18 June 2021

All HSK2 dialogues | HSK2 Standard course textbook

All HSK2 dialogues | HSK2 Standard course textbook

Lesson 1
September is the best time to visit Beijing

01-1   在学校   In the school

Wǒ yào qù Běijīng lŭyóu, nǐ juéde shénme shíhou qù zuì hǎo?

A:我要去北京旅游,你觉得什么 时候去最好?

A:I'm thinking of a trip to Beijing. When do you think is the best time?

Jiǔ yuè qù Běijing lŭyóu zuì hǎo.


B: September is the best time to visit Beijing.

Wèi shénme?

A:为 什么?


Jiǔ yuè de Běijīng tiānqì bù lěng yě bú rè.


B: Because it's neither cold nor hot there in September.

01-2   看照片   Looking at a picture

Nǐ xǐhuan shénme yùndòng?

A:你喜欢 什么 运动?

A:What sport do you like?

Wǒ zuì xǐhuan tī zúqiú.


B: I like playing football.

Xiàwǔ wǒmen yìqǐ qù tī zúqiú ba.

A:下午 我们一起去踢足球吧。

A:Let's go to play football this afternoon.

Hǎo a!



01-3   在家里   At home

Wǒmen yào bu yào mǎi jǐ ge xīn de yǐzi?

A:我们 要不要买几个新的椅子?

A: Don't you think we should buy some new chairs?

Hǎo a. Shénme shíhou qù mǎi?

B:好啊。什么 时候去买?

B: Yes. When shall we go to buy them?

Míngtiān xiàwǔ zěnmeyàng? Nǐ míngtiān jǐ diǎn néng huílai?

A:明天 下午 怎么样?你 明天几点能回来?

A:What about tomorrow afternoon? When will you be back tomorrow?

Sān diǎn duō.


B: A little bit later after three o'clock, maybe later.

01-4   在家里   At home

Zhuōzi xiàmiàn yǒu ge māo.

A:桌子 下面 有个猫。

A:There is a cat under the table.

Nà shì wǒ de māo, tā jiào Huāhua.


B: It's my cat Huahua.

Tā hěn piàoliang.

A:它很 漂亮。

A: It's beautiful.

Shì a, wǒ juéde tā de yǎnjing zuì piàoliang.

B:是啊,我觉得它的眼睛最 漂亮。

B: Yes. I think it has the most beautiful eyes.

Tā duō dà le?


A:How old is it?

Liù ge duo yuè.


B: More than six months.

Lesson 2
I get up at six everyday

02-1    在运动场   On the playground

Nǐ hěn shǎo shēng bìng, shì bu shì xǐhuan yùndòng?

A:你很 少 生 病,是不是喜欢 运动?

A: You seldom get sick. I guess you

like doing sports, don't you?

Shì a, wŏ měi tiān zăoshang dōu yào chūqu păo bù.

B:是啊,我每天 早上 都 要出去跑步。

B: Yes. I go out for a jog every


Nǐ měi tiān jǐ diăn qǐ chuáng?

A:你每 天几点起 床?

A: What time do you get up?

Wŏ měi tiān liù diăn qǐ chuáng.

B:我每天六点起 床。

B: I get up at six every day.

02-2    在医院   In the hospital

Chi yào le ma? Xiànzài shēnti zěnmeyàng?

A:吃 药了吗?现在身体 怎么样?

A: Did you take your medicine? How

do you feel now?

Chī le. Xiànzài hăo duō le.

B:吃了。现在好 多了。

B: Yes, I did. I feel much better now.

Shénme shíhou néng chū yuàn?

A:什么 时候能 出 院?

A: When can you leave the hospital?

Yīshēng shuō xià ge xīngqī.

B:医生 说下个星期。

B: Next week according to the doctor.

02-3   在运动场   on the playground

Dàwèi jinnián duō dà?


A: How old is David?

Èrshí duō suì.


B: Above 20 years old.

Tā duō gāo?

A:他多 高?

A: How tall is he?

Yī mǐ bā jǐ.

B: 一米八几。

B: He is more than 180 centimeters tall.

Nǐ zěnme zhīdao zhème duō a?

A:你怎么知道 这么 多啊?

A: How come you know so much about him?

Tā shì wŏ tóngxué.


B: He is my classmate.

02-4   在房间   In the room

Zhāng lăoshī xīngqī liù yě bù xiūxi a?

A:张 老师星期 六也不休息啊?

A: Doesn't Mr. Zhang take Saturday off?

Shì a, tā zhè jǐ tiān hěn máng, méiyou shíjiān xiūxi.


B: No. He has been busy lately. He has no time to rest.

Nà huì hěn lèi ba?


A: That must be really tiring.

Tā měi tiān huílái dōu hěn lèi.

B:他每天回来都 很累。

B: Every day he comes home exhausted.

Lesson 3

The red one on the left is mine


03-1   在房间    In the room

Zhè kuài shǒubiǎo shì nǐ de ma?

