04 August 2021

hsk 6 lesson 40 with pinyin and English translation

Lesson 40 人类超能力会改变世界纪录吗

Will superhuman powers change the world records?

Rénlèi chāo nénglì huì gǎibiàn shìjiè jìlù ma
Will superhuman powers change the world records?

Wǒmen yīzhí yǐwéi shìjiè jìlù jiùshì yào bùduàn bèi dǎpò, 


We have always thought that world records are to be constantly broken, 

dàn guójì tián lián gōngbù de gè xiàng bǐsài chéngjī què gàosù wǒmen, 


but the results of various competitions announced by the IAAF tell us that 

duōshù shìjiè jìlù dōu shì zài 20 shìjì 90 niándài chuàngzào de.


most world records were created in the 1990s.

Cǐwài, gèng yǒurén yǐnyòng “měi rì diànxùn bào” de shuōfǎ chēng: 


In addition, some people quoted the "Daily Telegraph" as saying: 

Jiézhì 2060 nián, rénlèi kěnéng bù huì zài chuàngzào tǐtán xīn jìlù.


As of 2060, mankind may not create new sports records.

Yīgè rén de tǐnéng jiùjìng yǒu duōdà?


How strong is a person's physical fitness?

Rénmen zài lìzhēng dǎpò shìjiè jìlù de tóngshí,


While people are striving to break the world record,

bùjīn huì duì zìjǐ de shēntǐ chǎnshēng yíwèn.


people can't help but have questions about their bodies.

Bǐrú shuō,100 mǐ duǎnpǎo zuì kuài xūyào jǐ miǎo?


For example, how many seconds is the fastest for a 100-meter dash?

Zhè bùshì yīgè jiǎndān de shéi ná guànjūn, 


This is not a simple question of who wins the championship, 

shéi ná yàjūn, shéi ná jìjūn de wèntí, 


who wins the runner-up, and who wins the third runner-up. 

zhè shì duì rénlèi tǐnéng jíxiàn de zhuīwèn.


It is a question of the limits of human physical fitness.

Yǒu zhuānjiā rènwéi, 


Some experts believe that 

rénlèi pǎo 100 mǐ sùdù de jíxiàn yīnggāi shì 10.42 miǎo, 


the limit for a human being to run 100 meters should be 10.42 seconds. 

zài kǎolǜ yībān pǎo dào 80 mǐ cáinéng dádào quánsù, 


Considering that a full speed can only be achieved by generally running to 80 meters, 

rénlèi kěnéng dádào de zuì kuàisù dù dàyuē wèi 11.96 miǎo.


the fastest possible speed for humans is about 11.96 seconds.

Rán'ér, zài nà tiáo xiázhǎi de pǎodào shàng, 


However, on that narrow track, 

rènxìng de yámǎijiā tiánjìng bǐsài xuǎnshǒu bó ěr tè jiǎnzhí jiù bù bǎ shìjiè jìlù fàng zài yǎn lǐ!


the wayward Jamaican track and field athlete Bolt simply did not put the world record in his eyes!

2008 Nián 6 yuè 1 rì, 


On June 1, 2008, 

zài Měiguó niǔyuē ruìbù dàjiǎngsài shàng ,


at the Reebok Grand Prix in New York, USA, 

tā yǐ 9.72 Miǎo de chéngjī huòdé 100 mǐ duǎnpǎo guànjūn,


he won the 100-meter sprint championship with a time of 9.72 seconds, 

dǎpòle tóngbāo bàowēi'ěr bǎochí de 9.74 miǎo de shìjiè jìlù;


breaking the world record of 9.74 seconds held by compatriot Powell; 

2008 nián 8 yuè 16 rì Běijīng àoyùnhuì bǎi mǐ juésài diànshì zhíbò zhōng,


In the live TV broadcast of the 100-meter final of the Beijing Olympic Games on August 16, 2008, 

yáodòng de qízhì huì chéngle fèiténg de hǎiyáng,


the shaking flags merged into a boiling ocean. 

tā yǐ 9.69 miǎo de chéngjī zàicì shuāxīn shìjiè jìlù,


He set the world record again with a time of 9.69 seconds, 

lǐngxiān yàjūn 0.2 miǎo.


0.2 seconds ahead of the runner-up.

Zhènfèn zhī yú rénmen bùjīn zàicì zhuīwèn-réntǐ yùndòng dàodǐ yǒu méiyǒu jíxiàn?


After being excited, people can't help asking again-Is there any limit to human movement?

