhòu, huì tōngguò kū, rēng dōngxī huòzhě gùyì qiāodǎ lái yǐnqǐ fùmǔ de zhùyì. 
When some children cannot get what they want, they will attract the attention of their parents by crying, throwing things, or deliberately tapping.  

Zài zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng xià, jiànyì fùmǔ xiān bùyào shēngqì, yīnggāi tíng xiàshǒu zhōng de shìqíng, péi háizi zhěnglǐ zhěnglǐ dōngxī, hé tāmen liáo liáotiānr, nòng qīngchǔ tāmen de wèntí. 
In this case, it is recommended that parents not be angry first, they should stop what they are doing, organize things with their children, chat with them to figure out their problems.  

Fùmǔ de guānxīn, kěyǐ ràng háizi xīnqíng yúkuài qǐlái. 
Parents’ care can make children feel happy.  

Jiàoyù háizi yīnggāi xuǎnzé héshì de jiàoyù fāngfǎ, zuì hǎo bùyào wèi liǎo jiějué wèntí ér piàn háizi, zhè shì yīnwèi értóng quēshǎo pànduàn nénglì, kàn dào fùmǔ piàn rén, tāmen yě huì xuézhe shuō jiǎ huà.
Educating children should choose appropriate education methods. It is best not to lie to children in order to solve problems. This is because children lack the ability to judge. When they see their parents cheating, they will also learn to tell lies.


七岁左右的儿童普遍好动, 坐不住, 所以老师在教这个年龄段的孩子时, 一定要想办法引起他们的兴趣。只有让他们觉得你教的內容有趣, 他们才会愿意努力学习。当孩子不明白时, 应该多鼓励他, 不要用 “懒” “笨” “粗心” 这种词批评他, 这样对他们的正常发展不好。而且, 对不同性格的孩子要使用不同的教育方法。如果孩子比较骄做, 应该让他明白还有很多知识需要学习; 要是孩子性格有些害羞, 就要经常鼓励他说出自己的看法, 这样才能让每一个孩子都健康地发展。

Qī suì zuǒyòu de értóng pǔbiàn hǎo dòng, zuò bù zhù, suǒyǐ lǎoshī zài jiào zhège niánlíng duàn de háizi shí, yīdìng yào xiǎng bànfǎ yǐnqǐ tāmen de xìngqù. 
Children around the age of seven are generally active and unable to sit still, so the teacher must find ways to arouse their interest when teaching children of this age.  

Zhǐyǒu ràng tāmen juédé nǐ jiào de nèiróng yǒuqù, tāmen cái huì yuànyì nǔlì xuéxí. 
Only by making them find what you teach is interesting, they will be willing to study hard.  

Dāng háizi bù míngbái shí, yīnggāi duō gǔlì tā, bùyào yòng “lǎn” “bèn” “cūxīn” zhè zhǒng cí pīpíng tā, zhèyàng duì tāmen de zhèngcháng fāzhǎn bù hǎo. 
When the child does not understand, he should be encouraged more and not to criticize him with words such as "lazy", "stupid" and "careless", which is not good for their normal development.  

Érqiě, duì bùtóng xìnggé de háizi yào shǐyòng bùtóng de jiàoyù fāngfǎ. 
Moreover, different education methods should be used for children of different personalities.  

Rúguǒ háizi bǐjiào jiāo zuò, yīnggāi ràng tā míngbái hái yǒu hěnduō zhīshì xūyào xuéxí; 
If the child is more arrogant, you should let him know that there is still a lot of knowledge to learn; 

yàoshi háizi xìnggé yǒuxiē hàixiū, jiù yào jīngcháng gǔlì tā shuō chū zìjǐ de kànfǎ, zhèyàng cáinéng ràng měi yīgè háizi dōu jiànkāng de fāzhǎn.
if the child is a little shy, you should always encourage him to express his views, so that every child can develop healthily.

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