22 March 2024

hsk4 textbook lesson 12 text with pinyin and English translation

hsk4 textbook lesson 12 text with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 12: Discover the world with your heart


hsk4 lesson 12

王经理: 听说这次生意你到现在还没谈成。

马经理: 按我以前的经验, 早应该谈成了, 这次我也不知道哪儿出了问题。

王经理: 有句话叫 “规定和经验是死的, 人是活的”。当 “规定” 和 “经验” 不能解决问题时, 建议你改变一下自己的态度和想法。

马经理: 很多时候,我都习惯根据过去的经验做事, 可惜, 经验不是全部都是对的。

王经理: 遇到不能解决的问题时, 我们应该试着走走以前从来没走过的路, 也许这样就能找到解决问题的方法了。

马经理: 好, 我再跟同事商量商量, 希望能及时发现问题, 并且准确地找到解决问题的方法。

Wáng jīnglǐ: Tīng shuō zhè cì shēngyì nǐ dào xiànzài hái méi tán chéng. 

Manager Wang: I heard that you haven't negotiated this business yet.

Mǎ jīnglǐ: Àn wǒ yǐqián de jīngyàn, zǎo yīnggāi tán chéngle, zhè cì wǒ yě bù zhīdào nǎr chūle wèntí. 

Manager Ma: According to my previous experience, it should have been negotiated a long time ago. I don't know what went wrong this time.             

Wáng jīnglǐ: Yǒu jù huà jiào “guīdìng hé jīngyàn shì sǐ de, rén shì huó de”. Dāng “guīdìng” hé “jīngyàn” bùnéng jiějué wèntí shí, jiànyì nǐ gǎibiàn yīxià zìjǐ de tàidù hé xiǎngfǎ. 

Manager Wang: There is a saying called "Regulations and experience are dead, and people are alive". When "regulations" and "experience" cannot solve the problem, I suggest you change your attitude and thinking.

Mǎ jīnglǐ: Hěnduō shíhòu, wǒ dōu xíguàn gēnjù guòqù de jīngyàn zuòshì, kěxí, jīngyàn bùshì quánbù dōu shì duì de. 

Manager Ma: Many times, I am used to doing things based on past experience. Unfortunately, not all experience is right.                  

Wáng jīnglǐ: Yùdào bùnéng jiějué de wèntí shí, wǒmen yīnggāi shìzhe zǒu zǒu yǐqián cónglái méi zǒuguò de lù, yěxǔ zhèyàng jiù néng zhǎodào jiějué wèntí de fāngfǎle. 

Manager Wang: When encountering a problem that cannot be solved, we should try to take a path that has never been taken before. Maybe we can find a way to solve the problem.

Mǎ jīnglǐ: Hǎo, wǒ zài gēn tóngshì shāngliáng shāngliáng, xīwàng néng jíshí fāxiàn wèntí, bìngqiě zhǔnquè de zhǎodào jiějué wèntí de fāngfǎ.

Manager Ma: Okay, I will discuss with my colleagues again, hoping to find the problem in time and find an accurate way to solve the problem.



女 儿:  妈, 您看我刚买的裤子, 洗完以后颜色怎么变得这么难看呢?

高老师: 看来是掉颜色了, 你洗的时候在水里加点儿盐就不会这样了。

女 儿:  放盐?! 盐不是用来做饭的吗? 难道它还能让衣服不掉颜色?

高老师:  当然。有些衣服第一次洗的时候会掉颜色, 其实, 有很多方法可以解决这个问题。在水里加勺盐再洗是最简单的方法。用盐水来洗新衣服, 这样穿得再久、洗的次数再多, 衣服也不容易掉颜色。

女 儿:  我第一次听说盐有保护衣服颜色的作用, 生活中还真有不少课本上无法学到的知识。

高老师:  实际上, 很多问题的答案都可以从生活中找到。但这需要你用眼睛去发现, 用心去总结。

Nǚ er: Mā, nín kàn wǒ gāng mǎi de kùzi, xǐ wán yǐhòu yánsè zěnme biànde zhème nánkàn ne? 

Girl: Mom, look at the pants I just bought, how the color becomes so ugly after washing?

Gāo lǎoshī: Kàn lái shì diào yánsèle, nǐ xǐ de shíhòu zài shuǐ lǐ jiā diǎnr yán jiù bù huì zhèyàngle. 

Teacher Gao: It seems that the color has faded. Adding a little salt to the water when you wash will not be like this.

Nǚ er: Fàng yán?! Yán bùshì yòng lái zuòfàn de ma? Nándào tā hái néng ràng yīfú bù diào yánsè? 