A:这 块 手表 是你的吗?

A: Is this watch yours?

Bú shì wŏ de. Shì wŏ bàba de.


B: No, it isn't. It's my father's.

Duōshǎo qián măi de?

A:多少 钱买的?

A: How much is it?

Sānqiān duō kuài.

B:三千 多块。

B: More than 3,000 yuan.

03-2   在家里    At home

Zhè shì jīntiān zăoshang de bàozhǐ ma?

A:这 是今天 早上 的报纸吗?

A: Is it this morning's newspaper?

Bú shì, shì zuótiān de.


B: No, it isn't. It's yesterday's.

Nǐ tīng, shì bu shì sòng bàozhǐ de lái le?

A:你听,是不是送 报纸的来了?

A: Listen. Is that the man who delivers


Wŏ kàn yíxià. Bú shì, shì sòng niúnăi de.


B: Let me see. No, it's the milkman.

03-3   在家里    At home

Zhè shì shéi de fángjiān?


A: Whose room is this?

Zhè shì wŏ hé wŏ zhàngfu de, pángbiān nàge xiăo de fángjiān shì wŏ nǚ'ér de.

B:这是我和我 丈夫的,旁边 那个小的房间 是我女儿的。

B: It's my husband's and mine. The

small one beside it is my daughter's room.

Ni nǚ'ér de fángjiān zhēn piàoliang! Döu shì fěnsè de.

A:你女儿的房间 真 漂亮!都 是粉色的。

A: Your daughter's room is so pretty!

It's all pink.

Shì a, fěnsè shì wŏ nǚ'ér zuì xǐhuan de yánsè.


B: Yes. Pink is my daughter's favorite color.

03-4    在办公室    In the office 

Nǐ kànjiàn wŏ de bēizi le ma?

A:你看见 我的杯子了吗?

A: Have you seen my cup?

Zhèli yŏu jǐ ge bēizi, năge shì nǐ de?


B: Here are a few cups. Which one is yours?

zuǒbian nàge hóngsè de shì wŏ de.

A:左边 那个红色的是我的。

A: The red one on the left is mine.

Gěi nǐ.


B: I give you.

Lesson 4

He recommended me for this job


04-1   在教室   In the classroom 

Shēngrì kuàilè! Zhè shì sòng gěi nǐ de!

A:生日 快乐!这是送给你的!

A: Happy birthday! This is for you.

Shì shénme? Shì yì běn shū ma?

B:是什么?是一本 书吗?

B: What is it? Is it a book?

Duì, zhè běn shū shì wŏ xiě de.


A: Yes. A book written by me.

Tài xièxie nǐ le!


B: Thank you so much!

04-2   在家里    At home

Zăoshang you nǐ yí ge diànhuà.

A:早上 有你一个 电话。

A: Someone called you this morning.

Diànhuà shì shéi dă de?

B:电话 是谁 打的?

B: Who made the call?

Bù zhīdào, shì érzi jiē de.


A: I don't know. Our son answered it.

Hǎo, wănshang wŏ wèn yíxià érzi.

B:好, 晚上 我问一下儿子。

B: OK. I'll ask him about it this evening.

04-3   在运动场   On the playground

Nǐ  xǐhuan tī zúqiú ma?


A: Do you like playing football?

Fēicháng xǐhuan.


B: Yes, very much.

Nǐ shì shénme shíhou kāishi tī zúqiú de?


A: When did you begin to play football?

Wŏ shíyi suì de shíhou kāishi tī zúqiú, yǐjīng tī le shí nián le.


B: I was 11 when I played football for the first time. It has been 10 years.

04-4   在公司   In the company

Nǐ zài zhèr gōngzuò duō cháng shíjiān le?

A:你在这儿工作 多长时间了?

A: How long have you been working here?

Yǐjīng liăng nián duō le, wŏ shì èr líng yī yī nián lái de.

B:已经 两 年多了,我是2011年来的。

B: More than two years, since 2011.

Nǐ rènshi Xiè xiānsheng ma?

A:你认识谢先生 吗?

A: Do you know Mr. Xie?

Rènshi, wŏmen shì dàxué tóngxué, zhège gōngzuò shì tā bāng wŏ jièshào de.

B:认识,我们是大学 同学,这个 工作 是他帮我介绍的。

B: Yes. He is my college classmate. He recommended me for this job.

Lesson 5

Take this one


05-1   在家里   At home

Wănshang wŏmen qù fànguăn chīfàn, zěnmeyàng?

A:晚上我们去饭馆 吃饭,怎么样?

A: Let's go to a restaurant for dinner. What do you think?

Wŏ bù xiăng qù wàimiàn chī, wŏ xiăng zài jiā chī.

B:我不想 去 外面 吃,我 想 在家吃。

B: I don't want to eat out. I want to eat at home.

Nà nǐ zhǔnbèi zuò shénme ne?

A:那你 准备做 什么呢?

