22 March 2024

hsk 4 book lesson 11 text with pinyin and English translation

hsk 4 book lesson 11 text with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 11: It's good to read; read good books and like reading

hsk4 lesson 11


大卫:  你来中国オ一年, 汉语就说得这么流利, 真厉害!
马克:  谢谢!其实我的语法不太好, 很多句子说得都不太准确。
大卫:  但是我看你跟中国人交流没什么问题, 你是怎么做到的?
马克:  平时多交一些中国朋友, 经常和他们聊天儿, 听说能力自然就能得到很大的提高。另外, 我建议你坚持看中文报纸, 这样能学到很多新词语。
大卫:  你太厉害了! 连中文报纸都看得懂。
马克:  刚开始肯定有困难, 不过遇到不认识的词语, 你可以查词典, 然后写在本子上, 有空儿就拿出来复习一下, 慢慢地就会发现中文报纸也没那么难了。

Dà wèi: Nǐ lái zhòngguó cái yī nián, hànyǔ jiù shuō de zhème liúlì, zhēn lìhài! 
David: You have come to China for one year, and you can speak Chinese so fluently, so amazing!
Mǎkè: Xièxiè! Qíshí wǒ de yǔfǎ bù tài hǎo, hěnduō jùzi shuō dr dōu bù tài zhǔnquè. 
Mark: Thank you! Actually, my grammar is not very good, and many sentences are not very accurate.

Dà wèi: Dànshì wǒ kàn nǐ gēn zhōngguó rén jiāoliú méishénme wèntí, nǐ shì zěnme zuò dào de? 
David: But I don't think you have any problems communicating with Chinese people. How did you do it?
Mǎkè: Píngshí duō jiāo yīxiē zhōngguó péngyou, jīngcháng hé tāmen liáotiānr, tīng shuō nénglì zìrán jiù néng dédào hěn dà de tígāo. Lìngwài, wǒ jiànyì nǐ jiānchí kàn zhòngwén bàozhǐ, zhèyàng néng xué dào hěnduō xīn cíyǔ. 
Mark: I usually make more Chinese friends and chat with them often. Naturally, my listening and speaking skills will be greatly improved. In addition, I suggest that you insist on reading Chinese newspapers so that you can learn a lot of new words.
Dà wèi: Nǐ tài lìhàile! Lián zhòngwén bàozhǐ dōu kàn dé dǒng. 
David: You are amazing! You can even read Chinese newspapers.
Mǎkè: Gāng kāishǐ kěndìng yǒu kùnnán, bùguò yùdào bù rènshí de cíyǔ, nǐ kěyǐ chá cídiǎn, ránhòu xiě zài běnzi shàng, yǒu kòngr jiù ná chūlái fùxí yīxià, màn man de jiù huì fāxiàn zhōngwén bàozhǐ yě méi nàme nánle.
Mark: It must be difficult at first, but when you encounter words you don't know, you can look up the dictionary and write it in your notebook. Take it out to review when you have time. Slowly you will find that Chinese newspapers are not that difficult.


小夏: 考试结束了, 你对自己的成绩满意吗?
小雨: 说真的, 我不太满意。这次阅读考试的题太多了, 我没做完。
小夏: 两个小时的时间应该来得及吧?
小雨: 这次主要是因为我先做了比较难、比较复杂的题, 结果花了太多时间, 后面简单的题我虽然会, 可是时间来不及, 最后只好放弃了。
小夏: 其实我考得也不怎么样。有几个填空题不会做, 有几个选择题, 实在想不出来该选哪个, 就随便猜了一个答案, 结果一个都没猜对。
小雨: 看来要想考好, 不但要认真复习, 还得注意考试的方法, 否则, 会做的题也没时间做了。

