26 June 2021

hsk3 lesson 2 with pinyin and English translation | Hsk3 standard course textbook

Lesson 2   他什么时候回来
When will he come back

Dialogue 02-1   下山的路上 
On the way going down the mountain

Xiǎo lì: Xiūxi yīxià ba!

小丽: 休息一下吧 !

Xiaoli: Take a break!

Xiǎo gāng: Zěnmele?

小刚: 怎么了?

Xiaogang: What's wrong?

Xiǎo lì: Wǒ xiànzài tuǐ yě téng, jiǎo yě téng. 

小丽: 我现在腿也疼,脚也疼。

Xiaoli: My legs and feet hurt too.

Xiǎo gāng: Hǎo, nà biān shù duō wǒmen guòqù zuò yīxià ba.

小刚: 好,那边树多我们过去坐一下吧 。

Xiaogang: Okay, there are many trees over there. Let's go and sit down.

Xiǎo lì: Shànglái de shíhòu, wǒ zěnme méi juédé zhème lèi?


Xiaoli: Why didn't I feel so tired when I came up?

Xiǎo gāng: Shàngshān róngyì xiàshān nán, nǐ bù zhīdào?

小刚: 上山容易下山难,你不知道?

Xiaogang: It’s easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down the mountain, don’t you know?       

Dialogue 02-2   再打电话   on the phone

Zhōu tàitài: Wèi, nǐ hǎo, qǐngwèn Zhōumíng zài ma?

周太太: 喂,你好,请问周明在吗?

Mrs. Zhou: Hello, is Zhou Ming there?

Mìshū: Zhōu jīnglǐ chūqùle, bùzài bàngōngshì. 

秘书: 周经理出去了,不在办公室。

Secretary: Manager Zhou is out, not in the office.

Zhōu tàitài: Tā qù nǎr le? Shénme shíhòu huílái?

周太太: 他去哪儿了?什么时候回来?

Mrs. Zhou: Where did he go?  When he will come back?

Mìshū: Tā chūqù bànshìle, xiàwǔ huílái.

秘书: 他出去办事了,下午回来。

Secretary: He has gone out to do office work and will be back in afternoon.

Zhōu tàitài: Huíláile jiù ràng tā gěi wǒ dǎ gè diànhuà.

周太太: 回来了就让他给我打个电话。

Mrs. Zhou: When he come back, let him call me.

Mìshū: Hǎo de, tā dàole bàngōngshì wǒ jiù gàosù tā.

秘书: 好的,他到了办公室我就告诉他。

Secretary: Okay, I'll tell him when he gets to the office.

Dialogue 02-3   在楼门口送朋友   
Parting at the exit of the building

Xiǎo gāng: Yǔ xià dé zhēn dà. Nǐ zěnme huíqù? Wǒ sòng nǐ ba. 

小刚: 雨下得真大。你怎么回去?我送你把。

Xiaogang: The rain is really heavy. How are you going back?  I'll drop you.

Xiǎo lì: Méishì, wǒ chūqù jiào liàng chūzūchē jiùxíngle. 

小丽: 没事,我出去叫辆出租车就行了。

Xiaoli: It's okay, I can just go out and call a taxi.

Xiǎo gāng: Nà nǐ děng děng, wǒ shàng lóu qù gěi nǐ ná bǎ sǎn. 

小刚: 那你等等,我上楼去给你拿把伞。

Xiaogang: Then wait, I'll go upstairs to get you an umbrella.


Xiǎo lì: Hǎo de, wǒ gēn nǐ yīqǐ qù shàng ba. 

小丽: 好的,我跟你一起去上吧。

Xiaoli: Okay, let me go with you.


Xiǎo gāng: Nǐ zài zhèr děng wǒ ba. Wǒ nále sǎn jiù xiàlái.

小刚: 你在这儿等我吧。我拿了伞就下来。

Xiaogang: Wait for me here. I took the umbrella and came down.

Dialogue 02-4   在家   At home

Zhōu tàitai: nǐ kàn, wǒ zhème pàng, zěnme bàn ne?

周太太: 你看,我这么胖,怎么办呢?

Mrs. Zhou: Look, I'm so fat. What should I do?

Zhōu Míng: nǐ měitiān wǎnshang chī le fàn jiù shuìjiào, yě bù chūqù zǒu zǒu, néng bù pàng ma?

周明: 你每天晚上吃了饭就睡觉,也不出去走走,能不胖吗? 

Zhou Ming: You go to bed after dinner every night, do not go out for a walk, how you not be fat?

Zhōu tàitai: qíshí wǒ měitiān dōu yùndòng.

周太太: 其实我每天都运动。

Mrs. Zhou: Actually, I exercise every day.

Zhōu Míng: dànshì nǐ yīdiǎnr yě méi shòu! nǐ zuò shénme yùndòng le?

周明: 但是你一点儿也没瘦 ! 你做什么运动了?

Zhou Ming: But you're not thin at all! What exercise you do?

Zhōu tàitai: zuòfàn ā.

周太太: 做饭啊。

Mrs. Zhou: cooking.

Hsk3 lesson 2 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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