28 September 2021

HSK 5 lesson 2 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 2 留串钥匙给父母

Leaving a Bunch of Keys to Our

Liú chuàn yàoshi gěi fùmǔ
Leave a bunch of keys to your parents 

fùmǔ yībèizi zhù zài nóngcūn lǎojiā, 


The parents live in their hometown in the countryside all their lives,

duì lǎo wū de gǎnqíng, jiù xiàng méi duànnǎi de háizi duì mǔqīn yīyàng. 

对老屋的感情, 就像没断奶的孩子对母亲一样。

The affection for the old house is the same as the unweaned child to the mother.

Yīncǐ cháng nián yǐlái, fùmǔ hěn shǎo líkāi lǎo wū, 

因此长年以来, 父母很少离开老屋, 

Therefore, for many years, parents rarely leave the old house,

jǐnguǎn lǎolao, jiùjiu hé gūgu dōu zài chéng lǐ, 


Although grandma, uncle and aunt are all in the city,

fùmǔ yě jiānjué bùzài chéng lǐ zhù. 


The parents are determined not to live in the city.

Qùnián, zài wǒ hé qīzi de nǔlì xià, 

去年, 在我和妻子的努力下, 

Last year, due to the efforts of my wife and I,

wǒmen zhōngyú yòng dǎgōng zhēng de qián, zài xiàn lǐ mǎile yī tào xīnfáng. 


We finally bought a new house in the county with the money we earned from our part-time job.

Xīnfáng zhuāngxiū wán, 


After the renovation of new house,

fùmǔ dì yī cì zǒu jìn xīnfáng shí, gāoxìng dé bùdéliǎo. 

父母第一次走进新房时, 高兴得不得了。

the parents were extremely happy when they first walked into the new house. 

Qīzi tíchū liú yī chuàn yàoshi gěi fùmǔ, kě tāmen jùjuéle. 

妻子提出留一串钥匙给父母, 可他们拒绝了。

The wife offered to leave a bunch of keys to the parents, but they refused.

Nàtiān, fùqīn hē zuìle, děng tā xǐng shí, tiānsè yǐ wǎn. 

那天, 父亲喝醉了, 等他醒时, 天色已晚。

That day, my father was drunk, and when he woke up, it was getting late.

Wǒ hé qīzi qiángliè liú fùmǔ zài xīnfáng zhù yīyè, dì èr tiān zài huí, 

我和妻子强烈留父母在新房住一夜, 第二天再回, 

My wife and I strongly want to keep our parents in the new house for one night, and return the next day,

dàn tāmen réng jiānchí zuò shàngle zuìhòu yī tàng huí lǎojiā de chē. 


But they still insisted on getting the last car for back to their hometown.

Yīduàn shíjiān hòu, wǒ hé qīzi yòu zhǔnbèi qù wàidì dǎgōng, 

一段时间后, 我和妻子又准备去外地打工, 

After a period of time, my wife and I were going to work elsewhere.

xīnfáng zhǐ néng shàng suǒ kōngzhe. 


The new house can only be locked and left empty.

Lín zǒu nàtiān, fùqīn cóng lǎojiā gǎn lái sòng wǒmen.  

临走那天, 父亲从老家赶来送我们。

On the day before we left, my father came to see us from our hometown.

Fùqīn qiāoqiāo bǎ wǒ lā dào yībiān shuō: 


My father quietly pulled me aside and said:

“Nǐ mā shuōle, nǐ háishì liú yī chuàn xīnfáng de yàoshi gěi wǒmen, 

“你妈说了, 你还是留一串新房的钥匙给我们, 

"Your mother said, you still leave us a bunch of keys to the new house,

yàoshi wǒ hé nǐ mā shénme shíhòu xiǎngláile, 


If your mother and I want to come anytime,

jiù lái zhù shàng jǐ tiān, 


Just come to live for a few days,

shùnbiàn gěi nǐmen shài shài bèizi, dǎsǎo dǎsǎo wèishēng.” 


By the way, we will air the quilts and clean to hygiene. "

Fùqīn shuō zhè huà shí, qīngshēng xìyǔ, hái hóngzhe liǎn, xiàng gè hàixiū de háizi. 

父亲说这话时, 轻声细语, 还红着脸, 像个害羞的孩子。

When the father said this, he spoke softly and blushed like a shy child.

Zhuǎnyǎn yòu shì bànnián, 


It's another six months in a blink of an eye,

wǒmen huí jiā shí shì yīgè shēn dōng de yèlǐ. 


It was a deep winter night when we came home.

