11 July 2021

hsk 5 lesson 34 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 34   鸟儿的护肤术

How birds take care of their feathers

Niǎor de hùfū shù
How birds take care of their feathers


Dàjiā dōu jiēchùguò niǎor ba?
Have you all been in contact with birds?

Nà nǐ zhīdao niǎor zuì zhòngyào de tèzhēng shì shénme ma?


Do you know what is the most important characteristic of a bird?

Shì yǒu chìbǎng huì fēi?


Does it fly with wings?

Háishì chī kūnchóng?


Or eat insects?

Zuòwéi yī zhǐ niǎor, 


As a bird, 

bùguǎn shì tiānkōng zhōng fēi de, 


whether it is flying in the sky, 

lùdì shàng zǒu de, 


walking on land, 

huòzhě néng rùshuǐ de, 


or able to enter the water, 

dōu bìxū yǒngyǒu yǔmáo.


it must have feathers.

Méi cuòr, 


That's right, 

qūfēn niǎo er hé qítā dòngwù de wéiyī tèzhēng jiùshì yǔmáo, 


the only feature that distinguishes birds from other animals is their feathers, 

ér bùshì huì bù huì fēi! 


not whether they can fly!  

Yǔmáo de zuòyòng hěnduō, 


Feathers have many functions, 

jì kěyǐ bǎonuǎn, yòu kěyǐ bǎohù pífū; 


not only to keep warm, but also to protect the skin; 

yǔmáo shàng de yánsè hé bān hái néng chōngdāng bǎohùsè; 


the color and spots on the feathers can also act as a protective color; 

dāngrán, gèng guānjiàn de shì, yǔmáo yǒu zhù yú fēixíng; 


of course, more importantly, the feathers help flight; 

shènzhì hái yǒu yīxiē niǎor de bùfèn yǔmáo yǒu “chùjué”.

甚至还有一些鸟儿的部分羽毛有 “触觉”。

even some of the feathers of some birds have a "sense of touch".  

Zǒngzhī, zài niǎor de shēnghuó zhōng, yǔmáo chōngdāngzhe shí fèn zhòngyào de juésè.


In short, feathers play a very important role in a bird's life.

Suǒyǐ, niǎor fēicháng àixī yǔmáo, 


Therefore, birds cherish feathers very much 

měitiān dōu huì huā hěn cháng shíjiān lái bǎoyǎng zìjǐ de “yǔyī”.

每天都会花很长时间来保养自己的 “羽衣”。

and spend a long time every day to maintain their "feathers".

Zhěnglǐ yǔmáo shì bǎoyǎng de jīběngōng, 


Arranging feathers is the basic skill of maintenance. 

tāmen zhǐyào yǒu shíjiān, 


As long as they have time, 

jiù huì qíngbùzìjīn de bèi guòtóu qù, fǎnfù de zhuózhe yǔmáo, 


they can't help turning their heads back and pecking at the feathers repeatedly, 

jiù xiàng suíshēn dàile yī bǎ shūzi shū tóufǎ yīyàng, 


just like carrying a comb to comb their hair. 

shùnbiàn shàng shàng yóu, ràng yǔmáo gèng guānghuá.


They are oiled by the way to make the feathers smoother.

Lìngwài, niǎor zài lǐ máo de shíhòu, hái huì zhuā chū yīdiǎnr jìshēng chóng.


In addition, when the bird is grooming, it will catch some parasites.

Háo wú yíwèn, xǐzǎo yěshì bǎoyǎng de yī dà jīběn xiàngmù.


There is no doubt that bathing is also a basic item of maintenance.

Bùguò, niǎor xǐzǎo yòng bùzháo féizào, 


However, the birds do not need soap for bathing, 

érqiě bùtóng zhǒnglèi de niǎor xuǎnzé de “zǎotáng” yě bù yīyàng, 

而且不同种类的鸟儿选择的 “澡堂” 也不一样,

and different kinds of birds choose different "bathrooms". 

gàikuò lái shuō, jiùshì yǐ fāngbiàn wèi yuánzé.


In a nutshell, convenience is the principle.

