17 July 2021

hsk 6 lesson 29 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 29   “笑”的备忘录

A memorandum of laughing

“Xiào” de bèiwànglù
A memorandum of laughing

  (Yī) dànǎo néng “tīng” chū xiào shēng de zhēn jiǎ
  (1) The brain can "hear" the true and false of laughter

Zhēnshi qǐyǒucǐlǐ, 


How can this be so? 

nándào wǒmen tīng dào yōngsú, bù shàng dàngcì de xiàohuà jiǎ xiào liǎng shēng, 


we hear vulgar, inferior jokes and smirk twice, 

fūyǎn yīxià yě bù kěyǐ ma?


and can't be perfunctory?

Kěshì, hǎoxiàng quèshí bùxíng.


However, it does not seem to work.

Zhūwèi, rúguǒ nǐ bùxiǎng nánkān, 


You guys, if you don’t want to be embarrassed 

bùxiǎng ràng biérén fāxiàn nǐ fāchū de shì xūwèi, wéibèi xīnyì de xiào shēng, 


and don’t want others to discover that you are making a hypocritical, counterintuitive laugh, 

nǐ kěyǐ huíbì, 


you can avoid it, 

kěyǐ bù biǎotài, 


you can refrain from expressing your position, 

kěyǐ bǎ huàtí chà kāi, 


you can change the topic, 

kěyǐ zhuāng lóng zhuāng yǎ, 


you can pretend to be deaf and dumb, 

dàn bùyào huàshétiānzú, wéixīn de xiào.


but don’t superfluous and laugh against your will.  

Yīnwèi zhǐyào nǐ xiào, 


Because as long as you laugh, 

bùguǎn nǐ duō jīling, 


no matter how clever you are, 

bùguǎn nǐ yǎnshì dé duōme zhōumì, 


no matter how careful you cover up, 

biérén dōu néng kàn chū nǐ de xiào shì zhēnxīn shíyì, 


others will be able to see whether your smile is sincere, 

háishì xū qíng jiǎyì, zhuāngmúzuòyàng.


or fake and pretentious.

Yǒurén bùjīn yào wèn, 


Some people can't help asking, 

rén shì tōngguò shènme tújìng shìbié “xiào” bèihòu de zhēnshí qínggǎn ne?


how do people recognize the true emotion behind "laugh"?

Yánjiū zhě fāxiàn, 


Researchers have found that 

wǒmen zài tīng dào fā zì nèixīn de xiào shēng hé xūjiǎ de xiào shēng shí, 


when we hear laughter from the heart and fake laughter, 

dànǎo huì chéngxiàn chū wánquán bùtóng de fǎnyìng.


the brain will react completely differently.

Jiǎ xiào shēng huì jīhuó dànǎo zhōng yòng yú pòyì qínggǎn xìnxī de tèdìng qūyù, 


Fake laughter will activate specific areas of the brain that are used to decipher emotional information. 

tóngshí dànǎo huì zìdòng fēnxī jiǎ xiào de yuángù, 


At the same time, the brain will automatically analyze the reason for the fake smile, 

jiǎ xiào zhě xiǎng yǐnmán shénme, yǐjí jiǎ xiào zhě de yìxiàng; 


what the smirk wants to hide, and the intention of the smirk; 

chéngzhì de xiào shēng zé huì jīhuó dànǎo zhōng yǔ kuàilè he jījí qíngxù xiāngguān de qūyù.


sincere laughter activates areas of the brain related to happiness and positive emotions.

Wèile zhèngshí zhè yī lǐlùn, 


To prove this theory, 

yīsībùgǒu de yánjiū zhě ràng zhìyuàn zhě qīngtīng wǎngzhàn shìpín zhōng de xiào shēng, 


strictly according to the rules researchers asked volunteers to listen to laughter in videos on the website, 

tóngshí jìlù tāmen dànǎo de fǎnyìng, 


while recording their brain responses, 

bìng jiāng zhìyuàn zhě tīng dào zhēn xiào yǔ jiǎ xiào shí dànǎo de fǎnyìng zuò duìbǐ.


and compared the volunteers' brain responses when they heard real smiles with fake smiles.

Cèshì jiéguǒ yīmùliǎorán, 


The test results are clear at a glance, 

zhìyuàn zhě zài yùxiān wèi bèi gàozhī cèshì mùdì de qíngkuàng xià, jǐn píng zhíjué jiù néng zhǔnquè de fēnbiàn chū jiǎ xiào shēng.


and the volunteers can accurately distinguish fake laughter only by intuition without being informed of the purpose of the test in advance.

Tiān ya, rén de dànǎo zhōng jìngrán shēn cángzhe yīshuāng nénggòu tàncè tārén xǐyuè zhī qíng zhēn wěi de yǎnjīng!


My God, there is a pair of eyes hidden deep in the human brain that can detect the truth of the joy of others!