Girl: Putting salt?! Isn't salt used for cooking? Does it still keep clothes from losing color?

Gāo lǎoshī: Dāngrán. Yǒuxiē yīfú dì yī cì xǐ de shíhòu huì diào yánsè, qíshí, yǒu hěnduō fāngfǎ kěyǐ jiějué zhège wèntí. Zài shuǐ lǐ jiā sháo yán zài xǐ shì zuì jiǎndān de fāngfǎ. Yòng yánshuǐ lái xǐ xīn yīfú, zhèyàng chuān de zài jiǔ, xǐ de cìshù zài duō, yīfú yě bù róngyì diào yánsè. 

Teacher Gao: Of course. Some clothes can lose color when they are washed for the first time. In fact, there are many ways to solve this problem. Adding a spoon of salt to the water before washing is the simplest way. Use salt water to wash new clothes, so that no matter how long you wear them and the number of times you wash them, your clothes will not lose color easily.

Nǚ er: Wǒ dì yī cì tīng shuō yán yǒu bǎohù yīfú yánsè de zuòyòng, shēnghuó zhōng hái zhēnyǒu bù shǎo kèběn shàng wúfǎ xué dào de zhīshì. 

Girl: I heard for the first time that salt has the effect of protecting the color of clothes. There are a lot of knowledge in life that cannot be learned in textbooks.

Gāo lǎoshī: Shíjì shang, hěnduō wèntí de dá'àn dōu kěyǐ cóng shēnghuó zhōng zhǎodào. Dàn zhè xūyào nǐ yòng yǎnjīng qù fāxiàn, yòngxīn qù zǒngjié.

Teacher Gao: In fact, the answers to many questions can be found in life. But this requires you to discover with your eyes and summarize with your heart.



高老师:  王教授, 今天听完您的这节课, 我终于明白为什么您的课那么受学生欢迎了。

王教授:  谢谢! 您能详细谈谈对我的课的看法吗?

高老师:  我发现您对学生特别了解, 而且总是能用最简单的方法把复杂的问题解释清楚, 让每个学生都能听懂, 这一点真是值得我们好好儿学习。

王教授:  哪里哪里, 这只是因为我对每个学生的能力水平比较了解。

高老师:  那您认为对于老师来说, 什么是最难做到的?

王教授:  世界上没有完全相同的叶子, 同样地, 世界上也没有完全一样的人。所以, 在教育学生时, 要根据学生的特点选择不同的方法, 我想这应该是最不容易做到的。

Gāo lǎoshī: Wáng jiàoshòu, jīntiān tīng wán nín de zhè jié kè, wǒ zhōngyú míngbái wèishéme nín de kè nàme shòu xuéshēng huānyíngle. 

Teacher Gao: Professor Wang, after listening to your class today, I finally understand why your class is so popular with students.

Wáng jiàoshòu: Xièxiè! Nín néng xiángxì tán tán duì wǒ de kè de kànfǎ ma? 

Professor Wang: Thank you! Can you talk about your views on my class in detail?                  

Gāo lǎoshī: Wǒ fāxiàn nín duì xuéshēng tèbié liǎojiě, érqiě zǒng shì néng yòng zuì jiǎndān de fāngfǎ bǎ fùzá de wèntí jiěshì qīngchǔ, ràng měi gè xuéshēng dōu néng tīng dǒng, zhè yīdiǎn zhēnshi zhídé wǒmen hǎohǎor xuéxí. 

Teacher Gao: I find that you have a special understanding of students, and you can always use the simplest method to explain complex problems clearly, so that every student can understand it. It's really worth our study.

Wáng jiàoshòu: Nǎlǐ nǎlǐ, zhè zhǐshì yīnwèi wǒ duì měi gè xuéshēng de nénglì shuǐpíng bǐjiào liǎojiě. 

Professor Wang: You are flattering me, It's just because I have a better understanding of each student's ability level.                           

Gāo lǎoshī: Nà nín rènwéi duìyú lǎoshī lái shuō, shénme shì zuì nán zuò dào de? 

Teacher Gao: What do you think is the most difficult thing for teachers to do?                                                                            

Wáng jiàoshòu: Shìjiè shàng méiyǒu wánquán xiāngtóng de yèzi, tóngyàng de, shìjiè shàng yě méiyǒu wánquán yīyàng de rén. Suǒyǐ, zài jiàoyù xuéshēng shí, yào gēnjù xuéshēng de tèdiǎn xuǎn zhái bu tóng de fāngfǎ, wǒ xiǎng zhè yīnggāi shì zuì bù róngyì zuò dào de.

