19 June 2021

hsk 5 上 lesson 1 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 1   爱的细节  Details of Love

ài de xìjié 


Details of love

diàntái yào xuǎn chū yī duì zuì ēn'ài de fūqī. 


The radio station has to choose the most loving couple.  

Duìbǐ hòu, yǒusān duì fūqī rùwéi. 

对比后, 有三对夫妻入围。

After the comparison, three couples were shortlisted.  

Píngwěi jiào dì yī duì fūqī shuō shuō tā liǎ shì rúhé ēn'ài de. 


The judges asked the first couple to talk about their love.

Qīzi shuō, qián jǐ nián tā quánshēn tānhuànle, 

妻子说, 前几年她全身瘫痪了, 

The wife said that she was paralyzed all over the past few years, 

yīshēng shuō tā zhàn qǐlái de kěnéngxìng hěn xiǎo. 


and the doctor said it was unlikely that she would stand up.  

Biérén dōu juédé tā de zhàngfu huì gēn tā líhūn, tā yě xiǎngguò yào zìshā. 

别人都觉得她的丈夫会跟她离婚, 她也想过要自杀。

Everyone thought her husband would divorce her, and she thought about committing suicide.  

Dàn zhàngfu yīzhí gǔlì tā, wèi tā bùzhī zhǎole duōshǎo jiā yīyuàn, 

但丈夫一直鼓励她, 为她不知找了多少家医院, 

But her husband has always encouraged her, finding so many hospitals for her, 

bìngqiě jǐ nián rúyī rì de zhàogù tā, cóng bù bàoyuàn. 

并且几年如一日地照顾她, 从不抱怨。

and taking care of her for years, never complaining.  

Zài zhàngfu de àihù hé nǔlì xià, tā zhōngyú yòu zhànle qǐlái. 

在丈夫的爱护和努カ下, 她终于又站了起来。

Under the love and efforts of her husband, she finally stood up again.  

Tā de gùshì shífēn gǎnrén, píngwěimen tīngle dōu hěn gǎndòng. 

她的故事十分感人, 评委们听了都很感动。

Her story was very touching, and the judges were very moved by it.

Suíhòu jìnlái de shì dì èr duì fūqī, 


Then came the second couple. 

tā liǎ shuō, shí jǐ nián de hūnyīn shēnghuó zhōng, tāmen cónglái méi wèi rènhé shì hóngguò liǎn, chǎoguò jià, 

他俩说, 十几年的婚姻生活中,他们从来没为任何事红过脸、吵过架, 

They said that they had never blushed or quarreled about anything in their marriage for more than ten years. 

yīzhí xiāngqīn xiāng'ài, xiāngjìngrúbīn. 


They have always loved and respected each other as guests.  

Píngwěimen tīngle àn'àn diǎntóu. 


The judges nodded secretly.

Lún dào dì sān duì fūqīle, què hěn cháng shíjiān bùjiàn rén. 

轮到第三对夫妻了, 却很长时间不见人。

It's the third couple's turn, but they haven't seen anyone for a long time.  

Píngwěimen děng dé yǒuxiē bù nàifán, jiù zǒu chūlái kàn gè jiùjìng. 

评委们等得有些不耐烦, 就走出来看个究竟。

The judges waited impatiently, so they stepped out to see what happened.  

Zhǐ jiàn dì sān duì fūqī réngrán zuò zài ménkǒu, 


Just saw the third couple still sitting at the door,

nánrén de tóu kào zài nǚrén de jiānbǎng shàng, shuìzháo le. 


the man's head resting on the woman's shoulder, and fell asleep.  

Yīgè píngwěi yào shàng qián hǎn xǐng nàgè nán de, 


A judge wanted to step up and wake up the man,  

nǚ de què shēn chū shǒuzhǐ zuòle gè xiǎoshēng de dòngzuò, 


but the woman stretched out her finger and made a low-pitched motion,

ránhòu xiǎoxīn dì cóng bāo lǐ ná chū zhǐ bǐ, 


then carefully took out the pen and paper from the bag, 

yòng zuǒshǒu wāiwāiniǔniǔ xiě xià yīhángzì dì gěi píngwěi, 


wrote a line crookedly with her left hand and handed it to the judge, 

ér tā de yòu jiān yīzhí ràng zhàngfū de nǎodai kàozhe. 


while her right keep her husband's head against her shoulders.  

Píngwěimen kàn nà zhǐ tiáo shàngmiàn xiězhe: 


The judges looked at the note that said: 

Bié chū shēng, tā zuó wǎn méi shuì hǎo. 

别出声, 他昨晚没睡好。

Don't make a noise, he didn't sleep well last night.  

Yīgè píngwěi tíqǐ bǐ zài hòumiàn xù xiěle yījù huà: 


A judge brought up the pen and wrote another sentence: 

Dànshì nǚshì, wǒmen děi tīng nǐmen fūqī liǎ de xùshù a! 

