06 July 2021

hsk 6 lesson 26 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 26   奇异的灯光   The extraordinary light

Qíyì de dēngguāng
The extraordinary light

Chuánshuō gǔdài yǒu gè ài shū rú mìng de dúshūrén, 


Legend has it that in ancient times there was a scholar who loved books like his life. 

měi dāng tā pěng qǐ shūběn jiù xiàng shì zǒu jìnle zhīshì de hǎiyáng, 


Whenever he picked up a book, he was like walking into a sea of ​​knowledge. 

tiānwén dìlǐ, rújiā jīngdiǎn, zhuànjì sǎnwén, lìdài shīcí, dōu huì shǐ tā zháomí.


Astronomy and geography, Confucian classics, biographical essays, and poetry of the past dynasties would fascinate him.

Lìshǐ wénhuà de cháng qī xūntáo, 


The long-term influence of history and culture 

shǐ tā sīwéi mǐnjié, xiōnghuái kuānguǎng.


has made him quick thinking and broad-minded.

Dōngjì shǐ rén bùkān rěnshòu de yánhán yǐjí yánrè xiàtiān wénzi de sāorǎo dōu méiyǒu yǐngxiǎng tā dúshū de rèqíng, 


The unbearable cold in winter and the harassment of mosquitoes in the hot summer did not affect his enthusiasm for reading. 

wéi dú ràng tā fāchóu de shì jiājìng pínfá, 


The only thing that worries him is that his family is poor 

rìziguò dé jiānnán, 


and his life is difficult. 

wǎnshàng kànshū bié shuō làzhúle, jiùshì dēngyóu yě yào jiéshěng zheyòng.


Don't talk about candles when reading at night, even save lamp oil.

Yòu shì yīgè mēnrè de xià yè, 


It was another sultry summer night. 

chuāngwài zhèn zhèn rèlàng xí lái, 


Heat waves came outside the window. 

hàn zhū shùnzhe liǎn wǎng xiàliú, 


Sweat dripped down his face. 

liǎn shàng yǎngyang de, 


His face was itchy, like an ant crawling. 

xiàng yǒu mǎyǐ zài pá, tā yòng shǒu cāle cā hàn, 


He wiped his sweat with his hand 

yīrán chénzuì zài shūběn lǐ.


and was still intoxicated in the book.

Yóuyú zuò dé tài jiǔ, 


Because of sitting for too long, 

tā de jǐngchuí yǒuxiē mámù, pìgu suāntòng, 


his cervical spine was a little numb and his buttocks were sore. 

tā huǎngle huǎng tóu, yòng shǒu róule róu mámù de bózi, nuóle nuó pìgu, huàngè zīshì, 


He shook his head, rubbed his numb neck with his hands, moved his butt, and changed his posture. 

dùnshí mámù de bùwèi huīfùle zhījué, 


Suddenly the numb part regained consciousness 

tā yījiù chénjìn zài dúshū de kuàilè zhōng.


and he was still immersed in the joy of reading.

Shì a, zhǐyào yǒu shū dú, 


Yes, as long as he has a book to read, 

āi è shòu dòng tā dōu bùpà; 


he is not afraid of starvation or freezing; 

zhǐyào yǒu shū péibàn, 


as long as he is accompanied by a book, 

tā jiù gǎnjué xìngfú, měimǎn, xiàng shì shēnghuó zài tiāntáng.


he feels happy and fulfilled, like living in heaven.

Hūrán, yóudēng wúlì de tiàole liǎng xià, wúshēng de xímièle, 


Suddenly, the oil lamp jumped feebly twice, and went out silently, 

yǎnqián dùnshí xiànrùle hēi'àn.


and immediately plunged into darkness.

Zāole, yīdìng shì dēngyóu méiyǒule, tā yǒuxiē xièqì.


Oops, there must be no kerosene, he was a little discouraged.

Hēi'àn zhōng tā mī qǐ shuāngyǎn, 


In the darkness, he squinted his eyes, 

jílì shǐ zìjǐ jǐnkuài shìyìng yǎnqián de hēi'àn.


trying his best to adapt himself to the darkness in front of him as soon as possible.

Tā ná qǐ yóudēng zài ěr biān yáole yáo, 


He picked up the oil lamp and shook it in his ear. 

dēngyóu píng kōngle.


The oil bottle was empty.