A: What are you planning to cook?

Jiù zuò nǐ ài chī de yú ba.


B: I'm thinking of fish, your favorite.

05-2   在商店    In a store

Bāng wŏ kàn yíxià zhè jiàn yīfu zěnmeyàng.


A: What do you think of this dress?

Yánsè hái kěy, jiùshì yǒu diănr dà.


B: The color is OK, but it seems too large.

Zhè jiàn xiăo de zěnmeyàng?

A:这件 小的怎么样?

A: What about this small one?

Zhè jiàn búcuò, jiù măi zhè jiàn ba.

B:这件不错,就买 这件吧。

B: This one is good. Take this one.

05-3   在教室   In the classroom

Jīntiān qù bu qù dă qiú?


A: Will you go to play the ball today?

Zhè liăng tiān yŏudiănr lèi, bú qù dă qiú le.

B:这 两 天有点儿累,不去打球了。

B: No, I won't. I've been feeling tired lately.

Nǐ zài zuò shénme ne? Shì zài xiăng zuótiān de kăoshì ma?

A:你在做什么 呢?是在 想 昨天的考试吗?

A: What are you doing? Are you thinking about yesterday's test?

Shì a, wŏ juéde īing hé shuō hái kěyǐ, dú hé xiě bù hăo, hěn duō zì wŏ dōu bù zhīdào shì shénme yìsi.

B:是啊,我觉得听和说 还可以,读和写不好,很 多字我都不知道是 什么意思。

B: Yes. I think I did OK `in listening and speaking, but not in reading and writing, I didn't know the meanings of many characters.

05-4   在公司    In the company 

Xiūxi yíxià ba, hē kāfēi ma?


A: Let's take a rest. Would you like some coffee?

Bù hē le, wŏ yijīng hē liăng bēi le.

B:不喝了,我已经喝 两 杯了。

B: No, thanks. I've already had two cups.

Shì a, kāfēi hē duō le duì shēnti bù hăo.

A:是啊,咖啡喝 多了对身体不好。

A: Right. Too much coffee is bad for our health.

Yǐhòu wŏ shăo hē yìdiănr, měi tiān hē yì bēi.

B:以后我 少喝一点儿,每 天喝一杯。

B: I'll drink less coffee. One cup a day.

Lesson 6

Why don’t you eat more


06-1   在学校    In the school

Nǐ zhīdào Xiăo Wáng jīntiān shénme shíhou lái xuéxiào ma?

A:你知道小 王 今天 什么时候来 学校 吗?

A: Do you know when Xiao Wang will come to school today?

Tā yǐjīng lái le.


B: He is already here.

Nǐ zěnme zhīdào tā lái le?


A: How do you know?

Wŏ zài mén wài kànjiàn tā de zìxíngchē le.


B: I saw his bike outside the door.

06-2   在饭馆   In a restaurant

Jīntiān de yángròu hěn hăochī, nǐ zěnme bù chī le?

A:今天的羊肉 很好吃,你怎么不吃了?

A: The mutton today is excellent. Why don't you eat more?

Zhège xīngqī tiāntiān dōu chī yángròu, bù xiăng chī le.

B:这个星期 天天都吃羊肉,不想吃了。

B: I eat mutton every day this week. I don't want to eat it any more.

Nà nǐ hái xiăng chī shénme?

A:那你还 想吃 什么?

A: What would you like then?

Lái yìdiănr miàntiáo ba.

B:来一点儿面条 吧。

B: Some noodles please.

06-3   在健身房   In the gym

Zuótiān nǐmen zěnme dōu méi qù dǎ lánqiú?

A:昨天 你们怎么都 没去打篮球?

A: Why didn't you guys go to play basketball yesterday?

Yīnwèi zuótiān xià yǔ, suǒyǐ wǒmen dōu méi qù. Wǒ qù yóu yǒng le.

B:因为 昨天下雨,所以我们都没去。我去游泳了。

B: Because it rained yesterday. I went swimming.

Nǐ jīngcháng yóu yǒng ma?


A: Do you often swim?

Zhège yuè wǒ tiāntiān yóu yǒng, wǒ xiànzài qīshí gōngjīn le.


B: I swim every day this month. I weigh 70 kilograms now.

06-4   在办公室    In the office

Zhè liǎng tiān zěnme méi kànjiàn Xiǎo Zhāng?


A: I haven't seen Xiao Zhang for days. What's going on?

Tā qù Běijīng le.


B: He has gone to Beijing.

Qù Běijing le? Shì qù lǚyóu ma?


A:Gone to Beijing? For traveling?

Bú shì, tīngshuō shì qù kàn tā jiějie.


B: No. Visiting his elder sister, as far as I've heard.

Lesson 7

Do you live far from your company


07-1   在家里   At home

Dàwèi huílai le ma?


A: Is David back?

Méiyǒu, tā hái zài jiàoshì xuéxí ne.


B: No. He is still studying in the classroom.

