25 June 2021

hsk6 上 lesson 20 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 20   金鸡窝   

The golden henhouse

Jīnjī wō
The golden henhouse

Lǎolao zhù de cūn dōng chítáng pàn yǒu yīkuài tuǒyuán xíng de dà shítou.


There is a big oval stone beside the pond in the east of the village where my grandma lives.

Nà shítou zhōngjiān āoxiàn, xiàng gè jī wō, 


The stone is sunken in the middle, like a chicken coop, 

cūnlǐ rén jiào tā jīnjī wō.


the villagers call it a golden chicken coop.

Jīnjī wō wàibiǎo yǒuxiē gǔguài, 


The golden chicken coop has a weird appearance. 

hóngsè de shítou, shàngmiàn xiāngqiànzhe xiē bùtóng sècǎi, bùtóng xíngzhuàng, 


The red stones are inlaid with small stones of different colors, different shapes, 

huò jiānyìng huò bù shífēn jiānyìng de xiǎo shítou, 


or small stones that are hard or not very hard, 

xiàng jiàn gōngyìpǐn, hěn shì měiguān biézhì.


which are like handicrafts and are very beautiful and unique.

Wǒmen xiǎoshíhòu dōu xǐhuan zuò zài shítou shàng, 


When we were young, we all liked to sit on rocks 

bǎ jiǎo jìnpào zài shuǐ lǐ.


and soak our feet in water.

Lǎorénmen jiànle, jiù huì zéguài:


When the old people saw it, they would blame: 

“Hāi, zuò zài jīnjī wō shàng, xiǎng gànma ya!” 


"Hey, sitting on the golden hen's nest, what do you want to do!" 

Wǒ bèi shuō dé hútú, jiù qù wèn lǎolao, 


I was confused, so I asked my grandma, 

zhè cái dé zhī nàgè jiǔyuǎn de chuánshuō.


and only then did I learn the ancient legend.

Lǎoyé zǔfù de zǔfù sòng jiā yǒu jǐ xiōngdì, 


Grandpa's grandfather's grandfather Song family has several brothers, 

dàjiā qǐzǎotānhēi, 


everyone work from dawn to dusk,



forget to eat and sleep,

qínláo jiā qínjiǎn, 


hardworking and thrifty, 

rìziguò dé hái suàn fùyù.


and their lives were fairly well-off.

Nónglì nián jiāngjìn, 


As the Lunar New Year was approaching, 

sòngjiāsān zǔ yé zǎozǎo xiàle dì, 


the third grandfather of the Song family got off the ground early 

túrán kàn dàole yī wō xiǎo jī.


and suddenly saw a brood of chicks.

Nà xiǎo jī fǎngfú gāng chū wō méi jǐ tiān, 


The chick seemed to have just left the nest for a few days, 

kuàngqiě shì wūhēi wūhēi de shēnzi, kě'ài jíle, 


and it was a jet-black body, very cute, 

gēnsuízhe mǔ jī, sìchù xúnmì, xiàng shì zài zhǎo shí.


following the hen, looking around, as if looking for food.

Sān zǔ yé pǒ gǎn chàyì,  


The third ancestor was quite surprised, 

dà dōngtiān de, zhèlǐ lí cūnzi yòu yuǎn, 


It was so far away from the village in the winter, 

fēnmíng bù gāi yǒu zhème xiǎo de jī zǐ ya! 


so there shouldn't be such a small chicken!  

Sān zǔ yé qù zhuō xiǎo jī, 


The third grandfather went to catch the chick. 

xiǎo jī xiǎng yǐnbì zìjǐ, 


The chick wanted to hide himself 

pǎozhe wǎng gān cǎocóng lǐ zhā.


and ran into the hay.

Sān zǔ yé shùnshǒu jiǎn qǐ yīkuài zhuān piē guòqù, 


The third grandfather picked up a brick and slid it over, 

yīxià zá zhōngle yī zhǐ xiǎo jī.


hitting a chicken in one fell swoop.

Xiǎo jī jiù dì dǎle gè gǔn, 


The chicken rolled on the spot, 

shùnjiān biàn chéngle yīkuài jīnzi.


and instantly turned into a piece of gold.

Zhè shíhòu, lǎomǔ jī jíle, 


At this time, the old hen was anxious, 

tiào qǐlái zài sān zǔ yé xīgài xiàbian jiùshì yīkǒu, 


jumped up and bit under the third grandfather's knee. 

sān zǔ yé téng dé yàomìng, hēng hēngzhe, lù yě zǒu bù dòngle, 


The third grandfather was so painful that he hummed and couldn't walk anymore, 

zhǐhǎo jiǎn gè shùzhī dāng guǎizhàng zhǔzhe, yī qué yī guǎi de huíle jiā.


so he had to pick a branch as a cane and limped back home.

Huí dàojiā, 


When he got home, 

sān zǔ yé bǎ shìqíng gēn jiālǐ rén yī shuō, 


the third grandfather told his family about the matter. 

dàjiā gǎn dào dì li, 


Everyone rushed to the field, 

kě zěnme yě zhǎo bùzháo nà wō jī.


but they couldn't find the brood.

Dàjiā kāishǐ zài fùjìn wājué, wāle gè dà kēng, 


Everyone started digging nearby and dug a big hole, 

jiéguǒ háishì méiyǒu kàn dào jī, 


but still no chickens were seen, 

zhǐshì wā chūle nà kuài xiàng jī wō yīyàng de dà shítou.


only the big rock like a chicken coop was dug out.

Tāmen bǎ nà shítou tái huí cūnlǐ, 


They carried the stone back to the village. 

yīnwèi xíngzhuàng bù guīzé, 


Because of its irregular shape, 

pài bù shàng shénme yòngchǎng, 


it was of no use, 

zuìhòu jiù rēng zàile chítáng biān.


so it was thrown by the pond in the end.

