26 March 2024

hsk 4 book lesson 13 text with pinyin and English translation

hsk 4 book lesson 13 text with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 13: Drink tea while watching Beijing opera

hsk 4 lesson 13

小雨和小夏在聊小夏的爷爷表演京剧的情况    13-1

小雨: 小夏,你爷爷京剧唱得真专业, 我还以为他是京剧演员呢。
小夏: 对啊, 他本来就是京剧演员, 年轻时在我们那儿很有名, 深受观众们的喜爱。
小雨: 你爷爷一定对京剧有着很深厚的感情。
小夏: 是呀, 他8岁就开始上台演出, 到现在大概唱了60多年了, 他对这门艺术的喜爱从来没有改变过。
小雨: 这么说你喜欢听京剧也是受了你爷爷的影响响?
小夏: 我小时候经常去看他的演出。平时他还给我讲很多京剧里的历史故事, 让我学到了很多知识。

Xiǎoyǔ: Xiǎoxià, nǐ yéyé jīngjù chàng de zhēn zhuānyè, wǒ hái yǐwéi tā shì jīngjù yǎnyuán ne. 
Xiaoyu: Xiaoxia, your grandpa is really professional in singing Peking opera. I thought he was a Peking opera actor.
Xiǎoxià: Duì a, tā běnlái jiùshì jīngjù yǎnyuán, niánqīng shí zài wǒmen nàr hěn yǒumíng, shēn shòu guānzhòngmen de xǐ'ài. 
Xiaoxia: Yes, he was originally a Peking opera actor, he was famous in our place when he was young, and he was deeply loved by the audience.
Xiǎoyǔ: Nǐ yéye yīdìng duì jīngjù yǒuzhe hěn shēnhòu de gǎnqíng. 
Xiaoyu: Your grandpa must have a deep affection for Peking Opera.    

Xiǎoxià: Shì ya, tā 8 suì jiù kāishǐ shàngtái yǎnchū, dào xiànzài dàgài chàngle 60 duōnián le, tā duì zhè mén yìshù de xǐ'ài cónglái méiyǒu gǎibiàn guò. 
Xiaoxia: Yes, he has been on stage since he was 8 years old. He has been singing for more than 60 years now. His love for this art has never changed.
Xiǎoyǔ: Zhème shuō nǐ xǐhuan tīng jīngjù yěshì shòule nǐ yéye de yǐngxiǎng xiǎng? 
Xiaoyu: So you like to listen to Peking Opera because of your grandpa's influence?
Xiǎoxià: Wǒ xiǎoshíhòu jīngcháng qù kàn tā de yǎnchū. Píngshí tā hái gěi wǒ jiǎng hěnduō jīngjù lǐ de lìshǐ gùshì, ràng wǒ xué dàole hěnduō zhīshì.
Xiaoxia: When I was young, I often went to see his performances. He usually tells me a lot of historical stories in Peking opera, which allows me to learn a lot of knowledge.


小雨: 真没想到你一个来自美国的外国留学生, 能把京剧唱得这么好。
马克: 我常常跟着电视学唱京剧, 然后一遍一遍地练习, 偶尔跟中国人一起唱上几句。
小雨: 难道你从来没有接受过京剧方面的专门教育吗?
马克: 别吃惊, 因为我以前学习过音乐, 有一些音乐基础, 又对京剧这种表演艺术非常感兴趣, 所以能比较容易地学会它的唱法。
小雨: 你真厉害! 竟然连很多中国人都听不懂的京剧也能学会。我还是比较喜欢听流行音乐。
马克: 那是你不了解京剧的唱法。在音乐方面, 京剧给了我很多新的想法。我还把京剧的一些特点增加到了自己的音乐中, 达到了很好的效果。

Xiǎoyǔ: Zhēn méi xiǎngdào nǐ yīgè láizì měiguó de wàiguó liúxuéshēng, néng bǎ jīngjù chàng dé zhème hǎo. 
Xiaoyu: I really didn't expect that you, a foreign student from the United States, could sing Peking opera so well.