Yǐjīng jiǔ diǎn duō le, tā zěnme hái zài xuéxí?


A: It's after 9 o'clock. Why is he still studying?

Míngtiān yǒu kǎoshì, tā shuō jīntiān yào hǎohāo zhǔnbèi.

B:明天有考试,他说今天要好好 准备。

B: There will be a test tomorrow. He said he'll

work hard in preparation for it today.

07-2   去机场的路上   On the way to the airport

Nǐ xiànzài zài nǎr ne?


A: Where are you now?

Zài qù jīchǎng de lùshang. Nǐ yǐjing dàole ma?


B: I'm on the way to the airport. Have you arrived?

Wǒ xià fēijī le. Nǐ hái yǒu duō cháng shíjiān néng dào zhèr?


A:I've got off the plane. How many

more minutes do you need to get here?

Ershí fēnzhōng jiù dào.

B:二十分钟 就到。

B: In 20 minutes.

07-3   在健身房    In the gym

Nǐ jiā lí gongsī yuǎn ma?


A: Do you live far from your company?

Hěn yuǎn, zuò gōnggòng qìchē yào yí ge duō xiǎoshí ne!

B:很远,坐公共 汽车要一个多小时呢!

B: Yes, very far. It takes more than one hour by bus.

Zuò gōnggòng qìchē tài màn le, nǐ zěnme bù kāi chē?

A:坐 公共 汽车太慢了,你怎么不开车?

A: Buss are slow. Why don't you drive?

Kāi chē yě bú kuài, lùshang chē tài duō le!

B:开车也不快,路上 车太多了!

B: It's not fast either. There are too many cars on the road. 

07-4   在路上   On the way

Jīntiān wǎnshang wǒmen yìqǐ chī fàn ba, gěi nǐ guò shēngrì.


A: Let's have dinner together tonight to celebrate your birthday.

Jīntiān? Lí wǒ de shengrì hái yǒu yí ge duō xīngqī ne!


B: Tonight? My birthday is more than one week later.

Xià ge xīngqī wǒ yào qù Běijīng, jīntiān guò ba.


A: Next week I'll go to Beijing. Let's celebrate it today.

Hǎo ba, lí zhèr  bù yuǎn yǒu yí ge Zhōngguó fànguǎn, zǒu jǐ fēnzhōng jiù dào le.

B:好吧,离这儿不远有一个中国饭馆,走几分钟 就到了。

B: Fine. There's a Chinese restaurant nearby, only a few minutes' walk away.

Lesson 8

Let me think about it and I’ll tell you later


08-1   在教室   in the classroom

Wǒmen xiàwǔ qù kàn diànyǐng, hǎo ma?


A: Let's go to see a movie this afternoon, shall we?

Jīntiān xiàwǔ wǒ méiyǒu shíjiān, míngtiān xiàwǔ zài qù ba.

B:今天下午我没有 时间,明天下午再去吧。

B: I'm not free this afternoon. Let's go

tomorrow afternoon.

Nǐ xiǎng kàn shénme diànying?

A:你想 看 什么 电影?

A: Which movie would you like to see?

Ràng wǒ xiǎngxiang zài gàosu nǐ.

B:让 我 想想 再告诉你。

B: Let me think about it and I'll tell you later.

08-2   在宿舍   In the Dorm

Wàibian tiānqì hěn hǎo, wǒmen chūqu yùndòng yùndòng ba!

A:外边 天气很好,我们出去 运动运动 吧!

A: It's a nice day outside. Let's go out to do some exercise.

Nǐ děngdeng wǒ, hǎo ma? Wáng lǎoshī ràng wǒ gěi Dàwèi dǎ ge diànhuà.


B: Please wait for me for a minute, will you? Professor Wang asked me to give David a call.

Huílai zài dǎ ba. Zhǎo Dàwèi yǒu shénme shìqing ma?


A: Call him after we come back. What's the matter?

Tīngshuō Dàwèi bìng le, wǒ xiǎng zhǎo shíjiān qù kànkan tā.


B:I heard that David is sick. I want to visit him sometime.

08-3   在宾馆的前台   At the front desk of a hotel

Fúwùyuán, wǒ fángjiān de mén dǎ bu kāi le.


A:Excuse me, I can't open my door.

Nín zhù nǎge fángjian?

B:您 住哪个房间?

B: Which room do you stay in?

Sān yāo qī.

A: 317.

A: Room 317.

Hǎo de, wǒ jiào rén qù kànkan.


B: OK. I'll send someone to have a check.

08-4   在商店   In a store

Nǐ kànkan zhè jǐ jiàn yīfu zěnmeyàng.

A:你看看 这几件衣服怎么样。

A: What do you think of these dresses?

Zhè jiàn bái de yǒudiǎnr cháng, nà jiàn hēi de yǒudiǎnr guì.


B: This white one is a little bit too long. That black one is a bit expensive.

