21 March 2024

hsk 4 textbook lesson 10 text with pinyin and English translation

hsk 4 textbook lesson 10 text with pinyin and English translation

课文10: 幸福的标准
Lesson 10: Standards of happiness


孙月:  札拜天有空儿吗? 陪我去逛街怎么样? 我想去给丈夫买个生日礼物。
王静:  我可能去不了, 最近事情多。
孙月:  你最近是不是工作特别忙?
王静:  我現在上有老, 下有小。除了工作以外, 家里还有母亲和儿子需要照顾。
孙月:  真是辛苦啊! 你最近脸色不太好, 是不是哪儿不舒服? 要注意身体啊。
王静:  没事儿, 谢谢! 不过现在我很幸福, 因为在母亲面前我可以做一个永远长不大的孩子; 在孩子面前我又是个能照顾他的母亲, 这让我有了努力的方向。

Sūn yuè: Lǐbài tiān yǒu kòngr ma? Péi wǒ qù guàngjiē zěnme yàng? Wǒ xiǎng qù gěi zhàngfu mǎi gè shēngrì lǐwù. 
Sun Yue: Are you free on Sunday? How about going shopping with me? I want to buy a birthday present for my husband.

Wáng jìng: Wǒ kěnéng qù bùliǎo, zuìjìn shìqíng duō. 
Wang Jing: I may not be able to go, there have been many things recently.

Sūn yuè: Nǐ zuìjìn shìbushì gōngzuò tèbié máng? 
Sun Yue: Have you been particularly busy with work recently?

Wáng jìng: Wǒ xiànzài shàng yǒu lǎo, xià yǒu xiǎo. Chúle gōngzuò yǐwài, jiālǐ hái yǒu mǔqīn hé érzi xūyào zhàogù. 
Wang Jing: I have both aged parents and young children to support and take care of. In addition to work, I have to take care my mother and son. 

Sūn yuè: Zhēnshi xīnkǔ a! Nǐ zuìjìn liǎnsè bù tài hǎo, shìbushì nǎr bú shūfu? Yào zhùyì shēntǐ a. 

Sun Yue: It's really hard work! Your complexion hasn't been so good recently. Is it uncomfortable? Pay attention to your health.

Wáng jìng: Méishìr, xièxiè! Bùguò xiànzài wǒ hěn xìngfú, yīnwèi zài mǔqīn miànqián wǒ kěyǐ zuò yīgè yǒngyuǎn cháng bù dà de háizi; zài háizi miànqián wǒ yòu shìgè néng zhàogù tā de mǔqīn, zhè ràng wǒ yǒule nǔlì de fāngxiàng.
Wang Jing: It's okay, thank you! However now I am very happy because I can be a child who will never grow up in front of my mother; furtherin front of the child I am a mother who can take care of him, which gives me a direction to work hard.


高老师: 你看人家王老师, 刚来这儿工作三年就当了教授, 还有个好妻子, 真让人羡慕!
李老师: 其实, 你在别人眼中也是很幸福的, 只是你自己没有发现。
高老师: 是吗? 我哪能跟王老师比啊?
李老师: 你有一个漂亮的女儿, 还那么优秀, 硕士毕业后就当了翻译。
高老师: 我女儿确实不错, 记得她刚拿到第一个月工资时, 就兴奋地拉着我和她爸俩去商场, 给我们买礼物, 那时我和她爸心里别提多美了!
李老师: 所以说每个人有每个人的生活, 不用美慕别人。你羡慕别人的时候, 他们可能也正在羡慕你呢。

Gāo lǎoshī: Nǐ kàn rénjiā wáng lǎoshī, gāng lái zhèr gōngzuò sān nián jiù dāngle jiàoshòu, hái yǒu gè hǎo qīzi, zhēn ràng rén xiànmù! 
Teacher Gao: Look at the teacher Wang, who has just worked here for three years and became a professor. He also has a good wife, really enviable!

Lǐ lǎoshī: Qíshí, nǐ zài biérén yǎnzhōng yěshì hěn xìngfú de, zhǐshì nǐ zìjǐ méiyǒu fāxiàn. 
Teacher Li: Actually, you are also very happy in the eyes of others, But you haven't noticed it yourself.

Gāo lǎoshī: Shì ma? Wǒ nǎ néng gēn wáng lǎoshī bǐ a? 
Teacher Gao: Really? How can I compare with Teacher Wang?

