20 June 2021

hsk 5 上 lesson 10 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 10 争论的奇迹 Miracle of Debate

Zhēnglùn de qíjī
Miracle of Debate

1872 Nián de yītiān, 


One day in 1872, 

zài Měiguó Jiālìfúníyǎ zhōu de yīgè jiǔdiàn lǐ, 


in a hotel of California, U.S., 

Sītǎnfú yǔ Kē'ēn wéirào “mǎ bēnpǎo shí tízi shìfǒu zhuódì” jìnxíngle biàn lùn.

斯坦福与科恩围绕 “马奔跑时蹄子是否着地” 进行了辨论。

Stanford and Cohen argued about whether the hoof hit the ground when the horse was running.

Sītǎnfú rènwéi, 


Stanford believes that 

mǎ bēnpǎo de nàme kuài, 


a horse runs so fast that 

zài tiào qǐ shí sì tí yīnggāi dōu shì bù luòdì de; 


all four hooves should not touch the ground when jumping; 

ér kē'ēn rènwéi, 


but Cohen believes that 

mǎ yàoshi sì tí dōu bù zháo dì, 


if a horse does not touch the ground with all four hooves, 

nà bùshì chéngle qīngwā la?


it shouldn't be a frog?

Yīnggāi shì shǐzhōng yǒuyī tí zhuódì.


It should always land with one hoof.

Liǎng rén gè zhí yī cí, 


The two insisted on each other's words, 

zhēnglùn de liǎnhóng bózi cū, 


and they blushed with thick necks after arguing, 

shéi yě shuōfú bùliǎo shéi.


and no one could convince anyone.

Yúshì tāmen jiù qǐng yīngguó shèyǐng shī Màibùlǐqí lái pànduàn, 


So they asked British photographer McBridge to judge, 

kě Màibùlǐqí yě nòng bù qīngchǔ. 


but McBridge couldn't figure it out.

Bùguò shèyǐng shī bìjìng shì shèyǐng shī, 


But the photographer is a photographer after all, 

zhǔyì háishì yǒu de.


so he still has an idea.

Tāmen yīqǐ lì dào yīgè cāochǎng, 


They came to a playground together, 

zài yītiáo pǎodào de yībiān děng jùlí fàng shàng 24 gè zhàoxiàngjī, 


placed 24 cameras equidistantly on one side of a runway, 

zhàoxiàngjī duì zhǔn pǎodào; 


and pointed the cameras at the runway; 

zài pǎodào lìng yībiān dǎ 24 gè dòng, 


punched 24 holes on the other side of the runway, 

fēnbié chā jìn 24 gēnmù gùn, 


and inserted 24 wooden sticks. 

mù gùn shàng xìzhe xì xiàn, 


The sticks were tied with thin lines.  

xì xiàn chuānguò pǎodào, jiē shàng xiàngjī kuàimén.

细线穿过跑道, 接上相机快门。

The line crosses the runway and is connected to the camera shutter.

Yīqiè dōu zhǔnbèi hǎole, 


Everything was ready. 

Màibùlǐqí ràng yī pǐ mǎ cóng pǎodào de yītóu fēi bēn dào lìng yītóu, 


McBridge let a horse run from one end of the track to the other. 

mǎ yībiān pǎo, 


While the horse ran, 

yībiān àn shùnxù zhuàng duàn lánlù de 24 gēn xì xiàn, 


it hit the 24 thin lines in sequence while blocking the road. 

xiàngjī liánxù pāi xiàle 24 zhāng xiàngpiàn, 


The camera took 24 consecutive photos.  

xiāng lín liǎng zhāng xiàngpiàn de chājù dōu hěn xiǎo.


The difference between the two neighboring photos is very small.

Xiàngpiàn xiǎnshì: 


The photo shows that 

Mǎ bēnpǎo shí shǐzhōng yǒuyī tí zhuódì, 


the horse always touches the ground with one hoof when running. 

kē'ēn yíngle.


