13 April 2024

hsk4 lesson 20 with pinyin and English translation

hsk4 lesson 20 with pinyin and English translation 

课文20:    路上的风景
Lesson 20: The view along the way

hsk 4 lesson 20


朋友:  该加油了, 去机场的路上有加油站吗?

小张:  我记得过了长江大桥往右一拐就有一个, 大概有四五公里远。

朋友:  好, 那我就放心了, 别开着开着没油了。你去北京的航班是几点的? 时间来得及吗?

小张:  航班本来是十点的, 后来机场网站上通知推迟了一个小时, 所以九点半以前到就应该没问题。

朋友:  刚才我还有点儿担心来不及呢。一会儿加完油, 往西走五百米就能上高速公路。走高速公路大约半个小时就到了。

小张:  一会儿我自己进去换登机牌, 你就不用送我了, 等我到了首都机场再给你发短信。

Péngyǒu: Gāi jiāyóu le, qù jīchǎng de lùshàng yǒu jiāyóu zhàn ma? 

Friend: It's time to refuel. Is there a gas station on the way to the airport?


Xiǎo zhāng: Wǒ jìdé guòle chángjiāng dàqiáo wǎng yòu yī guǎi jiù yǒu yīgè, dàgài yǒu sìwǔ gōnglǐ yuǎn. 

Xiao Zhang: I remember that after crossing the Yangtze River Bridge and turning to the right, there was one.It's about four or five kilometers away.


Péngyǒu: Hǎo, nà wǒ jiù fàngxīn le, bié kāizhe kāizhe méi yóule. Nǐ qù běijīng de hángbān shì jǐ diǎn de? Shíjiān láidéjí ma? 

Friend: Okay, then I can rest assured, don't drive it out of gas. What's your flight time to Beijing? Is there enough time?


Xiǎo zhāng: Hángbān běnlái shì shí diǎn de, hòulái jīchǎng wǎngzhàn shàng tōngzhī tuīchíle yīgè xiǎoshí, suǒyǐ jiǔ diǎn bàn yǐqián dào jiù yīnggāi méi wèntí. 

Xiao Zhang: The flight was originally at ten o'clock, but it was postponed by an hour on the airport website, so it should be no problem to arrive before 9:30.


Péngyǒu: Gāngcái wǒ hái yǒudiǎnr dānxīn láibují ne. Yīhuìr jiā wán yóu, wǎng xī zǒu wǔbǎi mǐ jiù néng shàng gāosù gōnglù. Zǒu gāosù gōnglù dàyuē bàn gè xiǎoshí jiù dàole. 

Friend: I was a little worried just now that it was too late. After refueling in a while, you will be able to get on the expressway by walking 500 meters west. It's about half an hour on the highway.

Xiǎo zhāng: Yīhuìr wǒ zìjǐ jìnqù huàn dēng jī pái, nǐ jiù bùyòng sòng wǒle, děng wǒ dàole shǒudū jīchǎng zài gěi nǐ fā duǎnxìn.

Xiao Zhang: I will go in and change the boarding pass by myself in a while. You don't need to send me off. I will text you when I arrive at the Capital Airport.                                      



孙月:  女儿下个星期就要放寒假了, 到时候咱们带她去旅游, 放松放松,怎么样?

丈夫:  平时女儿那么多课, 总是说想去旅行, 但是没时间, 怪可怜的。这次放假咱们带她去哪儿玩儿比较好呢?

孙月:  去年我同事带她儿子去广西玩儿了一趟, 听说很不错, 我们就去广西吧。

丈夫:  好啊, 那里的气候和北方很不同, 即使是冬天, 也非常暖和, 还能吃到许多新鲜的水果。等女儿一回来我就告诉她这个好消息。

孙月:  先别着急说。中午我们不是要去对面的饭店吃烤鸭, 祝贺她考试成绩都合格吗? 那时候再告诉她, 不是更好?

丈夫:  好主意, 到时她知道了肯定特别开心。

Sūn yuè: Nǚ'ér xià gè xīngqī jiù yào fàng hánjiàle, dào shíhòu zánmen dài tā qù lǚyóu, fàngsōng fàngsōng, zěnme yàng? 

Sun Yue: Daughter will have winter vacation next week. Then let's take her on a trip and relax, What do you think?

Zhàngfū: Píngshí nǚ'ér nàme duō kè, zǒng shì shuō xiǎng qù lǚxíng, dànshì méi shíjiān, guài kělián de. Zhè cì fàngjià zánmen dài tā qù nǎr wánr bǐjiào hǎo ne? 

Husband: Daughter usually has so many lessons and always says that she wants to travel, but she doesn't have time, it's pitiful. Where should we take her to have fun this holiday?

Sūn yuè: Qùnián wǒ tóngshì dài tā érzi qù guǎngxī wánr le yī tàng, tīng shuō hěn bùcuò, wǒmen jiù qù guǎngxī ba. 