Professor Wang: There are no exactly the same leaves in the world, and similarly, there are no exactly the same people in the world. Therefore, when educating students, we must choose different methods according to the characteristics of the students. I think this should be the most difficult to do.



人人都会使用语言, 但是怎么用语言把话说好却是一门艺术。看一个人怎么说话, 往往可以比较准确地判断出他是一个什么样的人。有的人心里怎么想, 嘴上就怎么说, 即使是别人的缺点, 他也会直接说出来, 这样的人虽然很诚实, 但是可能会引起别人的误会; 有的人虽然也看到了别人的缺点, 但却不会直接指出来, 而是通过别的方法来提醒, 让他认识到自己的缺点, 这样的人会让人觉得更友好。

Rén rén dōu huì shǐyòng yǔyán, dànshì zěnme yòng yǔyán bǎ huàshuō hǎo què shì yī mén yìshù. 

Everyone can use language, but how to use language to speak well is an art.  

Kàn yīgè rén zěnme shuōhuà, wǎngwǎng kěyǐ bǐjiào zhǔnquè de pànduàn chū tā shì yīgè shénme yàng de rén. 

By looking at how a person speaks, you can often judge exactly what kind of person he is.  

Yǒu de rén xīnlǐ zěnme xiǎng, zuǐ shàng jiù zěnme shuō, jíshǐ shì biérén de quēdiǎn, tā yě huì zhíjiē shuō chūlái, zhèyàng de rén suīrán hěn chéngshí, dànshì kěnéng huì yǐnqǐ biérén de wùhuì; 

Some people will say what they think in their hearts, even if it is the shortcomings of others, they will directly say it. Although such people are honest, they may cause misunderstandings; 

yǒu de rén suīrán yě kàn dàole biérén de quēdiǎn, dàn què bù huì zhíjiē zhǐchū lái, ér shì tōngguò bié de fāngfǎ lái tíxǐng, ràng tā rènshí dào zìjǐ de quēdiǎn, zhèyàng de rén huì ràng rén juédé gèng yǒuhǎo.

some people have seen other people's mistakes, but not directly pointed out, but through other methods to remind him, let him recognize his shortcomings, such a person will make people feel more friendly.



无论做什么事情, 都要注意方法, 学习尤其是这样。使用正确的方法, 我们做起事来能 “事半功倍”, 也就是说, 能节约时间, 用较少的力气, 取得更好的效果。相反, 如果方法不对, 可能花五倍甚至十倍的时间都不能完成任务,结果变成了 “事倍功半”。有一点需要提醒大家, 别人的方法也许很有效, 但是并不一定适合自己。因此, 我们应该在听取别人意见的同时,仔细考虑一下, 再根据不同的情况选择不同的方法, 这样才能达到最好的效果。

Wúlùn zuò shénme shìqíng, dōu yào zhùyì fāngfǎ, xuéxí yóuqí shì zhèyàng. 

No matter what you do, you must pay attention to the method, especially learning.  

Shǐyòng zhèngquè de fāngfǎ, wǒmen zuò qǐ shì lái néng “shìbàngōngbèi”, yě jiùshì shuō, néng jiéyuē shíjiān, yòng jiào shǎo de lìqì, qǔdé gèng hǎo de xiàoguǒ. 

Using the correct method, we can do things "with half the effort", In other words, we can save time, use less effort, and achieve better results.  

Xiāngfǎn, rúguǒ fāngfǎ bùduì, kěnéng huā wǔ bèi shènzhì shí bèi de shíjiān dōu bùnéng wánchéng rènwù, jiéguǒ biàn chéngle “shìbèigōngbàn”. 

On the contrary, if the method is wrong, it may take five or even ten times the time to complete the task, and the result will be "half the effort."  

Yǒu yīdiǎn xūyào tíxǐng dàjiā, biérén de fāngfǎ yěxǔ hěn yǒuxiào, dànshì bìng bù yīdìng shìhé zìjǐ. 

I need to remind everyone that other people's methods may be effective, but they may not be suitable for you.  

Yīncǐ, wǒmen yīnggāi zài tīngqǔ biérén yìjiàn de tóngshí, zǐxì kǎolǜ yīxià, zài gēnjù bùtóng de qíngkuàng xuǎn zhái bu tóng de fāngfǎ, zhèyàng cáinéng dádào zuì hǎo de xiàoguǒ.

Therefore, we should carefully consider it while listening to the opinions of others, and then choose different methods according to different situations in order to achieve the best results.


hsk4 lesson 11

hsk 4 lesson 13

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