29 June 2021

hsk3 lesson 10 with pinyin and English translation | Hsk3 standard course textbook

Lesson 10 数学比历史难多了
Maths is much harder than history

Text 10-1 在教室 In the classroom

Péngyou: Dàshān, nǐ hé Mǎkě shéi gèzi gāo?

朋友: 大山,你和马可谁个子高?

Friend: Dashan, who is more tall, you or Marco?


Dàshān: Mǎkè bǐ wǒ gāo, wǒ bǐ Mǎkě ǎi yīdiǎnr. 

大山: 马克比我高,我比马可矮一点儿。

Da Shan: Mark is taller than me, and I am a little shorter than Mark.



Péngyou: Nà nǐmen shéi dà? 

朋友: 那你们谁大?

Friend: Then who one of you is older?


Dàshān: Wǒ bǐ mǎkě dà liǎng suì. 

大山: 我比马可大两岁。

Dashan: I am two years older than Marco.


Péngyou: Nǐmen shéi de hànyǔ shuō dé gèng hǎo? 

朋友: 你们谁的汉语说得更好?

Friend: Who of you speaks Chinese better?


Dàshān: Mǎkě bǐ wǒ shuō dé yīxiē, wǒ de hànyǔ méiyǒu tā hǎo.

大山: 马可比我说得一些,我的汉语没有他好。 

Dashan: Marco speaks a little bit better than me. My Chinese is not as good as him.

Text 10-2 在教室 In the classroom

Xiǎomíng: Wǒ xǐhuan lìshǐ kè, tǐyù kè, bù xǐhuan shùxué kè. 

小明: 我喜欢历史课,体育课,不喜欢数学课。

Xiao Ming: I like history class, physical education class, and don't like math class.

Tóngxué: Wèishéme? Shùxué yě hěn yǒuyìsi a. 

同学: 为什么?数学也很有意思啊。

Classmate: Why? Mathematics is also very interesting.

Xiǎomíng: Wǒ juédé shùxué bǐ lìshǐ nán duōle, wǒ tīng bù dǒng. 

小明: 我觉得数学比历史难多了,我听不懂。

Xiao Ming: I think mathematics is much more difficult than history, I don't understand it.


Tóngxué: Bié dānxīn, wǒ kěyǐ bāng nǐ.

同学: 别担心,我可以帮你。

Classmate: Don't worry, I can help you.


Xiǎomíng: Hǎo a, wǒmen měitiān xué duō cháng shíjiān? 

小明: 好啊,我们每天学多长时间?

Xiaoming: Okay, how long do we study every day?


Tóngxué: Yī liǎng gè xiǎoshí ba.

同学: 一两个小时吧。

Classmate: One or two hours.

Text 10-3 在休息室 In the lounge

Tóngshì: Nǐ zuìjìn bǐ yǐqián láidé zǎo duōle. Bān jiā le? 

同事: 你最近比以前来得早多了。搬家了?

Colleague: You recently come much earlier than before. Have you moved your house?

Xiǎo lì: Shì a, nǐ bù zhīdao? Wǒ shàng gè yuè jiù bān jiā le, zǒulù èrshí fēnzhōng jiù dào. 

小丽: 是啊,你不知道?我上个月就搬家了,走路二十分钟就到。

Xiaoli: Yes, you don't know? I moved last month and just reach in 20 minutes' walk.

Tóngshì: Nà hěn fāngbiàn a. 

同事: 那很方便啊。

Colleague: That's very convenient.

Xiǎo lì: Wǒ hái dǎsuàn mǎi liàng zìxíngchē, qí chē qī bā fēnzhōng jiù néng dào. 

小丽: 我还打算买辆自行车,骑车七八分钟就能到。

Xiaoli: I also plan to buy a bicycle, which can be there in seven or eight minutes.


Tóngshì: Nǐ bùshì yǒu yī liàng ma? 

同事: 你不是有一辆吗?

Colleague: Don't you have one?


Xiǎo lì: Nà liàng tài jiùle, yào huàn yī liàng, hěn piányí, liǎng sān bǎi kuài qián.

小丽: 那辆太旧了,要换一辆,很便宜,两三百块钱。

Xiaoli: That one is too old. I need to change it. It's very cheap, two to three hundred yuan.

Text 10-4   在看房子     Seeing an apartment

Dàshān: Zhè liǎng gè dìfāng de fángzi yīyàng ma? 

大山: 这两个地方的房子一样吗?

Dashan: Are the houses in these two places same?

Zhōngjiè: Bù yīyàng. Nín kàn, xuéxiào wàibian de fángzi bǐ xuéxiào lǐbian de dà yīxiē. 

中介: 不一样。您看,学校外边的房子比学校里边的大一些。

Agent: Not the same. You see, the house outside the school is bigger than the one inside the school.

Dàshān: Dàxiǎo méiguānxì, zhǔyào shì huánjìng, nǎge gèng ānjìng? 

大山: 大小没关系,主要是环境,哪个更安静?

Dashan: Size doesn't matter, it's mainly the environment, which one is quieter?


Zhōngjiè: Xuéxiào lǐbian de méiyǒu xuéxiào wàibian de nàme ānjìng. 

中介: 学校里边的没有学校外边的那么安静。

Agent: The inside of the school is not as quiet as the outside.


Dàshān: Nǎge fāngbiàn yīxiē ne? 

大山: 哪个方便一些呢?

Dashan: Which is more convenient?


Zhōngjiè: Xuéxiào lǐbian bǐ xuéxiào wàibian fāngbiàn, fùjìn yǒu sānsì gè chēzhàn.

中介: 学校里边比学校外边方便,附近有三四个车站。

Agent: Inside the school is more convenient than outside, there are three or four stations nearby.

hsk3 lesson 10 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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