06 August 2021

课文1: 简单的爱情 HSK 4 standard course textbook lesson 1

课文1: 简单的爱情 HSK 4 standard course textbook lesson 1

课文1: 简单的爱情
Lesson 1: Simple love

Dialogue 01-1

Sūn Yuè hé Wáng Jìng liáo Wáng Jìng de nán péngyǒu
Sun Yue and Wang Jing talk about Wang Jing’s boyfriend

Sūn yuè: Tīng shuō nǐ nán péngyǒu Lǐ Jìn gēn nǐ shì yīgè xuéxiào de, shì nǐ tóngxué ma?

孙月: 听说你男朋友李进跟你是一个学校的,是你同学吗?

Sun Yue: I heard that your boyfriend Li Jin is from the same school as you. Is that your classmate?


Wáng Jìng: Shì de, tā xué de shì xīnwén, wǒ xué de shì fǎlǜ, wǒ hé tā bùshì yīgè bān.

王静: 是的,他学的是新闻,我学的是法律,我和他不是一个班。

Wang Jing: Yes, he studied journalism, and I studied law. I am not in the same class as him.


Sūn yuè: Nà nǐmen liǎ shì zěnme rènshí de?

孙月: 那你们俩是怎么认识的?

Sun Yue: How did you two meet?


Wáng jìng: Wǒmen shì zài yīcì zúqiú bǐsài zhōng rènshí de. Wǒmen bān gēn tāmen bān bǐsài, tā yīgè rén tī jìn liǎng gè qiú, wǒ duì tā yìnxiàng hěn shēn, hòulái jiù màn man shúxīle.

王静: 我们是在一次足球比赛中认识的。我们班跟他们班比赛,他一个人踢进两个球,我对他印象很深,后来就慢慢熟悉了。

Wang Jing: We met in a football match. Our class played against their class. He scored two goals by himself. I was very impressed with him, and then I gradually became familiar with him.


Sūn yuè: Nǐ wèishéme xǐhuan tā?

孙月: 你为什么喜欢他?

Sun Yue: Why do you like him?


Wáng jìng: Tā bùjǐn zúqiú tī dé hǎo, xìnggé yě bùcuò.

王静: 他不仅足球踢得好,性格也不错。

Wang Jing: Not only does he play football well, but he also has a good personality.

Dialogue 01-2

Wáng Jìng gēn Lǐ lǎoshī liáo tā yào jiéhūn de shìqíng
Wang Jing talked to Teacher Li about her going to get married

Wáng Jìng: Lǐ lǎoshī, wǒ xià gè yuè 5 hào jiù yào jiéhūnle.

王静: 李老师,我下个月5号就要结婚了。

Wang Jing: Teacher Li, I will get married on the 5th of next month.

Lǐ lǎoshī: Nǐ shì zài kāiwánxiào ba? Nǐmen bùshì cái rènshí yīgè yuè?

李老师: 你是在开玩笑吧?你们不是才认识一个月?

Teacher Li: Are you kidding? Didn’t you just know each other for a month?


Wáng Jìng: Suīrán wǒmen rènshí de shíjiān bù cháng, dàn wǒ cónglái méi zhème kuàilèguò.


Wang Jing: Although we have not known each other for a long time, I have never been so happy.


Lǐ lǎoshī: Liǎng gè rén zài yīqǐ, zuì hǎo néng yǒu gòngtóng de xìngqù hé àihào.

李老师: 两个人在一起,最好能有共同的兴趣和爱好。

Teacher Li: When two people are together, it is best to have common interests and hobbies.


Wáng Jìng: Wǒmen yǒu hěnduō gòngtóng de àihào, jīngcháng yīqǐ dǎqiú, chànggē, zuò cài. 

王静: 我们有很多共同的爱好,经常一起打球,唱歌,做菜。

Wang Jing: We have many common hobbies. We often play ball, sing and cook together.


Lǐ lǎoshī: Kàn lái nǐ zhēn de zhǎodào shìhé nǐ de rénle. Zhù nǐmen xìngfú!


Teacher Li: It seems that you have really found someone suitable for you. I wish you happiness!

Dialogue 01-3

Gāo lǎoshī hé Lǐ lǎoshī liáo jiě hūn hòu de shēnghuó
Teacher Gao and Teacher Li talked about life after marriage

Gāo lǎoshī: Tīng shuō nín gēn qīzi jiéhūn kuài èrshí niánle?

高老师: 听说您跟妻子结婚快二十年了?

Teacher Gao: I heard that you and your wife have been married for almost 20 years?

Lǐ lǎoshī: Dào 6 yuè 9 hào, wǒmen jiù jiéhūn èrshí niánle. Zhème duōnián, wǒmen de shēnghuó yīzhí tǐng xìngfú de.

李老师: 到6月9号,我们就结婚二十年了。这么多年,我们的生活一直挺幸福的。

Teacher Li: By June 9th, we have been married for 20 years. For so many years, our lives have been very happy.


Gāo lǎoshī: Wǒ hé zhàngfū gāng jiéhūn de shíhòu, měitiān dōu juédé hěn xīnxiān, zài yīqǐ yǒu shuō bu wán de huà. Dànshì xiànzài... ... 