Zhè jiàn hóng de ne? Zhè shì jīntiān xīn lái de.


A: What about this red one? This one has just got here today.

Ràng wǒ zài kànkan.

B:让 我再看看。

B: Thanks. I'll look around.

Lesson 9

There were too many questions; I didn’t finish all of them


09-1   打电话   On the phone

Nǐ hǎo! Qǐngwèn Zhāng Huān zài ma?


A: Hello! May I speak to Zhang Huan?

Nǐ dǎcuò le, wǒmen zhèr méiyǒu jiào Zhāng Huan de.


B: You've got the wrong number. There isn't a person called Zhang Huan here.



A: I'm sorry.

A: Hello! May I speak to Zhang Huan?

B: You've got the wrong number. There isn't a person called Zhang Huan here.

A: I'm sorry.

09-2   在学校   In the school 

Nín cóng jǐ suì kāishǐ xuéxí tiào wǔ?


A:At what age did you start to learn dancing?

Wǒ dì yī cì tiào wǔ shì zài qī suì de shíhou.


B:I was seven when I danced for the first time.

Wǒ nǚ'ér jīnnián yě qī suì le. Wǒ xīwàng tā néng gēn nín xué tiào wǔ, kěyǐ ma?


A: My daughter is seven now. I hope she can learn to dance from you, can she?

Méi wèntí, fēicháng huānyíng.

B:没问题,非常 欢迎。

B: Sure. It's my pleasure.

09-3   在家里   At home 

Nǐ zhīdào ma? Dàwèi zhǎodào gōngzuò le.

A:你知道吗?大卫 找到 工作了。

A: You know what? David has got a job.

Tài hǎo le! Tā cóng shénme shíhou kāishǐ shàng bān?

B:太好了!他从 什么 时候开始 上班?

B: That's great! When will he start to work?

Cóng xià ge xingqī yī kāishǐ.


A:Next Monday.

Zhè shì tā de dì yī ge gōngzuò, xīwàng tā néng xǐhuan.

B:这是他的第一个工作,希望他能 喜欢。

B: This is his first job. I hope he will like it.

09-4   在教室   In the classroom

Zuótiān de kǎoshì zěnmeyàng? Nǐ dōu tīngdǒng le ma?

A:昨天的考试怎么样?你都 听懂 了吗?

A:How was the test yesterday? Did you understand everything you heard?

Tīngdǒng le.


B: Yes,I did.

Nǐ dōu zuòwán le méiyǒu?

A:你都 做完了没有?

A: Did you finish the test paper?

Tí tài duō, wǒ méi zuòwán.


B:There were too many questions, I didn't finish all of them.

Lesson 10

Stop looking for your cell phone; it’s on the desk


10-1   在家里   At home

Búyào kàn diànshì le, míngtiān shàngwǔ hái yǒu Hànyǔ kè ne.

A: 不要看电视了,明天上午还有汉语课呢。

A: Stop watching TV. You'll have a Chinese class tomorrow morning.

Kàn diànshì duì xué Hànyǔ yǒu bāngzhù.

B: 看电视对学汉语有 帮助。

B: Watching TV is good for Chinese learning.

Míngtiān de kè nǐ dōu zhǔnbèi hǎo le ma?

A: 明天的课你都 准备 好了吗?

A: Are you well prepared for the lessons


Dōu zhǔnbèi hǎo le.

B: 都准备 好了。

B: Yes, I am.

10-2   在医院   In the hospital

Bié kàn bàozhǐ le, yīshēng shuō nǐ yào duō xiūxi.

A: 别看报纸了,医生说你要多休息。

A: Stop reading the newspaper. The doctor said you need more rest.

Hǎo, bú kàn le. Gěi wǒ yì bēi chá ba.

B: 好,不看了。给我一杯茶吧。

B: OK. Give me a cup of tea.

Yīshēng shuō chī yào hòu liǎng ge xiǎoshí búyào hē chá.

A: 医生说吃药后两个小时不要喝茶。

A: The doctor said you shouldn't drink tea during the first two hours after you've taken the medicine.

Yīsheng hái shuō shénme le?

B: 医生还说 什么了?

B: What else did the doctor say?

Yīshēng ràng nǐ tīng wǒ de.

A: 医生 让你听我的。

A: The doctor said you should listen to me.

10-3   在家里   At home

Nǐ zěnme mǎile zhème duō dōngxi a?

A: 你怎么买了这么多东西啊?

A: Why did you buy so many things?

Gēge jīntiān zhōngwǔ huílai chī fàn.

B: 哥哥今天 中午 回来吃饭。

B: Our elder brother will come back to have lunch.

Wǒ kànkan mǎi shénme le. Yángròu, jīdàn, miàntiáo, xīguā...... zhēn bù shǎo! Māma ne?

A: 我看看买什么了。羊肉、鸡蛋、面条、西瓜······真不少!妈妈呢?

A: Let me see. Mutton, eggs, noodles, water- melon...That's a lot! Where is Mom?