Bǐrú, hǎi niǎo zài dǎoyǔ shàng shēnghuó, jiù huì xuǎnzé hǎishuǐ; 


For example, when seabirds live on islands, they will choose sea water; 

zhī gēng niǎo xǐhuan lù páng de qiǎnshuǐ kēng; 


robins like shallow puddles along the road; 

hándài de niǎo ne, 


birds in cold regions, 

yīnwèi jiānghé chítáng bù hǎo zhǎo, zhǐhǎo yǐ xuědài shuǐ; 


because rivers and ponds are hard to find, so they have to use snow instead of water; 

ér lǎoyīng de xǐzǎo fāngshì gèng shì zhíjiē, 


while eagles bathe more directly.  

tāmen huì zài yǔzhōng zhāngkāishuāng chì tòngkuài de yíngjiē xǐlǐ! 


They will spread their wings in the rain to welcome the baptism happily!  

Shā yù yěshì yīxiē niǎor xǐhuan de bǎoyǎng fāngshì.


Sand bathing is also a favorite maintenance method for some birds.

Suǒwèi shā yù, jiùshì yòng shāzi xǐzǎo, 


The so-called sand bath is bathing with sand. 

tāmen zhī suǒyǐ fàngqìle yòngshuǐ xǐzǎo, zài hěn dà chéngdù shàng hé tāmen de shēnghuó huánjìng yǒuguān, 


The reason why they give up bathing with water is largely related to their living environment. 

tāmen dàduō shēnghuó zài shāmò děng gānzào de huánjìng, ài zài dìmiàn shàng huódòng.


Most of them live in dry environments such as deserts and love to move on the ground.

Lìngwài, shuìmián shì niǎormen zuì jiā de bǎoyǎng fāngshì, 


In addition, sleep is the best way for birds to maintain. 

suīrán wǒmen hěn shǎo kàn dào shuìmián zhōng de niǎor, 


Although we rarely see birds in sleep, 

nà shì yīnwèi tāmen tōngcháng huì xúnzhǎo yī chù mìmì de dìfāng xiūxi.


it is because they usually look for a secret place to rest.

Dà duōshù niǎor 1 tiān dàyuē shuì 8 xiǎoshí, 


Most birds sleep for about 8 hours a day, 

yǒuxiē niǎor chàbùduō yào shuì 1 tiān, 


some birds sleep for almost a day, 

ér lìng yīxiē niǎor jīhū yīdiǎnr jué yě bùyòng shuì.


and some birds hardly need to sleep at all.

Gǎibiān zì “kēxué sōngshǔ huì”, zuòzhě: Lín yuān


Adapted from "Science Squirrel Club", author: Lin Yuan

Full Translation

How birds take care of their feathers

Have you all been in contact with birds? Do you know what is the most important characteristic of a bird? Does it fly with wings? Or eat insects? As a bird, whether it is flying in the sky, walking on land, or able to enter the water, it must have feathers.

That's right, the only feature that distinguishes birds from other animals is their feathers, not whether they can fly!Feathers have many functions, not only to keep warm, but also to protect the skin; the color and spots on the feathers can also act as a protective color; of course, more importantly, the feathers help flight; even some of the feathers of some birds have a "sense of touch".  

In short, feathers play a very important role in a bird's life. Therefore, birds cherish feathers very much and spend a long time every day to maintain their "feathers". Arranging feathers is the basic skill of maintenance. 

As long as they have time, they can't help turning their heads back and pecking at the feathers repeatedly, just like carrying a comb to comb their hair. They are oiled by the way to make the feathers smoother. In addition, when the bird is grooming, it will catch some parasites. There is no doubt that bathing is also a basic item of maintenance.

However, the birds do not need soap for bathing, and different kinds of birds choose different "bathrooms". In a nutshell, convenience is the principle. For example, when seabirds live on islands, they will choose sea water; robins like shallow puddles along the road; birds in cold regions, because rivers and ponds are hard to find, so they have to use snow instead of water; while eagles bathe more directly.  

They will spread their wings in the rain to welcome the baptism happily! Sand bathing is also a favorite maintenance method for some birds. The so-called sand bath is bathing with sand. The reason why they give up bathing with water is largely related to their living environment. Most of them live in dry environments such as deserts and love to move on the ground.

In addition, sleep is the best way for birds to maintain. Although we rarely see birds in sleep, it is because they usually look for a secret place to rest. Most birds sleep for about 8 hours a day, some birds sleep for almost a day, and some birds hardly need to sleep at all.

Adapted from "Science Squirrel Club", author: Lin Yuan

hsk 5 lesson 34 audio

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