Xiǎoxià: Kǎoshì jiéshùle, nǐ duì zìjǐ de chéngjī mǎnyì ma? 
Xiaoxia: The exam is over. Are you satisfied with your results?
Xiǎoyǔ: Shuō zhēn de, wǒ bù tài mǎnyì. Zhè cì yuèdú kǎoshì de tí tài duōle, wǒ méi zuò wán. 
Xiaoyu: Seriously, I'm not satisfied. There are too many questions in the reading test this time, and I haven't finished it.
Xiǎoxià: Liǎng gè xiǎoshí de shíjiān yīnggāi láidéjí ba? 
Xiaoxia: Two hours should be too late, right?
Xiǎoyǔ: Zhè cì zhǔyào shì yīnwèi wǒ xiān zuòle bǐjiào nán, bǐjiào fùzá de tí, jiéguǒ huāle tài duō shíjiān, hòumiàn jiǎndān de tí wǒ suīrán huì, kěshì shíjiān láibují, zuìhòu zhǐhǎo fàngqìle. 
Xiaoyu: This time it was mainly because I did the more difficult and more complicated questions first, and it took too much time. Although I could know the simple questions later, but the time was too late, I had to give up in the end.
Xiǎoxià: Qíshí wǒ kǎo de yě bù zěnmeyàng. Yǒu jǐ gè tiánkòng tí bù huì zuò, yǒu jǐ gè xuǎnzé tí, shízài xiǎng bù chūlái gāi xuǎn nǎge, jiù suíbiàn cāile yīgè dá'àn, jiéguǒ yīgè dōu méi cāi duì. 
Xiaoxia: Actually, I didn't do very well in the exam. There were a few fill-in-the-blank questions, and there were a few multiple-choice questions. I couldn't figure out which one to choose, so I guessed an answer casually, but didn't guess any of them right.
Xiǎoyǔ: Kàn lái yào xiǎng kǎo hǎo, bùdàn yào rènzhēn fùxí, hái dé zhùyì kǎoshì de fāngfǎ, fǒuzé, huì zuò de tí yě méi shíjiān zuòle.
Xiaoyu: It seems that if you want to test well, you must not only review carefully, but also pay attention to the test method. Otherwise, you will not have time to do the questions you can do.


小林: 你的客厅里怎么到处是书啊? 这些书你都喜欢看吗?
小李: 当然, 我每天都要看书。无论是普通杂志, 还是著名小说, 只要打开它们, 就会发现, 世界上有那么多有意思的事情, 有那么多不一样的生活。
小林: 想不到你工作那么忙, 还能每天坚持阅读。
小李: 如果3分钟读一页书, 半个小时就可以读10页。每天花半个小时来读书, 一个月就可以读300页,差不多就是一本书了。
小林: 是啊, 一个真正爱看书的人总能找出时间来阅读。
小李: 坚持阅读, 除了能增加知识外, 还能帮助我减轻压力, 人也会变得轻松起来。

Xiǎolín: Nǐ de kètīng lǐ zěnme dàochù shì shū a? Zhèxiē shū nǐ dōu xǐhuan kàn ma? 
Xiaolin: Why are there books everywhere in your living room? Do you like to read all these books?
Xiǎo lǐ: Dāngrán, wǒ měitiān dōu yào kànshū. Wúlùn shì pǔtōng zázhì, háishì zhùmíng xiǎoshuō, zhǐyào dǎkāi tāmen, jiù huì fāxiàn, shìjiè shàng yǒu nàme duō yǒuyìsi de shìqíng, yǒu nàme duō bù yīyàng de shēnghuó. 
Xiao Li: Of course, I have to read every day. Whether it is ordinary magazines or famous novels, as long as you open them, you will find that there are so many interesting things and so many different lives in the world.
Xiǎolín: Xiǎngbùdào nǐ gōngzuò nàme máng, hái néng měitiān jiānchí yuèdú. 
Xiaolin: Unexpectedly that you are so busy at work and can keep reading every day.
Xiǎo lǐ: Rúguǒ 3 fēnzhōng dú yī yè shū, bàn gè xiǎoshí jiù kěyǐ dú 10 yè. Měitiān huā bàn gè xiǎoshí lái dúshū, yīgè yuè jiù kěyǐ dú 300 yè, chàbuduō jiùshì yī běn shūle. 
Xiao Li: If you read one page in 3 minutes, you can read 10 pages in half an hour. If you spend half an hour reading every day, you can read 300 pages a month, which is almost a book.
Xiǎolín: Shì a, yīgè zhēnzhèng ài kànshū de rén zǒng néng zhǎo chū shíjiān lái yuèdú. 
Xiaolin: Yes, a person who really loves reading can always find time to read.                                         
Xiǎo lǐ: Jiānchí yuèdú, chúle néng zēngjiā zhīshì wài, hái néng bāngzhù wǒ jiǎnqīng yālì, rén yě huì biàn dé qīngsōng qǐlái.
Xiao Li: Persist in reading, in addition to increasing knowledge, it can also help me reduce stress, and people will become more relaxed.