Yánjiū zhě zhǐchū:


The researcher pointed out: 

“Rénlèi dànǎo duìyú xiào shēng zhōng suǒ yǐn hán de shèhuì hé qínggǎn xìnxī fēicháng mǐngǎn, 


"The human brain is very sensitive to the social and emotional information implicit in laughter, 

zhè bù wánquán shì zhìshāng wèntí.


which is not entirely an IQ problem.

Dāng zhìyuàn zhě tīng dào xiào shēng shí, 


When volunteers hear laughter, 

huì kāiqǐ dànǎo zhōng yǔ xīnzhì xiāngguān de qūyù, 


they will turn on the areas of the brain related to the mind, 

cóng'ér huòzhī tārén de qínggǎn huò jīngshén zhuàngtài, 


so as to know the emotional or mental state of others. 

yǒuxiē zhìyuàn zhě hái dòngyòngle dànǎo zhōng kòngzhì yùndòng hé gǎnzhī de bùfèn, 


Some volunteers also used the part of the brain that controls movement and perception 

jìn'ér gèng jīngzhǔn de tíliàn chū zhēn jiǎ xiào shēng bèihòu de xìnxī.”


to more accurately extract the information behind real and fake laughter.  "

   (Èr) xiào wèibì shì zuì jiā liángyào
   (2) Laughter may not be the best medicine

Zhōngguó rén xǐhuan tīng xiàngsheng, yīnwèi tā dòuxiào.


Chinese people like to listen to cross talk because it makes people laugh.

“Xiào yǒuyì yú jiànkāng” jīhū dédàole quán shìjiè de rènkě, 


"Laughter is good for health" has been recognized almost all over the world.

“xiào yīxiào shí niánshào” “yīxiào jiě qiān chóu” bùjǐn bèi dàjiā rènkě, 

“笑一笑十年少” “一笑解千愁”不仅被大家认可,

"Laughing for ten years" and "Smile for a thousand sorrows" is not only recognized by everyone, 

shènzhì bèi yīxiē rén dàng zuò shēnghuó de zuòyòumíng.


but even taken as the motto of life by some people.

Zhōngguó rén shēnxìn kāihuái dà xiào yě hǎo, hāhā shǎxiào yěbà, nǎpà shì sīxià lǐ tōutōu de xiào, dōu huì shì shēnghuó zhōng zuì tōngyòng, érqiě guǎnyòng de zhì bìng liáng fāng.


The Chinese are convinced that laughter or smirk, even if it is secretly laughing, will be the most versatile and effective cure in life.

Yǒu yánjiū zhèngshí, 


Studies have confirmed that 

xiào kěyǐ tiáojié qíngxù, 


laughter can regulate mood, 

kěyǐ cùjìn xiěyè xúnhuán hé fù jī shōusuō,


promote blood circulation and contract abdominal muscles. 

100 cì pěngfù dà xiào suǒ xīshōu de yǎngqì xiāngdāng yú yòng jiǎng huáchuán 10 fēnzhōng de xī yǎng liàng.


The oxygen absorbed by 100 abdominal laughter is equivalent to the amount of oxygen absorbed by rowing a boat for 10 minutes.

Yǒurén zuòguò zhèyàng de shìyàn, 


Someone has done such an experiment. 

kāihuái dà xiào yī zhěng tiān, kěyǐ ránshāo diào 2000 kǎlùlǐ, 


Laughing for a whole day can burn 2,000 calories, 

cóng'ér bāngzhù xiāohào zhīfáng, jiǎnqīng tǐzhòng, 


which can help burn fat and reduce weight. 

tóngshí, xiào yǒu zhù yú huǎnjiě dòngmài yìnghuà, yǒu zhù yú xiāochú jǐnzhāng gǎn, 


At the same time, laughter helps relieve arteriosclerosis and relieve tension. 

zhè jiùshì xiào yǒu lìyú jiànkāng de shí zhí xìng de zhèngjù.


This is how laughter is good for  Substantial evidence of health.

Rán'ér, xiào, zhēnde shì rénshēng lǚtú zhōng de zuì jiā liángyào ma?


However, laughter is really the best medicine on the journey of life?

Dá'àn sìhū bùshì nàme kěndìng.


The answer does not seem so sure.

Yǒu yánjiū rényuán biǎoshì, 


Some researchers say that 

xiào yě bùshì yǒu bǎi yì ér wú yī hài de, 


laughter is not all beneficial and harmless, 

yǒushí tā hái huì chǎnshēng fùzuòyòng.


and sometimes it has side effects.

Yǒu yīshēng jiù pèng dàoguò zhèyàng de ànlì: 


Some doctors have encountered such cases: 

Yǒurén zài sìwújìdàn de xiào guòhòu yīn xīntiào jiāsù ér hūnmí, 


Someone laughed unscrupulously and then became unconscious due to a fast heartbeat, 

ér dà xiào dào “jīhū xiào pò dùpí” kěnéng huì dǎozhì chàqì, 


and laughed to the point that the "laughing almost broke the belly" may cause discomfort, 

xīnzàng bù shūfu, shènzhì sǔnhuài réntǐ jiànkāng.


heart discomfort, and even damage to human health.