Zhèngzài zhǔnbèi wǔfàn ne!

B: 正在准备 午饭呢!

B: She is preparing lunc

10-4   在家里   At home

Nǐ zài zhǎo shénme?

A: 你在找 什么?

A: What are you looking for?

Nǐ kànjiàn wǒ de shǒujī le ma? Báisè de.

B: 你看见我的手机了吗?白色的。

B: Have you seen my cell phone? It's white.

Bié zhǎo le, shǒujī zài zhuōzi shàng ne, diànnǎo pángbiān.

A: 别找了,手机在桌子上呢,电脑旁边。

A: Stop looking for your cell phone. It's on

the desk, beside the computer.

Nǐ kànjiàn wǒ de yīfu le ma? Hóngsè de nà jiàn.

B: 你看见我的衣服了吗?红色的那件。

B: Have you seen my garment? The red one.

Nà jiàn yīfu wǒ bāng nǐ xǐ le, zài wàibian ne.

A: 那件衣服我帮你洗了,在外边呢。

A: I have washed it for you. It's hung outside.

Lesson 11

He is three years older than me


11-1   在歌厅   In a singing bar 

Wáng Fāng, zuótiān hé nǐ yìqǐ chàng ge de rén shì shéi?


A: Wang Fang, who was the guy with you in the karaoke yesterday?

Yí ge péngyou.


B: A friend.

Shénme péngyou? Shì bu shì nánpéngyou?

A:什么朋友?是不是 男朋友?

A:What friend? Boyfriend?

Bú shì bú shì, wǒ tóngxué jièshào de, zuótiān dì yī cì jiàn.


B: No. My classmate set me up with him. We met only yesterday.

11-2   在宿舍   In the dorm

Zuǒbian zhège kàn bàozhǐ de nǚ háizi shì nǐ jiějie ma?


A: Is the girl on the left reading a newspaper your elder sister?

Shì, yòubian xiě zì de nàge rén shì wǒ gēge.


B: Yes. And the guy on the right writing is my elder brother.

Nǐ gēge duō dà?


A: How old is he?

Èrshíwǔ suì, tā bǐ wǒ dà sān suì.

B: 25岁,他比我大三岁。

B: 25. He is three years older than me.

11-3   在商店   At a store

Jīntiān de xīguā zěnme mài?


A: What's the price of watermelons today?

Sān kuài wǔ yì jīn.


B: Three yuan and a half per 500 grams.

Bǐ zuótiān piányi.

A:比昨天 便宜。

A: It's cheaper than the price yesterday.

Shì, píngguǒ yě bǐ zuótiān piányi yìxiē. Nín lái diǎnr ba.


B: Yes. The apples are also cheaper. Why not take some?

11-4   在学校   In the school 

Qiánbian shuō huà de nàge rén jiù shì wǒ de Hànyǔ lǎoshī. Nǐ kěnéng bú rènshi tā.


A: The woman speaking in front of us is my Chinese teacher. You may not know her.

Shì xīn lái de Hànyǔ lǎoshī ma?


B: Is she a new-comer?

Shì qùnián lái de, tā xìng Wáng, èrshíbā suì.

A:是去年来的,她姓 王,28岁。

A: She came here last year. Her family name is Wang, 28 years old.

Tā bǐ wǒmen lǎoshī xiǎo liǎng suì.

B:她比我们 老师小两岁。

B: She is two years younger than my teacher.

Lesson 12

You wear too little


12-1   在教室     In the classroom

Nǐ měi tiān zǎoshang jǐ diǎn qǐ chuáng?

A:你每天早上 几点起床?

A: When do you get up every morning?

Liù diǎn duō.


B: A few minutes past six.

Nǐ bǐ wǒ zǎo qǐ yí ge xiǎoshí.


A: You get up one hour earlier than I do.

Wǒ shuì de yě zǎo, wǒ měi tiān wǎnshang shí diǎn jiù shuì jiào. Zǎo shuì zǎo qǐ shēntǐ hǎo.

B:我睡得也早,我每天 晚上 十点就睡觉。早睡早起身体好。

B: I go to bed early also, at 10 o'clock every night. It's healthy to keep early hours.

12-2   在朋友家   At a friend's home

Zài lái diǎnr mǐfàn ba, nǐ chī de tài shǎo le.


A: Have more rice,please. You ate too little.

Bù shǎo le, jīntiān chī de hěn hǎo, tài xièxie nǐ le.


B: Not a little actually. I've enjoyed the meal a lot. Thank you so much.

Nǐ zuò fàn zuò de zěnmeyàng?

A:你做饭做得 怎么样?

A: How well can you cook?

Bù zěnmeyàng, wǒ qīzi bǐ wǒ zuò de hǎo.


B: Not very well. My wife is a better cook than I am.

12-3   在家门口     At the door of the house

Xià xuě le, jīntiān zhēn lěng.


A: It's snowing. It's really cold today.

