25 June 2021

hsk3 lesson 1 with pinyin and English translation | Hsk3 standard course textbook

Lesson 1   你周末有什么打算
What’s your plan for the weekend

Dialogue 01-1   谈周末的打算
Talking abut the plan for the weekend

Xiǎo Lì: Zhōumò nǐ yǒu shénme dǎsuàn?

小丽:  周末你有什么打算?

Xiaoli:   What are your plans for the weekend?


Xiǎo Gāng: Wǒ zǎo jiù xiǎng hǎole, qǐng nǐ chīfàn, kàn diànyǐng, hē kāfēi.                  


Xiaogang: I already thought about it, invite you to dinner, watch a movie, and drink coffee.


Xiǎo Lì: Qǐng wǒ?                    

小丽:  请我?                   

Xiaoli:    Invite me?  

Xiǎo Gāng: Shì a, wǒ yǐjīng zhǎo hǎo fànguǎnle, diànyǐng piào yě mǎihǎole.                                     


Xiaogang: Yes, I have already found a restaurant, and I have bought movie tickets.                   

Xiǎo Lì: Wǒ hái méi xiǎng hǎo yào bùyào gēn nǐ qù ne.                                                                            小丽:我还没想好要不要跟你去呢。

Xiaoli: I haven't decided whether or not to follow you.                  

Dialogue 01-2   在家   At home 

Māma: Nǐ yīzhí wánr diànnǎo yóuxì, zuòyè xiě wánle ma?


Mom: You have been playing computer games, have you finished your homework?  

Érzi:    Dōu xiě wánle.


Son:    It's all finished.  

Māma: Míngtiān bùshì yǒu kǎoshì ma? Nǐ zěnme yīdiǎnr yě bù zháo jí?


Mom: Isn’t there a test tomorrow?  How you have no worries at all?

Érzi:    Wǒ zǎo jiù fùxí hào le.


Son:    I have already revised it.  

Māma: Nà yě bùnéng yīzhí wánr a.


Mom: Anyways, you cannot play all the time.

Dialogue 01-3   聊旅游计划  talking about the travel plan 

Xiǎo Lì: Xià gè yuè wǒ qù lǚyóu, nǐ néng gēn wǒ yīqǐ qù ma?


Xiaoli: I'm going to travel next month, can you go with me?

Xiǎo Gāng: Wǒ hái méi xiǎng hǎo ne. Nǐ juédé nǎr zuì hǎo wánr?


Xiaogang: I haven't figured it out yet. What do you think is the most fun?  

Xiǎo Lì: Nánfāng a, wǒmen qùnián jiùshì zhège shíhòu qù de.


Xiaoli: Southside, we went at this time last year.

Xiǎo Gāng: Nánfāng tài rèle, běifāng hǎo yīxiē, bù lěng yě bù rè.


Xiaogang: The south is too hot, the north is better, neither cold nor hot.

Dialogue 01-4   准备去旅游  Preparing for their trip 

Xiǎo Gāng: Shuǐguǒ, miànbāo, chá dōu zhǔnbèi hǎole, wǒmen hái dài shénme?


Xiaogang: Fruit, bread, tea are all ready, what else shall we bring?

Xiǎo Lì: Shǒujī, diànnǎo, dìtú, yīgè yě bùnéng shǎo.


Xiaoli: Mobile phones, computers, maps, none of them are missing.

Xiǎo Gāng: Zhèxiē wǒ zuótiān xiàwǔ jiù zhǔnbèi hǎole.


Xiaogang: I prepared these yesterday afternoon.

Xiǎo Lì: Zài duō dài jǐ jiàn yīfú ba.


Xiaoli: Bring a few more clothes.

Xiǎo Gāng: Wǒmen shì qù lǚyóu, bùshì bānjiā, háishì shǎo dài yīxiē ba.


Xiaogang: We are traveling, not moving house, so let's take less. 

Hsk3 lesson 1 audio with English translation 👇

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