30 June 2021

hsk6下 lesson 22 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 22   2050年的汽车什么样

What will cars be like in 2050?

2050 Nián de qìchē shénme yàng
What will cars be like in 2050?

Měi cì yù dào jiāotōng dǔsè,
Every time there is a traffic jam,

nàxiē zhìliú zài lùshàng,
those who are stuck on the road

bèi dǔchē zhé mò dé xīnfán yì luàn de rénmen jiù huì xiǎng:
and are distracted by the traffic jam will think:

Qìchē yàoshi yěyǒu shuāngyì, néng fēi qǐlái jiù hǎole.
If the car also has wings, it would be good to be able to fly.

Rénmen de qī pàn, yǒu kěnéng biàn wèi xiànshí ma?
Is it possible for people's expectations to become reality? 

2050 Nián, qìchē huì shì shénme yàng?
What will the car be like in 2050?

Bié de bù gǎn dānbǎo,
I dare not guarantee anything else,

yǐxià sì diǎn dàtǐ wèi wǒmen gōuhuà chūle 2050 nián qìchē de lúnkuò.
the following four points roughly sketch the outline of the car in 2050 for us.

Jiǎ   gèngjiā qīngjié, ānquán
甲    更加清洁、安全
A      Cleaner and safer

Wǒmen shǒuxiān yào wèn de shì,
The first thing we have to ask is,

2050 nián qìchē hái huì cúnzài ma?
will cars still exist in 2050?

Wǒmen chángcháng tīng dào zhèyàng de zhǐzé:
We often hear accusations like this:

Běijí bīngchuān zài rónghuà;
Arctic glaciers are melting;

kōngqì zhí liàng zài xiàjiàng;
air quality is declining;

shíyóu zīyuán rìyì jǐnquē;
oil resources are becoming scarce day by day;

Měinián quánqiú yībǎi duō wàn rén sǐ yú jiāotōng shìgù,
Every year, more than one million people die in traffic accidents,

dōu shì qìchē rě de huò.
all of which are caused by cars. 

Jiànyú yǐshàng lièjì,
In view of the above inferiorities,

rénlèi huì bù huì rěntòng gē'ài?
will human beings bear the pain of giving up their love?

Gēnjù yōushèngliètài de yuánzé, qìchē huì bù huì bèi qǔdài?
According to the principle of survival of the fittest, will cars be replaced?

Yīqiè jiē yǒu kěnéng,
Everything is possible,

Dàn zuòwéi yī zhǒng jiāng rén jiěfàng chūlái de línghuó de jiāotōng gōngjù,
However, as a flexible means of transportation that liberates people,

Dòngbùdòng jiù yào jiāng qí táotài, sìhū bùshì míngzhì zhī jǔ,
It does not seem to be a wise move to eliminate them at every turn.

gēnběn chūlù háishì yào zài qīngjié huánbǎo, guīfàn jiàchē chūxíng shàngxià gōngfū.
The fundamental way out is to work hard on clean, environmentally friendly and standardized driving.

Móuqiú zhè yī jiāotōng gōngjù de qīngjié, ānquán, shì 2050 nián duì qìchē zuì qǐmǎ de yāoqiú.
Seeking the cleanness and safety of this vehicle is the minimum requirement for automobiles in 2050.

Yǐ    néng zìdòng xíngshǐ
乙    能自动行驶
B     Can drive automatically

2050 Nián, wú rén gānyù,
In 2050, no one will intervene,

nénggòu zìdòng zài píngtǎn de gāosù lùshàng bēnchí de chēliàng jiāng huì zǒu jìn jiātíng.
and vehicles that can automatically run on flat highways will enter the home.

Ōuzhōu zhèng shìtú shíxiàn yóu yī míng zhíyè sījī jiàchē yǐndǎo yī cháng chuàn qìchē qián xíng,
Europe is trying to achieve a long series of cars guided by a professional driver,

tāmen xiàng shì yītiáo xiàn shàng de zhēnzhū, zài lùshàng yídòng.
they are like pearls in a line, moving on the road.

