24 June 2021

hsk6 上 lesson 19 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 19   无阳光的深海世界
The deep sea without sunshine

Wú yángguāng de shēnhǎi shìjiè
The deep sea without sunshine

Wú yángguāng de shēnhǎi shìjiè


The deep sea without sunshine

Súhuà shuō wànwù shēngzhǎng kào tàiyáng.


As the saying goes, all things grow by the sun.

Rénmen zhī suǒyǐ zhèyàng shuō, shì yīnwèi lìlái zhíwù shēngzhǎng lì bù kāi yángguāng, 


The reason why people say this is because the growth of plants has always been inseparable from sunlight, 

ér dòngwù yòu kào zhíwù wéichí shēngmìng, 


and animals rely on plants to maintain their lives. 

suǒyǐ méiyǒu yángguāng, jiù méiyǒu wànwù, 


So without sunlight, there is nothing,

zhè shì zhòngsuǒzhōuzhī de zhēnlǐ.


This is a well-known truth.

Rán'ér kēxuéjiāmen de shēnhǎi kǎochá, què xiàng rénlèi zǎoyǐ rèndìng wéi zhǔnzé de dìngyì tíchūle zhíyí.


However, scientists’ deep-sea surveys have questioned the definition that mankind has long recognized as a criterion.

Qiánshuǐ dào jǐ qiān mǐ shēn hǎidǐ de kēxuéjiā fāxiànle yīgè fánzhí shēngmìng de chǎngsuǒ, 


Scientists who dived to a depth of several kilometers found a place where life reproduced, 

nàlǐ de shēngwù zhǎngxiàng gǔguài, 


where the creatures looked strange, 

há, bàng, xiè, bèiké, hóng guān rúchóng děng děng, shénme dōu yǒu.


such as clams, mussels, crabs, shells, red-crowned worms, and so on.

Kēxuéjiā shēn gǎn chàyì: 


Scientists are deeply surprised: 

Zài méiyǒu yángguāng, méiyǒu shíwù, yālì yòu hěn dà de hǎidǐ, zěnme huì yǒu zhème duō shēngwù?


How can there be so many living things on the bottom of the sea where there is no sunlight, no food, and great pressure?

Tāmen kào shénme shēngcún ne?


How do they survive?

Huí dào dìmiàn hòu, 


After returning to the ground, 

kēxuéjiā qǔchū cóng shēnhǎi dài huí de yàngpǐn, 


the scientists took out the samples brought back from the deep ocean, 

yī gǔ dài yǒu cì bí chòu dàn qìwèi de liúhuà qīng qìtǐ lìjí chōngle chūlái, 


and a pungent rotten egg odor of hydrogen sulfide gas immediately rushed out. 

kēxuéjiā huǎngrándàwù, 


The scientists suddenly realized that 

Jìn'ér tíchūle zhèyàng de jiǎshuō-dāng hǎishuǐ cóng dìqiào fēnliè ér chéng de lièfèng shèntòu dào dìxià shí,


and then put forward the hypothesis-when seawater penetrates into the ground from the cracks formed by the splitting of the earth's crust,

Zài gāowēn hé gāoyā de zuòyòng xià,


under the action of high temperature and high pressure,

Shuǐ lǐ suǒ hán de liúsuān yán zhuǎnhuà chéngle liúhuà qīng,


the sulfate contained in the water is converted into hydrogen sulfide,

Mǒu xiē xìjùn jiè liúhuà qīng dàixiè biànhuà,


some bacteria use hydrogen sulfide metabolism to change,

Xīshōu wēnquán de rè liáng déyǐ fánzhí.


and absorb the heat of the hot spring to reproduce.

Yīxiē xiǎo dòngwù kào guòlǜ xìjùn wéichí shēngmìng, 


Some small animals rely on filtering bacteria to maintain their lives, 

ér xiǎo dòngwù yòu chéngle dà dòngwù de shíwù láiyuán, 


and small animals have become a food source for large animals. 

zhèyàng, jiù gòuchéngle yīgè xīn de “shíwùliàn”.

