10 July 2021

hsk 5 lesson 31 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 31 登门槛效应
Foot-in-the-door effect

Dēng ménkǎn xiàoyìng
Foot-in-the-door effect

Yīgè péngyou zài bàoshè dāng biānjí.


A friend works as an editor in a newspaper.

Yītiān tā qù qǐngjià, tā xiān wèn lǐngdǎo: “Nín jīntiān xīnqíng hǎo ma?”


One day when he went to ask for leave, he first asked the leader: "Are you in a good mood today?"

Lǐngdǎo shuō: “Zěnmele?”


The leader said: "What's wrong?"

Péngyou dá: “Ń, rúguǒ nín xīnqíng hǎo, wǒ jiù shuō jiàn shì; 


The friend replied: "Well, if you are in a good mood, I will talk about something; 

xīnqíng bù hǎo jiù gǎitiān zàishuō.”


if you are in a bad mood, I will talk about it another day."

Lǐngdǎo yǒule xìngqù, jiǎ, jiù zhèyàng qīngyì de qǐng hǎole.


The leader got interested, so he can easily ask for leave.

Bùdé bù shuō, 


I have to say that 

zhè wèi péngyou hěn huì lìyòng “dēng ménkǎn xiàoyìng” lái chǔlǐ wèntí.

这位朋友很会利用 “登门槛效应” 来处理问题。

this friend is very good at using the "threshold gate effect" to deal with problems.

Xīnlǐ xué jiā céng zuòguò “dēng ménkǎn jìshù” de xiànchǎng shíyàn.

心理学家曾做过 “登门槛技术” 的现场实验。

Psychologists have done field experiments on “threshold technology”.

Tāmen pài rén dào liǎng gè shèqū, 


They sent people to two communities 

quàn rénmen zài wū qián lì yīkuài “xiǎoxīn jiàshǐ” de yuán xíng biāozhì.

劝人们在屋前立一块 “小心驾驶” 的圆形标志。

to persuade people to put up a circular sign of "Drive carefully" in front of the house.

Zài dì yī gè shèqū, 


In the first community, 

yánjiū rényuán zhíjiē xiàng rénmen tíchū yāoqiú, jiéguǒ hěnduō rén biǎoshì jùjué, jiēshòu lǜ jǐn wèi 17%. 


researchers asked people directly, but many people refused, with an acceptance rate of only 17%. 

Zài dì èr gè shèqū, yánjiū rényuán bǎ tóngyàng de shìqíng fèn chéng liǎng gè bùzhòu: 


In the second community, researchers divided the same thing into two steps: 

Xiān xiàng dàjiā chūshì yī fèn zànchéng ānquán jiàshǐ de qǐngyuàn shū, qǐngqiú tāmen zài shàngmiàn qiānzì, 


First, showed everyone a petition in favor of safe driving and asked them to sign on it. 

jǐ zhōu hòu zài tíchū lì pái yāoqiú, zhè cì jiēshòu zhě jìngrán dádàole 55%. 


A few weeks later, they asked for a license. This time the recipient reached 55%. 

Dì yī gè bùzhòu de qiānzì shì hěn róngyì de, jīhū suǒyǒu rén dōu zhào zuòle, 


The first step is easy to sign, almost everyone has done it, 

dàjiā kěnéng dōu méi yìshí dào, 


Everyone may not realize that 

zhège xiǎo xiǎo de “dēng ménkǎn xíngwéi” duìjiē xiàlái de juédìng chǎnshēngle zhòngyào yǐngxiǎng.

这个小小的 “登门槛行为” 对接下来的决定产生了重要影响。 

this small "threshold behavior" had an important impact on the next decision.

Rìcháng shēnghuó zhōng yěshì zhèyàng.


This is also true in daily life.

Dāng nǐ xiǎng yāoqiú mǒu rén zuò mǒu jiàn jiào dà de shìqíng, 


When you want to ask someone to do a larger thing, 

yòu dānxīn duìfāng bù yuànyì zuò shí, 


but you are worried that the other person is unwilling to do it, 

kěyǐ xiān xiàng tā/tā tíchū zuò yī jiàn tóng lèixíng de, bǐjiào róngyì de shì.


you can first ask him/her to do a similar and easier task.

