03 July 2021

hsk3 lesson 11 with pinyin and English translation | Hsk3 standard course textbook

Lesson 11 别忘了把空调关了
Don’t forget to turn off the air conditioner

Text 11-1   在教室   In the classroom

Xiǎomíng: Wǒ xiān zǒule. 

小明: 我先走了。

Xiao Ming: I'm leaving now.

Tóngxué: Nǐ qù nǎr? 

同学: 你去哪儿?

Classmate: Where are you going?


Xiǎomíng: Wǒ qù túshū guǎn jiè běn shū. 

小明: 我去图书馆借本书。

Xiao Ming: I am going to the library to borrow a book.     


Tóngxué: Bāng wǒ bǎ zhè běn cídiǎn huànle ba. 

同学: 帮我把这本词典换了吧。

Classmate: Help me to return this dictionary.


Xiǎomíng: Hǎo, děng yīhuìr nǐ líkāi jiàoshì de shíhòu, jìdé bǎ dēng guānle. 

小明: 好,等一会儿你离开教室的时候,记得把灯关了。

Xiaoming: Okay, wait a moment! remember to turn off light when you leave the classroom.


Tóngxué: Hǎo de, fàngxīn ba.

同学: 好的,放心吧。

Classmate: Okay, don't worry.

Text 11-2   在会议室   In the conference room

Zhōumíng: Huìyì jiéshù hòu, bié wàngjì bǎ kòngtiáo guānle. 

周明: 会议结束后,别忘记把空调关了。

Zhou Ming: After the meeting, don't forget to turn off the air conditioner.

Xiǎo lì: Hǎo de. Wáng jīnglǐ liǎng diǎn zuǒyòu láile gè diànhuà. 

小丽: 好的。王经理两点左右来了个电话。

Xiaoli: All right. Manager Wang called around two o'clock.

Zhōumíng: Tā yǐjīng dào Běijīng le? 

周明: 他已经到北京了?

Zhou Ming: He has arrived in Beijing?


Xiǎo lì: Shì de, tā zhèng zuò dìtiě lái wǒmen gōngsī ne. 

小丽: 是的,他正坐地铁来我们公司呢。

Xiaoli: Yes, he is coming to our company by subway.


Zhōumíng: Děng tā dàole jiù gàosù wǒ.

周明: 等他到了就告诉我。

Zhou Ming: Tell me when he arrives.

Text 11-3   在客厅     In the living room

Māma: Hái chà yīshuāng kuàizi, nǐ qù ná yīxià. 

妈妈: 还差一双筷子,你去拿一下。

Mother: There is still a pair of chopsticks. Go get it.

Érzi: Jīntiān zěnme zuòle zhème duō cài? 

儿子: 今天怎么做了这么多菜?

Son: Why did you cook so many dishes today?

Māma: Jīntiān shì nǐ bàba de shēngrì. 

妈妈: 今天是你爸爸的生日。

Mom: Today is your father's birthday.


Érzi: Zhēnde a? Wǒ bǎ bàba de shēngrì wàngle. Nà wǒmen jīntiān hē diǎnr píjiǔ bā. 

儿子: 真的啊?我把爸爸的生日忘了。那我们今天喝点儿啤酒吧。

Son: Really? I forgot father's birthday. Let's have some beer today.


Māma: Yīshēng shuō nǐ bàba yīkǒu jiǔ dōu bùnéng hē, bié ràng tā kànjiàn jiǔ píngzi.

妈妈: 医生说你爸爸一口酒都不能喝,别让他看见酒瓶子。

Mom: The doctor said that your father can't drink a sip of wine, don't let him see the wine bottle.

Text 11-4

Zhège bǐjìběn diànnǎo wǒ qùnián mǎi de shíhòu yào wǔqiān kuài zuǒyòu, xiànzài piányí duōle. 


When I bought this laptop last year, it cost about 5,000 yuan, and it is much cheaper now.  

Wǒ xiǎng bǎ zhège diànnǎo màile, zài mǎi yīgè gèng hǎo de. 


I want to sell this computer and buy a better one.  

Xiànzài wǒ měitiān qǐchuáng hòu de dì yī jiàn shì jiùshì dǎkāi diànnǎo, kàn diànzǐ yóujiàn. 


Now the first thing I do after getting up every day is to turn on the computer and read emails.  

Wǒ yǐjīng hěn shǎo xiě xìn, yě hěn shǎo yòng bǐ xiězì, yǐjīng xíguàn yòng diànnǎo lái xuéxí hé gōngzuò le. 


I seldom write letters, and I rarely write with a pen. I have become accustomed to using a computer to study and work.  

Nǎ yītiān túrán méiyǒule diànnǎo, wǒmen zěnme bàn ne?


What should we do when there is no computer suddenly one day?

hsk 3 lesson 11 audio 👇

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