19 June 2021

hsk6 上 lesson 1 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 1   孩子给我们的启示   

An epiphany from the children

Háizi gěi wǒmen de qǐshì


The enlightenment that children give us

Lín lín hé tiāntiān shì tóngxué.


Lin Lin and Tiantian are classmates.

Tiāntiān de fùmǔ yào chūchāi,  


Tiantian's parents were going on a business trip

xiǎng qǐng wǒmen bāngmáng zhàokàn jǐ tiān nǚ'ér,


and wanted to ask us to take care of their daughter for a few days. 

wǒ hé lǎogōng shuǎngkuài de dāyìng xiàlái, 


My husband and I readily agreed 

yǒu gè háizi hé wǒmen de dúshēngnǚ zhāoxìxiāngchǔ, 


that there will be a child together with our only daughter day and night, 

wǒmen bābudé ne! 


and we were so eager! 

Zuì xīngfèn de shì lín lín, rǎngzhe yào yòng bàba zuì náshǒu de měiwèi jiāyáo huānyíng Tiāntiān lái wǒjiā,

最兴奋的是林林, 嚷着要用爸爸最拿手的美味佳肴欢迎天天来我家, 

The most excited person was Lin Lin, Shouting welcome to my house Tiantian with Dad’s best delicacies.

hái tíchū, tā de shūzhuō kěyǐ hé Tiāntiān gòngyòng.

还提出, 她的书桌可以和天天共用。

and also suggested that her desk can be shared with Tiantian.

Kàn dào nǚ'ér duì huǒbàn rèqíng wúsī, wǒ hé lǎogōng biétí duō gāoxìngle.

看到女儿对伙伴热情无私, 我和老公别提多高兴了。

My husband and I were so happy to see our daughter being warm and selfless towards her partner.

Tiāntiān hái méi lái, lín lín jiù biàn dé yìcháng qínláo, 

天天还没来, 林林就变得异常勤劳, 

Before Tiantian came, Lin Lin had become extremely hardworking, 

jiāng wūzi shōushí dé gàngān jìngjìng, 


keeping the house clean, 

dōngxi bǎi fàng dé zhěngzhěng qíqí, 


putting things neatly, 

shénme hǎoshì dōu xiǎngzhe Tiāntiān.


and thinking about the Tiantian for all good things.

Wǒjiā lín lín suī shì nǚhái, què yě shēnshì fēngdù shízú.

我家林林虽是女孩, 却也绅士风度十足。

Although in my family Lin Lin is a girl, but also has gentlemanly manners.

Tiāntiān de dàolái, shǐ wǒ hé lǎogōng de rìziguò de yìcháng shěng xīn.

天天的到来, 使我和老公的日子过得异常省心。

The arrival of Tiantian makes my husband and I have a very worry-free life.

Liǎng gè háizi měitiān zǎoshang bùyòng jiào jiù xǐngle, 


The two children woke up every morning without waking them, 

shàngxué bùyòng jiēsòng, 


they did not need to be transported to school, 

zuò zuo yè bùyòng dūcù; 


and they did not need to supervise their homework; 

tāmen bù dǎjià, 


they did not fight, 

bù nàobièniu, 


they were not awkward, 

guānxì biétí duō róngqiàle.


and the relationship was more harmonious.

Kàn dào nǚ'ér hé tiāntiān zhème qīnmì, 


Seeing that my daughter and Tiantian are so close, 

dà yǒu hūlüè wǒmen de qūshì, 


there is a tendency to ignore us, 

wǒ hé lǎogōng dōu yǒudiǎnr jídùle.


my husband and I were a little jealous.

Zhè tiān wǎnshàng, liǎng gè háizi zuò wán zuòyè, kāishǐ tāotāo bù juédì liáole qǐlái, 

这天晚上, 两个孩子做完作业, 开始滔滔不绝地聊了起来, 

That night, the two children finished their homework and began to talk endlessly. 

yīgè shuō, wǒ bù xǐhuan Wáng duǒ duǒ, 

一个说, 我不喜欢王朵朵, 

One said, I don't like Wang Duoduo, 

tā jiù xǐhuan gēn chuān de piàoliang de tóngxué yīqǐ wánr, 


she likes to play with classmates who are dressed beautifully, 

hái lǎo cháoxiào biérén.


and she always laughs at others.

Lìng yīgè shuō wǒ tǎoyàn gāo chūn lái, 


The other said that I hate Gao Chun, 

tā zuì huì tǎohǎo lǎoshīle…..


he would please the teacher the most.....

Wǒ hé lǎogōng duì shì yīyǎn, 


My husband and I looked at each other, 

zhème xiǎo de háizi zěnme xuéhuìle bèihòu yìlùn rén.


how can such a small child learn to talk about people behind his back.

Wǒ zhèngzhòng de zǒu dào tāmen gēnqián, yánsù de shuō: 

我郑重地走到她们跟前, 严肃地说: 

I walked up to them solemnly and said seriously: 

“Kàn dào biérén yǒu quēdiǎn, 


"If you see other people's shortcomings, 

yīnggāi dāngmiàn shuō, 


you should talk to them face to face, 

bèihòu shuō rénjiā de huàihuà bù hǎo.”


and it is not good to speak ill of others behind their backs."