Xīn de yánjiū jiéguǒ duì xiào “yǒu bǎi yì ér wú yī hài” de guāndiǎn tíchūle tiǎozhàn, 


The new research results challenge the view that laughter has "all benefits but no harm". 

sìhū gèng qīngxiàng yú xiào bùshì huàishì, 


It seems that laughter is not a bad thing, 

dàn fēncùn yào zhǎngwò dé qiàdàohǎochù.


but it must be properly controlled.

Kěshì duōshù rén háishì shēnxìn, xiào de shìfēi wúxū tàntǎo, 


But most people are still convinced that there is no need to discuss whether you are laughing or not. 

rènhé xíngshì de yōumò, shānghài fēngxiǎn dōu bù gāo, 


Any form of humor does not have a high risk of harm, 

qí shōuyì zé shì xiǎn'éryìjiàn de, 


and the benefits are obvious. 

kuàngqiě, zhēnshi hǎo péngyǒu zài yīqǐ, gāoxìngle, qǐ qǐhòng, huò shì yù dàole kāixīn shì, 


Besides, it is really good friends who are together, happy, booing, or having a happy event, 

nǎlǐ hái gù dé shàng zhēnzhuó fēncùn zhǎngwò dé qiàdàng bù qiàdàng ne?


Where can still consider whether it is appropriate or not?

Fēnbié gǎibiān zì “cānkǎo xiāoxī” tóngmíng wénzhāng


Respectively adapted from the article of the same name in "Reference News"

Full Translation

A memorandum of laughing


    (1) The brain can "hear" the true and false of laughter

How can this be so? We hear vulgar, inferior jokes and smirk twice, and can't be perfunctory? However, it does not seem to work. You guys, if you don’t want to be embarrassed and don’t want others to discover that you are making a hypocritical, counterintuitive laugh, you can avoid it, you can refrain from expressing your position, you can change the topic, you can pretend to be deaf and dumb, but don’t superfluous and laugh against your will.  

Because as long as you laugh, no matter how clever you are, no matter how careful you cover up, others will be able to see whether your smile is sincere, or fake and pretentious. Some people can't help asking, how do people recognize the true emotion behind "laugh"?

Researchers have found that when we hear laughter from the heart and fake laughter, the brain will react completely differently. Fake laughter will activate specific areas of the brain that are used to decipher emotional information. At the same time, the brain will automatically analyze the reason for the fake smile, what the smirk wants to hide, and the intention of the smirk; sincere laughter activates areas of the brain related to happiness and positive emotions.

To prove this theory, strictly according to the rules researchers asked volunteers to listen to laughter in videos on the website, while recording their brain responses, and compared the volunteers' brain responses when they heard real smiles with fake smiles. The test results are clear at a glance, and the volunteers can accurately distinguish fake laughter only by intuition without being informed of the purpose of the test in advance.

My God, there is a pair of eyes hidden deep in the human brain that can detect the truth of the joy of others! The researcher pointed out: "The human brain is very sensitive to the social and emotional information implicit in laughter, which is not entirely an IQ problem.

When volunteers hear laughter, they will turn on the areas of the brain related to the mind, 

so as to know the emotional or mental state of others. Some volunteers also used the part of the brain that controls movement and perception to more accurately extract the information behind real and fake laughter."

      (2) Laughter may not be the best medicine

Chinese people like to listen to cross talk because it makes people laugh. "Laughter is good for health" has been recognized almost all over the world. "Laughing for ten years" and "Smile for a thousand sorrows" is not only recognized by everyone, but even taken as the motto of life by some people.

The Chinese are convinced that laughter or smirk, even if it is secretly laughing, will be the most versatile and effective cure in life.

Studies have confirmed that laughter can regulate mood, promote blood circulation and contract abdominal muscles. The oxygen absorbed by 100 abdominal laughter is equivalent to the amount of oxygen absorbed by rowing a boat for 10 minutes.

Someone has done such an experiment. Laughing for a whole day can burn 2,000 calories, which can help burn fat and reduce weight. At the same time, laughter helps relieve arteriosclerosis and relieve tension. This is how laughter is good for  Substantial evidence of health. However, laughter is really the best medicine on the journey of life?

The answer does not seem so sure. Some researchers say that laughter is not all beneficial and harmless, and sometimes it has side effects. Some doctors have encountered such cases: Someone laughed unscrupulously and then became unconscious due to a fast heartbeat, and laughed to the point that the "laughing almost broke the belly" may cause discomfort, heart discomfort, and even damage to human health.

The new research results challenge the view that laughter has "all benefits but no harm". It seems that laughter is not a bad thing, but it must be properly controlled. But most people are still convinced that there is no need to discuss whether you are laughing or not. 

Any form of humor does not have a high risk of harm, and the benefits are obvious. Besides, it is really good friends who are together, happy, booing, or having a happy event, where can still consider whether it is appropriate or not? Respectively adapted from the article of the same name in "Reference News"

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