10 July 2021

hsk 5 lesson 30 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 30 竞争让市场更高效
Competition makes the market more efficient

Jìngzhēng ràng shìchǎng gèng gāoxiào
Competition makes the market more efficient

Xībānyá rén tèbié xǐhuan chī shādīngyú.


The Spanish especially like to eat sardines.

Dàn shādīngyú duì líkāi dàhǎi hòu de huánjìng jí bù shìyìng, 


However, sardines are extremely unsuitable to the environment after leaving the sea, 

yùnshū jiù chéngle wèntí.


and transportation has become a problem.

Yú shàng'àn hòu, guò bu le duōjiǔ jiù huì sǐqù.


The fish will die soon after they land.

Ér sǐ diào de shādīngyú kǒugǎn hěn chà, 


The dead sardines have a bad taste, 

zuòwéi shāngpǐn xiāoshòu, jiàgé jiù huì piányí hěnduō.


and the price will be much cheaper if they are sold as a commodity.

Rúguǒ shàng'àn shí shādīngyú hái huózhe, 


If the sardines were alive when they landed, 

yú de mài jià kěyǐ zhǎng hěnduō bèi.


the selling price of the fish could increase many times.

Wèile yáncháng shādīngyú de cún huóqī, 


In order to prolong the survival period of sardines 

jiǎnshǎo jīngjì sǔnshī, 


and reduce economic losses, 

yúmínmen xiǎngle hěnduō bànfǎ, 


fishermen have thought of many ways, 

dàn qíngkuàng réngrán méiyǒu dédào tài dà de gǎishàn.


but the situation has not been improved much.

Hòulái yī wèi yúmín wúyì zhōng fāxiànle yī zhǒng qiǎomiào ér shíyòng de fāngfǎ: 


Later, a fisherman accidentally discovered an ingenious and practical method: 

Bǎ jǐ tiáo shādīngyú de tiāndí nián yú fàng jìn zhuāng yú de shèbèi zhōng.


put a few catfish, the natural enemy of sardines, into the fish-carrying equipment.

Yīnwèi nián yú shì shíròu yú, 


Because catfish is a carnivorous fish 

wúfǎ hé shādīngyú hépíng gòngchǔ, 


and cannot coexist peacefully with sardines, 

tā huì sìchù yóu dòng xúnzhǎo xiǎo yú chī, 


it will swim around looking for small fish to eat, 

duì shādīngyú gòuchéng wēixié.


posing a threat to sardines.

Wèile táobì tiāndí, 


In order to avoid natural enemies, 

shādīngyú zìrán huì bùduàn de jiāsù yóu dòng, 


sardines will naturally continue to speed up swimming, 

cóng'ér bǎochíle wàngshèng de shēngmìnglì, 


thus maintaining vigorous vitality, 

cúnhuó de bǐlì dàdà tígāo.


greatly increasing the proportion of survival.

Kàn dào zhèlǐ, nǐ yǒu shénme gǎnxiǎng hé tǐhuì ne?


What do you think and experience after seeing this?

Qíshí, zhè zài jīngjì xué shàng bèi chēng wèi “nián yú xiàoyìng”.


In fact, this is called the "catfish effect" in economics.

Nián yú xiàoyìng duìyú shìchǎng jīngjì yǐjí xiàndài qǐyè guǎnlǐ dōu yǒu zhuó zhòngyào de qǐfā zuòyòng.


The catfish effect is an important inspiration for the market economy and modern enterprise management.

Zhège gàiniàn de héxīn shì: 


The core of this concept is: 

Yīgè shìchǎng rúguǒ néng cǎiqǔ yī zhǒng cuòshī, cìjī qǐyè huóyuè qǐlái,


if a market can take a measure to stimulate the enterprise to become active, 

jiù néng shǐ qǐyè huòdé zúgòu de huólì, 


it can enable the enterprise to gain enough vitality 

zài shìchǎng zhōng jījí cānyù jìngzhēng ér bù zhìyú luòhòu, 


to actively participate in competition in the market without falling behind, 

tóngshí zhèyàng fǎn guòlái yòu néng cùshǐ shìchǎng gèng wèi gāoxiào.


at the same time, this in turn can make the market more efficient.

