13 April 2024

hsk 4 lesson 19 complete text with pinyin and English translation

hsk 4 lesson 19 complete text with pinyin and English translation 

课文19:    生活的味道
Lesson 19: Taste of life

hsk4 lesson 19


马 克:   老师,您好! 我希望下个学期在这里继续学习, 请问还需要重新申请吗?

高老师:  是的。给你表格, 出生年月、性别、护照号码都要填, 还有联系地址、联系电话。

马克:  真抱歉, 我不小心把护照号码填错了, 您能再给我一份新的申请表吗?

高老师:  没关系, 不用道歉, 谁都有粗心填错的时候。申请表都被别人拿走了, 我给你重新打印一份,你等一下。(高老师打印,马克填表。)

马 克:  这次我按照要求都填写完了, 请问还需要做别的事情吗?

高老师:  请把你的护照给我, 我们要把护照复印一下。

Mǎkè: Lǎoshī, nín hǎo! Wǒ xīwàng xià gè xuéqí zài zhèlǐ jìxù xuéxí, qǐngwèn hái xūyào chóngxīn shēnqǐng ma? 

Mark: Hello, teacher! I hope to continue studying here next semester. Do I still need to apply again?

Gāo lǎoshī: Shì de. Gěi nǐ biǎogé, chūshēng nián yuè, xìngbié, hùzhào hàomǎ dōu yào tián, hái yǒu liánxì dìzhǐ, liánxì diànhuà. 

Teacher Gao: Yes. Here is the form. You must fill in the date of birth, gender, passport number, and contact address and telephone number.


Mǎkè: Zhēn bàoqiàn, wǒ bù xiǎoxīn bǎ hùzhào hàomǎ tián cuòle, nín néng zài gěi wǒ yī fèn xīn de shēnqǐng biǎo ma? 

Mark: I'm so sorry, I accidentally filled in the passport number wrong, can you give me a new application form?


Gāo lǎoshī: Méiguānxì, bùyòng dàoqiàn, shéi dōu yǒu cūxīn tián cuò de shíhòu. Shēnqǐng biǎo dōu bèi biérén ná zǒule, wǒ gěi nǐ chóngxīn dǎyìn yī fèn, nǐ děng yīxià.(Gāo lǎoshī dǎyìn, Mǎkè tián biǎo.) 

Teacher Gao: It doesn't matter, there is no need to apologize. Everyone makes mistakes carelessly. The application forms have been taken away by others. I will reprint a copy for you. You can wait a moment. (Teacher Gao prints and Mark fills in the form.)


Mǎkè: Zhè cì wǒ ànzhào yāoqiú dōu tiánxiě wánle, qǐngwèn hái xūyào zuò bié de shìqíng ma? 

Mark: This time I have filled in as required. Is there anything else I need to do?                                      

Gāo lǎoshī: Qǐng bǎ nǐ de hùzhào gěi wǒ, wǒmen yào bǎ hùzhào fùyìn yīxià.

Teacher Gao: Please give me your passport. We need to copy it.



李进:  呀, 你的手怎么流血了? 等一下, 我给你包起来。

王静:  没关系, 我想给你做点儿羊肉饺子, 刚才用刀切肉的时候把手弄破了。

李进:  你也太不小心了, 不过好像不太严重, 过几天就好了。衣服上也有一点儿血, 你把衣服脫下来, 我给你洗洗。

王静:  看来今天吃不上羊肉饺子了。

李进:  那我们就吃点儿别的。我常去的那家理发店附近有个餐厅, 那里的包子很好吃, 我一会儿去买一点儿。

王静:  好吧, 我衣服口袋里有十几块零钱, 买包子应该够。

Lǐ jìn: Ya, nǐ de shǒu zěnme liúxuè le? Děng yīxià, wǒ gěi nǐ bāo qǐlái. 

Li Jin: Ah, why is your hand bleeding? Wait a minute, I'll wrap it up for you.

Wáng jìng: Méiguānxì, wǒ xiǎng gěi nǐ zuò diǎnr yángròu jiǎozi, gāngcái yòng dāo qiē ròu de shíhòu bǎshǒu nòng pòle. 

Wang Jing: It doesn't matter. I want to make some mutton dumplings for you. I broke my hand when I cut the meat with a knife.

Lǐ jìn: Nǐ yě tài bù xiǎoxīn le, bùguò hǎoxiàng bù tài yánzhòng, guò jǐ tiān jiù hǎole. Yīfu shàng yě yǒu yīdiǎnr xuè, nǐ bǎ yīfu tuō xiàlái, wǒ gěi nǐ xǐ xǐ. 

