29 June 2021

hsk6 下 lesson 21 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 21   未来商店   Future shops

Wèilái shāngdiàn
Future shops

Rújīn xǐhuan wǎngluò gòuwù de rén jíjù zēngjiā, 


Nowadays, the number of people who like online shopping has increased dramatically. 

mǎi dōngxi bùyòng zài chuānliúbùxī de rénqún zhōng bēnzǒu, 


To buy things, you don’t need to run among the endless crowds. 

jǐn xū dēnglù wǎngzhàn, 


You only need to log in to the website, 

dòng jǐ xià shǒuzhǐ, 


move a few fingers, 

xià jǐ dào zhǐlìng jiù kěyǐ bǎ dōngxi mǎi huí jiā, 


and give a few instructions to buy things home. 

rénlèi gēnshēndìgù de gòuwù xíguàn zhèngzài gǎibiàn.


The deep-rooted shopping habits of mankind are changing.

Wǒmen bùmiǎn yào wèn: 


We can't help but ask: 

Wǎngshàng gòuwù rúcǐ fāngbiàn, 


online shopping is so convenient, 

wèilái shítǐ shāngdiàn hái huì cúnzài ma?


will physical stores still exist in the future?

Yǒurén zhèyàng yùyán: 


Some people predict that 

Shítǐ shāngdiàn ruò xiǎng cúnzài, 


if physical stores want to exist, 

bìxū jìnxíng gēnběn xìng de gémìng, 


they must undergo a fundamental revolution, 

ér bùshì gǎiliáng, 


instead of improving,

fǒuzé shítǐ diàn xīrì de xīnxīnxiàngróng zhōng jiāng yī qù bù fù huán.


or else the old prosperity of physical stores will eventually be gone forever.

Yǒurén zhèyàng miáoshù wèilái shāngdiàn: 


Someone describes the store of the future in this way: 

Nàlǐ de cāngkù huòwù chúbèi guǎnlǐ, 


the warehouse inventory management, 

xiāoshòu jiésuàn, 


sales settlement, 

kèhù guānxì guǎnlǐ děng, 


customer relationship management, etc., 

quánbù shíxiàn diànzǐ huà.


are all electronic.

Zài nàr jīhū jiàn bù dào gōngzuò rényuán, 


There are almost no staff there, 

gùkè kěyǐ zìjǐ dòngshǒu wánchéng zhěnggè gòuwù guòchéng.


and customers can complete the entire shopping process by themselves.

Wèilái shāngdiàn shíxíng de jiāng shì yī zhǒng quánxīn de shāngyè móshì.


The store will implement a brand new business model in the future.

Wèilái shāngdiàn de gòuwù chē bǎshǒu shàngzhuāng yǒu gòuwù zhùshǒu-


The shopping cart handle of the future store is equipped with a shopping assistant-

yīgè kě suíyì zhuāngxiè de wúxiàn diànnǎo gōngjù.


a wireless computer tool that can be loaded and unloaded at will.

Xiāofèi zhě xiǎng mǎi nǎ zhǒng shāngpǐn, 


What kind of product the consumer wants to buy, 

xiǎo píngmù shàng jiù huì xiǎnshì shāngpǐn suǒzài de wèizhì, 


the location of the product will be displayed on the small screen, 

dāng xiāofèi zhě zǒu dào xiāngyìng huòjià shí, 


and when the consumer walks to the corresponding shelf, 

yíqì huì fāchū tíshì yīn, yǐmiǎn xiāofèi zhě cuòguò shāngpǐn.


the instrument will sound a reminder to prevent the consumer from missing the product.

Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng chī xiān yú, yòu xián xīng, bù yuàn zìjǐ jiāgōng, 


If you want to eat fresh fish but are too fishy and do not want to process it yourself, 

kěyǐ zài chùmōpíng shàng liúyán, 


you can leave a message on the touch screen 

děng diànyuán bǎ yú qīnglǐ hǎo hòu, zài qù lǐngqǔ, 


and wait for the clerk to clean up the fish before picking it up. 

bùbì páiduì děnghòu.