Yǒu líng xià shí dù ba?


B: The temperature may be 10 degrees below zero, am I right?

Shì a, nǐ chuān de tài shǎo le, wǒmen jìn fángjiān ba.


A: Yes. You wear too little. Let's go inside the house. OK?

Hǎo ba.


B: OK.

12-4   在家里     At home

Nǐ zài máng shénme ne?

A:你在忙 什么呢?

A: What are you busy with?

Wǒ dìdi ràng wǒ bāng tā zhǎo ge fángzi, xiànzài tā jiā lí gōngsī yǒudiǎnr yuǎn.


B: My younger brother asked me to find an apartment for him. He now lives far from the company.

Zhù de yuǎn zhēn de hěn lèi!


A: It's really exhausting to live far.

Shì a, tā yě xīwàng néng zhù de jìn yìdiǎnr.

B:是啊,他也希望 能 住得近一点儿。

B: It's true. He also wants to live nearer.

Lesson 13
The door is open

13-1     在办公室    In the office 

Mén kāi zhe ne, qǐng jìn.

A: 门开着呢,请进。

A: The door is open. Come on in.

Qingwèn, Zhāng xiānsheng zài ma?

B: 请问,张先生 在吗?

B: Excuse me, is Mr. Zhang in?

Tā chūqu le. Nǐ xiàwǔ zài lái ba.

A: 他出去了。你下午再来吧。

A: He's gone out. Please come in the


Hǎo de, xièxie!


B: OK. Thank you!

13-2    在办公室     In the office

Nàge zhèngzài shuōhuà de nǚháir shì shéi?

A: 那个正在 说话的女孩儿是谁?

A: Who is the girl speaking?

Wǒ zhīdào tā de míngzi, tā xìng Yáng, jiào Yáng Xiàoxiao, tā jiějie shì wǒ tóngxué.

B: 我知道她的名字,她姓杨,叫杨笑笑,她姐姐是我 同学。

B: I know her name. Her name is Yang Xiaoxiao.Yang is her family name. Her elder sister is my classmate.

Nàge shǒu li názhe qiānbǐ de ne?

A: 那个手里拿着铅笔的呢?

A: What about the girl with a pencil in her hand?

Wǒ bú rènshi.

B: 我不认识。

B: That one I don't know.

13-3   在运动场   On the playground

Tīngshuō nǐ yǒu nǚpéngyou le? Wǒ rènshi tā ma?

A: 听说 你有 女朋友了?我认识她吗?

A: I heard you have a girlfriend now? Do I

know her?

Jiù shì wǒmen bān nàge zhǎngzhe liǎng ge dà yǎnjing , fēicháng ài xiào de nǚháir.

B: 就是我们班那个长着两个大眼睛,非常 爱笑的女孩儿。

B: She is the girl in our class with big eyes

and a smiling face.

Tā bú shì yǒu nánpéngyou ma?

A:她不是有 男朋友 吗?

A: She's already got a boyfriend, hasn't she?

Nàge yǐjīng shì tā de qián nányǒu le.

B:那个已经是她的前 男友了。

B: That's her ex now.

13-4     在路上    On the road

Qǐngwèn, zhèr lí Xīnjīng Bīnguǎn yuǎn ma?

A: 请问,这儿离新京宾馆远吗?

A: Excuse me, is Xinjing Hotel far away

from here?

Bù yuǎn, zǒu lù èrshí fēnzhōng jiù dào.

B: 不远,走路二十分钟 就到。

B: No, it's about a 20 minutes' walk.

Nǐ néng gàosu wǒ zěnme zǒu ma?

A: 你能告诉我怎么走吗?

A: Could you tell me how to get there?

Cóng zhèr yìzhí wǎng qián zǒu, dàole qiánmiàn de lùkǒu zài wǎng yòu zǒu.

B: 从这儿一直往前走,到了前面的路口再往右走。

B: Walk straight ahead from here and turn

right at the first crossing.

Lesson 14
Have you seen that movie

14-1     在教室     In the classroom

Nǐ kànguo nàge diànyǐng méiyǒu?

A: 你看过那个电影 没有?

A: Have you seen that movie?

Méi kànguo, tīngshuō hěn yǒu yìsi.

B: 没看过,听说 很有意思。

B: No. I was told it is fantastic.

Nà wǒmen xià ge xīngqī yìqǐ qù kàn ba?

A: 那我们下个星期一起去看吧?

A: Why don't we see it together next week?

Kěyǐ, dànshì wǒ nǚpéngyou yě xiǎng qù.

B: 可以,但是我女朋友也想去。

B: OK. But my girlfriend also wants to go.

14-2   在办公室   In the office 

Tīngshuō nǐ qùguo Zhōngguó, hái xiǎng qù ma?

A: 听说 你去过中国,还想去吗?

A: It's said you've been to China. Do you want to go there again?

Wǒ suīrán qùguo hǎojǐ cì, dànshì hái xiǎng zài qù wánrwanr.

