26 March 2024

hsk 4 lesson 14 text with pinyin and English translation

hsk 4 lesson 14 text with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 14: Protect our Mother Earth

hsk 4 lesson 14


王静: 这是明天你出差要带的毛巾、牙膏和牙刷,把它们放到箱子里吧。
李进: 不用拿这些,宾馆都会免費提供的。再说, 箱子已经够重的了!
王静: 我当然知道宾馆里有。你不是一直说要保护环境吗? 现在就从身边的小事做起吧。
李进: 行, 没问题。我明天上午10点的飞机, 你能开车把我送到机场吗?
王静: 那个时间路上堵车多严重啊! 你还是坐地铁去机场吧。这样不仅省油钱, 而且还不会污染空气。
李进: 好,那就听你的。

Wáng jìng: Zhè shì míngtiān nǐ chūchāi yào dài de máojīn, yágāo hé yáshuā, bǎ tāmen fàng dào xiāngzi lǐ ba. 
Wang Jing: This is the towel, toothpaste and toothbrush you will bring on business trip tomorrow. Put them in the box.

Lǐ jìn: Bùyòng ná zhèxiē, bīnguǎn dōu huì miǎnfèi tígōng de. Zàishuō, xiāngzi yǐjīng gòu zhòng de le! 
Li Jin: No need to take these, the hotel will provide them for free. Besides, the box is heavy enough!

Wáng jìng: Wǒ dāngrán zhīdao bīnguǎn li yǒu. Nǐ bùshì yīzhí shuō yào bǎohù huánjìng ma? Xiànzài jiù cóng shēnbiān de xiǎoshì zuò qǐ ba. 
Wang Jing: Of course I know there are in the hotel. Haven't you always said that you want to protect the environment? Start with the little things around you now.
Lǐ jìn: Xíng, méi wèntí. Wǒ míngtiān shàngwǔ 10 diǎn de fēijī, nǐ néng kāichē bǎ wǒ sòng dào jīchǎng ma? 
Li Jin: OK, no problem. My plane is at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Can you drive me to the airport?            
Wáng jìng: Nàgè shíjiān lùshàng dǔchē duō yánzhòng a! Nǐ háishì zuò dìtiě qù jīchǎng ba. Zhèyàng bùjǐn shěngyóu qián, érqiě hái bù huì wūrǎn kōngqì. 
Wang Jing: There is a heavy traffic jam on the road at that time! You should take the subway to the airport. This will not only save fuel and money, but will not pollute the air.
Lǐ jìn: Hǎo, nà jiù tīng nǐ de.
Li Jin: Okay, then it's up to you.


经 理: 小王,卫生间怎么那么脏啊? 这会给客人留下不好的印象, 快去打扫一下。
服务员: 经理,实在抱歉。今天店里太忙了, 我还没来得及打扫。
经理: 那张桌子下面还有一些空饮料瓶子和纸盒子。
服务员: 好的,我马上就去把它们扔掉。
经 理: 以后你一定得注意这个问题, 不管客人多多, 生意多忙, 我们都要保证餐厅干净卫生。
服务员: 经理您放心, 我一定以最快的速度完成。不过咱们真的应该再多招聘几个服务员了。

Jīnglǐ: Xiǎo wáng, wèishēngjiān zěnme nàme zàng a? Zhè huì gěi kèrén liú xià bù hǎo de yìnxiàng, kuài qù dǎsǎo yīxià. 
Manager: Xiao Wang, why the bathroom is so dirty? This will leave a bad impression on the guests, so please clean it up quickly.

Fúwùyuán: Jīnglǐ, shízài bàoqiàn. Jīntiān diàn lǐ tài mángle, wǒ hái méi láidéjí dǎsǎo. 
Waiter: Manager, I'm really sorry. The shop is too busy today, I haven't had time to clean it.