Lǐ lǎoshī: Nǐ yǒu yīgè piàoliang de nǚ'ér, hái nàme yōuxiù, shuòshì bìyè hòu jiù dāngle fānyì. 
Teacher Li: You have a beautiful daughter who is still so good and became a translator after graduating from her master's degree.

Gāo lǎoshī: Wǒ nǚ'ér quèshí bùcuò, jìdé tā gāng ná dào dì yī gè yuè gōngzī shí, jiù xīngfèn dì lāzhe wǒ hé tā bà liǎ qù shāngchǎng, gěi wǒmen mǎi lǐwù, nà shí wǒ hé tā bà xīnlǐ biétí duō měile! 
Teacher Gao: My daughter is really good. I remember when she just got her first month's salary, she excitedly took me and her dad to the mall and bought us gifts. At that time, her dad and I were feeling so proud!

Lǐ lǎoshī: Suǒyǐ shuō měi gèrén yǒu měi gèrén de shēnghuó, bùyòng xiànmù biérén. Nǐ xiànmù biérén de shíhòu, tāmen kěnéng yě zhèngzài xiànmù nǐ ne.
Teacher Li: So everyone has a life for everyone, and there is no need to envy others. When you envy others, they may also be envious to you.


小雨: 时间过得真快, 马上就要毕业了。毕业后你打算做什么?
小夏: 我还没想好呢, 正想听听你的建议。你觉得在选择职业时, 收入重要吗?
小雨: 在我看来, 赚钱多少不是最重要的, 兴趣才是关键。只有做自己喜欢的事, 才会觉得幸福, 将来也会有更好的发展。
小夏: 我也这么想。如果我带着热情去做自己喜欢的工作, 就不会感到累。不过, 现在什么东西都那么贵, 生活压力太大了, 没有钱也不会过得幸福啊!
小雨: 幸福其实很简单, 它不是只要有钱就能买到的。我觉得工作结束回家后, 洗个热水澡, 然后躺在床上看看书、听听音乐, 困了睡睡觉,就很幸福。
小夏: 你说的也对。如果能找到一份自己既感兴趣,收入又不错的工作, 那就最好了。

Xiǎoyǔ: Shíjiānguò dé zhēn kuài, mǎshàng jiù yào bìyèle. Bìyè hòu nǐ dǎsuàn zuò shénme? 
Xiaoyu: Time is passing so fast that we are about to graduate. What are you going to do after graduation?

Xiǎoxià: Wǒ hái méi xiǎng hǎo ne, zhèng xiǎng tīng tīng nǐ de jiànyì. Nǐ juédé zài xuǎnzé zhíyè shí, shōurù zhòngyào ma? 
Xiaoxia: I haven't figured it out yet, just want to hear your suggestions. Do you think income is important when choosing a career?

Xiǎoyǔ: Zài wǒ kàn lái, zhuànqián duōshao búshì zuì zhòngyào de, xìngqù cái shì guānjiàn. Zhǐyǒu zuò zìjǐ xǐhuan de shì, cái huì juédé xìngfú, jiānglái yě huì yǒu gèng hǎo de fǎzhǎn. 
Xiaoyu: In my opinion, making money is not the most important thing, but interest is the key. Only by doing what you like will you feel happy and will have better development in the future.

Xiǎoxià: Wǒ yě zhème xiǎng. Rúguǒ wǒ dài zháo rèqíng qù zuò zìjǐ xǐhuan de gōngzuò, jiù bù huì gǎndào lèi. Búguò, xiànzài shénme dōngxi dōu nàme guì, shēnghuó yālì tài dàle, méiyǒu qián yě bù huìguò dé xìngfú a! 
Xiaoxia: I think so too. If I do what I like with enthusiasm, I won't feel tired. However, everything is so expensive nowadays, and life is under too much pressure. You can't live happily without money!

Xiǎoyǔ: Xìngfú qíshí hěn jiǎndān, tā búshì zhǐyào yǒu qián jiù néng mǎi dào de. Wǒ juédé gōngzuò jiéshù huí jiā hòu, xǐ gè rè shuǐ zǎo, ránhòu tǎng zài chuángshàng kàn kànshū, tīng tīng yīnyuè, kùnle shuì shuìjiào, jiù hěn xìngfú. 
Xiaoyu: Happiness is actually very simple. It is not something that you can buy only with money. I think that when I go home from work, I take a hot bath, then lie in bed, read a book, and listen to music. Sleeping when you are sleepy makes you happy.

Xiǎoxià: Nǐ shuō de yě duì. Rúguǒ néng zhǎodào yī fèn zìjǐ jì gǎn xìngqù, shōurù yòu bùcuò de gōngzuò, nà jiù zuì hǎole.
Xiaoxia: You are right. If I can find a job that I am interested in and earns a good income, that would be the best.