根据调查, 阅读能力好的人, 不但容易找到工作, 而且工资也比较高。怎么才能有效提高自己的阅读能力呢? 做读书笔记就是其中一种好方法。读书笔记有很多种, 最简单的就是把自己喜欢或者觉得有用的词语和句子记下来。另外, 在看完一篇文章或一本书之后, 还可以把它的主要内容和自己的想法写下来。然而, 你不能完全相信书本上的內容, 要有自己的看法和判断。坚持做读书笔记, 对提高闻读能力有很大帮助。

Gēnjù diàochá, yuèdú nénglì hǎo de rén, bùdàn róngyì zhǎodào gōngzuò, érqiě gōngzī yě bǐjiào gāo. 
According to the survey, people with good reading ability are not only easier to find a job, but also have a higher salary.  

Zěnme cáinéng yǒuxiào tígāo zìjǐ de yuèdú nénglì ne? 
How can I effectively improve my reading ability? 

Zuò dúshū bǐjì jiùshì qízhōng yī zhǒng hǎo fāngfǎ. 
Taking reading notes is one of the good ways.  

Dúshū bǐjì yǒu hěnduō zhǒng, zuì jiǎndān de jiùshì bǎ zìjǐ xǐhuan huòzhě juédé yǒuyòng de cíyǔ hé jùzi jì xiàlái. 
There are many kinds of reading notes, the simplest is to write down the words and sentences that you like or find useful.  

Lìngwài, zài kàn wán yī piān wénzhāng huò yī běn shū zhīhòu, hái kěyǐ bǎ tā de zhǔyào nèiróng hé zìjǐ de xiǎngfǎ xiě xiàlái. 
In addition, after reading an article or book, you can also write down its main content and your own thoughts.  

Rán'ér, nǐ bùnéng wánquán xiāngxìn shūběn shàng de nèiróng, yào yǒu zìjǐ de kànfǎ hé pànduàn. 
However, you cannot fully believe the contents of the book, you have to have your own opinions and judgments.  

Jiānchí zuò dúshū bǐjì, duì tígāo wén dú nénglì yǒu hěn dà bāngzhù.
Persisting in taking reading notes will greatly help improve the ability of listening and reading.


“读书好, 读好书, 好读书”。虽然这句话只用了
三个相同的汉字, 但是不同的顺序却表示了不同的意思。首先, “读书好” 说的是读书有很多好处; 其次, 每个人的时间都是有限的, 不可能把世界上每一本书都读完, 所以要读好的书; 最后, “好读书” 就是要养成阅读的习惯, 使读书真正成为自己的兴趣爱好。阅读有许多好处, 它能丰富你的知识, 让你找到解决问题的办法; 同时, 它还会丰富你的情感, 使你的生活更精彩。所以, 让阅读成为你的习惯吧!

“Dúshū hǎo, dú hǎo shū, hào dúshū”. 
"Believe in reading, love reading, and cultivate reading".

Suīrán zhè jù huà zhǐ yòngle sān gè xiāngtóng de hànzì, dànshì bùtóng de shùnxù què biǎoshìle bùtóng de yìsi. 
Although this sentence is only used three identical Chinese characters, but in different order, they have different meanings.  

Shǒuxiān, “dúshū hǎo” shuō de shì dúshū yǒu hěnduō hǎochù; 
First of all, "read well" means that reading has many benefits; 

qícì, měi gè rén de shíjiān dōu shì yǒuxiàn de, bù kěnéng bǎ shìjiè shàng měi yī běn shū dōu dú wán, suǒyǐ yào dú hǎo de shū; 
secondly, everyone's time is limited, it is impossible to read every book in the world, so you must read good books; 

zuìhòu, “hào dúshū” jiùshì yào yǎng chéng yuèdú de xíguàn, shǐ dúshū zhēnzhèng chéngwéi zìjǐ de xìngqù àihào. 
finally, "read well " It is to develop the habit of reading, so that reading really becomes one of my hobbies.  

Yuèdú yǒu xǔduō hǎochù, tā néng fēngfù nǐ de zhīshì, ràng nǐ zhǎodào jiějué wèntí de bànfǎ; tóngshí, tā hái huì fēngfù nǐ de qínggǎn, shǐ nǐ de shēnghuó gèng jīngcǎi. 
Reading has many advantages. It can enrich your knowledge and let you find solutions to problems; at the same time, it will also enrich your emotions and make your life more exciting.  

Suǒyǐ, ràng yuèdú chéngwéi nǐ de xíguàn ba!
So, let reading become your habit!

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hsk 5 上 lesson 1 with pinyin and English translation

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