这样,就构成了一个新的 “食物链”。

In this way, a new "food chain" is formed.

Tāmen kào láizì dìqiú nèibù de rènéng wéichí shēngmìng, 


They rely on heat from the inside of the earth to sustain their lives. 

zhè zhǒng chéngxù jiào “huàxué héchéng”, 

这种程序叫 “化学合成”,

This process is called "chemical synthesis" 

shì shēngwù kēxué shǐshàng de dì yī cì fāxiàn.


and is the first discovery in the history of biological sciences.

Tā gàosù rénlèi, 


It tells human beings that 

zài méiyǒu yángguāng de tiáojiàn xià, yě kěnéng yǒu shēngmìng; 


there may be life without sunlight; 

tā qǐfā rénmen, yào jiěfàng sīxiǎng, 


it inspires people to free their minds from old ideas, 

mài xiàng dìqiú yǐwài, 


step outside the earth, 

tànsuǒ shēngmìng cúnzài de xīn lù.


and explore new ways for life to exist.



It is reported that 

zhè zhǒng xìjùn rěnshòu gāowēn de běnlǐng yuǎn yuǎn chāoyuèle wǒmen de xiǎngxiàng, 


the ability of this kind of bacteria to withstand high temperatures far exceeds our imagination. 

tāmen néng zài 250 shèshìdù (250℃) de huánjìng xià shēngcún.


They can survive in an environment of 250 degrees Celsius (250 degrees Celsius).

Yībān qíngkuàng xià, 


Under normal circumstances, 

gāo yú 40℃, dà bùfèn zhíwù hé dòngwù jiù wúfǎ chénghuó; 

高于40℃, 大部分植物和动物就无法成活;

if the temperature is higher than 40°C, most plants and animals cannot survive; 

gāo yú 65℃, duōshù xìjùn huì sàngshī shēngmìng, 


if the temperature is higher than 65°C, most bacteria will lose their lives. 

kěshì, wèishéme piānpiān zhè zhǒng xìjùn nénggòu cúnhuó xiàlái?


However, why does this kind of bacteria survive?

Qízhōng de àomì dàodǐ shì shénme ne?


What is the mystery in it?

Yǒurén pòbùjídài de xiǎng tànjiù qí zhēnxiàng, 


Some people can't wait to find out the truth, 

yǒurén quèshuō, yǔqí bǎ jīnglì yòng lái tànsuǒ nài gāowēn xìjùn shēngmìng cúnzài de mìmì, 


but some people say that instead of using their energy to explore the secrets of the existence of thermostable bacterial life, 

bùrú qù tànsuǒ gāowēn hé gāoyā xià de jīnxīng huò qítā xīngqiú shàng, shìfǒu yěyǒu shēngwù cúnzài.


it is better to explore whether there are living things on Venus or other planets under high temperature and pressure.

Bùguǎn rénlèi zěnme xiǎng, 


No matter what humans think, 

zhèxiē shēnhǎi shēngwù yīrán bǎochízhe tāmen qiángdà ér huálì de zhènróng, 


these deep-sea creatures still maintain their powerful and gorgeous lineup, 

yǒutiáobùwěn deguòzhe zìjǐ de rìzi, 


living their lives methodically, 

zhǎnxiànzhe tāmen dútè de jīngcǎi: 


showing their unique splendor: 

Yī cóng cóng hóng guān rúchóng, 


clusters of red-crowned worms, 

bǎ báisè wàitào guǎn gùdìng zài yánshí shàng, bǎohùzhe zìjǐ róuruǎn de shēntǐ.


fixing the white coat tube on the rock to protect his soft body.

Tāmen méiyǒu zuǐ, méiyǒu yǎn, 


They have no mouth, no eyes, 

shènzhì xiāohuà xìtǒng yě bù cúnzài, 


and even the digestive system does not exist. 

jǐn kào shēn chū tào guǎn dǐngduān de shēntǐ guòlǜ hǎishuǐ zhōng de shíwù, 


They only rely on the body protruding from the top of the sleeve to filter the food in the seawater. 

tāmen shì zěnme fánzhí hòudài de ne?


