16 March 2024

HSK 4 lesson 3 with pinyin and English translation

HSK 4 lesson 3 with pinyin and English translation

课文3: 经理对我印象不错
Lesson 3: I've made a good impression on the manager

03-1    Texts
hsk4 lesson 3

小夏:  你上午的面试怎么样?
小雨:  还可以,他们问的问题都挺容易的,就是我有点儿紧张。
小夏:  面试的时候,一定要对自己有信心,要相信自己的能力。
小雨:  你说的对!3月15号上午8点在学校体育馆还有一个招聘会,你去吗?
小夏:  我还没决定呢。
小雨:  听说这次招聘会提供的工作机会很多,我们一起去看看吧。

Xiǎoxià: Nǐ shàngwǔ de miànshì zěnme yàng? 
Xiaoxia: How was your interview in the morning?

Xiǎoyǔ : Hái kěyǐ, tāmen wèn de wèntí dōu tǐng róngyì de, jiùshì wǒ yǒudiǎnr jǐnzhāng. 
Xiaoyu: It's okay. The questions they ask are pretty easy, but I was a little nervous.

Xiǎoxià : Miànshì de shíhòu, yīdìng yào duì zìjǐ yǒu xìnxīn, yào xiāngxìn zìjǐ de nénglì. 
Xiaoxia: During the interview, you must have confidence in yourself and believe in your abilities.
Xiǎoyǔ : Nǐ shuō de duì! 3 Yuè 15 hào shàngwǔ 8 diǎn zài xuéxiào tǐyùguǎn hái yǒu yīgè zhāopìn huì, nǐ qù ma? 
Xiaoyu: You are right! There will be a job fair in the school stadium at 8 a.m. on March 15th. Will you go?
Xiǎoxià : Wǒ hái méi juédìng ne. 
Xiaoxia: I haven't decided yet.
Xiǎoyǔ : Tīng shuō zhè cì zhāopìn huì tígōng de gōngzuò jīhuì hěnduō, wǒmen yīqǐ qù kàn kàn ba.
Xiaoyu : I heard that there are many job opportunities offered by this job fair. Let's go together and take a look.


马经理:  小林,这次招聘不是小李负责吗?
小 林:  本来是小李负责的,但是他突然生病住院了,所以就交给我来做了。
马经理:  哦,这次应聘的人多吗?
小 林:  经理,这次来应聘的一共有15人。经过笔试和面试,有两个不错。这是他们的材料,您看看。
马经理:  这两个人的能力都比较符合我们的要求。你通知他们下周一上午九点来我办公室吧。
小 林:  好的, 那我马上跟他们联系。

Mǎ jīnglǐ: Xiǎolín, zhè cì zhāopìn bùshì xiǎolǐ fùzé ma? 
Manager Ma: Xiaolin, isn't Xiao Li responsible for this recruitment?

Xiǎolín: Běnlái shì xiǎo lǐ fùzé de, dànshì tā túrán shēngbìng zhùyuànle, suǒyǐ jiù jiāo gěi wǒ lái zuòle. 
Xiao Lin: Xiao Li was in charge, but he suddenly fell ill and is hospitalized, so he left it to me.

Mǎ jīnglǐ: Ó, zhè cì yìngpìn de rén duō ma? 
Manager Ma: Oh, are there many applicants this time?
Xiǎolín: Jīnglǐ, zhè cì lái yìngpìn de yīgòng yǒu 15 rén. Jīngguò bǐshì huò miànshì, yǒu liǎng gè bùcuò. Zhè shì tāmen de cáiliào, nín kàn kàn. 
Xiao Lin: Manager, a total of 15 people came to apply this time. After the written test and the interview, there are two good ones. This is their data, take a look.

Mǎ jīnglǐ: Zhè liǎng gè rén de nénglì dōu bǐjiào fúhé wǒmen de yāoqiú. Nǐ tōngzhī tāmen xià zhōuyī shàngwǔ jiǔ diǎn lái wǒ bàngōngshì ba. 
Manager Ma: The abilities of these two people are more in line with our requirements. Tell them to come to my office at nine o'clock next Monday morning.
Xiǎolín: Hǎo de, nà wǒ mǎshàng gēn tāmen liánxì.
Xiaolin: Okay, then I will contact them immediately.



小林:  王静,好久不见了!大学毕业后就没联系了,你现在在哪儿工作呢?
王静:  我一毕业就去上海当律师了。
小林:  你对现在的工作一定非常满意吧?
王静:  我很喜欢现在的工作,因为我学的就是法律专业,而且同事们都很喜欢我。另外收入也不错。
小林:  星期天咱们同学聚会,你能来参加吗?
王静:  能来。虽然这次来北京,时间安排得很紧张,但我一定借这次机会去跟大家见见面。

Xiǎolín: Wáng jìng, hǎojiǔ bùjiànle! Dàxué bìyè hòu jiù méi liánxìle, nǐ xiànzài zài nǎr gōngzuò ne? 
Xiaolin: Wang Jing, it's been a long time! We haven't contacted after graduating from university. Where do you work now?

Wáng jìng: Wǒ yī bìyè jiù qù shànghǎi dāng lǜshī le. 
Wang Jing: As soon as I graduated, I went to work as a lawyer in Shanghai.