Sān zǔ yé shòushāng de tuǐ yīzhí fāyán, 


The injured leg of the third grandfather was always inflamed, 

téng dé xià bùliǎo chuáng.


and it was so painful that he could not get out of bed.

Yīgè shēn qiánglì zhuàng de xiǎohuǒzi, zǎ néng guāng tǎng zài chuángshàng ne?


How can a strong young man just lie on the bed?

Sān zǔ yé zhǐhǎo yòng nà jīnzi huànle qián qù kànbìng.


The third grandpa had to use the gold for money to go to the doctor.

Hái suàn jiǎoxìng, jīnzi huàn lái de qián yòng wánle, 


It was a fluke, the money in exchange for the gold ran out, 

sān zǔ yé de tuǐ yě hǎole.


and the third grandfather's legs were healed.

Sān zǔ yé cháng dàole jiǔ bìng bù yù de zīwèi, 


The third grandfather tasted the feeling of being ill for a long time, 

hòulái féng rén jiù shuō, zhēnshi débùchángshī, 


and then he said to everyone that the loss outweighs the gain.

zǎo zhīdao zhèyàng, nìngkěn dāngchū bù dāli nà wō xiǎo jī.


I had known this a long time ago, and would rather ignore the brood of chickens.

Sān zǔ yé de gùshì gàojiè hòu rén, zuòrén bùyào yùwàng tài duō, bùyào tānlán.


The story of the third grandpa warned future generations not to have too much desire and not to be greedy.

Dōngxi bùshì nǐ de jiù bùyào qù zhēngduó, 


Don't fight for something that is not yours. 

jiùshì zhēng lái, yě shǒu bù zhù.


Even if you fight for it, you can't hold it.

Dào bùrú fùchū yī fēn nǔlì, 


It would be better to put in a bit of effort, 

dédào yī fēn shōuhuò,


get a bit of gain, 

guò píngwěn héshùn de rìzi.


and live a stable and smooth life.

Hòulái, sān zǔ yé de gùshì chuánle yīdài yòu yīdài, 


Later, the story of the third grandpa was passed down from generation to generation, 

sòng jiā de zǐsūn yěyǒu zuòle guān de, 


and some of the descendants of the Song family also became officials, 

dàn méiyǒu rén gǎn tānwū, huìlù, bùzéshǒuduàn, 


but no one dared to embezzle, bribe or use any means, 

yīnwèi tāmen xīnlǐ dōu yǒu yīgè “jīnjī wō”.


because they all had a "golden chicken coop" in their hearts.

Gǎibiān zì “Běijīng qīngnián bào” tóngmíng wénzhāng, zuòzhě: Hán yá


Adapted from the article of the same name in "Beijing Youth Daily", author: Han Ya

Full Translation:

The golden henhouse

   There is a big oval stone beside the pond in the east of the village where my grandma lives. The stone is sunken in the middle, like a chicken coop, the villagers call it a golden chicken coop. The golden chicken coop has a weird appearance. 

   The red stones are inlaid with small stones of different colors, different shapes, or small stones that are hard or not very hard, which are like handicrafts and are very beautiful and unique. When we were young, we all liked to sit on rocks and soak our feet in water. When the old people saw it, they would blame: "Hey, sitting on the golden hen's nest, what do you want to do!" 

   I was confused, so I asked my grandma, 

and only then did I learn the ancient legend. Grandpa's grandfather's grandfather Song family has several brothers, everyone work from dawn to dusk, forget to eat and sleep, hardworking and thrifty, and their lives were fairly well-off.

   As the Lunar New Year was approaching, the third grandfather of the Song family got off the ground early and suddenly saw a brood of chicks. The chick seemed to have just left the nest for a few days, and it was a jet-black body, very cute, following the hen, looking around, as if looking for food. The third ancestor was quite surprised, It was so far away from the village in the winter, so there shouldn't be such a small chicken!  

   The third grandfather went to catch the chick. The chick wanted to hide himself and ran into the hay. The third grandfather picked up a brick and slid it over, hitting a chicken in one fell swoop. The chicken rolled on the spot, and instantly turned into a piece of gold.

   At this time, the old hen was anxious, jumped up and bit under the third grandfather's knee. The third grandfather was so painful that he hummed and couldn't walk anymore, so he had to pick a branch as a cane and limped back home. When he got home, the third grandfather told his family about the matter. Everyone rushed to the field, but they couldn't find the brood.

   Everyone started digging nearby and dug a big hole, but still no chickens were seen, only the big rock like a chicken coop was dug out. They carried the stone back to the village. Because of its irregular shape, it was of no use, so it was thrown by the pond in the end.

   The injured leg of the third grandfather was always inflamed, and it was so painful that he could not get out of bed. How can a strong young man just lie on the bed? The third grandpa had to use the gold for money to go to the doctor.

   It was a fluke, the money in exchange for the gold ran out, and the third grandfather's legs were healed. The third grandfather tasted the feeling of being ill for a long time, and then he said to everyone that the loss outweighs the gain.

   I had known this a long time ago, and would rather ignore the brood of chickens. The story of the third grandpa warned future generations not to have too much desire and not to be greedy. Don't fight for something that is not yours. Even if you fight for it, you can't hold it. It would be better to put in a bit of effort, get a bit of gain, and live a stable and smooth life.

   Later, the story of the third grandpa was passed down from generation to generation, and some of the descendants of the Song family also became officials, but no one dared to embezzle, bribe or use any means, because they all had a "golden chicken coop" in their hearts.

Hsk6 lesson 20 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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