There is no need to wait in line.

Rúguǒ xiǎng mǎi shǒujī, 


If you want to buy a mobile phone 

yòu bù liǎojiě nǎ yī kuǎn xìngnéng gèng shìhé zìjǐ, 


and don't know which one is more suitable you, 

yě wúxū fánnǎo, 


don't worry, 

diànzǐ biànlì zhàn huì wèi nǐ bǎguān, 


the electronic convenience station will check it for you, 

zài nàr yī xìliè xuǎnzé tí huì wèi nǐ tígōng juécè zhīchí hé gòumǎi jiànyì.


where a series of multiple-choice questions will provide you with decision-making support and purchase recommendations.

Gòuwù wánbì, gāi jiézhàngle, 


After shopping, it’s time to check out. 

wèilái shāngdiàn wúxū réngōng guòchèng, 


In the future, there will be no need for manual weighing in the store. 

dài yǒu shèxiàngtóu de jiézhàng xìtǒng kěyǐ shìbié shāngpǐn de zhòngliàng hé tǐjī, 


The checkout system with camera can identify the weight and volume of the product, 

xùnsù yùnsuàn, 


quickly calculate it, 

zhīhòu gěi chū xiāofèi qián shǔ de zǒnghé, 


and then give the total amount of consumption, 

zìdòng shōu kuǎn jī zé kě jiēshòu xiànjīn hé shuākǎ zhīfù.


and the automatic cash register can accept cash and credit card payment.  

Xiāofèi zhě jiārù shèjì duìwǔ, shì wèilái shāngdiàn zhuózhòng tuījiàn de fúwù, 


Consumers joining the design team is a service recommended by the store in the future. 



For example, 

nǐ xiǎng mǎi yīfu, 


if you want to buy clothes, 

kěshì nǐ juédé shìchǎng shàng de jǐ kuǎn dōu bù tài mǎnyì, 


but you feel that you are not satisfied with several items on the market, 

nà jiù cānyù shèjì ba.


then participate in the design.

Nǐ dēnglù dào xūnǐ shèjì shì,


You log in to the virtual design room, 

 jìnrù shèjì guòchéng, 


enter the design process, 

duì yánsè, wàiguān děng shèjì nèiróng jìnxíng tóupiào, 


and vote on the design content such as color and appearance, 

zhèyàng shèjì chūlái de yīfu bǎoguǎn nǐ mǎnyì.


so that you are satisfied with the design of the clothes.

Zài wèilái shāngdiàn, shāngjiā hé xiāofèi zhě de hùdòng fēicháng huóyuè.


In the future store, the interaction between merchants and consumers is very active.

Bùguǎn nǐ shì xiǎng mǎi yàngshì xīnyǐng de yǔróngfú, qípáo, 


Whether you want to buy down jackets and mandarin gowns with novel styles, 

háishì xiǎng mǎi nǐ zhòngyì de yīnxiǎng, shōuyīnjī, 


or buy your favorite stereos, radios, 

shuǐlóngtóu huòzhě zhǐshì jǐ méi niǔkòur, 


(water) tap, or just a few buttons, 

yīgè chāzuò, zài huòzhě shì kāntàn kuàngchǎn de gōngjù, 


a socket, or tools for mineral exploration, 

nǐ zhǐyào bǎ zhàopiàn fāsòng dào zhuānmén de wǎngzhàn, 


you just need to send the photos to a dedicated website, 

jiù néng dédào fǎnkuì:


You can get feedback: 

“Nín cháxún de shāngpǐn zài mǒu mǒu diàn yǒu shòu, 


"The product you inquired about is available in XX store, 

nàli yǒu duō zhǒng kuǎnshì gōng nín xuǎn gòu.”


where there are many styles for you to buy."

Zhèyàng de hùdòng fāngbiànle gùkè, 


Such interaction facilitates customers 

yě wèi shāngjiā dài láile shēngyì.


and also brings business to businesses.