Li Jin: You were too careless, but it doesn't seem too serious. It will be fine in a few days. There is also a little blood on the clothes. Take your clothes off and I will wash them for you.


Wáng jìng: Kàn lái jīntiān chībùshàng yángròu jiǎozi le. 

Wang Jing: It seems I can't eat mutton dumplings today.


Lǐ jìn: Nà wǒmen jiù chī diǎnr bié de. Wǒ cháng qù de nà jiā lǐfǎ diàn fùjìn yǒu gè cāntīng, nàlǐ de bāozi hěn hào chī, wǒ yīhuìr qù mǎi yīdiǎnr. 

Li Jin: Then let's eat something else. There is a restaurant near the barbershop I often go to. The buns there are delicious. I will buy some later.


Wáng jìng: Hǎo ba, wǒ yīfu kǒudài li yǒu shí jǐ kuài língqián, mǎi bāozi yīnggāi gòu.

Wang Jing: Okay, I have more than ten yuan in change in my pocket, which should be enough to buy buns.



马克:   我早上跟你打招呼, 你没看见。想不到又在这儿碰见你了。

安娜: 真是对不起, 我不是故意的, 今天早上我忘戴眼镜了, 看不清楚。

马克:  刚才我在旁边看到你跳中国舞了, 没看出来你跳得这么好! 难道你以前在你们国家就学过中国舞蹈吗?

安娜:  我小时候妈妈教我跳过两年的舞, 所以稍微有点儿基础。再说, 舞蹈不仅是一门艺术, 也是一种 “语言”, 这种语言与国籍无关, 无论哪个国家的人都能看懂。

马克:  太好了! 我刚学习跳这种舞没多久, 你帮我看看, 我的这个动作对不对。

安娜:  你这个动作做得还是不太标准, 我给你跳一遍。你仔细看着, 应该像我这样: 先抬胳膊, 然后抬腿, 最后头再向右转一下。

Mǎkè: Wǒ zǎoshang gēn nǐ dǎzhāohū, nǐ méi kànjiàn. Xiǎngbudào yòu zài zhèr pèngjiàn nǐle. 

Mark: I greeted you this morning, you didn't see it. Unexpectedly, I met you here again.


Ānnà: Zhēnshi duìbuqǐ, wǒ bùshì gùyì de, jīntiān zǎoshang wǒ wàng dài yǎnjìngle, kàn bù qīngchǔ. 

Anna: I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it. I forgot to wear my glasses this morning and I can't see clearly.


Mǎkè: Gāngcái wǒ zài pángbiān kàn dào nǐ tiào zhōngguó wǔle, méi kàn chūlái nǐ tiào de zhème hǎo! Nándào nǐ yǐqián zài nǐmen guójiā jiù xuéguò zhōngguó wǔdǎo ma? 

Mark: Just now I saw you dancing Chinese dance next to me. I didn't see you dancing so well! Did you learn Chinese dance in your country before?


Ānnà: Wǒ xiǎoshíhòu māma jiào wǒ tiàoguò liǎng nián de wǔ, suǒyǐ shāowéi yǒudiǎnr jīchǔ. Zàishuō, wǔdǎo bùjǐn shì yī mén yìshù, yěshì yī zhǒng “yǔyán”, zhè zhǒng yǔyán yǔ guójí wúguān, wúlùn nǎge guójiā de rén dōu néng kàn dǒng. 

Anna: When I was young, my mother taught me to dance for two years, so it was a little basic. Besides, dance is not only an art, but also a "language". This language has nothing to do with nationality and can be understood by people from any country.


Mǎkè: Tài hǎole! Wǒ gāng xuéxí tiào zhè zhǒng wǔ méi duōjiǔ, nǐ bāng wǒ kàn kàn, wǒ de zhège dòngzuò duì bùduì. 

Mark: Great! It’s not long since I just learned this kind of dance. You can help me see if my action is correct.


Ānnà: Nǐ zhège dòngzuò zuò dé háishì bù tài biāozhǔn, wǒ gěi nǐ tiào yībiàn. Nǐ zǐxì kànzhe, yīnggāi xiàng wǒ zhèyàng: Xiān tái gēbó, ránhòu tái tuǐ, zuìhòu tóu zài xiàng yòu zhuǎn yīxià.

Anna: Your action is still not standard, I'll do it for you. If you look carefully, it should be like me: first raise your arms, then raise your legs, and finally turn your head to the right again.