Xiàle chángtú chē, érzi bèi dòng dé dà kū. 

下了长途车, 儿子被冻得大哭。

After getting off the long-distance bus, my son was crying from the cold.

Wǒ hé qīzi xiǎngxiàngzhe dǎkāi jiāmén mǎn shì huīchén, lěng lěngqīngqīng de jǐngxiàng, juédé xīnlǐ fā hán. 


My wife and I imagined the dusty and deserted scene of opening the door , and felt chills in our hearts.

Lái dào lóu xià, táitóu yī kàn, 

来到楼下, 抬头一看, 

When I came downstairs, I looked up, 

què fāxiàn zìjiā liàngzhe dēngguāng. 


and found that the lights were on at my home.

Shàngle lóu, kāimén de jìng shì wéixiàozhe de fùmǔ, 

上了楼, 开门的竟是微笑着的父母, 

When I went upstairs, the smiling parents opened the door, 

wēnnuǎn de qìxí lìkè pūmiàn ér lái: 


and a warm breath immediately came to my face: 

Shìnèi dǎsǎo dé gàn gānjìng jìng, 


the room was cleaned up, 

nuǎnqì kāizhe, shuǐ yǐ wēn rè, 

暖气开着, 水已温热, 

the heating was on, the water was warm, 

wòshì chuángshàng de bèizi yǐ pù hǎo,  


the quilt on the bed in the bedroom had been laid, 

chúfáng lǐ piāo lái zhèn zhèn fàncài xiāng…… 


The smell of food wafts from the kitchen...

fùqīn shuō: “Nǐ mā zuótiān jiē dào diànhuà, 

父亲说: “你妈昨天接到电话, 

Father said: "Your mother received a call yesterday,


zhīdao nǐmen jīn wǎn huílái, 


Knowing that you are coming back tonight,

jīntiān lái xīnfáng mángle yītiānle.” 


We had a busy day in the new house today."

Yuánlái fùmǔ yào wǒ liú xià chuàn yàoshi, 


It turned out that my parents wanted me to leave a set of keys, 

zhǐshì wèile ràng wǒmen huílái shí, néng lìkè gǎnshòu dàojiā de wēnnuǎn! 

只是为了让我们回来时, 能立刻感受到家的温暖! 

Just so that when we come back, we can immediately feel the warmth of home!

Wǒ bízi yī suān, liúxiàle rèlèi……

我鼻子一酸, 流下了热泪……

My nose was sour and I shed tears...

gǎibiān zì “zhōngguó diànshì bào”, zuòzhě: Chén chéng


Adapted from "Chinese TV News", author: Chen Cheng

Full Translation:

Leave a bunch of keys to your parents 

The parents live in their hometown in the countryside all their lives, the affection for the old house is the same as the unweaned child to the mother. Therefore, for many years, parents rarely leave the old house. Although grandma, uncle and aunt are all in the city, the parents are determined not to live in the city.

Last year, due to the efforts of my wife and I, We finally bought a new house in the county with the money we earned from our part-time job. After the renovation of new house, the parents were extremely happy when they first walked into the new house. The wife offered to leave a bunch of keys to the parents, but they refused. That day, my father was drunk, and when he woke up, it was getting late. My wife and I strongly want to keep our parents in the new house for one night, and return the next day, but they still insisted on getting the last car for back to their hometown.

After a period of time, my wife and I were going to work elsewhere. The new house can only be locked and left empty. On the day before we left, my father came to see us from our hometown.

My father quietly pulled me aside and said: "Your mother said, you still leave us a bunch of keys to the new house, if your mother and I want to come anytime, just come to live for a few days, by the way, we will air the quilts and clean to hygiene. " When the father said this, he spoke softly and blushed like a shy child.

It's another six months in a blink of an eye, It was a deep winter night when we came home. After getting off the long-distance bus, my son was crying from the cold. My wife and I imagined the dusty and deserted scene of opening the door , and felt chills in our hearts.

When I came downstairs, I looked up, and found that the lights were on at my home. When I went upstairs, the smiling parents opened the door, a warm breath immediately came to my face: the room was cleaned up, the heating was on, the water was warm, the quilt on the bed in the bedroom had been laid, the smell of food wafts from the kitchen... 

Father said: "Your mother received a call yesterday, knowing that you are coming back tonight, we had a busy day in the new house today."

It turned out that my parents wanted me to leave a set of keys, just so that when we come back, we can immediately feel the warmth of home! My nose was sour and I shed tears...

HSK 5上 lesson 2 audio with pinyin and English translation 👇

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hsk 5 上 lesson 1 with pinyin and English translation

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