11 July 2021

hsk 5 lesson 33 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 33   以堵治堵-一缓解交通有妙招

Treating congestion with congestion: A smart way to relieve traffic burden

Yǐ dǔ zhì dǔ-huǎnjiě jiāotōng yǒu miàozhāo
Treating congestion with congestion: A smart way to relieve traffic burden

Chéngshì qìchē de shùliàng xùnsù zēngzhǎng, zuìchū hái bèi shì wéi shì shèhuì fāzhǎn, jīngjì fánróng de tǐxiàn.


The rapid increase in the number of urban cars was initially regarded as a manifestation of social development and economic prosperity.

Dàn hěn kuài rénmen jiù fāxiànle wèntí.


But soon people discovered the problem.

Suízhe chē liúliàng de zēngjiā, 


With the increase in traffic volume, 

dàolù biàn dé géwài yǒngjǐ, 


roads have become extremely crowded, 

dǔchē zài dà chéngshì zhōng yǐjīng chéngle jiāchángbiànfàn.


and traffic jams have become commonplace in big cities.

Jiějué jiāotōng yǒng dǔ de wèntí jiù yào jiǎnshǎo dānwèi miànjī dàolù nèi de qìchē shùliàng, 


To solve the problem of traffic congestion, it is necessary to reduce the number of cars per unit area of roads, 

xīnjiàn huò jiā kuān dàolù bèi gōngrèn wéi zuì jīběn de fāngfǎ.


and new or widening roads are recognized as the most basic method.

Dàn shìshí zhèngmíng zhè zhǐshì wǒmen měihǎo de zhǔguān yuànwàng, 


But the facts have proved that this is just our beautiful subjective wish. 

dàolù kuòjiàn de sùdù yuǎn yuǎn gēn bù shàng chē liúliàng zēngjiā de sùdù, 


The speed of road expansion is far behind the increase in traffic volume. 

miànjī de zēngjiā bìng wèi shǐ dàolù kōng chū kōngjiān lái, 


The increase in area does not make the road free, 

shènzhì hái huì wúxíng zhī zhōng gǔlì gèng duō de sījī kāichē shànglù, 


and even invisibly encourage more drivers to drive on the road, 

shǐdé shì zhōngxīn de dàolù gèngjiā yǒngjǐ.


making the roads in the city center more crowded.

Nàme, rúhé gēnzhì jiāotōng yǒng dǔ ne?


So, how to eradicate traffic congestion?

Zhèlǐ wǒmen bùfáng tīng tīng pèi·zhān sēn de gùshì.


Here we might as well listen to the story of Pei Johnson.

Zhān sēn yī dào ōuzhōu huánjìng bǎohù shǔ jiāotōng bù gōngzuò, 


As soon as Johnson went to work in the European Environmental Protection Agency's Transport Department, 

jiù jiē dàole yánjiū rúhé jiějué chéngshì yōngdǔ wèntí de rènwù.


he received a task to study how to solve the problem of urban congestion.

Yúshì, tā kāishǐ zhǎnkāi diàochá, 


So he began to investigate, 

yánjiū shōují shànglái de shùjù, 


study the collected data, 

guīnà wèntí tèdiǎn, 


summarize the characteristics of the problem, 

bìng xūxīn zīxúnle yǒuguān zhuānjiā.


and humbly consulted relevant experts.

Jiǔ yuè zhōngxún de yītiān zǎochén, 


One morning in mid-September, 

zhān sēn zhàocháng tíqián chūmén gǎn zài zǎo gāofēng zhīqián qù jiāotōng bù.


Johnson went out early as usual to go to the Ministry of Transportation before the morning rush hour.

Tā kàn dào yīgè jiànshēn de rén mànpǎo tōngguò yīgè yǒu guòjiētiānqiáo de lùkǒu shí, 


When he saw a fitness guy jogging through an intersection with an overpass, 

wèi tú shěngshì méi shàng tiānqiáo, ér shì héng chuān mǎlù.


he didn't get on the overpass to save trouble, but crossed the road.

Jiéguǒ, tā bèi yī liàng chē zhuàng dǎo zài dì, 


As a result, he was hit by a car and fell to the ground. 

suīrán zuìhòu tā zhǐshì shòule diǎn qīng shāng, 


Although he was only slightly injured in the end, 

érqiě yǒu bǎoxiǎn kěyǐ péicháng, dàn sījī háishì bèi xià dé bù qīng.


and he was covered by insurance, the driver was still frightened.

Bùguò zhè jiàn shì dǎoshì gěile zhān sēn qǐfā: 


But this incident gave Johnson an inspiration: 

Kāichē chūxíng shì wèile shěng shí shěnglì, dàn rúguǒ qíngkuàng xiāngfǎn ne?


driving is to save time and effort, but what if the opposite is true?