高老师: 我和丈夫刚结婚的时候,每天都觉得很新鲜,在一起有说不完的话。但是现在... ...

Teacher Gao: When my husband and I got married, we felt very fresh every day, and we couldn't finish talking together. But now... ...


Lǐ lǎoshī: Liǎng gè rén gòngtóng shēnghuó, zhǐyǒu làngmàn hé xīnxiān gǎn shì búguò de. 

李老师: 两个人共同生活,只有浪漫和新鲜感是不过的。

Teacher Li: If two people live together, there is nothing but romance and freshness.


Gāo lǎoshī: Nín shuō de duì! Wǒ xiànzài měitiān kàn dào de dōu shì tā de quēdiǎn.

高老师: 您说的对!我现在每天看到的都是他的缺点。

Teacher Gao: You are right! Now what I see every day are his shortcomings.                                                                                                                                                   

Lǐ lǎoshī: Liǎng gè rén zài yīqǐ shíjiān chángle, jiù huì yǒu hěnduō wèntí, zhǐyǒu jiēshòule tā de quēdiǎn, nǐmen cáinéng gèng hǎo de yīqǐ shēnghuó.

李老师: 两个人在一起时间长了,就会有很多问题,只有接受了他的缺点,你们才能更好地一起生活。

Teacher Li: If two people are together for a long time, there will be many problems. Only by accepting his shortcomings can you live better together.

Paragraph 01-4

很多女孩子羡慕浪漫的爱情。那什么是浪漫的爱情呢?年轻人说: 浪漫是她想要月亮时,你不会给她星星;中年人说: 浪漫是即使晚上加班到零点,到家时,自己家里也还亮着灯;老年人说: 浪漫其实就像歌中唱的那样,“我能想到最浪漫的事,就是和你一起慢慢变老。” 其实,让我们感动的,就是生活中简单的爱情。 有时候,简单就是最大的幸福。

Hěnduō nǚ háizi xiànmù làngmàn de àiqíng.


Many girls envy romantic love.  

Nà shénme shì làngmàn de àiqíng ne?


So what is romantic love?  

Niánqīng rén shuō: Làngmàn shì tā xiǎng yào yuèliàng shí, nǐ bù huì gěi tā xīngxīng; 

年轻人说: 浪漫是她想要月亮时,你不会给她星星;

Young people say: Romance means that when she wants the moon, you won’t give her stars; 

zhōng nián rén shuō: Làngmàn shì jíshǐ wǎnshàng jiābān dào língdiǎn, dàojiā shí, zìjǐ jiālǐ yě hái liàngzhe dēng; 

中年人说: 浪漫是即使晚上加班到零点,到家时,自己家里也还亮着灯;

middle-aged people say: Romance means that even if you work overtime until midnight, when you get home, the lights are still on in your own home. 

lǎonián rén shuō: Làngmàn qíshí jiù xiàng gē zhōng chàng de nàyàng,

老年人说: 浪漫其实就像歌中唱的那样,

Old people say: Romance is just as the song sings, 

“wǒ néng xiǎngdào zuì làngmàn de shì, jiùshì hé nǐ yīqǐ màn man biàn lǎo.” 


"The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old with you." 

Qíshí, ràng wǒmen gǎndòng de, jiùshì shēnghuó zhōng jiǎndān de àiqíng.


In fact, what moves us is the simple love in life.  

Yǒu shíhòu, jiǎndān jiùshì zuìdà de xìngfú.


Sometimes simplicity is the greatest happiness.

Paragraph 01-5


Shuō dào jiéhūn, rénmen jiù huì hěn zìrán de xiǎngqǐ àiqíng. 


When it comes to marriage, people naturally think of love.  

Àiqíng shì jiéhūn de zhòngyào yuányīn, 


Love is an important reason for marriage, 

dàn liǎng gè rén gòngtóng shēnghuó, 


but two people living together 

bùjǐn xūyào làngmàn de àiqíng, 


require not only romantic love, 

gèng xūyào xìnggé shàng hùxiāng xīyǐn.


but also mutual attraction in character.


Wǒ zhàngfū shìgè hěn yōumò de rén. 


My husband is a very humorous person.  

Jíshǐ shì hěn pǔtōng de shìqíng, 


Even ordinary things


cóng tā zuǐ lǐ shuō chūlái yě huì biàn dé hěn yǒuyìsi.


can become very interesting when they come out of his mouth.  

 Zài wǒ nánguò de shíhòu,


 When I was sad, 

 tā zǒng shì yǒu bànfǎ ràng wǒ gāoxìng qǐlái. 


 he always had a way to make me happy.  

Érqiě tā de píqì yě bùcuò, 


He also has a good temper. 

jiéhūn kuài shí niánle,


We have been married for almost ten years, 

wǒmen liǎ jīhū méi yīnwèi shénme shì hóngguò liǎn,


and we have hardly blushed because of anything. 

hěnduō rén dōu tèbié xiànmù wǒmen.


Many people are particularly envious of us.

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hsk 5 上 lesson 1 with pinyin and English translation

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