Cóng běnzhí shàng shuō, “nián yú xiàoyìng” shǐdé qǐyè hé yuángōng chǎnshēng yī zhǒng wéijī gǎn, 


In essence, the "catfish effect" makes companies and employees feel a sense of crisis, 

qíshí jiùshì yī zhǒng yālì xiàoyìng.


which is actually a stress effect.

Hěnduō yánjiū fāxiàn, 


Many studies have found that 

shìdù de yālì yǒu lìyú wǒmen bǎochí liánghǎo de zhuàngtài, 


moderate pressure helps us maintain a good condition, 

gèngjiā yǒu zhù yú wājué wǒmen de qiánlì, 


and is more helpful to tap our potential,

cóng'ér tígāo gèrén de gōngzuò xiàolǜ.


thereby improving personal work efficiency.

Bǐrú yùndòngyuán měi dào cānjiā bǐsài, 


For example, every time an athlete participates in a competition, 

yóuqí shì juésài shí, 


especially in the finals, 

yīdìng yào jiāng zìjǐ tiáozhěng dào jiējìn zuì jiā zhuàngtài, 


he must adjust himself to be close to his best state, 

ràng zìjǐ gǎndào shìdù de yālì, 


so that he feels moderate pressure. 

rúguǒ tā bù jǐnzhāng, méi yālì gǎn, zé bù lìyú chū chéngjī.


If he is not nervous or stressed, it is not conducive to performance.

Yīncǐ, “nián yú xiàoyìng” díquè duì wājué yuángōng qiánlì, tígāo qǐyè huólì jùyǒu jījí de yìyì.


Therefore, the "catfish effect" does have positive significance for tapping the potential of employees and improving the vitality of the enterprise.

Gǎibiān zì “měitiān xué yīdiǎn jīngjì xué”


Adapted from "Learn a little economics every day"

Full Translation

Competition makes the market more efficient

The Spanish especially like to eat sardines. However, sardines are extremely unsuitable to the environment after leaving the sea, and transportation has become a problem. The fish will die soon after they land. The dead sardines have a bad taste, and the price will be much cheaper if they are sold as a commodity.

If the sardines were alive when they landed, the selling price of the fish could increase many times. In order to prolong the survival period of sardines and reduce economic losses, fishermen have thought of many ways, but the situation has not been improved much.

Later, a fisherman accidentally discovered an ingenious and practical method: put a few catfish, the natural enemy of sardines, into the fish-carrying equipment. Because catfish is a carnivorous fish and cannot coexist peacefully with sardines, it will swim around looking for small fish to eat, posing a threat to sardines.

In order to avoid natural enemies, sardines will naturally continue to speed up swimming, thus maintaining vigorous vitality, greatly increasing the proportion of survival.

What do you think and experience after seeing this? In fact, this is called the "catfish effect" in economics. The catfish effect is an important inspiration for the market economy and modern enterprise management.

The core of this concept is: if a market can take a measure to stimulate the enterprise to become active, it can enable the enterprise to gain enough vitality to actively participate in competition in the market without falling behind, at the same time, this in turn can make the market more efficient.

In essence, the "catfish effect" makes companies and employees feel a sense of crisis, which is actually a stress effect. Many studies have found that moderate pressure helps us maintain a good condition, and is more helpful to tap our potential, thereby improving personal work efficiency.

For example, every time an athlete participates in a competition, especially in the finals, he must adjust himself to be close to his best state, so that he feels moderate pressure. If he is not nervous or stressed, it is not conducive to performance. Therefore, the "catfish effect" does have positive significance for tapping the potential of employees and improving the vitality of the enterprise.

Adapted from "Learn a little economics every day"

hsk 5 lesson 30 audio

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