19 June 2021

hsk6 上 lesson 2 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 2   父母之爱 Love of parents

Fùmǔ zhī lǚ


Love of parents

Wǒ cóngxiǎo shēnghuó zài yīgè yǒu ài de jiātíng, 


I have lived in a loving family since I was a child. 

fùmǔ gǎnqíng hémù, hěn shǎo chǎojià, 

父母感情和睦, 很少吵架, 

My parents are friendly and seldom quarrel. 

tāmen duì wǒ tàidù hé'ǎi, shuōhuà héqì, 

他们对我态度和蔼, 说话和气, 

They treat me kindly, speak kindly, 

mùguāng zhōng dōu chōngmǎnzhe cíxiáng.


and their eyes are full of kindness.

Tāmen hé wǒ shēnbiān suǒyǒu fùmǔ yīyàng, gěi wǒ hěnduō chǒng'ài, 

他们和我身边所有父母一样, 给我很多宠爱, 

They, like all the parents around me, have given me a lot of love, 

wǒ yě hé shēnbiān suǒyǒu de háizi yīyàng, 


and I, like all the children around me, 

zài kuà jìn dàxué xiàomén zhīqián, cóng méiyǒu líkāiguò jiā, 

在跨进大学校门之前, 从没有离开过家, 

have never left the house before entering the university, 

dúlìzìzhǔ de nénglì jiù gèng béng tíle.


the ability to be independent is even more so.

Tuō lí fùmǔ, dúlì shēnghuó duì wǒ jùyǒu jùdà de yòuhuò, 

脫离父母, 独立生活对我具有巨大的诱惑, 

Being separated from my parents and living independently has a huge temptation for me, 

ràng wǒ wúbǐ xiàngwǎng.


which makes me very yearning.

Jǐ nián yǐhòu, wǒ zhōngyú zài bié de chéngshì shàngle dàxué.

几年以后, 我终于在别的城市上了大学。

A few years later, I finally went to university in another city.

Dì yī cì líkāi jiā, xīnlǐ de gūdú gǎn yīxiàzi pǎole chūlái.

第一次离开家, 心里的孤独感一下子跑了出来。

The loneliness in my heart suddenly ran out when I left home for the first time.

Jìdé gāng kāixué de shíhòu, 


I remember when school just started, 

sùshè lǐ de tóngxué yī gěi jiālǐ dǎ diànhuà jiù kū bízi, 


the students in the dormitory cried as soon as they called home. 

měi dào jiéjiàrì, dàjiā gèng shì piànkè bù tíng de wǎng jiā gǎn.

每到节假日, 大家更是片刻不停地往家赶。

Every holiday, everyone kept rushing home.

Yǒu tóngxué huí tàng jiā yào zuò yīyè de huǒchē, 


Some students have to take the overnight train to go home, 

zhè yě zǔdǎng bùliǎo dàjiā huí jiā de bùfá.


which can't stop everyone from going home.

Huí jiā de kuàilè he bèi qīnqíng bāowéi de xìngfú gǎnrǎnle wǒ, 


The joy of going home and the happiness of being surrounded by family affect me, 

wǒ yě hènbudé mǎshàng fēi dào fùmǔ gēnqián, yǔ tāmen tuányuán.

我也恨不得马上飞到父母跟前, 与他们团圆。

and I can't wait to fly to my parents right away and reunite with them.

Jià qí zhōngyú yào dàole, 


The holidays were finally coming, 

wǒ gěi fùmǔ dǎ diànhuà, gàosù tāmen wǒ zhǔnbèi huí jiā.

我给父母打电话, 告诉他们我准备回家。

I called my parents and told them that I was going to go home.

Mǔqīn quèshuō, jìnlái tāmen bǐjiào máng, 

母亲却说, 近来他们比较忙, 

However, my mother said that they have been busy these days. 

yào méishénme shì, jiù béng huíláile, 

要没什么事, 就甭回来了, 

If there is nothing to do, I just don’t come back, 

zài xuéxiào kànkàn shū, huò zhǎo fèn jiānzhí zuò zuò.

在学校看看书, 或找份兼职做做。

read a book at school, or find a part-time job.

Mǔqīn de huà shǐ wǒ yùnniàng yǐ jiǔ de liànjiā qíngxù lì nà jiān jiù méiyǒule, 


My mother’s words made my long-awaited love for family emotions disappear. 

wǒ wúfǎ lǐjiě fùmǔ de fǎncháng, 


I can't understand the abnormality of my parents,

xīnzhōng àn'àn mányuàn fùmǔ bù tǐliàng wǒ.


and secretly complains about my parents for not understanding me.

Wújīngdǎcǎile jǐ tiān zhīhòu, 


After a few days of listlessness, 

wǒ bùdé bù kāishǐ guīhuà zěnyàng áoguò màncháng de jiàqī.


I had to start planning how to get through the long vacation.

Jià qí de xiàoyuán jìjìng dé hěn, 


The campus during the holidays was very quiet. 

wǒ zài túshū guǎn kànshū, gěi zázhì shè xiě gǎojiàn, 

我在图书馆看书, 给杂志社写稿件, 

I read books in the library and wrote articles for magazines. 

fāxiàn zài nándé de jìjìng zhōng gōngzuò shì nàme měihǎo.