B: 我虽然去过好几次,但是还想再去玩儿玩儿。

B: Though I've been there several times, I still want to go for pleasure again.

Nà wǒmen yìqǐ qù ba.

A: 那 我们一起去吧。

A: Let's go together.

Hǎo a, dào shíhou wǒ gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà.

B: 好啊,到时候我给你打 电话。

B: Great. I'll call you then.

14-3     在房间   In the room

Míngtiān tiānqì zěnmeyàng?

A: 明天天气怎么样?

A: How will the weather be tomorrow?

Suīrán shì qíngtiān, dànshì hěn lěng.

B: 虽然是晴天,但是很冷。

B: It will be fine, but cold.

Nà hái néng qù pǎo bù ma?

A: 那还能去跑步吗?

A: In that case, is it OK to go jogging?

Kěyǐ, dànshì nǐ zijǐ qù ba, wǒ hái yǒu hěn duō shìqing yào zuò.

B: 可以,但是你自己去吧,我还有很多事情 要做。

B: I think so. But I'm afraid you have to go by yourself because I have a lot of work to do.

14-4    在商店      In a store 

Nǐ zài zhège shāngdiàn mǎiguo dōngxi méiyǒu?

A: 你在这个 商店买过东西 没有?

A: Have you ever bought anything in this store?

Mǎiguo yí cì, zhèr de dōngxi hái kěyǐ, jiùshi bù piányi.

B: 买过一次,这儿的东西还可以,就是不便宜。

B: Yes,once.Things here are pretty good, not cheap though.

Wǒ xǐhuan zhè jiàn yīfu, dànshì juéde yǒudiǎnr guì.

A: 我喜欢这件衣服,但是觉得有点儿贵。

A: I like this garment, but I think it's a little expensive.

Liǎngbǎi kuài hái kěyǐ, xǐhuan jiù mǎi ba.

B: 两百块还可以,喜欢就买吧。

B: Two hundred yuan is not that expensive. If you like it, just buy it.

Lesson 15
The New Year is coming

15-1    在朋友家    At a friend's home 

Jīntiān shì shí'èr yuè èrshí rì, xīnnián jiù yào dào le.

A: 今天是12月20日,新年就要到了。

A: Today is December 20th. The New Year is coming.

Xīnnián nǐ zhǔnbèi zuò shénme?

B: 新年 你准备 做 什么?

B: What plans do you have?

Wǒ xiǎng qù Běijīng lǚyóu, Běijīng hěn búcuò, wǒ qùguo yí cì.

A: 我想去北京旅游,北京很不错,我去过一次。

A: I want to take a trip to Beijing. Beijing is a nice place. I've been there once.

Nǐ mǎi piào le ma?

B: 你买 票了吗?

B: Have you bought the ticket?

Hái méiyǒu ne, míngtiān jiù qù huǒchēzhàn mǎi piào.

A: 还没有呢,明天 就去 火车站 买票。

A: Not yet. I'll go to the railway station to buy it tomorrow.

15-2   在公司   In the company

Shíjiān guò de zhēn kuài, xīn de yì nián kuàiyào dào le!

A: 时间 过得真快,新的一年 快要到了!

A: How time flies! The New Year is approaching!

Shì a, xièxie dàjiā zhè yì nián duì wǒ de bāngzhù!

B: 是啊,谢谢大家这一年 对我的帮助!

B: Yes. Thank you all for your help during the past year.

Xīwàng wǒmen de gōngsī míngnián gèng hǎo!

C: 希望我们的公司 明年 更 好!

C: I hope our company will become even better in the next year.

15-3   在车站     At the station

Nǐ mèimei zěnme hái méi lái? Dōu bā diǎn sìshí le!

A: 你妹妹怎么还没来?都八点四十了!

A: Why hasn't your younger sister arrived yet? It's already eight forty.

Wǒmen zài děng tā jǐ fēnzhōng ba.

B: 我们再等 她几 分钟 吧。

B: Let's wait for a few more minutes.

Dōu děng tā bàn ge xiǎoshí le!

A: 都等她半个小时了!

A: We've already waited for half an hour.

Tā lái le, wǒ tīngjiàn tā shuō huà le.

B: 她来了,我听见她说话了。

B: She is here. I heard her voice.

15-4     在咖啡馆门口     Outside a coffee house

Tiān yīn le, wǒ yào huíqu le.

A: 天阴了,我要回去了。

A: It's overcast. I have to go home.

Hǎo de. Kuàiyào xià yǔ le, nǐ lùshang màndiǎnr.

B: 好的。快要下雨了,你路上慢点儿。

B: OK. It's going to rain. Be careful on your way.

Méi guānxi, wǒ zuò gōnggòng qìchē.

A: 没关系,我坐公共汽车。

A: Don't worry. I'll take a bus.

Hǎo de. Zàijiàn.

B: 好的。再见。

B: Good. Bye.

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