但是女士, 我们得听你们夫妻俩的叙述啊! 

But ma’am, we have to listen the narration of your husband and wife! 

Nǚrén yòu xiě: Nà wǒmen jiù bù cānjiā le. 

女人又写: 那我们就不参加了。

The woman wrote: Then we will not participate.

Dàjiā hěn chījīng, 


Everyone was surprised that 

zhège nǚrén wéile bù yǐngxiǎng zhàngfu shuìjiào, jūrán fàngqì zhè cì jīhuì!

这个女人为了不影响丈夫睡觉, 居然放弃这次机会! 

this woman actually gave up this opportunity in order to not affect her husband's sleep! 

Dàn píngwěimen háishì juédìng xiān bù cuī tāmen, ér shì zài děngdài yīduàn shíjiān. 

但评委们还是决定先不催他们, 而是再等待一段时间。

But the judges decided not to urge them first, and waited for a while.

Guò le yīhuìr, nánrén xǐngle. 

过了一会儿, 男人醒了。

After a while, the man woke up.  

Píngwěimen wèn tā zěnme nàme lèi. 


The judges asked him why he was so tired.  

Nánrén bù hǎoyìsi de xiào xiào shuō: 


The man smiled embarrassedly and said, 

“Wǒ jiāzhù yī lóu, wénzi duō. 

“我家住一楼, 蚊子多。

"I live on the first floor and there are many mosquitoes. 

Zuó wǎn bànyè wǒ bèi wénzi dīng xǐngle, 


I was woken up by mosquitoes in the middle of the night last night.

wǒ pà wǒ lǎopó zài bèi chǎo xǐng, 


I was afraid that my wife would be woken up again, 

suǒyǐ hòu bànyè jiù zài wèi tā gǎn wénzi.” 


so I drove mosquitoes for her in the middle of the night."

Zuìhòu de jiéguǒ shì, 


The final result was that 

diàntái zēngjiāle liǎng xiàng jiǎngxiàng,


the radio station added two awards. 


jiāng dì yī duì fūqī píng wèi 


The first couple was awarded as a

“huàn nàn yǔ gòng fūqī”, 


 "married couple go through thick and thin" 


jiāng dì èr duì fūqī píng wèi 


and the second couple was awarded as a 

“xiāng jìng rú bīn fūqī”, 


"respectful couple". 

ér zhēnzhèng de “zuì ēn'ài fūqī” jiǎng, què gěile dì sān duì fūqī. 

而真正的 “最恩爱夫妻” 奖, 却给了第三对夫妻。

The real "Most Loving Couple" award was given to the third couple.  

Gǎibiān zì “jīnrì wénzhāi”


Adapted from "Today's Digest"

Full Translation:

Details of love

The radio station has to choose the most loving couple. After the comparison, three couples were shortlisted.  

The judges asked the first couple to talk about their love. The wife said that she was paralyzed all over the past few years, and the doctor said it was unlikely that she would stand up. Everyone thought her husband would divorce her, and she thought about committing suicide. But her husband has always encouraged her, finding so many hospitals for her, and taking care of her for years, never complaining. Under the love and efforts of her husband, she finally stood up again. Her story was very touching, and the judges were very moved by it.

Then came the second couple. They said that they had never blushed or quarreled about anything in their marriage for more than ten years. They have always loved and respected each other as guests. The judges nodded secretly.

It's the third couple's turn, but they haven't seen anyone for a long time. The judges waited impatiently, so they stepped out to see what happened. Just saw the third couple still sitting at the door, the man's head resting on the woman's shoulder, and fell asleep. A judge wanted to step up and wake up the man, but the woman stretched out her finger and made a low-pitched motion, then carefully took out the pen and paper from the bag, wrote a line crookedly with her left hand and handed it to the judge, while her right keep her husband's head against her shoulders.  

The judges looked at the note that said: Don't make a noise, he didn't sleep well last night. A judge brought up the pen and wrote another sentence: But ma’am, we have to listen the narration of your husband and wife!  The woman wrote: Then we will not participate.

Everyone was surprised that this woman actually gave up this opportunity in order to not affect her husband's sleep! But the judges decided not to urge them first, and waited for a while.

After a while, the man woke up. The judges asked him why he was so tired. The man smiled embarrassedly and said, "I live on the first floor and there are many mosquitoes. I was woken up by mosquitoes in the middle of the night last night. I was afraid that my wife would be woken up again, so I drove mosquitoes for her in the middle of the night."

The final result was that the radio station added two awards. The first couple was awarded as a "married couple go through thick and thin" and the second couple was awarded as a "respectful couple". The real "Most Loving Couple" award was given to the third couple.  

HSK 5上 lesson 1 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇


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