19 July 2021

hsk 6 lesson 30 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 30   你睡好了吗

Did you sleep well?

Nǐ shuì hǎole ma
Did you sleep well?

Duì pǔtōng rén lái shuō, shuìjiào zhǐshì guànlì, 
For ordinary people, sleep is just a routine, 

kěshì duìyú huàn yǒu wángù shīmián zhèng de rén lái shuō, 
but for people suffering from stubborn insomnia, 

shuìjiào què chéngle nándé de shēchǐ.
sleep has become a rare luxury.

Jìnrì, zhōngguó fābù de shuìmián zhǐshù zǒng défēn 66.5 fēn, 
Recently, China released a sleep index with a total score of 66.5 points, 

chāoguò 36.2% de jūmín défēn dī yú jígé xiàn 60 fēn.
and more than 36.2% of residents scored 60 points below the pass line.

Tǒngjì shùzì xiǎnshì, 
Statistics show that 

shuìmián zhǐ shǔ de défēn suízhe chéngshì céngjí de shēng gāo ér xiàjiàng, 
the sleep index score decreases as the city level rises. 

yīxiàn chéngshì de píngjūn shuìmián zhǐshù wèi 60.3 fēn, 
The average sleep index in first-tier cities is 60.3 points, 

sānxiàn chéngshì wèi 61.4 fēn, 
and in third-tier cities is 61.4 points, 

ér nóngcūn hé xiǎo chéngzhèn défēn jūn zài 70 fēn yǐshàng.
while rural and small towns both score above 70 points.

It can be seen that 

dāngqián shīmiánzhèng zhèng rǎoluànzhe rénmen de qíngxù, 
the current insomnia is disturbing people's emotions 

cuīcánzhe chéngshì rénqún de jiànkāng.
and destroying the health of urban people.

Diàochá fāxiàn, 
The survey found that 

gāi shuì shí bù shuì, shì yǐngxiǎng chéngrén jiànkāng shuìmián de zhòngyào yīnsù.
staying up while sleeping is an important factor affecting healthy sleep in adults.

Shǒujī hé píngbǎn diànnǎo de pǔjí, 
The popularity of mobile phones and tablet computers 

shǐ shuì qián shàngwǎng de xíguàn rìjiàn shèngxíng, 
has made the habit of going online before going to bed more and more popular, 

bù shǎo rén lín shuì qián zàiguòguò wǎng yǐn chéngle chángtài.
and it has become the norm for many people to have internet addiction before going to bed.

Ér diànzǐ chǎnpǐn yánzhòng de guāngwūrǎn bùjǐn yǐngxiǎngle réntǐ tuì hēi sù de zhèngcháng fēnmì, 
The serious light pollution of electronic products not only affects the normal secretion of melatonin in the human body, 

hái huì shǐ réntǐ shēngwùzhōng hòu yí, 
but also shifts the body's biological clock back. 

jiéguǒ jiùshì wǎnshàng shuì bùzháo, zǎoshang shuì bù xǐng.
As a result, it is impossible to sleep at night or wake up in the morning.

Tuì hēi sù shì shénme? 
What is melatonin?  

Jù yánjiū, 
According to research, 

tuì hēi sù shì bǎozhèng réntǐ jiànkāng de zhòngyào wùzhí zhī yī, 
melatonin is one of the important substances to ensure human health. 

tā de zhínéng bāokuò zēngqiáng réntǐ miǎnyì lì, kàng shuāilǎo, tiáojì shuìmián děng.
Its functions include enhancing human immunity, anti-aging, and regulating sleep.

Dāng réntǐnèi tuì hēi sù fēnmì bù zhèngcháng shí, 
When the secretion of melatonin in the human body is abnormal, 

rén tǐ xìbāo zǔzhī hé qìguān de zuòyòng hé huódòng nénglì dōu huì shòudào yǐngxiǎng, 
the function and activity of the human cell tissues and organs will be affected, 

gè zhǒng jíbìng, bāokuò èxìng zhǒngliú, 
and various diseases, including malignant tumors, 

yě jiùshì wǒmen cháng shuō de áizhèng, jiù huì suí zhī ér lái.
which is what we often call cancer, will follow.

