19 June 2021

hsk5 上 lesson 3 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 3    人生有选择,一切可改变   
Having Choices in Life Makes Change Possible

Zhái Fēng hé qīzi dōu shì tiělù gōngrén, gōngzuò wěndìng, dàiyù bùcuò.

翟峰和妻子都是铁路工人, 工作稳定、待遇不错。

Both Zhai Feng and his wife are railway workers, with stable jobs and good pay.

Tāmen yǒu fáng yǒu chē, cóng bùyòng wéi shēnghuó fāchóu.

他们有房有车, 从不用为生活发愁。

They have a house and a car, and never worry about life.

Kě Zhái Fēng què bùxiǎng yībèiziguò zhèyàng píngjìng de shēnghuó.


But Zhai Feng didn't want to live such a peaceful life all his life.

Tōngguò diànshì, Zhái Fēng mí shàngle fānchuán, tā juédé fānchuán néng dài tā zhuàng kāi “shìjiè zhī mén”:

通过电视, 翟峰迷上了帆船, 他觉得帆船能带他撞开“世界之门”: 

Through TV, Zhai Feng became fascinated by sailing boats. He felt that sailing boat could help him open the "gate of the world":

Zhǐyào yǒu yī sōu chuán, jiù néng hángxíng zài wúbiān wújì de hǎishàng, dào rènhé zìjǐ xiǎng qù de dìfāng.

只要有一艘船, 就能航行在无边无际的海上, 到任何自己想去的地方。

As long as there is a ship, he can sail on the endless sea and go wherever he wants.

Yóuyú Zhái Fēng hé qīzi méiyǒu jīxù, yúshì màifáng mài chē, mǎi xiàle yī sōu èrshǒu chuán, Zhái Fēng jiào tā “cǎihóng hào”.

由于翟峰和妻子没有积蓄, 于是卖房卖车, 买下了一艘二手船, 翟峰叫它 “彩虹号”。

Since Zhai Feng and his wife had no savings, he sold his house and car and bought a second-hand boat, which Zhai Feng called the "Rainbow".

Chūfā qián, Zhái Fēng zìxuéle hánghǎi zhīshì.

出发前, 翟峰自学了航海知识。

Before departure, Zhai Feng taught himself sailing knowledge.

Rán'ér, bāokuò Zhái Fēng de fùmǔ, suǒyǒu rén dōu juédé, Zhái Fēng “fēngle”.

然而,包括翟峰的父母, 所有人都觉得, 翟峰 “疯了”。

However, everyone, including Zhai Feng's parents, felt that Zhai Feng got "crazy."

2012 Nián 11 yuè 24 rì, cíle zhí de Zhái Fēng hé qīzi dàizhe xiūxué de nǚ'ér, dì yī cì jiàshǐ fānchuán chūhǎile.

2012年11月24日, 辞了职的翟峰和妻子带着休学的女儿, 第一次驾驶帆船出海了。

On November 24, 2012, Zhai Feng, who resigned, and his wife took their daughter who had dropped out of school to sail for the first time.

Báitiān, Zhái Fēng hé qīzi lúnliú jià chuán.

白天, 翟峰和妻子轮流驾船。

During the day, Zhai Feng and his wife took turns to drive the boat.

Nǚ'ér zài chuánshàng kànshū, xuéxí, huà huà er.


The daughter reads, studies, and paints on the boat.

Xiàwǔ hǎimiàn píngjìng shí, Zhái Fēng huì hé qīzi xiàhǎi yóuyǒng huòzhě diàoyú.

下午海面平静时, 翟峰会和妻子下海游泳或者钓鱼。

In the afternoon, when the sea is calm, Zhai Feng and his wife go swimming or fishing in the sea.

Gāi chīfàn shí, qīzi huì gěi quánjiā rén zuò yī dùn měiwèi de hǎixiān.

该吃饭时, 妻子会给全家人做一顿 美味的海鲜。

When it's time for meal, the wife cook delicious seafood for the whole family.

Bàngwǎn shì yījiā rén zuì shūshì de shíhòu.


The evening is the most comfortable time for a family.

Gàn wán huór, yījiā rén zuò zài yīqǐ, yòng diànnǎo kàn kàn diànyǐng, huòzhě liáo liáotiānr.

干完活儿, 一家人坐在一起, 用电脑看看电影, 或者聊聊天儿。

After finishing the work, the whole family sits together, watching movies on the computer, or chatting.

Zhèyàng de shēnghuó, shì Zhái Fēng pànwàng yǐ jiǔ de.

这样的生活, 是翟峰盼望已久的。

This kind of life is what Zhai Feng has been looking forward to for a long time.

Yǐqián lùdì shàng de yèwǎn, tāmen zài gèzì de fángjiān, yījiā rén méiyǒu gèng duō de jiāoliú.

以前陆地上的夜晚, 他们在各自的房间, 一家人没有更多的交流。

Before the nights on land, they were in their rooms, and the family had no much communication.

Zhōngguó yǒu jù lǎohuà, kě shàngshān, wù xiàhǎi.

中国有句老话, 可上山, 勿下海。

There is an old Chinese saying that you can go up to the mountains instead of going down to the sea.

