19 June 2021

hsk 6 lesson 4 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 4   完美的胜利 

A perfect victory

Wánměi de shènglì


A perfect victory

Lǎoshǔ shì shānshén de chǒngwù, 


The mouse is the pet of the mountain god. 

tā yànjuànle chǒngwù de shēnghuó, 


It is tired of pet life 

yě hěn yànwù chǒngwù zhège juésè, 


and hates the role of pet. 

yúshì xiàngshān shén qǐngjià, 


So he asks the mountain god for leave 

yāoqiú dào dòngwù shìjiè zǒu yī huí, 


and asks to go to the animal world, 

xīn xiǎng yīdìng yào zhǎo jīhuì zhèngmíng yīxià zìjǐ de shílì.


thinking that he must find a chance to prove his strength.

Shānshén shuō:


The mountain god said: 

“Dòngwù shìjiè zhōng, 


"In the animal world, 

dà xiàng shì zuì qiáng dà de, 


the elephant is the most powerful. 

tǎngruò nǐ hái xiǎng huílái, 


If you want to come back, 

bìxū zhànshèng dà xiàng, 


you must defeat the elephant, 

fǒuzé, nǐ jiù yǒngyuǎn liú zài dòngwù shìjiè ba.” 


otherwise, you will stay in the animal world forever." 

Lǎoshǔ dāyìngle shānshén de tiáojiàn, 


The mouse agreed to the conditions of the mountain god 

bìng ànzì bǎ tiǎozhàn mùbiāo dìng wèile dà xiàng.


and secretly targeted the challenge as an elephant.

Lǎoshǔ yī lái dào dòngwù jiè, 


As soon as the mouse came to the animal kingdom, 

biàn fājué tā duì shānshén de chéngnuò shì duōme cǎoshuài, 


he realized how sloppy its promise to the mountain god was. 

tā shì nàme ruòxiǎo, 


It was so weak  

sīháo méiyǒu duìkàng dà xiàng de lìliàng, 


that it did not have the power to fight the elephant at all, 

dàn lǎoshǔ háishì juédìng chángshì yīxià.


but the mouse decided to give it a try.

Tā xiǎng, wǒ tài xiǎole, bù kěyǐ mángmù xíngdòng, 


It thought, I am too young to act blindly, 

dàn wǒ kěyǐ chéng dà xiàng bù zhùyì, 


but I can ride an elephant without paying attention, 

jìn dào dà xiàng bízi lǐ qù, 


and go into the elephant's trunk. 

dà xiàng bùnéng chuǎnqìle, 


the elephant can not gasp, 

jiù de qǐngqiú wǒ ráoshù, 


have to ask me for forgiveness, 

wǒ jiù kěyǐ qiǎngpò tā rènshū.


I can force it to give up.

Zhè tiān, dà xiàng zhèngzài chī shùyè, 


On this day, the elephant was eating leaves, 

lǎoshǔ chéngjī pǎo jìn dà xiàng de bízi zhōng, 


and the mouse took the opportunity to run into the elephant’s trunk, 

zhǔnbèi shíshī tā de jìhuà.


preparing to implement its plan.

Bùliào, gāng jìnqù,  


Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered, 

dà xiàng yǎng de nánshòu, 


the elephant was itchy 

měngliè de dǎ qǐle pēntì,


and violently sneezing, 

lǎoshǔ xiàng zǐdàn yì yàng bèi shèle chūlái.


and the mouse was shot out like a bullet.

Dà xiàng yòng mièshì de yǎnguāng dīngzhe tā, 


The elephant stared at it with contempt, 

fènnù de shuō:


and said angrily: 

“Nǐ zhège yúchǔn de jiāhuo, 


"You stupid fellow, 

tài kěwùle, 


you are too damned, 

xià cì zài shuǎliúmáng, 


next time you play a hooligan, 

wǒ yīdìng cǎi biǎnle nǐ.”


I must squash you.”

Cóngcǐ lǎoshǔ zài yě bù gǎn tiǎozhàn dà xiàngle.


From then on, the mouse never dared to challenge the elephant.

Nà shì yīgè xīyáng jiāng luò de bàngwǎn, 


It was an evening when the setting sun was about to set, 

dà xiàng bù liúshén luò rùle dǎliè zhě shè xià de jù wǎng zhōng.


and the elephant inadvertently fell into the giant net set by the hunters.

Tā bùgù yīqiè de yònglì zhēngzhá, 


It struggled desperately, 

wǎngwài luàn cuàn, 


rushing out, 

xiǎng bǎituō jù wǎng, 


trying to get rid of the giant net, 

kěshì, tā de yīqiè nǔlì dōu méi yòng.


but all its efforts were useless.

Dà xiàng yòu bēishāng yòu hàipà, 


The elephant was sad and scared. 

tā juédé sǐwáng yuè lái yuè jìnle.


It felt that death was getting closer.