Bèi yǐndǎo chēliàng shàng de jiàshǐ zhě kěyǐ gōngzuò, yě kěyǐ xiūxi,
The driver on the guided vehicle can work or take a break,

zhíyè sījī de gōngzuò xiàoyì yě jiāng dàdà tígāo.
and the work efficiency of professional drivers will also be greatly improved.

Qìchē dǐdá zhōngdiǎn hòu,
After the car reaches the destination,

chē shàng pèibèi de gāo kējì xìtǒng néng shǐ chēliàng zìdòng tíngbó rù wèi.
the high-tech system on the car can make the car park in place automatically.

Zhè jiùshì rénlèi lìqiú shíxiàn de qìchē zìdòng xíngshǐ.
This is the automatic driving that humans strive to achieve.

Bǐng     rónghé shùzì shēnghuó fāngshì
丙         融合数字生活方式
C          Integrating a digital lifestyle

Mǒu jiā zhùmíng de sōusuǒ yǐnqíng gōngsī yìshí dào,
A well-known search engine company realized that

wèi gèrén jiàshǐ tígōng fúwù yùncángzhe jùdà de shāngjī,
there are huge business opportunities in providing services for personal driving,

yúshì, tāmen pòbùjídài de jiārù dào qìchē yánfā de hángliè,
so they can't wait to join the ranks of car research and development.

chē qǐ yǔ diànnǎo gōngsī hézuò jīhū chéng le wúfǎ zǔdǎng de cháoliú.
The cooperation between car companies and computer companies has almost become an unstoppable trend.

Chuàngzào xūnǐ gèrén zhùlǐ,
The creation of virtual personal assistants

wèi qìchē yònghù tígōng lùxiàn, jiāotōng xìnxī hé rìchéng ānpái děng fāngmiàn de bāngzhù,
to provide car users with assistance in terms of routes, traffic information and schedules

zài 2050 nián jiāng huì shì bìrán de fúwù, .
will be an inevitable service in 2050,

ér fēi jǐnshàngtiānhuā.
rather than icing on the cake.

Shùzì shēnghuó fāngshì jiāng wánquán yǔ qìchē róng wéi yītǐ,
The digital lifestyle will be fully integrated with the car

wèi qìchē de fāngbiàn, ānquán shǐyòng tígōng bǎozhàng.
to provide protection for the convenient and safe use of the car.

Dīng    chángtú xíngchē réng kào qìyóu
丁        长途行车仍靠汽油
D          Long-distance driving still relies on gasoline

2050 Nián de qìchē dònglì shì shénme?
What is the power of cars in 2050?

Diànlì? Fēnglì? Háishì yīrán yòng qìyóu hé cháiyóu?
Electricity?  Wind?  Still use gasoline and diesel?

Yǒurén huì shuō,
Some people will say that

qīngjié néngyuán de kāifā jiùshì yào èzhì qìyóu, cháiyóu de shǐyòng.
the development of clean energy is to curb the use of gasoline and diesel.

Méi cuò, zuòwéi rìcháng jiāotōng gōngjù,
Yes, as a daily means of transportation,

diàndòng qìchē de bǐzhòng yīdìng huì tígāo,
the proportion of electric vehicles will definitely increase,

kěshì pǎo chángtú ne?
but what about long distances?

Diàndòng qìchē yěxǔ néng chéngshòu chāo yuǎn jùlí xíngshǐ,
Electric vehicles may be able to withstand ultra-long-distance driving,

dàn diànchí kěnéng hěn zhòng,
but the battery may be very heavy,

zàojià kěnéng hěn ángguì,
the cost may be expensive,

chōngdiàn de shíjiān kěnéng hěn cháng,
and the charging time may be long.

zhèxiē dōu kěnéng chéngwéi zǔ'ài rénmen xuǎnzé diàndòng qìchē de lǐyóu,
These may become reasons for hindering people from choosing electric vehicles.

suǒyǐ, bù páichú cháng jùlí xíngchē hái yòng qìyóu huò cháiyóu,
Therefore, it is not ruled out that gasoline or diesel is used for long-distance driving.

yīncǐ wéi le quèbǎo jiǎnshǎo wūrǎn,
so in order to ensure the reduction of pollution,

ránliào de shǐyòng xiàolǜ bìxū tígāo,
the efficiency of fuel use must be improved,

fèiqì de páifàng bìxū jiǎnshǎo.
and exhaust emissions must be reduced.