Tā fàngxià dēng, 


He put down the lamp 

juéwàng de níng shì zhuó yǎnqián de mángmáng hēi'àn, 


and stared desperately into the darkness before him, 

bù zhīdao zěnyàng dǎfā zhège mànmàn chángyè.


not knowing how to pass the long night.

Wūzi lǐ mēnrè de kōngqì xiàng shì nínggùle, 


The sultry air in the room seemed to freeze, 

fánzào zài tā shēntǐ zhōng mànyán kāi lái, 


and irritability spread in his body. 

tā nǔlì kèzhìzhe zìjǐ de qíngxù, 


He tried to restrain his emotions, 

mòmò de bèisòngzhe gānggāng dúguò de gǔshī, 


silently recite the ancient poems he had just read, 

zài tóunǎo zhōng biānzhīzhe shī zhōng miáohuì de dòngrén huàmiàn, 


and weave the moving pictures depicted in the poems in his mind, 

kě zhè zhǒng qiángzhì de bànfǎ méiyǒu xiàoguǒ, 


but this coercive method had no effect, 

yúshì, tā dǎkāi fáng mén zǒu rùle chénchén yèsè.


so he opened the door and walked into the deep night.

Xià rì de yè shífēn měilì, 


The summer night is very beautiful, 

yī shǎn yī shǎn de xīngxīng xiāngqiàn zài yèkōng zhōng, 


with twinkling stars inlaid in the night sky, 

ǒu'ěr hái huì chuī lái yīzhèn liáng fēng.


and occasionally a cool breeze blows.

Tā mànbù zài tiányězhōng, 


He was strolling in the fields, 

xīnshǎngzhe měilì de yèjǐng, 


enjoying the beautiful night scene, 

hūrán tā bèi yǎnqián de qíngxíng xīyǐn zhùle, 


and suddenly he was attracted by the situation before him. 

zhǐ jiàn yī dàqún yínghuǒchóng zài dīkōng pánxuán fēiwǔ, 


He saw a large group of fireflies hovering and dancing in the low altitude, 

lái láihuí hui de fēi.


flying back and forth.

Yínghuǒchóng de wěibā dōu yǒu liàngguāng zài shǎnshuò, 


The tails of the fireflies are flickering, 

chéngwéi hēi'àn zhōng wéiyī yàoyǎn de guāngmáng.


becoming the only dazzling light in the dark.

Tā gēn zài yínghuǒchóng hòumiàn.


He followed behind the fireflies.

Hūrán yī zhǐ yínghuǒchóng fēi dàole yǎnqián, 


Suddenly a firefly flew in front of him, 

tā shēnshǒu yī lāo, bǎ tā wò zàile shǒuxīn, tān kāi shǒuzhǎng, 


he stretched out his hand, held it in the palm of his hand, spread his palm, 

wā, yínghuǒchóng hái lǎo lǎoshí shí de dài zài nàlǐ, 


wow, the firefly still stays there honestly, 

wěibù yījiù shǎnzhe liàngguāng, 


the tail is still shining, 

yěxǔ nà liàngguāng zhǐ néng yòng háomǐ jìsuàn, 


maybe the brightness can only be calculated in millimeters, 

kě què hái suàn míngliàng.


but it is still bright.

Shùnjiān, tā tóunǎo zhōng bèngfā chū yīgè xiǎngfǎ:


In an instant, an idea burst into his mind: 

“Rúguǒ jiāng xǔduō yínghuǒchóng jízhōng zài yīqǐ, 


"If many fireflies are gathered together, 

bù jiù chéng dēngle ma?” 


wouldn't it be a lamp?" 

Tā juédìng shì yī shì.


He decided to give it a try.

Tā zhǎole gè bó bù zuò de bù dōu, 


He found a cloth pocket made of thin cloth, 

zhuāle yīxiē yínghuǒchóng fàng zài lǐmiàn, 


grabbed some fireflies and put it in, 

ránhòu jiāng dài kǒu zhā zhù, bǎ kǒudài diào qǐlái, yīgè “dēnglóng” jiù zuò chéng la, 


then tied the bag and hung up the pocket to make a "lantern". 

suīrán méiyǒu yóu dēngliàng, kànshū háishì miǎnqiáng kěyǐ de, 


Although there is no oil lamp on, reading is barely possible.  

cóngcǐ, yínghuǒchóng zuò chéng de “dēng” jiù yè yè péibànzhe tā.


Since then, the "light" made of fireflies has accompanied him every night.