Chúle shuì bùzháo, hái yǒurén shuì bù hǎo.
In addition to being unable to sleep, there are others who can't sleep well.

Zhōngguó yǒu shuìmián zhàng'ài de rén yuē wèi 38.2%, 
About 38.2% of people in China have sleep disorders. 

Yīncǐ, zài Zhōngguó zhuān zhì shuìmián zhàng'ài de yīshēng zǒng shì gōngbùyìngqiú.
Therefore, doctors specializing in sleep disorders in China are always in short supply.

Shuìmián zhàng'ài biǎoxiàn wèi rùshuì kùnnán, 
Sleep disorder manifests as difficulty falling asleep, 

tóu zài zhěntou shàng, jiùshì shuì bùzháo, 
head on the pillow, just can't fall asleep,

fānláifùqù xiā zhēteng, 
tossing and tossing over and over, 

xīnfán yì luàn dé wúfǎ róngrěn, 
upset and distraught too much, 

báitiān yòu lǎo shì fànkùn. 
and always sleepy during the day.  

Cǐwài, rùshuì hòu èmèng liánlián, 
In addition, nightmares after falling asleep, 

yīhuìr dēngtuǐ, 
kicking for a while, 

yīhuìr huī quántóu, 
fisting for a while, 

bùshí dàshēng jiàohǎn, yěshì shuìmián zhàng'ài de diǎnxíng zhèngzhuàng.
and yelling loudly from time to time are also typical symptoms of sleep disorders.

Shuìmián bùzú huì shǐ rénqì sè bù hǎo, xíngwéi nénglì piānlí zhèngcháng guǐdào, 
Insufficient sleep can cause bad personality and behavioral ability. 

jùxī, yīgè 17~19 gè xiǎoshí méi shuìjiào de rén, 
It is reported that a person who has not slept for 17 to 19 hours 

qí xíngwéi nénglì yǔ yīgè xiěyè zhōng jiǔjīng nóngdù wèi 0.05% de rén bù xiāng shàngxià.
has a behavioral ability comparable to that of a person with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05%.

Jíbiàn yīzhōu nèi měitiān shǎo shuì liǎng gè xiǎoshí, 
Even if you lose two hours of sleep a day in a week, 

píláo yě huì lěijī zài yīqǐ, bìng zài bù shìyí de chǎnghé yǐnfā shìgù, 
fatigue will accumulate and cause accidents in inappropriate situations. 

wǒmen céng jiànguò zhèyàng yīgè bùkěsīyì de ànlì, 
We have seen such an incredible case, 

yī wèi jìshù shúliàn de lǎo sījī bǎ chē kāi shàngle nìxíng dào, 
a skilled old driver drove the car on a forbidden road, 

ér zhè jiùshì píláo jiàshǐ zàochéng de.
and this is caused by fatigue driving.

Cǐwài, chángqí shuìmián bùzú hái huì shǐ rén zhùyì lì xiàjiàng, 
In addition, long-term lack of sleep can also cause people to lose concentration, 

biǎoqíng mángrán, 
lose their expressions, 

lose everything, 

qíngxù qǐfú bùdìng, 
emotional ups and downs, 

dòngbùdòng jiù fādāi, 
and be in a daze at every turn, 

jì'ér jìxìng yuè lái yuè chà, 
and then their memory becomes worse and worse. 

dàole gèng yánzhòng de dìbù, 
When they become more serious, 

huì sīwéi hǔnluàn, jiànkāng zhuàngkuàng zhúbù èhuà, 
they will be confused and their health will gradually deteriorate, 

jìn'ér yòufā mànxìng jíbìng.
which will induce chronic diseases.

All in all, 

shuìmián hǎo huài duì réntǐ jiànkāng jǔzúqīngzhòng, 
the quality of sleep is of great importance to human health. 

yīncǐ, yīshēng hūyù, bùyào duì shīmián zhèngzhuàng wúdòngyúzhōng, 
Therefore, doctors urge not to be indifferent to the symptoms of insomnia, 

yào nòng qīng bìngyīn, 
to find out the cause, 

bìng gēnjù bùtóng qíngkuàng jiéjìn quánlì jìnxíng zhìliáo.
and to make every effort to treat according to different situations.