Qiàqiǎo, lǎoshǔ kàn dàole zhè yīqiè, 


It just so happened that the mouse saw all this 

tā xiǎng, dà xiàng xiànzài háo wú dǐkàng nénglì, 


and thought, the elephant has no resistance right now. 

zhǐyào wǒ zài tā shēntǐ de zhòngyào bùwèi yǎo jǐ gè dòng, 


As long as I bite a few holes in important parts of its body, 

tā jiù méimìngle, 


it will die. 

wǒ bù jiù zhànshèng dà xiàngle ma?


Wouldn't I defeat the elephant?

Rán'ér, kàn dào dà xiàng bēicǎn de yàngzi, 


However, seeing the miserable appearance of the elephant, 

lǎoshǔ bùrěn xiàshǒu, 


the mouse couldn't bear to start. 

tā juédé nàyàng wèimiǎn tàiguò cánrěn, 


It felt that it was too cruel. 

liángxīn gàosù tā, yīnggāi jiù dà xiàng, 


The conscience told it that the elephant should be saved. 

yúshì, tā kāishǐ yòng fēnglì de yáchǐ yǎo chánràozhe dà xiàng de wǎng hé shéngzi.


So, it started to bite the net and rope around the elephant with its sharp teeth.

Bùzhīguòle duōjiǔ, 


Don't know how long it took, 

lǎoshǔ jīhū hàofèile quánbù lìqì, 


the mouse almost exhausted all its strength, 

shéngzi zhōngyú bèi yǎo duànle, 


the rope was finally bitten off, 

jù wǎng chūxiànle yīgè dà quēkǒu, 


a big gap appeared in the giant net, 

dà xiàng měng de yī yònglì, tuōlíle jù wǎng.


and the elephant violently pulled away from the giant net.

Cóngcǐ, lǎoshǔ hé dà xiàng chéngle hǎo péngyǒu.


Since then, the mouse and the elephant have become good friends.

Bùjiǔ, shānshén zhǎodàole lǎoshǔ, 


Soon, the mountain god found the mouse 

yào tā huí dào zìjǐ shēnbiān.


and asked it to come back to him.

Lǎoshǔ shuō: “Zhè dàgài bù kěnéngle, 


The mouse said: "This is probably impossible, 

wǒ wúfǎ zhànshèng dà xiàng.”


I can't beat the elephant.”

Shānshén shuō:


Mountain God said: 

“Nǐ huà dí wéi yǒu, 


"You have turned the enemy into a friend 

chuàngzàole jǔshì zhǔmù de chéngjiù, 


and created a world-renowned achievement. 

shìjiè shàng hái yǒu bǐ zhè gèng wánměi de shènglì ma?”


Is there a more perfect victory in the world?"  

Gǎibiān zì “cānkǎo xiāoxī” táiwān “zhìhuì xiǎopǐn”


Adapted from "Reference News" Taiwan "Wisdom Essay"

Full Translation:

A perfect victory

The mouse is the pet of the mountain god. It is tired of pet life and hates the role of pet. So he asks the mountain god for leave and asks to go to the animal world, thinking that he must find a chance to prove his strength.

The mountain god said: "In the animal world, the elephant is the most powerful. If you want to come back, you must defeat the elephant, otherwise, you will stay in the animal world forever." The mouse agreed to the mountain god's terms and secretly challenged it and secretly target the challenge as an elephant.

As soon as the mouse came to the animal kingdom, he realized how sloppy its promise to the mountain god was. It was so weak that it did not have the power to fight the elephant at all, but the mouse decided to give it a try. It thought, I am too young to act blindly, but I can ride an elephant without paying attention, and go into the elephant's trunk. the elephant can not gasp, have to ask me for forgiveness, I can force it to give up.

On this day, the elephant was eating leaves, and the mouse took the opportunity to run into the elephant’s trunk, preparing to implement its plan. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered, the elephant was itchy and violently sneezing, and the mouse was shot out like a bullet. The elephant stared at it with contempt, and said angrily: "You stupid fellow, you are too damned, next time you play a hooligan, I must squash you.” From then on, the mouse never dared to challenge the elephant.

It was an evening when the setting sun was about to set, and the elephant inadvertently fell into the giant net set by the hunters. It struggled desperately, rushing out, trying to get rid of the giant net, but all its efforts were useless. The elephant was sad and scared. It felt that death was getting closer. It just so happened that the mouse saw all this and thought, the elephant has no resistance right now. As long as I bite a few holes in important parts of its body, it will die. Wouldn't I defeat the elephant?

However, seeing the miserable appearance of the elephant, the mouse couldn't bear to start. It felt that it was too cruel. The conscience told it that the elephant should be saved. So, it started to bite the net and rope around the elephant with its sharp teeth. Don't know how long it took, the mouse almost exhausted all its strength, the rope was finally bitten off, a big gap appeared in the giant net, and the elephant violently pulled away from the giant net.

Since then, the mouse and the elephant have become good friends. Soon, the mountain god found the mouse and asked it to come back to him. The mouse said: "This is probably impossible, I can't beat the elephant.” Mountain God said: "You have turned the enemy into a friend and created a world-renowned achievement. Is there a more perfect victory in the world?"  

HSK 6 lesson 4 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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