How do they reproduce?

Tǐjī pángdà de jù há, 


The huge giant clams, 

zàoxíng qítè de bái bàng, 


the peculiarly shaped white clams, 

tāmen de shēnglǐ jiégòu, shíwù jīchǔ, 


their physiological structure, food basis, 

shènzhì tāmen de ménlèi guīshǔ, dōu shǐ rén míhuò bù jiě.


and even their category ownership are all confusing.

Zhè piàn shénmì ér guǎngkuò de shēnhǎi shìjiè néng wéi wǒmen tígōng xīn de shíwù zīyuán, 


Can this mysterious and vast deep-sea world provide us with new food resources 

chéngwéi qímiào de kēxué yánjiū jīdì ma?


and become a wonderful scientific research base?

Gǎibiān zì “shénqí dòng zhíwù zhī mí” wénzhāng “wú yángguāng shìjiè de shēnhǎi shēngmìng”



Adapted from the "Mystery of Mysteries of Fauna and Flora" article "A World Without Sunshine" The Deep Sea Life

Full Translation:

The deep sea without sunshine

   As the saying goes, all things grow by the sun. The reason why people say this is because the growth of plants has always been inseparable from sunlight, and animals rely on plants to maintain their lives. So without sunlight, there is nothing, this is a well-known truth.

  However, scientists’ deep-sea surveys have questioned the definition that mankind has long recognized as a criterion. Scientists who dived to a depth of several kilometers found a place where life reproduced, where the creatures looked strange, such as clams, mussels, crabs, shells, red-crowned worms, and so on.

  Scientists are deeply surprised: how can there be so many living things on the bottom of the sea where there is no sunlight, no food, and great pressure? How do they survive? After returning to the ground, the scientists took out the samples brought back from the deep ocean, and a pungent rotten egg odor of hydrogen sulfide gas immediately rushed out. 

  The scientists suddenly realized that 

and then put forward the hypothesis-when seawater penetrates into the ground from the cracks formed by the splitting of the earth's crust, under the action of high temperature and high pressure, the sulfate contained in the water is converted into hydrogen sulfide, some bacteria use hydrogen sulfide metabolism to change, and absorb the heat of the hot spring to reproduce.

  Some small animals rely on filtering bacteria to maintain their lives, and small animals have become a food source for large animals. In this way, a new "food chain" is formed. They rely on heat from the inside of the earth to sustain their lives. This process is called "chemical synthesis" 

and is the first discovery in the history of biological sciences.

  It tells human beings that there may be life without sunlight; it inspires people to free their minds from old ideas, step outside the earth, and explore new ways for life to exist. It is reported that the ability of this kind of bacteria to withstand high temperatures far exceeds our imagination. 

  They can survive in an environment of 250 degrees Celsius (250 degrees Celsius). Under normal circumstances, if the temperature is higher than 40°C, most plants and animals cannot survive; if the temperature is higher than 65°C, most bacteria will lose their lives. However, why does this kind of bacteria survive? What is the mystery in it?

  Some people can't wait to find out the truth, but some people say that instead of using their energy to explore the secrets of the existence of thermostable bacterial life, it is better to explore whether there are living things on Venus or other planets under high temperature and pressure.

  No matter what humans think, these deep-sea creatures still maintain their powerful and gorgeous lineup, living their lives methodically, showing their unique splendor: clusters of red-crowned worms, fixing the white coat tube on the rock to protect his soft body. They have no mouth, no eyes, and even the digestive system does not exist. They only rely on the body protruding from the top of the sleeve to filter the food in the seawater. 

  How do they reproduce? The huge giant clams, the peculiarly shaped white clams, their physiological structure, food basis, and even their category ownership are all confusing. Can this mysterious and vast deep-sea world provide us with new food resources 

and become a wonderful scientific research base?

hsk 6 上 lesson 19 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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