Sun Yue: Last year my colleague took her son to Guangxi for a trip. I heard it was pretty good. Let's go to Guangxi.


Zhàngfū: Hǎo a, nàlǐ de qìhòu hé běifāng hěn bùtóng, jíshǐ shì dōngtiān, yě fēicháng nuǎnhuo, hái néng chī dào xǔduō xīnxiān de shuǐguǒ. Děng nǚ'ér yī huílái wǒ jiù gàosù tā zhège hǎo xiāoxī. 

Husband: Well, the climate there is very different from that in the north. Even in winter, it is very warm and you can still eat a lot of fresh fruits. I will tell her the good news as soon as daughter comes back.


Sūn yuè: Xiān bié zhāojí shuō. Zhōngwǔ wǒmen bùshì yào qù duìmiàn de fàndiàn chī kǎoyā, zhùhè tā kǎoshì chéngjī dōu hégé ma? Nà shíhòu zài gàosù tā, bùshì gèng hǎo? 

Sun Yue: Don't worry about it. Aren’t we going to the opposite restaurant to eat roast duck at noon. Congratulations on her passing the exam? Tell her then, isn’t it better?


Zhàngfū: Hǎo zhǔyì, dào shí tā zhīdao le kěndìng tèbié kāixīn.

Husband: Good idea. She must be very happy when she knows.



马克:  这么多照片, 都是你这次去丽江旅行时照的? 那里的自然风景可真美!

安娜:  是啊, 小城四季的风景都很美, 而且环境保护得也很好, 因此每年都吸引着成千上万的游客去那儿旅游。

马克:  这张照片上和你干杯的那个人是少数民族吗? 她打扮得真漂亮。

安娜:  她是我们的导游, 不是少数民族。路上她给我们讲了很多有趣的笑话。有一次我把存包的钥匙丢了, 最后还是她帮我找到的。这张照片就是找到钥匙后, 我们一起照的。

马克:  明年我有机会也去那儿看看, 到时把你的导游介绍给我吧。究竟哪个季节去丽江旅游比较好呢?

安娜:  那儿最美的季节是春天和秋天, 不过那时候人比较多多。稍微好一点儿的时间是每年12月到第二年3月。这段时间去丽江的话, 无论交通还是吃、住都很便宜。

Mǎkè: Zhème duō zhàopiàn, dōu shì nǐ zhè cì qù lìjiāng lǚxíng shí zhào de? Nàlǐ de zìrán fēngjǐng kě zhēnměi! 

Mark: So many photos were taken during your trip to Lijiang? The natural scenery there is so beautiful!

Ānnà: Shì a, xiǎochéng sìjì de fēngjǐng dōu hěn měi, érqiě huánjìng bǎohù dé yě hěn hǎo, yīncǐ měinián dōu xīyǐnzhe chéng qiān shàng wàn de yóukè qù nàr lǚyóu. 

Anna: Yes, the four seasons of the small town are beautiful, and the environmental protection is also very good, so every year it attracts thousands of tourists to travel there.


Mǎkè: Zhè zhāng zhàopiàn shàng hé nǐ gānbēi de nàgè rén shì shǎoshù mínzú ma? Tā dǎbàn dé zhēn piàoliang. 

Mark: Is the person toasting with you in this photo from an ethnic minority? She is so beautifully dressed.


Ānnà: Tā shì wǒmen de dǎoyóu, bùshì shǎoshù mínzú. Lùshàng tā gěi wǒmen jiǎngle hěnduō yǒuqù de xiàohuà. Yǒu yīcì wǒ bǎ cún bāo de yàoshi diūle, zuìhòu háishì tā bāng wǒ zhǎodao de. Zhè zhāng zhàopiàn jiùshì zhǎodao yàoshi hòu, wǒmen yīqǐ zhào de. 

Anna: She is our tour guide, not a minority. She told us a lot of funny jokes on the way. Once I lost the key to the bag, she finally found it for me. This picture was taken together after we found the key.


Mǎkè: Míngnián wǒ yǒu jīhuì yě qù nàr kàn kàn, dào shí bǎ nǐ de dǎoyóu jièshào gěi wǒ ba. Jiùjìng nǎge jìjié qù lìjiāng lǚyóu bǐjiào hǎo ne? 

Mark: I have the opportunity to visit there next year. Please introduce your guide to me then. Which season is better to travel to Lijiang?


Ānnà: Nàr zuìměi de jìjié shì chūntiān hé qiūtiān, bùguò nà shíhòu rén bǐjiào duōduō. Shāowéi hǎo yīdiǎnr de shíjiān shì měinián 12 yuè dào dì èr nián 3 yuè. Zhè duàn shíjiān qù lìjiāng dehuà, wúlùn jiāotōng háishì chī, zhù dōu hěn piányí.

Anna: The most beautiful seasons there are spring and autumn, but there were a lot of people at that time. A slightly better time is from December to March of the following year. If you go to Lijiang during this time, no matter the transportation, food and accommodation are very cheap.