Lǎogōng yě zài pángbiān fùhè: 


Husband also echoed by the side: 

“Dàhuǒr yào hémù xiāngchǔ, duì rén yào kuānróng.”

“大伙儿要和睦相处, 对人要宽容。” 

"Everyone should get along with each other and be tolerant to others."

Nǚ'ér què shì yī liǎn de yíhuò, fǎnwèn dào: 

女儿却是一脸的疑惑, 反问道: 

The daughter was puzzled and asked, 

“Nǐmen bùshì yě yǒushíhòu shuō, 


"Don't you sometimes say, 

nǎge péngyou hǎo xiāngchǔ, 


which friend is easy to get along with, 

nǎge péngyou hěn zìsī ma?”


and which friend is selfish?"

Shùnjiān wǒ hé lǎogōng bèi wèn de shuō bu chū huà lái, 


Suddenly my husband and I were speechless when asked, 

wūzi lǐ yāquèwúshēng.


and the room was silent.

Rénmen cháng shuō, qǐméng lǎoshī de zhòngyào xìng bùkě hūshì, 

人们常说, 启蒙老师的重要性不可忽视,L 

People often say that the importance of enlightenment teachers cannot be ignored. 

fùmǔ jiùshì háizi de dì yī rèn lǎoshī, 


Parents are the children’s first teachers. 

zhè huà quèshí bù jiǎ, 


This is true, 

kě rúguǒ zhè cì bùshì nǚ'ér fǎnbó, 


but if it were not for the daughter to refute this time, 

wǒ hái yìshí bù dào, wǒmen zìjǐ de zuòfǎ hé duì háizi de yāoqiú shíxíng de shì liǎng tào biāozhǔn, 

我还意识不到,  我们自己的做法和对孩子的要求实行的是两套标准, 我们自己的做法和对孩子的要求实行的是两套标准,

I would still not be aware of our own practices and requirements for children apply two sets of standards,

nà biàn shì duì zìjǐ kuānróng, duì háizi yánlì.

那便是对自己宽容, 对孩子严厉。

that is, to be tolerant to yourself and strict to children.

Háizi yě kěyǐ shì wǒmen de lǎoshī a.


Children can also be our teachers.

Shuō zhēn de, 


To be honest, 

zhè cì shì háizi gěi wǒ shàngle yī kè: 


this time the child taught me a lesson: 

Wǒ shēn shēn de gǎndào, xiǎng dāng hǎo fùmǔ, 

我深深地感到, 想当好父母, 

I deeply feel that if you want to be a good parent, 

shǒuxiān yāo yuēshù hǎo zìjǐ de yánxíng.


you must first restrain your words and deeds.

Gǎibiān zì “ài dé yǒu fèn cùn, háizi cái yōuxiù” wénzhāng “bié ràng háizi zhuā zhù nǐ de “bǎbǐng" ”

改编自《爱得有分寸, 孩子才优秀》文章《别让孩子抓住你的 “把柄" 》

Adapted from the article "Love Properly, Children Are Excellent" "Don't Let Children Grab Your "Handle" "

Full Translation:

The enlightenment that children give us

Lin Lin and Tiantian are classmates. Tiantian's parents were going on a business tripand wanted to ask us to take care of their daughter for a few days. My husband and I readily agreed that there will be a child together with our only daughter day and night, and we were so eager! The most excited person was Lin Lin, Shouting welcome to my house Tiantian with Dad’s best delicacies. And also suggested that her desk can be shared with Tiantian.

My husband and I were so happy to see our daughter being warm and selfless towards her partner. Before Tiantian came, Lin Lin had become extremely hardworking, keeping the house clean, putting things neatly, and thinking about the Tiantian for all good things. Although in my family Lin Lin is a girl, but also has gentlemanly manners.

The arrival of Tiantian makes my husband and I have a very worry-free life. The two children woke up every morning without waking them, they did not need to be transported to school, and they did not need to supervise their homework; they did not fight, they were not awkward, and the relationship was more harmonious. Seeing that my daughter and Tiantian are so close, there is a tendency to ignore us, my husband and I were a little jealous.

That night, the two children finished their homework and began to talk endlessly. One said, I don't like Wang Duoduo, she likes to play with classmates who are dressed beautifully, and she always laughs at others. The other said that I hate Gao Chun, he would please the teacher the most.....

My husband and I looked at each other, how can such a small child learn to talk about people behind his back. I walked up to them solemnly and said seriously: "If you see other people's shortcomings, you should talk to them face to face, and it is not good to speak ill of others behind their backs." Husband also echoed by the side: "Everyone should get along with each other and be tolerant to others."

The daughter was puzzled and asked, "Don't you sometimes say, which friend is easy to get along with, and which friend is selfish?" Suddenly my husband and I were speechless when asked, and the room was silent.

People often say that the importance of enlightenment teachers cannot be ignored. Parents are the children’s first teachers. This is true, but if it were not for the daughter to refute this time, I would still not be aware of our own practices and requirements for children apply two sets of standards, that is, to be tolerant to yourself and strict to children.

Children can also be our teachers. To be honest, this time the child taught me a lesson: I deeply feel that if you want to be a good parent, you must first restrain your words and deeds.

HSK 6 lesson 1 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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hsk 5 上 lesson 1 with pinyin and English translation

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