Yǒu yánjiū zhě fēnjiěle bó ěr tè qǔdé 9.72 miǎo chéngjī de nà cì bǐsài dòngzuò,


Some investigators broke down Bolt's game action in 9.72 seconds.

bìng lìyòng gōngshì zuòle jīngmì jìsuàn, 


and used the formula to make precise calculations. 

jiélùn shì: 


The conclusion is: 

Tā shì cóng jìngzhǐ zhuàngtài kāi pǎo de,


he started from a stationary state, 

9.72 miǎo hái bāokuòle jiāsù de shíjiān, 


and 9.72 seconds also includes the acceleration time. 

rúguǒ tā pǎo 200 mǐ, 


If he ran 200 meters, 

nàme, dì èr gè 100 mǐ huì bǐ dì yī gè 100 mǐ kuài, 


then the second 100 meters will be faster than the first 100 meters 

yīnwèi méiyǒu qǐpǎo de guòchéng.


because there is no starting process.

Shùjù xiāngchà rúcǐ xuánshū, wǒmen dàodǐ xìn shéi?


The data are so different, who do we trust?

Fēirén bó ěr tè chuàngzào de qíjī zěnme jiěshì?


How to explain the miracle created by the flying man Bolt?

Wǒmen hái néng míxìn zhuānjiā ma?


Can we still believe in experts?

Yīshí yúlùn huárán, zhíyí bùduàn, 


There was an uproar in public opinion and constant doubts. 

zhuānjiā, xuézhě, wǎngmín fēnfēn zìfā xiānqǐ réntǐ jíxiàn de tǎolùn.


Experts, scholars, and netizens spontaneously started discussions about the limits of the human body.

Yǒurén shuō, kōngdòng de jiélùn méiyǒu shuōfú lì, 


Some people say that empty conclusions are not convincing. 

wǒmen háishì kàn kàn réntǐ jiégòu ba.


Let's take a look at the structure of the human body.

Yùndòngyuán xiàng qián pǎo de dònglì dà bùfèn yóu gǔ sì tóu jī tígōng, 


Most of the athlete’s power to run forward is provided by the quadriceps. 

gǔ sì tóu jījiàn yǔ xīgài liánjiē, yùndòngyuán cái kěyǐ jiāsù, 


The quadriceps tendon is connected to the knees so that the athlete can accelerate. 

zhè yī jiégòu yě chéngwéile yùndòngyuán jiāsù de zhìyuē yīnsù, 


This structure has also become a limiting factor for athletes’ acceleration. 

yuánlǐ jiùshì, 


The principle is that 

chāoyuè jíxiàn de sùdù xūyào de lìliàng zúyǐ zàochéng gǔ sì tóu jījiàn hé xīgài jiān de liánjiē diǎn sī liè.


the force required to exceed the speed limit is enough to cause the joint between the quadriceps tendon and the knee to tear.

Réntǐ jiégòu shì quèdìng de, 


The structure of the human body is definite, 

réntǐ huódòng dāngrán yěyǒu yīdìng de fànwéi, 


and of course, human activity has a certain range,  

kēxué jiùshì zhème lěngkù.


science is so cold.

Yěyǒu rén cóng yùndòng yīxué hé xīnlǐ xué jiǎodù chūfā, 


Some people start from the perspective of sports medicine and psychology, 

qí guāndiǎn yě bù wú dàolǐ.


and their views are not unreasonable.

Pǎobù kàn qǐlái shì yòng tuǐ, 


Running seems to use legs, 

qíshí yào dòngyuán quánshēn de lìliàng, 


but in fact, it needs to mobilize the power of the whole body, 

qiānchě dào gège qìguān.


which involves various organs.

Ná xiōngtáng lǐ de xīnzàng lái shuō, 


Take the heart in the chest as an example. 

tā guǎnxiázhe quánshēn, 


It governs the whole body. 

rúguǒ tā chūle gùzhàng, tuǐ zài kuài yě bùguǎn yòng.


If it breaks down, the legs won't work fast.

Rén jìnrù yùndòng zhuàngtài hòu, 


After a person enters the state of exercise, 

xīnlǜ jiākuài, 


the heart rate increases, 

yùndòng shí zuìgāo xīnlǜ =(220 yī niánlíng) cì/fēn.


and the highest heart rate during exercise = (220 an age) beats/min.

Yùndòng shí de xīnlǜ yīng zài yīdìng fànwéi nèi, 


The heart rate during exercise should be within a certain range, 

dī xiàn yībān shì zuìgāo xīnlǜ de 60%, 


the lower limit is generally 60% of the maximum heart rate, 

gāo xiàn yībān shì zuìgāo xīnlǜ de 85%. 


the upper limit is generally 85% of the maximum heart rate.