中国南北距离约5500公里, 因此南北气候有很大区别。每年三四月份的时候, 如果从北方坐火车到南方去旅游, 一路上你会发现, 不同的地方有不同的风景: 窗外的树一棵一棵地变绿, 北方也许还下着雪, 南方却已经到处都是绿色了。南方菜很有特点, 特别是汤, 味道鲜美, 很多北方人都喜欢喝。另外, 南方和北方的语言也有很大不同。比如你跟上海人对话时, 会发现上海话听起来就像外语一样。虽然上海人也会讲普通话, 可是仔细听, 还是有上海味儿。

Zhōngguó nánběi jùlí yuē 5500 gōnglǐ, yīncǐ nánběi qìhòu yǒu hěn dà qūbié. 

The distance between north and south in China is about 5,500 kilometers, so there is a big difference in climate between north and south.  

Měinián sānsì yuè fèn de shíhòu, rúguǒ cóng běifāng zuò huǒchē dào nánfāng qù lǚyóu, yī lùshàng nǐ huì fāxiàn, bùtóng de dìfāng yǒu bùtóng de fēngjǐng: 

Every year in March and April, if you take a train from the north to the south to travel, you will find that different places have different scenery along the way: 

Chuāngwài de shù yī kē yī kē de biàn lǜ, běifāng yěxǔ hái xiàzhe xuě, nánfāng què yǐjīng dàochù dōu shì lǜsèle. 

the trees outside the window turn green one by one, the north may still be snowing, the south is already green everywhere.  

Nánfāng cài hěn yǒu tèdiǎn, tèbié shì tāng, wèidào xiānměi, hěnduō běifāng rén dōu xǐhuan hē. 

Southern cuisine has very characteristics, especially the soup, which is delicious, and many northerners like to drink it.  

Lìngwài, nánfāng hé běifāng de yǔyán yě yǒu hěn dà bùtóng. 

In addition, the languages of the South and the North are also very different.  

Bǐrú nǐ gēn shànghǎi rén duìhuà shí, huì fāxiàn shànghǎi huà tīng qǐlái jiù xiàng wàiyǔ yīyàng. 

For example, when you talk to a Shanghainese, you will find that Shanghainese sounds like a foreign language.  

Suīrán shànghǎi rén yě huì jiǎng pǔtōnghuà, kěshì zǐxì tīng, háishì yǒu shànghǎi wèi er.

Although Shanghainese can also speak Mandarin, if you listen carefully, it still has a Shanghai flavor.



一个人有时间一定要去旅行, 旅行不仅能丰富一个人的经历, 而且是很好的减压方法。但对我来说, 最重要的是旅行能让我有机会尝到各地有名的小吃。放假的时候候, 我会收拾好行李, 带上地图, 买张火车票, 向目的地出发。说起吃的东西, 给我印象最深的是湖南菜。湖南菜的特点就是辣, 与其他地方的辣不同, 湖南菜的辣主要是咸辣、香辣和酸辣。虽然全国各地都有湖南饭馆儿, 但最好还是直接去那里尝一尝。每次旅行结束后, 我都会精神百倍地开始我的工作。

Yīgè rén yǒu shíjiān yīdìng yào qù lǚxíng, 

One must travel when one has time. 

lǚxíng bùjǐn néng fēngfù yīgè rén de jīnglì, 

Travel can not only enrich one's experience, 

érqiě shì hěn hǎo de jiǎn yā fāngfǎ. 

but also is a good way to reduce stress.  

Dàn duì wǒ lái shuō, zuì zhòngyào de shì lǚxíng néng ràng wǒ yǒu jīhuì cháng dào gèdì yǒumíng de xiǎochī. 

But for me, the most important thing is that traveling gives me the opportunity to taste famous snacks from all over the world.  

Fàngjià de shíhòu, wǒ huì shōushí hǎo xínglǐ, dài shàng dìtú, mǎi zhāng huǒchē piào, xiàng mùdì de chūfā. 

During the holiday, I will pack my luggage, bring a map, buy a train ticket, and set off to my destination.  

Shuō qǐ chī de dōngxi, gěi wǒ yìnxiàng zuìshēn de shì húnán cài. 

Speaking of food, what impressed me the most was Hunan cuisine.  

Húnán cài de tèdiǎn jiùshì là, yǔ qítā dìfāng de là bùtóng, húnán cài de là zhǔyào shi xián là, xiāng là hé suān là.

The characteristic of Hunan cuisine is spicy. Different from other places, the spicy of Hunan cuisine is mainly salty, spicy, hot and sour.  


Suīrán quánguó gèdì dōu yǒu húnán fànguǎnr, dàn zuì hào huán shì zhíjiē qù nàlǐ cháng yī cháng. 

Although there are Hunan restaurants all over the country, it is best to go there and try them directly.  

Měi cì lǚ háng jiéshù hòu, wǒ dōu huì jīngshén bǎibèi de kāishǐ wǒ de gōngzuò.

After each trip, I will start my work full of energy.

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