Chángjiǔ yǐlái,
For a long time,

qìchē zuòwéi rénlèi zhòngyào de jiāotōng gōngjù yǔ wǒmen xiāngbàn xiāng suí,
cars have been with us as an important means of transportation for mankind,

rénlèi yě wèi cǐ fùchūle jùdà de dàijià.
and mankind has paid a huge price for it.

2050 Nián,
In 2050,

rúguǒ qìchē háishì wǒmen shēnghuó zhōng bùkě quēshǎo de bànlǚ,
if the car is still an indispensable partner in our lives,

tā zài wǒmen de jīngjì shēnghuó zhōng hái bànyǎn zhīzhù chǎnyè de juésè,
it will also play the role of a pillar industry in our economic life.

tā bìxū shì qīngjié de, ānquán de,
It must be clean and safe,

tā bìxū fúhé kě chíxù fāzhǎn de yuánzé.
and it must comply with the principles of sustainable development.

Gǎibiān zì “cānkǎo xiāoxī” tóngmíng wénzhāng
Adapted from the article of the same name in "Reference News"

Full Translation

What will cars be like in 2050?

Every time there is a traffic jam, those who are stuck on the road and are distracted by the traffic jam will think: If the car also has wings, it would be good to be able to fly. Is it possible for people's expectations to become reality? What will the car be like in 2050? I dare not guarantee anything else, the following four points roughly sketch the outline of the car in 2050 for us.

A      Cleaner and safer

The first thing we have to ask is, will cars still exist in 2050?
We often hear accusations like this: Arctic glaciers are melting; air quality is declining; oil resources are becoming scarce day by day; every year, more than one million people die in traffic accidents, all of which are caused by cars. In view of the above inferiorities, will human beings bear the pain of giving up their love?
According to the principle of survival of the fittest, will cars be replaced? Everything is possible, However, as a flexible means of transportation that liberates people, It does not seem to be a wise move to eliminate them at every turn. The fundamental way out is to work hard on clean, environmentally friendly and standardized driving. Seeking the cleanness and safety of this vehicle is the minimum requirement for automobiles in 2050.

B     Can drive automatically

In 2050, no one will intervene, and vehicles that can automatically run on flat highways will enter the home. Europe is trying to achieve a long series of cars guided by a professional driver, they are like pearls in a line, moving on the road.The driver on the guided vehicle can work or take a break, and the work efficiency of professional drivers will also be greatly improved. After the car reaches the destination, the high-tech system on the car can make the car park in place automatically. This is the automatic driving that humans strive to achieve.

C      Integrating a digital lifestyle

A well-known search engine company realized that there are huge business opportunities in providing services for personal driving, so they can't wait to join the ranks of car research and development. The cooperation between car companies and computer companies has almost become an unstoppable trend. The creation of virtual personal assistants
to provide car users with assistance in terms of routes, traffic information and schedules
will be an inevitable service in 2050, rather than icing on the cake. The digital lifestyle will be fully integrated with the car to provide protection for the convenient and safe use of the car.

D          Long-distance driving still relies on gasoline

What is the power of cars in 2050?Electricity?  Wind?  Still use gasoline and diesel?
Some people will say that the development of clean energy is to curb the use of gasoline and diesel. Yes, as a daily means of transportation, the proportion of electric vehicles will definitely increase, but what about long distances?
Electric vehicles may be able to withstand ultra-long-distance driving, but the battery may be very heavy, the cost may be expensive, and the charging time may be long. These may become reasons for hindering people from choosing electric vehicles.
Therefore, it is not ruled out that gasoline or diesel is used for long-distance driving. So in order to ensure the reduction of pollution, the efficiency of fuel use must be improved, and exhaust emissions must be reduced. For a long time, cars have been with us as an important means of transportation for mankind, and mankind has paid a huge price for it.
In 2050, if the car is still an indispensable partner in our lives, it will also play the role of a pillar industry in our economic life. It must be clean and safe, and it must comply with the principles of sustainable development.

Adapted from the article of the same name in "Reference News"

hsk6下 lesson 22 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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