Jīnglǐ: Nà zhāng zhuōzi xiàmiàn hái yǒu yīxiē kōng yǐnliào píngzi hé zhǐ hézi. 
Manager: There are still some empty drink bottles and cartons under that table.
Fúwùyuán: Hǎo de, wǒ mǎshàng jiù qù bǎ tāmen rēng diào. 
Waiter: Okay, I will throw them away right now.
Jīnglǐ: Yǐhòu nǐ yīdìng de zhùyì zhège wèntí, bùguǎn kèrén duōduō, shēngyì duōmáng, wǒmen dōu yào bǎozhèng cāntīng gānjìng wèishēng. 
Manager: You must pay attention to this problem in the after this. No matter how many guests are or how busy the business is, we must ensure that the restaurant is clean and hygienic.
Fúwùyuán: Jīnglǐ nín fàngxīn, wǒ yīdìng yǐ zuì kuài de sùdù wánchéng. Bùguò zánmen zhēnde yīnggāi zài duō zhāopìn jǐ gè fúwùyuán le.
Waiter: Don't worry, manager, I will finish it as quickly as possible. But we really should hire a few more waiters.


孙月: 早上听新闻说明天有一个叫 “地球一小时” 的活动, 你对这个活动了解吗?
王静: 这个活动年年都有, 最早是从2007年开始的。明天晚上很多人都会关灯一小时, 支持这个活动。你没看到门口的通知吗? 我们公司也参加。
孙月: 真的吗? 太好了! 既然明天晚上公司会关灯停电, 那么我们肯定不用加班了。
王静: 看你得意的样子! 还以为你高兴是为了支持环保, 原来是因为不用加班啊!
孙月: 环境保护我当然也支持了! 对了, 为什么会有这么一个活动啊?
王静: 其实目的挺简单的, 就是提醒人们节约用电, 希望引起人们对气候变暖问题的关注。

Sūn yuè: Zǎoshang tīng xīnwén shuōmíngtiān yǒu yīgè jiào “dìqiú yī xiǎoshí” de huódòng, nǐ duì zhège huódòng liǎojiě ma? 
Sun Yue: Listening to the news in the morning explained that there is an event called "Earth Hour". Do you know about this event?

Wáng jìng: Zhège huódòng nián nián dōu yǒu, zuìzǎo shì cóng 2007 nián kāishǐ de. Míngtiān wǎnshàng hěnduō rén dōu huì guān dēng yī xiǎoshí, zhīchí zhège huódòng. Nǐ méi kàn dào ménkǒu de tōngzhī ma? Wǒmen gōngsī yě cānjiā. 
Wang Jing: This activity is held every year, and it started in 2007 at the earliest. Tomorrow night many people will turn off the lights for an hour to support this event. Didn't you see the notice at the door? Our company also participated.
Sūn yuè: Zhēn de ma? Tài hǎole! Jìrán míng tiān wǎnshàng gōngsī huì guān dēng tíngdiàn, nàme wǒmen kěndìng bùyòng jiābānle. 
Sun Yue: Really? Great! Since the company will turn off the lights tomorrow night, then we definitely don't have to work overtime.                            
Wáng jìng: Kàn nǐ déyì de yàngzi! Hái yǐwéi nǐ gāoxìng shì wèile zhīchí huánbǎo, yuánlái shì yīnwéi bùyòng jiābān a! 
Wang Jing: Look how happy you are! I thought you were happy to support environmental protection, but it turned out to be because you don't have to work overtime!
Sūn yuè: Huánjìng bǎohù wǒ dāngrán yě zhīchíle! Duìle, wèishéme huì yǒu zhème yīgè huódòng a? 
Sun Yue: Of course I also support environmental protection! By the way, why is there such an event?
Wáng jìng: Qíshí mùdì tǐng jiǎndān de, jiùshì tíxǐng rénmen jiéyuē yòng diàn, xīwàng yǐnqǐ rénmen duì qìhòu biàn nuǎn wèntí de guānzhù.
Wang Jing: Actually, the purpose is quite simple. It is to remind people to save electricity, hoping to arouse people's attention to the issue of climate warming.


塑料袋给人们的生活带来方便, 受到人们的普遍欢迎, 可是, 它的大量使用也带来了严重的环境污染问题。于是, 一些国家规定, 超市、 商场不能为顾客提供免費塑料袋, 并且鼓励大家购买可以多次使用的购物袋。我们每个人都有责任保护环境, 因此, 请大家节约使用塑料袋, 或者购物时自备购物袋,甚至拒绝使用塑料袋。虽然这是一件很小的事, 但这样做可以减少塑料袋的使用数量, 对环境保护有很大的作用。

Sùliàodài jǐ rénmen de shēnghuó dài lái fāngbiàn, shòudào rénmen de pǔbiàn huānyíng, kěshì, tā de dàliàng shǐyòng yě dài láile yánzhòng de huánjìng wūrǎn wèntí. 
Plastic bags bring convenience to people's lives and are generally welcomed by people. However, their large-scale use has also brought serious environmental pollution problems.  