Rúyī míng 40 suì de rén, 


For example, for a 40-year-old person, 

yùndòng shí de xīnlǜ yīng bǎochí zài měi fēnzhōng 108-150 cì zuǒyòu, 


the heart rate during exercise should be maintained at about 108-150 beats per minute, 

yánjìn chāoguò xīnlǜ de jíxiàn zhí, 


and it is strictly forbidden to exceed the limit value of the heart rate, 

fǒuzé huì yīn gōngxiě bùzú fāshēng cùsǐ.


otherwise it will cause sudden death due to insufficient blood supply.

Měi gèrén de yùndòng jíxiàn dōu bùtóng, 


Everyone's sports limits are different. 

chángqī zhèngguī kēxué de xùnliàn, duō cì jiējìn shízhàn xìng de “yǎnxí”, 


Long-term formal and scientific training and many "exercises" that are close to actual combat 

kěyǐ ràng zìjǐ yuè lái yuè jiējìn jíxiàn.


can bring oneself closer and closer to the limit.

Rén de xīnlǐ yīnsù tánxìng hěn dà, 


Human psychological factors are very flexible, 

jījí de jīngshén zhuàngtài kěyǐ jīfā shēntǐ qiánnéng, 


and a positive mental state can stimulate physical potential, 

cóng'ér ràng yùndòngyuán zài jìngsài zhōngchāo shuǐpíng fāhuī.


so that athletes can perform at a super level in the competition.

Tǐnéng zhǐyǒu 60% shì yǔ shēng jù lái de, 


Only 60% of physical fitness is innate, 

qíyú 40% yào tōngguò xùnliàn děng wàijiè yǐngxiǎng qù fājué.


and the remaining 40% must be discovered through training and other external influences.

Gù'ér, tǐnéng, xīnlǐ sùzhì hǎo de yùndòngyuán, 


Therefore, athletes with good physical and psychological qualities 

huì chéngwéi yōuxiān xuǎnbá de duìxiàng.


will become the priority selection targets.

Niánqīng yùndòngyuán shēntǐ zīchǎn fēnghòu, 


Young athletes are rich in physical assets, 

détiāndúhòu de yōushì jiùshì tāmen de niánlíng; 


and their unique advantage is their age; 

lǎo yùndòngyuán zuòfēng guòyìng, wánqiáng, yǒu zhìqì, bù qūfú, 


old athletes are strong, tenacious, ambitious, and unyielding. 

zhèxiē shǐ bu shǎo jiàoliàn yuán duì dǎpò shìjiè jìlù yīrán chōngmǎn xìnxīn.


These make many coaches still full of confidence in breaking the world record.

Tǐyù jiè yǒu zhǒng shuōfǎ:


There is a saying in the sports world: 

“Yùndòngyuán xuǎn duìle, jiù chénggōngle yībàn; 


"If an athlete chooses the right one, he will succeed in half; 

tōngguò xùnliàn ràng yùndòngyuán de chāo nénglì fāhuī chūlái, 


if the athlete's superpowers are brought into play through training, 

nà jiùshì bǎifēnzhībǎi de chénggōng.”


that is 100% success."

Yōuxiù de xuǎnshǒu hé kēxué xùnliàn xiāngfǔxiāngchéng, 


Excellent players and scientific training complement each other, 

shì tōng wǎng chénggōng de yǒuxiào shǒuduàn.


It is an effective means to success.

Rújīn, jiàoliàn yuán yītuō diànnǎo, 


Nowadays, coaches rely on advanced equipment such as computers, 

chāo gāosù shèyǐngjī děng xiānjìn zhuāngbèi yǐjí jìshù fēnxī děng shǒuduàn lái zhǐdǎo xùnliàn, 


ultra-high-speed cameras, and technical analysis to guide training, 

yòng xīnyǐng de zhànshù sīxiǎng zhǐdǎo bǐsài.


and use novel tactics to guide the game.

Shéi néng wánqiáng de yuèguò réntǐ jíxiàn zhè dào “xuányá qiàobì”, 


Who can stubbornly cross the "precipice" of the limit of the human body 

zhǎodào tǐnéng de “túpòkǒu”, 


and find a "breakthrough" in physical fitness, 

shéi jiù néng chéngwéi wú jiào jìngzhēng zhě zhōng yǒngxiàn chūlái de míngxīng, 


who can become the star that emerges from the competition without education,

zhè yěshì yīgè gōngrèn de shìshí.


this is also a recognized fact.