Měihǎo de shíkè guòqù hòu shì yīgè gè jǐnzhāng de yèwǎn.


After the good moments passed, it was a tense night.

Yī lùshàng, Zhái Fēng yījiā jīnglìle chuán shēn zháohuǒ, lòushuǐ děng dà dàxiǎo xiǎo shí duō cì xiǎnqíng.

一路上, 翟峰一家经历了船身着火、漏水等大大小小十多次险情。

Along the way, the Zhai Feng family experienced more than a dozen dangerous situations such as fire and water leakage on the ship's hull.

Tāmen zuì pà léidiàn jiāojiā de shíkè, yīnwèi xiǎochuán suíshí yǒu kěnéng bèi xià yīdào shǎndiàn jí dào, yījiā sānkǒu zhǐ néng jǐn jǐn yǒngbào zài yīqǐ, xīwàng shǎndiàn kuài kuài guòqù.

他们最怕雷电交加的时刻, 因为小船随时有可能被下一道闪电击到, 一家三口只能紧紧拥抱在一起, 希望闪电快快过去。

They are most afraid of thunder and lightning, because the boat may be struck by the next lightning at any time. The family of three can only hug each other tightly, hoping that the lightning will pass quickly.

Zài jīnglìle bā gè yuè, hángxíngle 4000 duō hǎilǐ zhīhòu, Zhái Fēng yījiā zhōngyú huí dàole jiā.

在经历了八个月、航行了4000多海里之后, 翟峰一家终于回到了家。

After eight months and more than 4,000 nautical miles, the Zhai Feng family finally returned home.

Zhái Fēng xiāngxìn, yīqiè zhǐshì kāishǐ, hánghǎi jiùshì tā rénshēng dàolù shàng yīduàn chángcháng de táijiē, tōng xiàng tā xiǎng yào de wèilái.

翟峰相信, 一切只是开始, 航海就是他人生道路上一段长长的台阶, 通向他想要的未来。

Zhai Feng believes that everything is just the beginning, and sailing is a long step in his life, leading to the future he wants.

“Wǒ hé tàitài xiǎng yào kàn kàn zhège shídài, zhège shìjiè dàodǐ shì shénme yàngzi.


"My wife and I want to see what this era is and what the world looks like.

Rénshēng yǒu xuǎnzé, yīqiè kě gǎibiàn”.

人生有选择, 一切可改变”。

There are choices in life, everything can be changed".

Xià yí zhàn, tāmen xiǎng qù Àodàlìyà hé Xīnxīlán.

下一站, 他们想去澳大利亚和新西兰。

Next stop, they want to go to Australia and New Zealand.

Děngdài jīnnián 11 yuè de běi fēng, běi fēng nánxià zhī shí, tāmen jiāng zàicì chūfā.

等待今年11月的北风, 北风南下之时, 他们将再次出发。

Waiting for the north wind in November this year, when the north wind goes south, they will set off again.

Gǎibiān zì “dūshì kuàibào”, zuòzhě: Huángxiǎoxīng


Adapted from "City Express", Author: Huang Xing

Full Translation:  

Having Choices in Life Makes Change Possible

Both Zhai Feng and his wife are railway workers, with stable jobs and good pay. They have a house and a car, and never worry about life. But Zhai Feng didn't want to live such a peaceful life all his life.

Through TV, Zhai Feng became fascinated by sailing boat. He felt that sailing boat could help him open the "gate of the world": As long as there is a ship, he can sail on the endless sea and go wherever he wants.

Since Zhai Feng and his wife had no savings, he sold his house and car and bought a second-hand boat, which Zhai Feng called the "Rainbow". Before departure, Zhai Feng taught himself sailing knowledge. However, everyone, including Zhai Feng's parents, felt that Zhai Feng got "crazy."

On November 24, 2012, Zhai Feng, who resigned, and his wife took their daughter who had dropped out of school to sail for the first time.

During the day, Zhai Feng and his wife took turns to drive the boat. The daughter reads, studies, and paints on the boat. In the afternoon, when the sea is calm, Zhai Feng and his wife go swimming or fishing in the sea. When it's time for meal, the wife cook delicious seafood for the whole family. The evening is the most comfortable time for a family. After thousands of jobs, the whole family sits together, watching movies on the computer, or chatting.

This kind of life is what Zhai Feng has been looking forward to for a long time. Before the nights on land, they were in their rooms, and the family had no much communication.

There is an old Chinese saying that you can go up to the mountains instead of going down to the sea. After the good moments passed, it was a tense night. Along the way, the Zhai Feng family experienced more than a dozen dangerous situations such as fire and water leakage on the ship's hull. They are most afraid of thunder and lightning, because the boat may be struck by the next lightning at any time. The family of three can only hug each other tightly, hoping that the lightning will pass quickly.

After eight months and more than 4,000 nautical miles, the Zhai Feng family finally returned home. Zhai Feng believes that everything is just the beginning, and sailing is a long step in his life, leading to the future he wants. "My wife and I want to see what this era is and what the world looks like.

There are choices in life, everything can be changed".

Next stop, they want to go to Australia and New Zealand. Waiting for the north wind in November this year, when the north wind goes south, they will set off again.

HSK 5上 lesson 3 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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