Wèilái shāngdiàn duì xiāofèi zhě de guānhuái kěwèi wúwēibùzhì, 


In the future, stores will care for consumers in every possible way. 

tāmen gēnjù xiāofèi zhě de gèrén shēnghuó xíguàn, 


According to consumers' personal living habits, 

bǎwò xiāofèi zhě de xūqiú, 


they grasp the needs of consumers 

jiāng shāngdiàn biàn wèi yǐ xiāofèi zhě wéi zhǔdǎo de diànpù.


and turn the store into a consumer-oriented store.

Nǔlì shǐ zhěnggè gòuwù guòchéng qīngsōng, kuàijié, biànlì, 


Efforts to make the entire shopping process easy, fast, and convenient 

shì wèilái shāngdiàn měi yī xiàng shèjì de zōngzhǐ.


is the purpose of every design in the future store.

Shìxiǎng, zhèyàng de shāngdiàn zěnme néng bù shēngyì xīnglóng ne!


Just imagine, how can such a store not have a thriving business!

Gǎibiān zì “Běijīng wǎnbào” wénzhāng “wèilái shāngdiàn shénme yàng”


Adapted from the "Beijing Evening News" article "What will the store of the future look like"

Full Translation:

Future shops

Nowadays, the number of people who like online shopping has increased dramatically. To buy things, you don’t need to run among the endless crowds. You only need to log in to the website, move a few fingers, and give a few instructions to buy things home. The deep-rooted shopping habits of mankind are changing.

We can't help but ask: online shopping is so convenient, will physical stores still exist in the future? Some people predict that if physical stores want to exist, they must undergo a fundamental revolution, instead of improving, or else the old prosperity of physical stores will eventually be gone forever.

Someone describes the store of the future in this way: the warehouse inventory management, sales settlement, customer relationship management, etc., are all electronic. There are almost no staff there, and customers can complete the entire shopping process by themselves. The store will implement a brand new business model in the future.

The shopping cart handle of the future store is equipped with a shopping assistant-a wireless computer tool that can be loaded and unloaded at will. What kind of product the consumer wants to buy, the location of the product will be displayed on the small screen, and when the consumer walks to the corresponding shelf, the instrument will sound a reminder to prevent the consumer from missing the product.

If you want to eat fresh fish but are too fishy and do not want to process it yourself, you can leave a message on the touch screen 

and wait for the clerk to clean up the fish before picking it up. There is no need to wait in line. If you want to buy a mobile phone and don't know which one is more suitable you, don't worry, the electronic convenience station will check it for you, where a series of multiple-choice questions will provide you with decision-making support and purchase recommendations.

After shopping, it’s time to check out. In the future, there will be no need for manual weighing in the store. The checkout system with camera can identify the weight and volume of the product, quickly calculate it, and then give the total amount of consumption, and the automatic cash register can accept cash and credit card payment.  

Consumers joining the design team is a service recommended by the store in the future. For example, if you want to buy clothes, but you feel that you are not satisfied with several items on the market, then participate in the design. You log in to the virtual design room, enter the design process, and vote on the design content such as color and appearance, so that you are satisfied with the design of the clothes.

In the future store, the interaction between merchants and consumers is very active. Whether you want to buy down jackets and mandarin gowns with novel styles, or buy your favorite stereos, radios, (water) tap, or just a few buttons, a socket, or tools for mineral exploration, you just need to send the photos to a dedicated website, You can get feedback: "The product you inquired about is available in XX store, where there are many styles for you to buy."

Such interaction facilitates customers 

and also brings business to businesses.

In the future, stores will care for consumers in every possible way.  According to consumers' personal living habits, they grasp the needs of consumers 

and turn the store into a consumer-oriented store.

Efforts to make the entire shopping process easy, fast, and convenient is the purpose of every design in the future store. Just imagine, how can such a store not have a thriving business!

Adapted from the "Beijing Evening News" article "What will the store of the future look like"

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