I found that working in the rare silence is so beautiful.

Dàxué sān niánjí, wǒ huíle tàng jiā.

大学三年级, 我回了趟家。

In my third year of university, I went home.

Mǔqīn dì yī yǎn kàn dào wǒ shí, liǎn shàng mǎn shì xīnténg, 

母亲第一眼看到我时, 脸上满是心疼, 

When my mother saw me for the first time, her face was full of distress, 

dàn shùnjiān nà qíngxù jiù bèi tā yǎnshì qǐlái, 


but in an instant the emotion was concealed by her, 

wǒ xīnzhōng fēikuài de shǎnguò yīsī yíhuò: Tāmen zài yǐnmán shénme ne?

我心中飞快地闪过一丝疑惑: 他们在隐瞒什么呢?

and a trace of doubt flashed in my heart: What are they hiding?

Nà wǎn, wǒ tǎng xià zěnme yě shuì bùzháo, 

那晚, 我躺下怎么也睡不着, 

That night, I lay down and couldn't fall asleep. 

bànyè tīng dào mǔqīn hái zài gēn fùqīn láo dāo: 


In the middle of the night, I heard my mother still nagging to my father: 

“Háizi bǐ zàijiā shí shòu duōle, 


"The child is thinner than when he was at home. 

kěndìng shì chīkǔle, 


It must have been suffering, 

kě tā de biànhuà huán shì tǐng ràng zánmen xīnwèi de.”


but her changes are still very gratifying to us."

Jiēzhe shì fùqīn de shēngyīn: 


Then came my father's voice: 

“Zǒng yǒu yītiān tā huì míngbái de, bù chīkǔ, zěnme zhǎng běnshì? 

“总有一天她会明白的, 不吃苦, 怎么长本事? 

"One day she will understand, how can she develop her skills without suffering? 

Shèhuì bù xūyào zhǐ huì xiǎngfú de rén.”


The society does not need people who can only enjoy happiness."

Wǒ qiāoqiāo zǒuchū wòshì, 


I quietly walked out of the bedroom 

kàn dào dēngguāng xià fùmǔ bù shě de mùguāng, 


and saw the reluctant gaze of my parents under the light, 

tóu shàng xīn zēng de bái fà hé yǎnjiǎo yuè lái yuè shēn de zhòuwén, 


the new white hair on their head, and the deeper and deeper wrinkles in the corners of eyes. 

dùnshí shénme dōu míngbáile, bùyóudé rèlèi yíng kuàng.

顿时什么都明白了, 不由得热泪盈眶。

I immediately understood everything, and tears filled my eyes.

Gǎibiān zì “běijīng qīngnián bào” wénzhāng “jiǎzhuāng méi nàme dān xīn nǐ”, zuòzhě: Zhū xiǎo qiǎn

改编自《北京青年报》文章《假装没那么担心你》, 作者: 猪小浅

Adapted from "Beijing Youth Daily" article "pretended not so worried about you," Author: Zhu Xiao Qian

Full Translation:

Love of parents

I have lived in a loving family since I was a child. My parents are friendly and seldom quarrel. They treat me kindly, speak kindly, and their eyes are full of kindness. They, like all the parents around me, have given me a lot of love, and I, like all the children around me, have never left the house before entering the university,  the ability to be independent is even more so. Being separated from my parents and living independently has a huge temptation for me, which makes me very yearning.

A few years later, I finally went to university in another city.

The loneliness in my heart suddenly ran out when I left home for the first time. I remember when school just started, the students in the dormitory cried as soon as they called home. Every holiday, everyone kept rushing home. Some students have to take the overnight train to go home, which can't stop everyone from going home. The joy of going home and the happiness of being surrounded by family affect me, and I can't wait to fly to my parents right away and reunite with them.

The holidays were finally coming, I called my parents and told them that I was going to go home. However, my mother said that they have been busy these days. If there is nothing to do, I just don’t come back, read books at school, or find a part-time job. My mother’s words made my long-awaited love for family emotions disappear. I can't understand the abnormality of my parents, and secretly complains about my parents for not understanding me.

After a few days of listlessness, I had to start planning how to get through the long vacation. The campus during the holidays was very quiet. I read books in the library and wrote articles for magazines. I found that working in the rare silence is so beautiful.

In my third year of university, I went home. When my mother saw me for the first time, her face was full of distress, but in an instant the emotion was concealed by her, and a trace of doubt flashed in my heart: What are they hiding? That night, I lay down and couldn't fall asleep. 

In the middle of the night, I heard my mother still nagging to my father: "The child is thinner than when he was at home. It must have been suffering, but her changes are still very gratifying to us." Then came my father's voice: "One day she will understand, how can she develop her skills without suffering? The society does not need people who can only enjoy happiness."

I quietly walked out of the bedroom and saw the reluctant gaze of my parents under the light, the new white hair on their head, and the deeper and deeper wrinkles in the corners of eyes. I immediately understood everything, and tears filled my eyes.

HSK 6 lesson 2 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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hsk 5 上 lesson 1 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 1   爱的细节  Details of Love ài de xìjié  爱的细节 Details of love