马克去年租的房子离马路很近, 对面有大大小小的商店, 周围环境非常吵。所以, 房子还没到期, 马克就开始着急换房子了, 有一天, 他在小区门口看到一个租房子的广告。广告上说房子交通方便, 周围很安静, 厨房很大。总的来说, 这套房子他很满意, 于是他就记下了房东的手机号码。可回家后打电话, 电话总是占线。第二天, 他路过小区门口时, 又仔细看了一下广告, 原来在记号码的时候写错了一个数字。

Mǎkè qùnián zū de fángzi lí mǎlù hěn jìn, duìmiàn yǒu dà dà xiǎo xiǎo de shāngdiàn, zhōuwéi huánjìng fēicháng chǎo. 

The house that Mark rented last year is very close to the road, and there are large and small shops across the street.  

Zhōuwéi huánjìng fēicháng chǎo.

The surrounding environment is very noisy.

Suǒyǐ, fángzi huán méi dào qí, mǎkè jiù kāishǐ zhāojí huàn fángzi le, yǒu yītiān, tā zài xiǎoqū ménkǒu kàn dào yīgè zū fángzi de guǎnggào. 

So, before the house expired, Mark started to change houses in a hurry. One day, he saw an advertisement for renting a house at the gate of the community.  

Guǎnggào shàng shuō fángzi jiāotōng fāngbiàn, zhōuwéi hěn ānjìng, chúfáng hěn dà. 

The advertisement says that the house is convenient for transportation, the surroundings are quiet, and the kitchen is large.  

Zǒng de lái shuō, zhè tào fángzi tā hěn mǎnyì, yúshì tā jiù jì xiàle fángdōng de shǒujī hàomǎ. 

In general, he was satisfied with the house, so he wrote down the landlord's mobile phone number.  

Kě huí jiā hòu dǎ diànhuà, diànhuà zǒng shì zhànxiàn. 

But when he call after going home, the line was always busy.  

Dì èr tiān, tā lùguò xiǎoqū ménkǒu shí, yòu zǐxì kànle yīxià guǎnggào, yuánlái zài jì hàomǎ de shíhòu xiě cuòle yīgè shùzì.

The next day, when he passed by the gate of the community, he looked at the advertisement again and found that he had written a wrong number when he recorded the number.



很多外国人认为所有中国人都会功夫和乒乓球, 其实只是喜爱这两种运动的中国人比较多。中国人特别喜欢打乒乓球, 在中国你会发现到处都有乒乓球桌。像乒乓球、羽毛球、跑步等运动对条件要求不高, 所以它们都成为人们运动不错的选择。人们常说 “生命在于运动”, 所以很多人一到周末就会到体育馆打几场球。“乒乓球” 这个名字也很有意思, “乒” 和 “乓” 就是打球时发出的声音。在看乒乓球比賽时, 尤其是在运动员发球的时候, 观众要安静 ,禁止大声讲话或者离开座位随便走动。

Hěnduō wàiguó rén rènwéi suǒyǒu zhòngguó rén dōu huì gōngfū hé pīngpāng qiú, 

Many foreigners think that all Chinese can know Kung Fu and table tennis. 

qíshí zhǐshì xǐ'ài zhè liǎng zhǒng yùndòng de zhōngguó rén bǐjiào duō. 

In fact, there are more Chinese people who love these two sports.  

Zhōngguó rén tèbié xǐhuan dǎ pīngpāng qiú, zài zhōngguó nǐ huì fāxiàn dàochù dōu yǒu pīngpāng qiú zhuō. 

Chinese people like to play table tennis, and you will find table tennis tables everywhere in China.  

Xiàng pīngpāng qiú, yǔmáoqiú, pǎobù děng yùndòng duì tiáojiàn yāoqiú bù gāo, suǒyǐ tāmen dōu chéngwéi rénmen yùndòng bùcuò de xuǎnzé. 

Sports like table tennis, badminton, and running do not require high conditions, so they all become good choices for people to exercise.  

Rénmen cháng shuō “shēngmìng zàiyú yùndòng”, suǒyǐ hěnduō rén yī dào zhōumò jiù huì dào tǐyùguǎn dǎ jǐ chǎng qiú.

People often say that "life lies in sports", so many people go to the gym to play a few games on weekends.  

“Pīngpāng qiú” zhège míngzì yě hěn yǒuyìsi, “pīng” hé “pāng” jiùshì dǎqiú shí fāchū de shēngyīn. 

The name "ping pong" is also very interesting. "Ping" and "pang" are the sounds made when playing a ball.  

Zài kàn pīngpāng qiú bǐsài shí, yóuqí shì zài yùndòngyuán fāqiú de shíhòu, guānzhòng yào ānjìng, jìnzhǐ dàshēng jiǎnghuà huòzhě líkāi zuòwèi suíbiàn zǒudòng.

When watching a table tennis match, especially when the players serve the ball, the audience should be quiet, and it is forbidden to speak loudly or walk around without leaving their seats.


hsk4 lesson 20 

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