10-4 Texts

有的人希望穿得再好一些, 房子再大一些, 认为经济条件越好人就越幸福。其实有很多 富人过得并不愉快, 而有些穷人却过得很快乐。有钱不一定幸福,因为很多东西都是不能用钱买到的, 例如时间、感情、生活经历等。但是, 从另外一个方面看, 如果没钱, 也很难过得幸福。当你生病了, 如果由于缺钱而不能及时去看医生, 你的健康都很难得到保证, 就更别说幸福了。

Yǒu de rén xīwàng chuān dé zài hǎo yīxiē, 
Some people want to dress better 

fángzi zài dà yīxiē, 
and have bigger houses, 

rènwéi jīngjì tiáojiàn yuè hǎorén jiù yuè xìngfú
believing that the better the economic conditions, the happier people will be.  

Qíshí yǒu hěnduō fùrén guò dé bìng bù yúkuài, 
In fact, many rich people are not happy, 

ér yǒuxiē qióngrén quèguò dé hěn kuàilè. 
while some poor people are happy.  

Yǒu qián bù yīdìng xìngfú, 
Money does not necessarily mean happiness, 

yīnwèi hěnduō dōngxi dōu shì bùnéng yòng qián mǎi dào de, 
because many things cannot be bought with money, 

lìrú shíjiān, gǎnqíng, shēnghuó jīnglì děng. 
such as time, feelings, life experience, etc.  

Dànshì, cóng lìngwài yīgè fāngmiàn kàn, 
However, from another perspective, 

rúguǒ méi qián, yě hěn nánguò dé xìngfú. 
if you don't have money, you can also be very sad and happy.  

Dāng nǐ shēngbìngle, rúguǒ yóuyú quē qián ér bùnéng jíshí qù kàn yīshēng, 
When you are sick, if you cannot go to the doctor in time due to lack of money, 

nǐ de jiànkāng dōu hěn nán dédào bǎozhèng, 
it will be difficult to guarantee your health, 

jiù gèng bié shuō xìngfúle.
can't define happiness more.


什么是幸福? 有的人认为, 工资高、能赚钱就是幸福; 有的人认为, 心情放松、身体健康才是幸福; 也有人认为, 能帮助别人就是一种幸福。还有人说,小时候幸福是一件东西, 比如一块橡皮、一块糖,得到了就很幸福; 长大后幸福是一种态度, 生活的态度决定了我们幸福感的高低。那怎样才算是真正的幸福? 其实, 幸福并没有一个标准答案, 每个人对幸福都有不同的理解。不管你认为幸福是什么,只要你用心去找, 就一定能发现它。

Shénme shì xìngfú? 
What is happiness? 

Yǒu de rén rènwéi, gōngzī gāo, néng zhuànqián jiùshì xìngfú; 
Some people believe that high wages and making money are happiness; 

yǒu de rén rènwéi, xīnqíng fàngsōng, shēntǐ jiànkāng cái shì xìngfú; 
some people believe that happiness is a relaxed mood and good health; 

yěyǒurén rènwéi, néng bāngzhù biérén jiùshì yī zhǒng xìngfú. 
others believe that being able to help others is a kind of happiness.  

Hái yǒu rén shuō, xiǎoshíhòu xìngfú shì yī jiàn dōngxi, bǐrú yīkuài xiàngpí, yīkuài táng, dédàole jiù hěn xìngfú; 
Some people say that happiness is a thing when we were little, such as a piece of rubber or a candy, and we are very happy when we get it; 

zhǎng dà hòu xìngfú shì yī zhǒng tàidù, shēnghuó de tàidù juédìngle wǒmen xìngfú gǎn de gāodī. 
when we grow up, happiness is an attitude, and the attitude of life determines the level of our happiness.  

Nà zěnyàng cái suànshì zhēnzhèng de xìngfú? 
So what is true happiness? 

Qíshí, xìngfú bìng méiyǒu yīgè biāozhǔn dá'àn, měi gèrén duì xìngfú dōu yǒu bùtóng de lǐjiě. 
Actually, there is no standard answer to happiness. Everyone has a different understanding of happiness.  

Bùguǎn nǐ rènwéi xìngfú shì shénme, zhǐyào nǐ yòngxīn qù zhǎo, jiù yīdìng néng fā xiàn tā.
No matter what you think happiness is, as long as you look for it with your heart, you will surely find it.

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