Tā suīrán bùshì tiāncái, méiyǒuguò rén de tiānfù, 


Although he is not a genius and has no extraordinary talent, 

dànshì rì fù yī rì de nǔlì, shǐ tā de xuéshì yǔrìjùzēng, 


his day-to-day hard work has increased his knowledge day by day, 

zuìhòu zhōngyú chéngwéi zhīmíng xuézhě.


and finally he has become a well-known scholar.

Shēnghuó pínkùn bìng bù kěpà, .


Living poverty is not terrible. 

kěpà de shì sīxiǎng pínkùn, jīngshén pínkùn, zhìhuì pínkùn


What is terrible is mental poverty, spiritual poverty, and intellectual poverty.

Pínkùn de jīnglì zài yǒuxiē rén nàr kěyǐ chéngwéi cáifù, 


The experience of poverty can become wealth for some people, 

chéngwéi fèndòu pīnbó de dònglì hé yuánquán.


and become the driving force and source of struggle.

Gǎibiān zì “xué shèngrén wù zuòrén” wénzhāng “náng yíng zhào dú”, biānzhù: Ōuyáng mǐn


Adapted from the article "Learning a Sage and Enlightening Being a Man", "Photo Reading with Firefly", edited by: Ouyang Min

Full Translation:

The extraordinary light

Legend has it that in ancient times there was a scholar who loved books like his life. Whenever he picked up a book, he was like walking into a sea of ​​knowledge. Astronomy and geography, Confucian classics, biographical essays, and poetry of the past dynasties would fascinate him. The long-term influence of history and culture has made him quick thinking and broad-minded.

The unbearable cold in winter and the harassment of mosquitoes in the hot summer did not affect his enthusiasm for reading. The only thing that worries him is that his family is poor and his life is difficult. Don't talk about candles when reading at night, even save lamp oil.

It was another sultry summer night. Heat waves came outside the window. Sweat dripped down his face. His face was itchy, like an ant crawling. He wiped his sweat with his hand and was still intoxicated in the book.

Because of sitting for too long,  his cervical spine was a little numb and his buttocks were sore. He shook his head, rubbed his numb neck with his hands, moved his butt, and changed his posture. Suddenly the numb part regained consciousness and he was still immersed in the joy of reading.

Yes, as long as he has a book to read, he is not afraid of starvation or freezing; as long as he is accompanied by a book, he feels happy and fulfilled, like living in heaven. Suddenly, the oil lamp jumped feebly twice, and went out silently, and immediately plunged into darkness. Oops, there must be no kerosene, he was a little discouraged. In the darkness, he squinted his eyes, trying his best to adapt himself to the darkness in front of him as soon as possible.

He picked up the oil lamp and shook it in his ear. The oil bottle was empty. He put down the lamp and stared desperately into the darkness before him, not knowing how to pass the long night. The sultry air in the room seemed to freeze, and irritability spread in his body. He tried to restrain his emotions, silently recite the ancient poems he had just read, and weave the moving pictures depicted in the poems in his mind, but this coercive method had no effect, so he opened the door and walked into the deep night.

The summer night is very beautiful, with twinkling stars inlaid in the night sky, and occasionally a cool breeze blows. He was strolling in the fields, enjoying the beautiful night scene, and suddenly he was attracted by the situation before him. He saw a large group of fireflies hovering and dancing in the low altitude, flying back and forth.

The tails of the fireflies are flickering, becoming the only dazzling light in the dark.

He followed behind the fireflies. Suddenly a firefly flew in front of him, he stretched out his hand, held it in the palm of his hand, spread his palm, wow, the firefly still stays there honestly, the tail is still shining, maybe the brightness can only be calculated in millimeters, but it is still bright.

In an instant, an idea burst into his mind: "If many fireflies are gathered together, wouldn't it be a lamp?" He decided to give it a try. He found a cloth pocket made of thin cloth, grabbed some fireflies and put it in, then tied the bag and hung up the pocket to make a "lantern". Although there is no oil lamp on, reading is barely possible. Since then, the "light" made of fireflies has accompanied him every night.

Although he is not a genius and has no extraordinary talent, his day-to-day hard work has increased his knowledge day by day, and finally he has become a well-known scholar. Living poverty is not terrible. What is terrible is mental poverty, spiritual poverty, and intellectual poverty. The experience of poverty can become wealth for some people, and become the driving force and source of struggle.

Adapted from the article "Learning a Sage and Enlightening Being a Man", "Photo Reading with Firefly", edited by: Ouyang Min

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