Mǎkè: Wǒ chángcháng gēnzhe diànshì xué chàng jīngjù, ránhòu yī biàn yī biàn de liànxí, ǒu'ěr gēn zhōngguó rén yīqǐ chàng shàng jǐ jù. 
Mark: I often learn to sing Peking Opera from TV, and then practice it over and over again, occasionally singing a few sentences with the Chinese.
Xiǎoyǔ: Nándào nǐ cónglái méiyou jiēshòuguò jīngjù fāngmiàn de zhuānmén jiàoyù ma? 
Xiaoyu: Have you never received a special education in Peking opera?
Mǎkè: Bié chījīng, yīnwèi wǒ yǐqián xuéxíguò yīnyuè, yǒu yīxiē yīnyuè jīchǔ, yòu duì jīngjù zhè zhǒng biǎoyǎn yìshù fēicháng gǎn xìngqù, suǒyǐ néng bǐjiào róngyì de xuéhuì tā de chàngfǎ. 
Mark: Don't be surprised, because I have studied music before, and I have some musical foundations, and I am very interested in the performing art of Peking opera, so I can learn how to sing relatively easily.
Xiǎoyǔ: Nǐ zhēn lìhài! Jìngrán lián hěnduō zhōngguó rén dōu tīngbudǒng de jīngjù yě néng xuéhuì. Wǒ háishì bǐjiào xǐhuan tīng liúxíng yīnyuè. 
Xiaoyu: You are amazing! You can even learn Peking opera that many Chinese don't understand. I still prefer to listen to pop music.
Mǎkè: Nà shì nǐ bù liǎojiě jīngjù de chàngfǎ. Zài yīnyuè fāngmiàn, jīngjù gěile wǒ hěnduō xīn de xiǎngfǎ. Wǒ hái bǎ jīngjù de yīxiē tèdiǎn zēngjiā dàole zìjǐ de yīnyuè zhōng, dádàole hěn hǎo de xiàoguǒ.
Mark: That's because you don't understand the singing of Peking opera. In terms of music, Peking Opera has given me many new ideas. I also added some of the characteristics of Peking Opera to my own music, and achieved very good results.


李老师: 校长, 因为外国留学生不了解中国文化, 有时候会影响他们和中国人之间的正常交流,甚至还可能引起误会, 带来麻烦, 所以我们想申请举办一次中国传统文化节活动。
校 长: 你们的想法很好, 举办文化节活动, 一方面能让各国学生更好地了解中国, 另一方面也能为学生们提供互相交流和学习的机会。
李老师: 谢谢您的支持!
校 长: 上次的春游活动你们办得非常有趣, 大家都玩儿得很开心, 这次活动继续由你负责,相信也一定会很成功。
李老师: 我们回去就开会讨论, 星期五之前把详细的计划书发给您。
校 长: 好的, 准备过程中有什么问题, 你们可以直接来找我。

Lǐ lǎoshī: Xiàozhǎng, yīnwèi wàiguó liúxuéshēng bù liǎojiě zhōngguó wénhuà, yǒu shíhòu huì yǐngxiǎng tāmen hé zhōngguó rén zhījiān de zhèngcháng jiāoliú, shènzhì hái kěnéng yǐnqǐ wùhuì, dài lái máfan, suǒyǐ wǒmen xiǎng shēnqǐng jǔbàn yīcì zhōngguó chuántǒng wénhuà jié huódòng. 
Teacher Li: Principal, because foreign students do not understand Chinese culture, it sometimes affects the normal communication between them and the Chinese, and may even cause misunderstandings and troubles, so we want to apply for a Chinese Traditional Culture Festival.
Xiàozhǎng: Nǐmen de xiǎngfǎ hěn hǎo, jǔbàn wénhuà jié huódòng, yī fāngmiàn néng ràng gèguó xuéshēng gèng hǎo de liǎojiě zhōngguó, lìng yī fāngmiàn yě néng wéi xuéshēngmen tígōng hù xiàng jiāoliú hé xuéxí de jīhuì. 
Headmaster: Your idea is very good. Holding cultural festivals will not only enable students from various countries to understand China better, but also provide students with opportunities to communicate and learn from each other.
Lǐ lǎoshī: Xièxiè nín de zhīchí! 
Teacher Li: Thank you for your support!
Xiàozhǎng: Shàng cì de chūnyóu huódòng nǐmen bàn dé fēicháng yǒuqù, dàjiā dōu wánr de hěn kāixīn, zhè cì huódòng jìxù yóu nǐ fùzé, xiāngxìn yě yīdìng huì hěn chénggōng. 
Principal: The last spring outing you organized was very interesting. Everyone had a great time. You will continue to be in charge of this activity. I believe it will be a success.
Lǐ lǎoshī: Wǒmen huíqù jiù kāihuì tǎolùn, xīngqíwǔ zhīqián bǎ xiángxì de jìhuà shū fā gěi nín. 
Teacher Li: We will have a meeting to discuss when we go back. We will send you the detailed plan before Friday.
Xiàozhǎng: Hǎo de, zhǔnbèi guòchéng zhōng yǒu shénme wèntí, nǐmen kěyǐ zhíjiē lái zhǎo wǒ.
Headmaster: Okay, if you have any problem during the preparation process, you can come to me directly.