Bùkě fǒurèn de shì, 
It is undeniable that 

hěnduō rén yuánběn shuìmián shì méiyǒu wèntí de, 
many people have no sleep problems originally, 

dǎozhì wèntí de gēnyuán duō duō shào shào yǔ bùjiànkāng de shēnghuó fāngshì yǒuguān, 
and the root cause of the problems is more or less related to unhealthy lifestyles. 

yīncǐ, duìfù shīmián zhèng de fāngfǎ jiùshì jiūzhèng bù hǎo de shēnghuó xíguàn, 
Therefore, the way to deal with insomnia is to correct bad habits, 

bùyào zāotà zìjǐ de shēntǐ, 
don't spoil your body, 

bùyào zìjǐ pòhài zìjǐ, 
don't persecute yourself, 

bùyào ràng huài xíguàn huǐmiè wǒmen de jiànkāng.
don't let bad habits destroy our health.

Gǎibiān zì Běijīng wèishì “Běijīng nǐ zǎo” jiémù “2014 nián Zhōngguó shuìmián zhǐshù fābù”
Adapted from Beijing Satellite TV's "Good Morning Beijing" program "2014 China Sleep Index Release"

Full Translation

Did you sleep well?

For ordinary people, sleep is just a routine, but for people suffering from stubborn insomnia, sleep has become a rare luxury. Recently, China released a sleep index with a total score of 66.5 points, and more than 36.2% of residents scored 60 points below the pass line. Statistics show that the sleep index score decreases as the city level rises. 
The average sleep index in first-tier cities is 60.3 points, and in third-tier cities is 61.4 points, while rural and small towns both score above 70 points. It can be seen that the current insomnia is disturbing people's emotions and destroying the health of urban people. The survey found that staying up while sleeping is an important factor affecting healthy sleep in adults.
The popularity of mobile phones and tablet computers has made the habit of going online before going to bed more and more popular, and it has become the norm for many people to have internet addiction before going to bed. The serious light pollution of electronic products not only affects the normal secretion of melatonin in the human body, but also shifts the body's biological clock back. As a result, it is impossible to sleep at night or wake up in the morning.
What is melatonin? According to research, melatonin is one of the important substances to ensure human health. Its functions include enhancing human immunity, anti-aging, and regulating sleep.
When the secretion of melatonin in the human body is abnormal, the function and activity of the human cell tissues and organs will be affected, and various diseases, including malignant tumors, which is what we often call cancer, will follow. In addition to being unable to sleep, there are others who can't sleep well.
About 38.2% of people in China have sleep disorders. Therefore, doctors specializing in sleep disorders in China are always in short supply. Sleep disorder manifests as difficulty falling asleep, head on the pillow, just can't fall asleep, tossing and tossing over and over, upset and distraught too much, and always sleepy during the day.  
In addition, nightmares after falling asleep, kicking for a while, fisting for a while, and yelling loudly from time to time are also typical symptoms of sleep disorders. Insufficient sleep can cause bad personality and behavioral ability. It is reported that a person who has not slept for 17 to 19 hours has a behavioral ability comparable to that of a person with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05%.
Even if you lose two hours of sleep a day in a week, fatigue will accumulate and cause accidents in inappropriate situations. We have seen such an incredible case, a skilled old driver drove the car on a forbidden road, and this is caused by fatigue driving. In addition, long-term lack of sleep can also cause people to lose concentration, lose their expressions, lose everything, emotional ups and downs, and be in a daze at every turn, and then their memory becomes worse and worse. 
When they become more serious, they will be confused and their health will gradually deteriorate, which will induce chronic diseases. All in all, the quality of sleep is of great importance to human health. Therefore, doctors urge not to be indifferent to the symptoms of insomnia, to find out the cause, and to make every effort to treat according to different situations.
It is undeniable that many people have no sleep problems originally, and the root cause of the problems is more or less related to unhealthy lifestyles. Therefore, the way to deal with insomnia is to correct bad habits, don't spoil your body, don't persecute yourself, don't let bad habits destroy our health.
Adapted from Beijing Satellite TV's "Good Morning Beijing" program "2014 China Sleep Index Release"

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