Bǐrú nǐ xiǎng yǔ yīgè nǚhái tán liàn'ài, 


For example, if you want to fall in love with a girl, 

rúguǒ yī kāishǐ jiù pòqiè de tíchū yào gēn tā yuēhuì, 


if you eagerly propose to date her at the beginning, 

nǚhái kěnéng huì yóuyù, shènzhì biǎoxiàn dé hěn lěngdàn; 


the girl may hesitate or even behave indifferently; 

rúguǒ nǐ shuō “fàn zǒng shì yào chī de ba, yīqǐ chīfàn ba”, 

如果你说 “饭总是要吃的吧,一起吃饭吧”,

if you say "you always have to eat, let's eat together", 

tā dāyìngle, nà jiē xiàlái shì qù kàn diànyǐng háishì pào jiǔbā dōu wúsuǒwèile.


she agreed, and it didn't matter whether she would go to the movies or go to the bar next.

Nǐ xiǎng ràng tóngshì bāng nǐ zhíbān huò xiě bàogào shénme de, 


If you want a colleague to help you on duty or write a report or something, 

zhíjiē shuō bāchéngr huì bèi jùjué, bǎ shìqíng móhú huà,


just say that 80% of you will be rejected and obscure the matter. 

“néng bùnéng bāng gè xiǎo máng”, “bù huì zhànyòng nǐ hěnduō shíjiān”, 


"Can you do me a little favor", "It won't take up a lot of your time", 

Táijiē yī pù, shìqíng jiù róngyì duōle······


Once the steps are laid, things are much easier...

Nǐ kěnéng huì shuō, 


You might say that 

zhèxiē xiǎodòngzuò huì ràng rén juédé nǐ hěn jiǎohuá.


these little moves will make people think you are cunning.

Dànshì bùdé bù chéngrèn, 


But I have to admit that 

yǒule zhèxiē xiǎodòngzuò de bāngzhù, 


with the help of these small actions, 

biérén díquè gèng yuànyì jiēshòu nǐ de qǐngqiú.


others are indeed more willing to accept your request.

Yǒu shíhòu, dāng nǐ zì rènwéi liǎobùqǐ shí, 


Sometimes, when you think you are great, 

biérén tōngcháng juédé nǐ zhè rén bùguò rúcǐ; 


others usually think that you are nothing more than that; 

kěshì dāng nǐ fàng dī shēnduàn shí, huì suōduǎn yǔ rén de jùlí, 


but when you lower your body, you will shorten the distance with others. 

biérén bìng bù huì kànbùqǐ nǐ, fǎn'ér huì juédé nǐ wéirén qiānxū.


Others will not look down on you, but will think you are humble.

Shíjiàn zhèngmíng, 


Practice has proved that 

dì èr zhǒng rén dédào de zǒng shì bǐ dì yī zhǒng rén gèng duō.


the second kind of people always get more than the first kind of people.

Gǎibiān zì “xiūxián”2011 nián dì 3 qī, zuòzhě: Guō míng er


Adapted from "Leisure" Issue 3, 2011, author: Guo Minger

Full Translation

Foot-in-the-door effect

A friend works as an editor in a newspaper. One day when he went to ask for leave, he first asked the leader: "Are you in a good mood today?" The leader said: "What's wrong?" The friend replied: "Well, if you are in a good mood, I will talk about something; if you are in a bad mood, I will talk about it another day." The leader got interested, so he can easily ask for leave.

I have to say that this friend is very good at using the "threshold gate effect" to deal with problems. Psychologists have done field experiments on “threshold technology”. They sent people to two communities to persuade people to put up a circular sign of "Drive carefully" in front of the house. In the first community, researchers asked people directly, but many people refused, with an acceptance rate of only 17%. 

In the second community, researchers divided the same thing into two steps: First, showed everyone a petition in favor of safe driving and asked them to sign on it. A few weeks later, they asked for a license. This time the recipient reached 55%. The first step is easy to sign, almost everyone has done it, everyone may not realize that this small "threshold behavior" had an important impact on the next decision.

This is also true in daily life. When you want to ask someone to do a larger thing, but you are worried that the other person is unwilling to do it, you can first ask him/her to do a similar and easier task.

For example, if you want to fall in love with a girl, if you eagerly propose to date her at the beginning, the girl may hesitate or even behave indifferently; if you say "you always have to eat, let's eat together", she agreed, and it didn't matter whether she would go to the movies or go to the bar next.

If you want a colleague to help you on duty or write a report or something, just say that 80% of you will be rejected and obscure the matter. "Can you do me a little favor", "It won't take up a lot of your time", Once the steps are laid, things are much easier...

You might say that these little moves will make people think you are cunning.

But I have to admit that with the help of these small actions, others are indeed more willing to accept your request. Sometimes, when you think you are great, others usually think that you are nothing more than that; but when you lower your body, you will shorten the distance with others. 

Others will not look down on you, but will think you are humble.Practice has proved that the second kind of people always get more than the first kind of people.

Adapted from "Leisure" Issue 3, 2011, author: Guo Minger

hsk 5 lesson 31 audio

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