筷子在中国大约已经有3000多年的历史了。 对外国人来说, 使用筷子吃饭并不容易, 所以, 国外的一些中国餐厅在放筷子的纸袋上会提供使用筷子的详细说明。不过, 如果你认为每个中国人都会正确使用筷子, 那就错了。有人在互联网上专门进行过调查, 结果发现每六个中国人中就有一个使用筷子的方法是错误的。如果你想正确使用筷子, 那就好好练习吧。

Kuàizi zài zhōngguó dàyuē yǐjīng yǒu 3000 duōnián de lìshǐ le. 
Chopsticks have a history of more than 3,000 years in China.  

Duì wàiguó rén lái shuō, shǐyòng kuàizi chīfàn bìng bù róngyì, 
For foreigners, eating with chopsticks is not easy. 

suǒyǐ, guówài de yīxiē zhōngguó cāntīng zài fàng kuàizi de zhǐdài shàng huì tígōng shǐyòng kuàizi de xiángxì shuōmíng. 
Therefore, some Chinese restaurants in abroad provide detailed instructions on the use of chopsticks on the paper bag with chopsticks.  

Bùguò, rúguǒ nǐ rènwéi měi gè zhōngguó rén dōu huì zhèngquè shǐyòng kuàizi, nà jiù cuòle. 
However, if you think that every Chinese will use chopsticks correctly, you are wrong. 
Yǒurén zài hùliánwǎng shàng zhuānmén jìnxíngguò diàochá, jiéguǒ fāxiàn měi liù gè zhōngguó rén zhōng jiù yǒu yīgè shǐyòng kuàizi de fāngfǎ shì cuòwù de. 
A special survey was conducted on the Internet, and it was found that one out of every six Chinese people use chopsticks in a wrong way.  

Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng zhèngquè shǐyòng kuàizi, nà jiù hǎohǎo liànxí ba.
If you want to use chopsticks correctly, then practice it.


茶在中国有几千年的历史, 是中国最常见的饮料。最早的时候, 茶只是被当作一种药, 而不是饮料。后来, 随着人们对茶的认识的加深, 慢慢开始把它当作解渴的饮料, 这才慢慢有了中国的茶文化。在中国, 喝茶是一种十分普遍的生活习惯。对很多中国人来说, 喝茶已成为他们生活中不可缺少的一部分。但是有的饮料虽然名字叫 “茶”, 却并不是真正的茶。比如广东省的人爱喝的 “凉茶”, 它的味道稍微有点儿苦,其实是一种用中药做成的饮料。

Chá zài zhōngguó yǒu jǐ qiān nián de lìshǐ, shì zhōngguó zuì chángjiàn de yǐnliào. 
Tea has a history of thousands of years in China and is the most common beverage in China.  

Zuìzǎo de shíhòu, chá zhǐshì bèi dàng zuò yī zhǒng yào, ér bùshì yǐnliào. 
In the earliest days, tea was only used as a medicine, not a drink.  

Hòulái, suízhe rénmen duì chá de rènshí de jiāshēn, mànman kāishǐ bǎ tā dàng zuò jiěkě de yǐnliào, zhè cái mànman yǒule zhōngguó de chá wénhuà. 
Later, as people's understanding of tea deepened, they slowly began to use it as a thirst-quenching drink, and this slowly developed Chinese tea culture.  

Zài zhōngguó, hē chá shì yī zhǒng shífēn pǔbiàn de shēnghuó xíguàn. 
In China, drinking tea is a very common lifestyle habit.  

Duì hěnduō zhōngguó rén lái shuō, hē chá yǐ chéngwéi tāmen shēnghuó zhōng bùkě quēshǎo de yībùfèn. 
For many Chinese, drinking tea has become an indispensable part of their lives.  

Dànshì yǒu de yǐnliào suīrán míngzi jiào “chá”, què bìng bùshì zhēnzhèng de chá. 
But although some drinks are called "tea", they are not real tea.  

Bǐrú guǎngdōng shěng de rén ài hē de “liángchá”, tā de wèidào shāowéi yǒudiǎnr kǔ, qíshí shì yī zhǒng yòng zhōngyào zuò chéng de yǐnliào.
For example, the "herbal tea" that people in Guangdong province love to drink, it tastes a bit bitter, but it is actually a drink made with Chinese medicine.


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