Xiǎolín: Nǐ duì xiànzài de gōngzuò yīdìng fēicháng mǎnyì ba? 
Kobayashi: You must be very satisfied with your current job, right?

Wáng jìng: Wǒ hěn xǐhuan xiànzài de gōngzuò, yīnwèi wǒ xué de jiùshì fǎlǜ zhuānyè, érqiě tóngshìmen dōu hěn xǐhuan wǒ. Lìngwài shōurù yě bùcuò. 
Wang Jing: I like my current job very much because I am studying law and my colleagues like me very much. In addition, the income is also good.
Xiǎolín: Xīngqítiān zánmen tóngxué jùhuì, nǐ néng lái cānjiā ma? 
Xiaolin: Our classmates reunion on Sunday, can you come to participate?
Wáng jìng: Néng lái. Suīrán zhè cì lái běijīng, shíjiān ānpái dé hěn jǐnzhāng, dàn wǒ yīdìng jiè zhè cì jīhuì qù gēn dàjiā jiàn jiànmiàn.
Wang Jing: I can come. Although the schedule is very tight when I come to Beijing this time, I will definitely take this opportunity to meet you all.


面试的时候,经理对我印象不错, 还通知我明天就可以上班了。真没想到, 找工作这么顺利。 你想知道面试需要注意什么吗? 首先, 要穿正的衣服,这会给面试者留下一个好的印象, 让他觉得你是一个认真的人。 其次,应聘时不要紧张。 回答问題时,说得不要太快,声音也不要太小,要相信自己有能力做好。 当然,最重要的是回答问題要诚实。

Miànshì de shíhòu, jīnglǐ duì wǒ yìnxiàng bùcuò, hái tōngzhī wǒ míngtiān jiù kěyǐ shàngbānle. 
During the interview, the manager had a good impression of me, and he informed me that I could go to work tomorrow.  

Zhēn méi xiǎngdào, zhǎo gōngzuò zhème shùnlì. 
I didn't expect that the job search went so smoothly.  

Nǐ xiǎng zhīdào miànshì xūyào zhùyì shénme ma?  
Do you want to know what you need to pay attention during the interview? 

Shǒuxiān, yào chuān zhèng de yīfú, zhè huì gěi miànshì zhě liú xià yīgè hǎo de yìnxiàng, ràng tā juédé nǐ shì yīgè rènzhēn de rén. 
First of all, you must wear proper clothes. This will leave a good impression on the interviewer and make him feel that you are a serious person.  

Qícì, yìngpìn shí bùyào jǐnzhāng. 
Secondly, don't be nervous when applying.  

Huídá wèntí shí, shuō dé bùyào tài kuài, shēngyīn yě bùyào tài xiǎo, yào xiāngxìn zìjǐ yǒu nénglì zuò hǎo. 
When answering questions, don’t speak too fast, don’t speak too quietly, and believe in your ability to do a good job.  

Dāngrán, zuì zhòngyào de shì huídá wèntí yào chéngshí.
Of course, the most important thing is to be honest in answering questions.


第一印象就是在第一次见面时给别人留下的印象。虽然第一印象不总是对的, 但如果想改变却很困难。你给别人的第一印象会影响他们以后对你的感觉和判断。所以, 给第一次见面的同事留下好的印象, 以后的工作可能会更顺利;给第一次见面的顾客留下好的印象, 你可能会卖出更多的东西。但是,如果第一次见面给别人留下像不准时这样的坏印象, 那么以后就很难让别人相信你。所以不管是上课、上班,还是与别人约会, 准时都非常重要。

Dì yī yìnxiàng jiùshì zài dì yī cì jiànmiàn shí gěi biérén liú xià de yìnxiàng. 
The first impression is the impression left on others when they first meet.  

Suīrán dì yī yìnxiàng bù zǒng shì duì de, dàn rúguǒ xiǎng gǎibiàn què hěn kùnnán. 
Although the first impression is not always right, but it is difficult to change.  

Nǐ gěi biérén de dì yī yìnxiàng huì yǐngxiǎng tāmen yǐhòu duì nǐ de gǎnjué hé pànduàn. 
Your first impression of others will affect how they feel and judge you in the future.  

Suǒyǐ, gěi dì yī cì jiànmiàn de tóngshì liú xià hǎo de yìnxiàng, yǐhòu de gōngzuò kěnéng huì gèng shùnlì; gěi dì yī cì jiànmiàn de gùkè liú xià hǎo de yìnxiàng, nǐ kěnéng huì mài chū gèng duō de dōngxī. 
Therefore, if you leave a good impression on the colleagues you meet for the first time, your future work may be smoother; if you leave a good impression on the customers you meet for the first time, you may sell more things.  

Dànshì, rúguǒ dì yī cì jiànmiàn gěi biérén liú xià xiàng bù zhǔnshí zhèyàng de huài yìnxiàng, nàme yǐhòu jiù hěn nán ràng biérén xiāngxìn nǐ. 
However, if the first time you meet, you leave a bad impression like you are not punctual, then it will be difficult for others to believe you in the future.  

Suǒyǐ bùguǎn shì shàngkè, shàngbān, háishì yǔ biérén yuēhuì, zhǔnshí dōu fēicháng zhòngyào.
So whether it's going to class, going to work, or dating someone, punctuality is very important.


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