Yúshì, yīxiē guójiā guīdìng, chāoshì, shāngchǎng bùnéng wéi gùkè tígōng miǎnfèi sùliào dài, bìngqiě gǔlì dàjiā gòumǎi kěyǐ duō cì shǐyòng de gòuwù dài. 
Therefore, some countries stipulate that supermarkets and shopping malls cannot provide customers with free plastic bags, and encourage everyone to buy shopping bags that can be used multiple times.  

Wǒmen měi gè rén dōu yǒu zérèn bǎohù huánjìng, 
Each of us is responsible for protecting the environment. 

yīncǐ, qǐng dàjiā jiéyuē shǐyòng sùliào dài, huòzhě gòuwù shí zì bèi gòuwù dài, shènzhì jùjué shǐyòng sùliào dài. 
Therefore, please use plastic bags sparingly, or bring your own shopping bags when shopping, or even refuse to use plastic bags.  

Suīrán zhè shì yī jiàn hěn xiǎo de shì, dàn zhèyàng zuò kěyǐ jiǎnshǎo sùliào dài de shǐyòng shùliàng, duì huánjìng bǎohù yǒu hěn dà de zuòyòng.
Although this is a trivial matter, this can reduce the number of plastic bags used, which has a great effect on environmental protection.


保护地球环境, 并不是一件离我们很远、很难做到的事情。实际上, 我们只需注意一下身边的小事就可以。例如, 夏天把空调的温度开得高一些, 出门时记得关空调和电脑, 这样可以节约用电; 少开车, 多骑车或者乘坐地铁和公共汽车, 这样能降低空气污染; 还有养成把垃圾丟进垃圾桶的习惯什么的。这些是我们每个人都能够做到的小事, 但却有实实在在的效果。地球是我们共同的家,只有大家共同努力,减少污染、保护环境, 才能使我们的家变得更美丽。

Bǎohù dìqiú huánjìng, bìng bùshì yī jiàn lí wǒmen hěn yuǎn, hěn nán zuò dào de shìqíng. 
Protecting the earth's environment is not something that is very far away from us and difficult to do.  

Shíjì shang, wǒmen zhǐ xū zhùyì yīxià shēnbiān de xiǎoshì jiù kěyǐ. 
In fact, we only need to pay attention to the little things around us.  

Lìrú, xiàtiān bǎ kòngtiáo de wēndù kāi dé gāo yīxiē, chūmén shí jìdé guān kòngtiáo hé diànnǎo, zhèyàng kěyǐ jiéyuē yòng diàn; 
For example, in summer, the temperature of air conditioning is turned on higher, Remember to turn off the air conditioner and computer when you go out, which can save electricity; 

shǎo kāichē, duō qí chē huòzhě chéngzuò dìtiě hé gōnggòng qìchē, zhèyàng néng jiàngdī kōngqì wūrǎn; 
drive less, ride more bikes or take subways and buses, which can reduce air pollution; 

hái yǒu yǎng chéng bǎ lājī diū jìn lājītǒng de xíguàn shénme de. 
and develop the habit of throwing garbage in the trash can.  

Zhèxiē shì wǒmen měi gèrén dōu nénggòu zuò dào de xiǎoshì, dàn què yǒu shí shízài zài de xiàoguǒ. 
These are small things that each of us can do, but they have real effects.

Dìqiú shì wǒmen gòngtóng de jiā, 
The earth is our common home. 

zhǐyǒu dàjiā gòngtóng nǔlì, jiǎnshǎo wūrǎn, bǎohù huánjìng, cáinéng shǐ wǒmen de jiā biàn dé gèng měilì.
Only when we work together to reduce pollution and protect the environment can our home become more beautiful.


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  2. Act of kindness of strangers is very rare. Thank you so much for your help. May you find joy and contentment in your life journey.