Cohen won.




yǒurén wúyìshí de kuàisù lādòng nà yī cháng chuàn xiàngpiàn, 


someone unconsciously quickly pulled the long series of photos, 

“qíjī” chūxiànle: 


and a "miracle" appeared: 

Gè zhāng xiàngpiàn zhōng jìngzhǐ de mǎliánchéngle yī pǐ yùndòng de mǎ, 


the stationary horses in each photo became a moving horse, 

xiàngpiàn “huó”le.

相片 “活” 了。

and the photos "lived".

Zhè jiùshì diànyǐng zuìzǎo de yàngzi.


This is how the movie looks at the earliest.

Jīngguò jiānkǔ de shìyàn, 


After hard experiments, 

diànyǐng pāishè jìshù zhújiàn gǎijìn, chéngshú.


film shooting technology has gradually improved and matured.

1895 Nián 12 yuè 28 rì, 


On December 28, 1895, 

fàguó rén lúmǐ'āi'ěr xiōngdì 


the French Lumière brothers 

zài Bālí dì yī cì xiàng gōngzhòng bòfàngle duǎnpiàn “huǒchē dào zhàn”, 


broadcast the short film "Train Arrival" to the public for the first time in Paris. 

zhè yītiān hòulái chéngwéi diànyǐng chǎnshēng de jìniàn rì, 


This day later became the anniversary of the production of the film, 

xiōngdì liǎ yě chéngwéi lìshǐ shàng zuìzǎo de diànyǐng dǎoyǎn.


and the brothers also became the earliest film directors in history.  

Liúxīn shēnghuó de měi yī shùnjiān, 


Pay attention to every moment of life, 

bìng wéi zhī zhēnglùn, 


and argue about it, 

shìshí qǐngqiú bāngzhù, 


ask for help at the right time, 

rènzhēn yánjiū, 


and study it carefully. 

huòxǔ zhòngdà fāxiàn jiù zài nǐ de yǎnqián.


Perhaps a major discovery is right in front of your eyes.

Gǎibiān zì “xiǎo gùshì dà dàolǐ”, zuòzhě: Hú xiǎo

改编自《小故事 大道理》,作者:胡晓

Adapted from "Small Stories and Principles", author: Hu Xiao

Full Translation:

Miracle of Debate

One day in 1872, in a hotel of California, U.S., Stanford and Cohen argued about whether the hoof hit the ground when the horse was running. Stanford believes that a horse runs so fast that all four hooves should not touch the ground when jumping; but Cohen believes that if a horse does not touch the ground with all four hooves, it shouldn't be a frog? It should always land with one hoof.

The two insisted on each other's words, and they blushed with thick necks after arguing, and no one could convince anyone. So they asked British photographer McBridge to judge, but McBridge couldn't figure it out. But the photographer is a photographer after all, so he still has an idea.

They came to a playground together, placed 24 cameras equidistantly on one side of a runway, and pointed the cameras at the runway; punched 24 holes on the other side of the runway, and inserted 24 wooden sticks. The sticks were tied with thin lines. The line crosses the runway and is connected to the camera shutter.

Everything was ready. McBridge let a horse run from one end of the track to the other. While the horse ran, it hit the 24 thin lines in sequence while blocking the road. The camera took 24 consecutive photos. The difference between the two neighboring photos is very small. The photo shows that the horse always touches the ground with one hoof when running. Cohen won.

Afterwards, someone unconsciously quickly pulled the long series of photos, and a "miracle" appeared: the stationary horses in each photo became a moving horse, and the photos "lived". This is how the movie looks at the earliest. After hard experiments, film shooting technology has gradually improved and matured.

On December 28, 1895, the French Lumière brothers broadcast the short film "Train Arrival" to the public for the first time in Paris. This day later became the anniversary of the production of the film, and the brothers also became the earliest film directors in history.  

Pay attention to every moment of life, and argue about it, ask for help at the right time, and study it carefully. Perhaps a major discovery is right in front of your eyes.

hsk 5 上 lesson 10 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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