Gǎibiān zì “kēxué huàbào” tóngmíng wénzhāng, zuòzhě: Wánglìngcháo


Adapted from the article of the same name in "Science Pictorial", author: Wang Lingchao

Full Translation

Will superhuman powers change the world records?

We have always thought that world records are to be constantly broken, but the results of various competitions announced by the IAAF tell us that most world records were created in the 1990s. In addition, some people quoted the "Daily Telegraph" as saying: as of 2060, mankind may not create new sports records. How strong is a person's physical fitness?

While striving to break the world record, people can't help but have questions about their bodies. For example, how many seconds is the fastest for a 100-meter dash This is not a simple question of who wins the championship, who wins the runner-up, and who wins the third runner-up. It is a question of the limits of human physical fitness.

Some experts believe that the limit for a human being to run 100 meters should be 10.42 seconds. Considering that a full speed can only be achieved by generally running to 80 meters, the fastest possible speed for humans is about 11.96 seconds, the wayward Jamaican track and field athlete Bolt simply did not put the world record in his eyes! 

On June 1, 2008, at the Reebok Grand Prix in New York, USA, he won the 100-meter sprint championship with a time of 9.72 seconds, breaking the world record of 9.74 seconds held by compatriot Powell; In the live TV broadcast of the 100-meter final of the Beijing Olympic Games on August 16, 2008, the shaking flags merged into a boiling ocean. He set the world record again with a time of 9.69 seconds, 0.2 seconds ahead of the runner-up.

After being excited, people can't help asking again-Is there any limit to human movement? Some investigators broke down Bolt’s 9.72 seconds of the race action, and used the formula to make precise calculations. The conclusion is: he started from a stationary state, and 9.72 seconds also includes the acceleration time. If he ran 200 meters, then the second 100 meters will be faster than the first 100 meters because there is no starting process.

The data are so different, who do we trust? How to explain the miracle created by the flying man Bolt? Can we still believe in experts? There was an uproar in public opinion and constant doubts. Experts, scholars, and netizens spontaneously started discussions about the limits of the human body. Some people say that empty conclusions are not convincing. Let's take a look at the structure of the human body.

Most of the athlete’s power to run forward is provided by the quadriceps. The quadriceps tendon is connected to the knees so that the athlete can accelerate. This structure has also become a limiting factor for athletes’ acceleration. The principle is that the force required to exceed the speed limit is enough to cause the joint between the quadriceps tendon and the knee to tear.

The structure of the human body is definite, 

and of course, human activity has a certain range, science is so cold. Some people start from the perspective of sports medicine and psychology, and their views are not unreasonable. Running seems to use legs, but in fact, it needs to mobilize the power of the whole body, which involves various organs.

Take the heart in the chest as an example. 

It governs the whole body. If it breaks down, the legs won't work fast. After a person enters the state of exercise, the heart rate increases, and the highest heart rate during exercise = (220 an age) beats/min. The heart rate during exercise should be within a certain range, the lower limit is generally 60% of the maximum heart rate, the upper limit is generally 85% of the maximum heart rate.

For example, for a 40-year-old person, the heart rate during exercise should be maintained at about 108-150 beats per minute, and it is strictly forbidden to exceed the limit value of the heart rate, otherwise it will cause sudden death due to insufficient blood supply. Everyone's sports limits are different. 

Long-term formal and scientific training and many "exercises" that are close to actual combat can bring oneself closer and closer to the limit, and a positive mental state can stimulate physical potential, so that athletes can perform at a super level in the competition. Only 60% of physical fitness is innate, and the remaining 40% must be discovered through training and other external influences.

Therefore, athletes with good physical and psychological qualities will become the priority selection targets. Young athletes are rich in physical assets, and their unique advantage is their age; old athletes are strong, tenacious, ambitious, and unyielding. These make many coaches still full of confidence in breaking the world record. There is a saying in the sports world: "If an athlete chooses the right one, he will succeed in half; if the athlete's superpowers are brought into play through training, that is 100% success." Excellent players and scientific training complement each other, It is an effective means to success.

Nowadays, coaches rely on advanced equipment such as computers, ultra-high-speed cameras, and technical analysis to guide training, and use novel tactics to guide the game. Who can stubbornly cross the "precipice" of the limit of the human body and find a "breakthrough" in physical fitness, who can become the star that emerges from the competition without education, this is also a recognized fact.

Adapted from the article of the same name in "Science Pictorial", author: Wang Lingchao

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