Tā juédìng yào gǎibiàn shìmín chūxíng de guānniàn, 


He decided to change the people's concept of travel, 

fǎn qí dào ér xíng zhī-ràng chéngshì xiān dǔ qǐlái, 


and do the opposite-let the city block up first, 

gěi sījī zhìzào máfan, yǐ dǔ zhì dǔ.


create trouble for the drivers, and stop the traffic jam.

Jīngguò duō cì nǔlì, 


After many efforts, 

zhèngfǔ pīzhǔnle tā tíchū de gǎigé cuòshī, 


the government approved the reform measures he proposed, 

bǐrú, zēngshè hónglǜdēng, ràng chēliàng bùdé bù zǒu zǒu tíng tíng;


such as adding traffic lights to make vehicles have to stop and go;

Zài zhǔyào shízìlù kǒu qǔxiāo dìxià tōngdào, ràng xíngrén cóng dìxià chóng fǎn dìmiàn; 


canceling underground passages at major intersections to allow pedestrians to return to the ground from the underground; 

zài gòuwù guǎngchǎng, shāngwù dàshà de fù bù jiàn tíngchē chǎng děng.


in shopping plazas, commercial buildings, attached parking lots, etc.

Tóngshí, dàlì fāzhǎn gōnggòng jiāotōng.


At the same time, vigorously develop public transportation.

Bànnián guòqùle, 


Half a year has passed. 

suīrán shìmínmen yǒuxiē bàoyuàn, dàn xiàoguǒ fēicháng míngxiǎn, 


Although the citizens have complained, the effect is very obvious. 

zìyuàn fàngqì kāi sījiā chē chūmén de rén yuè lái yuè duō.


More and more people voluntarily give up driving their private cars to go out.

Zhè yě nánguài, 


It is no wonder that 

yǔqí dǔ zài lùshàng làngfèi shíjiān hé qìyóu, wūrǎn huánjìng, 


instead of wasting time and gasoline on the road and polluting the environment, 

dào bùrú gǎi chéng gōngjiāo chūxíng.


it is better to travel by bus.

Zhèyàng yī lái, dàolù yōngdǔ dà wéi huǎnjiě.


As a result, road congestion is greatly eased.

Chéngshì běn shì wéirén ér jiàn, rújīn què bèi qìchē zhànyǒu, 


The city was originally built for people, but now it is occupied by cars. 

zhān sēn de mùbiāo hěn míngquè, 


Johnson’s goal is clear, 

jiùshì qídài nénggòu jiěfàng chéngshì, 


that is, he hopes to liberate the city 

shǐ zhī gèng shìhé rénlèi shēnghuó.


and make it more suitable for human life.

Gǎibiān zì “dúzhě”2012 nián dì 8 qī


Adapted from "Reader" Issue 8, 2012

Full Translation

Treating congestion with congestion: A smart way to relieve traffic burden

The rapid increase in the number of urban cars was initially regarded as a manifestation of social development and economic prosperity. But soon people discovered the problem. With the increase in traffic volume, roads have become extremely crowded, and traffic jams have become commonplace in big cities.

To solve the problem of traffic congestion, it is necessary to reduce the number of cars per unit area of roads, and new or widening roads are recognized as the most basic method. But the facts have proved that this is just our beautiful subjective wish. The speed of road expansion is far behind the increase in traffic volume. The increase in area does not make the road free, and even invisibly encourage more drivers to drive on the road, making the roads in the city center more crowded.

So, how to eradicate traffic congestion? Here we might as well listen to the story of Pei Johnson. As soon as Johnson went to work in the European Environmental Protection Agency's Transport Department, he received a task to study how to solve the problem of urban congestion. So he began to investigate, study the collected data, summarize the characteristics of the problem, and humbly consulted relevant experts.

One morning in mid-September, Johnson went out early as usual to go to the Ministry of Transportation before the morning rush hour. When he saw a fitness guy jogging through an intersection with an overpass, he didn't get on the overpass to save trouble, but crossed the road. As a result, he was hit by a car and fell to the ground. 

Although he was only slightly injured in the end, and he was covered by insurance, the driver was still frightened. But this incident gave Johnson an inspiration: driving is to save time and effort, but what if the opposite is true? He decided to change the people's concept of travel, and do the opposite-let the city block up first, create trouble for the drivers, and stop the traffic jam.

After many efforts, the government approved the reform measures he proposed, such as adding traffic lights to make vehicles have to stop and go; canceling underground passages at major intersections to allow pedestrians to return to the ground from the underground; in shopping plazas, commercial buildings, attached parking lots, etc. At the same time, vigorously develop public transportation. Half a year has passed. 

Although the citizens have complained, the effect is very obvious. More and more people voluntarily give up driving their private cars to go out. It is no wonder that instead of wasting time and gasoline on the road and polluting the environment, it is better to travel by bus. As a result, road congestion is greatly eased. The city was originally built for people, but now it is occupied by cars. Johnson’s goal is clear, that is, he hopes to liberate the city and make it more suitable for human life.

Adapted from "Reader" Issue 8, 2012

hsk 5 lesson 33 audio

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